HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #523 , e� ,.` � ` + r .,�t+T -�xts.,� ,,p"i��
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(An Ordinance adopting a Comprehensive Plan for land use
in the City of Canton, I11. )
WHEREAS, pursuant to authority set forth in Illinois Revised Statutes,
Chapter 24, Section 11-12-1, et sequi, the City Council of the City of
Canton, Illinois, has considered it in the best publ�c interest to adopt a -
comprehensive plan for the land use of a part of the City of Canton, Illinois,
generally described as the cen�ral bus�.ness district and peripheral area
thereto contiguous in saia eity and more specifically bounded and deseribed
as follows, to wit:
(As shown by Exh�.bit A hereto attached)
WHEREAS, on December 2 , 1975, a comprehensive plan was originated for
the above-described territory and by the Citq Council of said City referred
to the Planning and Zoning Commission of said Citq for hearing and recommend
tions as provided by law; and,
WHEREAS, said Planning 'and Zoning Commission, after studq and considerr
tion, has recommended that said Plan be adopted as the comprehcnsive plan a
the City of Canton, Illinois for the territory described; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council of said City, thereafter, conducted a publi,
hearing on January 7, 1976, after such notice as provided b� law, touchin�
on said comprehensive plan; and,
WHEREAS, at such public hearing all persons desiring to be heard in
support or opposition to said comprehensive plan were afforded full oppo -
itq to subtnit their statements orally, in writing, or both orally and it
writing; and,
WHEREAS, the Citq Council of the City of Canton, Illinois now cona
it in the best public intereat to adopt said plan in part for the terr�
described above,
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That the Community Development Plan, designated by Exhibit B hereto
attached, consisting of and displaqed on eleven (11) sheets of paper and
four (4) ma.ps and for certainty further identified by the affixation of the
seal of said Citq, be and the same hereby is, in accordance with Illinois
Revised Statutes, Chapter 24, Sections 11-12-1, et sequi, adopted as the
comprehensive plan for the territory hereinabove described.
That the adoption of said plan, as hereinabove provided, shall be
advisory only, as provided by Statute of the State of Illinois, and that
implementation thereof, if any, in so far as the same relates to the public
lands of this Citq, shall abide and be for subsequent determination of the
corporate authorities of this City.
That the City Clerk of this City be, and she hereby is, directed and
requested �6� forttuaith file a copy of this Ordinance, together with all
8aid Exhibits attached, as a notice of the adoption of the comprehensive
plan htrein provided, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Fulton County,
Illinois, and to do such other acts in the premises and in connection with a
comprehensive plan as by law provided.
That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passag�
by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and approval by the
Mayor thereof.
PASSED by the City Council of the Citq of Canton, Illinois and APPROVED
by the Mayor thereof this ��" day of , 1976.
ATTEST: --e-�-�t.e`- C�� � ,
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L. L.-:::..riNii�r-i o� ri-i=� i ic;�,:�:`
� 1 . i�ne G�unauries or ti�e Comrnunity Gevelopment Area are shown on Pviap No, } and describec
as f�l iows:
�, tract of land situa;ed in tne City of Ccnton, County of Ful��n, Stc;e of Illinois:
Co,�,�_��,�ir:ry afi �;�e in'r�rs�cti�n of the northerly line �r tast A;h Sh :_:� �.,,;.� ine easterl�-
�_ ,
line o� ��io: ;;� Fi„h �=;venue;
_ ,.
;i,�rc�. in c� >ou�nerl� oirec�ion along said line to its i^ters�ction �:�i;�� �,,��:; r�;�nerly line
o; rast Elm Srre��;
Thence in an eas�erly direction along said line to its in��rsection with the easterly line of
North Eleventh Avenue;
Thence in a southerly direction along said line to its intersection with the southerly
line of the T. P, 8� W. Railroad;
Thence in a southwesterly direction along said line to its intersection with thz easterly (ine
of South Ninth Avenue;
Thence in a s�utherly direction along said line extended to ii•s intersection with t�e
extendec southerly line of East Oak Street;
Thence in a westerly direction along said line to its intersecfiion with the east line of
th� north-south alley lying immediately east of South Sixth Avenue;
Thence in a southerly direction along said line to its intersection with the northerly
line of East Linn Street;
Thence in an easterly direction along said line to its intersectior� �vith the extended
easterly line of the alley immediately east of Sout{� S�venth Avenue;
Thence in a soutnerly direction along said line to its intersection �vitn the northerly line
of East Sam Scott Street;
Thenc� in a westerly direction along s�id line to its irtersection with tne easterly line of
the C. B, & Q. Railroad;
Thence in a northerly direction along said line to its intersection with the southerly line
of East Hickory Street;
Thence in a vresterly direction along said Iine to its intersection with the westerly line of
South Avenue B;
Thence in a northerly direc�ion along said lineto its intersection with the sautherly
line of Fulton Place; •
Thsnce in a westerly direction olong said line to its intersection with t�e westerly line
of V�lolling Court;
Thence in a northeriy direction along said line and i�he westerly line of Park Court to its
intersection with tne northerly line of West Wo{nut Street;
Exhibit--A--- -----
_------ _ . __._._2_ �
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'• ' . , � ' . , � �. � • /' . . . � . . •1 . � ...
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line Gi `�OUIII�OtI CUUCi�
Tiience in a ncrtherly uirec�icn along suiu line �o its in�ersec;icn ��ith the nort erly
line of �"Jest Fine Stree�;
� L�
Tnence I(1 Qil east°!'�y C�iCt'CTIG�I Ct�01iy7 i:�il:: �il"1° tv^ fi5 Iilf�fS�CilOfl \`.'Itll itl� Yy@St°r �
line of Sou�ii Avenu� C.
Thence in a northerly dir�c�ion alor.��; said line to i�� in;�rsection wifh the no�-her!�-
line of �'v"est Spruce Str�::;;
Thencz in an easterf}� di;ac�ion clo:,7 said lin� to i;s in'rersAc�ion wifih the wesrerly
I ine of North Avenue �;
Thence in a northerly direction along said fine to its infiersection with the norfi�erly
line of West Ash Street;
Thence in an easterly direction along said line to its intersecfiion with the easterly
line of North Fifth Avenue, the point of beginning.
` � ., � � � , � '
City of
Canton, II I inois
December, 1975
Exhibit B
, __
. � '
'. ' . . > � . • . ,
Page No.
The Plan comprises the following:
A. Table of Contents 1
B. Description of Project 2
1 . Boundaries of the Community Development Area 2
2. Cammunity Developmenf Plan Objectives 3
3. Types of Proposed Development Actions 4
C. Land Use Plan 4
1 . Proposed Land Uses (Map Nos. 2 and 2A) 4
2. Proposed Street Rights-of-Way (Map Na. 3) 4
3, Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements 4
a. Permi tfied Uses 4
b. Regulations and Controls 5
c. Duration of Controls 8
D. Specific Redevelopmenfi Proposals . 8
1 . Land Acquisition 8
2. Rightsrof-Way 8
3. Rehabilitation and Conservation 9
4. Redeveloper's Obl igations 10
5. Review of Project Proposals 10
6. Underground Utility Lines 10
E. Other Provisions Necessary to Meet Sfiate and Local Requirements 10
F. Procedure for Changes in Approved Plan 10
B. Dzscript�ion of the Project
• 1 . The boundaries of the Community Development Area are shown on N�ap No. 1 and described
as follows:
A tract of land situated in the City of Canton, County of Fulton, State of tllinois:
Commencing at the intersection of the northerly line of East Ash $treet and the easterly
line of North Fifth Avenue;
Thence in a southerly direction along said line to its intersection with the northerly line
of East Elm Street;
Thence in an easterly direction along said (ine to its intersection with the easterly line of
North Eleventh Avenue;
Thence in a southerly direction along said line to its intersectian wifih the southerly
line of the T. P. 8r W. Railroad;
Thence in a southwesterly direction along said line to its intersection with the easterly line
of South Ninth Avenue;
Thence in a southerly direction along said (ine extended to i�s infiersection with the
extendec southerly line of East Oak Street;
Thence in a westerly direction along said line to its intersection with the east line of
the north-south alley lying immediately east of South Sixth Avenue;
Thence in a southerly direction along said line to its intersection with the northerly
line of East Linn Sfireet;
Thence in an easterly direction along said line to its intersectior� with the extended
easterly line of the aliey immediately east of South Seventh Avenue;
Thence in a southerly direction along said line to its intersection with the northerly line
of East Sam Scott Street;
Thence in a westerly direction along said line to its intersection with the easterly line of
the C. B, cS� Q. Railroad;
Thence in a norther{y direction along said line to its intersection with the southerly line
of East Hickory Street;
Thence in a westerly direction along said line fio its intersection with the westerly line of
South Avenue B;
Thence in a northerly direction along said lineto its intersection with the southerfy
� line oF Fulton Place; .
Thence in a westerly direction along said line to its intersection with the westerly line
of Walling Court;
Thence in a northerly direction along said line and i-he westerfy line of Park Court to its
intsrsection with the northerly line of V�Jest Walnut Street;
, l�hence in an easterly direction along said line to its intersection with the wester{y
I ine of Robinson Court;
Thence in a northerly direction along said line to its intersection with the northerly
I i ne of West Pi ne Street;
7hence in an eas�erly direction along said line to its intersection with the westerly
I ine of Soufh Avenue C;
Thence in a northerly direction along said line to its intersectian with fihe northerly
line of West Spruce Street;
Thence in an easterly direction along said line to its intersection with the westerly
I ine of North Avenue B;
Thence in a northerly direction along said line to its intersection with the northerly
I i ne of West Ash Street;
Thence in an easterly direction along said line ta its intersection with the easterly
line of North Fifth Avenue, the point of beginning.
2. Community Development Plan Objectives
The Plan is directed towards the elimination of substandard, obsolete or blighted
conditions within the defined Community Development Area, with subsequent con-
servation and�or redevelopment of uses and facilifiies which complemenf fihe remainder
of the area.
(n keeping with these broad objectives, the Plan is intended to accomplish the
a. Eliminate substandard and/or obsolete buildings as well as those determined
to be i nfeasible of rehabi I itation.
b. Assemble land areas at a size consistent with the redevelopment potential of
the area. Such land areas to be sold for private and/or public development.
c. Foster economically sound development of the area which is consistent with
fihe needs of the City as a whole.
d. Provide needed public improvemsnts and facilities consistent with the redevelop-
ment needs of the private secfior. These improvements and facilities shafl include
but not be (imited to off-street parking, street improvements, open space and re-
lated landscaping.
e. Establish redevelopment controls which will insure complementary development
consistent with the economic, social and environmental needs of the cammunity.
f. Encourage the conservation and rehabilitation of sound buildings to a condition
that warranfis tneir retention in light of anticipated new constnrction.
g. Stabilize and implement the improvement of designated residential areas to insure
the continued availability of moderate income housing resources.
h. Continue reassessment of the physical and social condition of the area to insure
progressive ir�provemenfis i�� accord with this and revised redevelopment plans.
3. Types of Proposed Dsvelopment Actions
In order to insure proper implementation of this Plan, the following actions may be
uti f ized by the City:
a. Acquisition, clearance and sale of property in anticipation of redevelopment in
accord with the c�ntrols of this Plan.
b. Provision of relocation benefits, in accord with appticable federal legislation,
to those occupants of buildings acquired by the Community Development Program.
c. Rehabilitation of basically sound buildings to a condition which will insure their
continued occupancy during the life of this P1an.
d. Dedication of easements and rightsrof-way.
e. Vacation of all or parts of existing public rightsrof-way.
f. Construction of public improvements and facilities such as, but not restricted to,
street paving, sidewalks, lighting, underground utilities, and IandscaAed pedes-
trian malls and walkways.
g. Obtain Federal/State loans and grants, and/or iss�e municipal obligations far the
express purpose of financing the redevelopment program.
h. Review and approve or disapprove proposals for development of land areas en-
compassed by this Plan on the basis of conformance wifih the (and use and building
confirols contained her�ein.
C. Land Use Pian
1 . Proposed Land Uses
Those general land uses anticipated and permitted by this redeve(opment pCan are sefi forth
on Mlap Nos. 2 and 2A. The land areas designated for each use are not to be presumed
as specific delineations of use boundaries or limits. Rather, the Maps are intended to be a
land use framework within which specific proposals refiecting individual developments
wi 1I be mad�.
2. Proposed Si-reet Rights-of-Way
The existing street rights-of-way and proposed dedication and vacation changes thereto
are indicated on Map No. 3.
3. Land Use Provisions and Building Requiremenfis
_., _ c�. All land areas included on Map Nos. 2 and 2A, excluding rights-of-way, witl
be developec! for the following general uses: "
Publ ic and Open Space
Reta i I
General Commerciai
Other uses includ'ing:
Medical Clinics
Single and Two Family
, . �
b'. Regulations and Controls
1) Pub)i c and Open Space
Uses include public buildings, parks, and pedesi'rian malls and wa{kways.
Within these areas will be permitted such amenities as information booths,
kiosks, display areas, street furniture and above ground enclosed transfor-
mer und other uti I ify vaults.
2) Retail
a) Permitted Uses
The following enumerotion of uses is presented as being illustrative of
those permitted, but should not be considered all inclusive:
Banking & Financial Institutions; indoor theaters; personal services,
including barber 8� peauty shops, clothing service (excluding dry
cleaning and (aundry plants), shoe repair shop; transient housing
facilities; private not-for-profit clubs and Iodges; public & private
parking lots; public & private utility substations; retail over-the-
counter of all types, including bakeries, camera shops, department
stores, men and women's ready to wear, drug stores, florisfi shops;
eafiing establ ishments; business 8� professional offices; travel agen-
cies; accessory uses to fihe above permit�ted uses — (imited to 30% of
the gross building area. .
All of the above uses shall be contained whally within buildings of
permanent construction except: loading and unloading of delivery
and pick-up vehicles, display of garden, outdoor and recreafiion
items, parlcing, all when incidental to the principal uses.
b) Intensity of Development
Retail use parcels may be developed to a rnaximum floar area ratio oF
2.0/1 .0 �
Set bac�s shall be required only when deve(opment site abufis residen-
tially zoned properly. In such instances, the set back snafl be equi-
valent to fihe height, in feet, of the buildir�g.
c) Off-Street Parking
The developer shal l provide, either on site or within a 300 foot radius,
off-s�'reet p�rking in accord wifih the following ratios.
Retail - three spaces for each 1000 feet af net sales area
Offices - one space for each 400 square feet of gross building area
Theaters - one space for each 6 permanent seat�
Transient Housing - one space for each guest room
Eat'sng Establishments, lodges 8� clubs - one space for every 4 seats,
including s�ools
Private lodges and clubs - one space for �very 4 seats
Persona! services - two spaces for each chair
*F oor area ratio is defined as the ratio of c� fiofial ffoor area of a building (excluding basement
and pur��cing areas) to the net area of tne site.
, . • . . . . , ,
� Parking requirements for uses other than the above wilF be in accord
with the requirements of the then current zoning ordinance.
Each parking space shall contain a minimum of 350 $��re feet, inclu-
ding drives and aisles, and shall be surfaced with a dusi' Free material,
propErly drained and adequately lit for nighttime uss.
d) Off-Str�et Loading
Al) buildings containing 5000 square feet or more 4nd housing uses which
require delivery of inerchandise or goods sha11 provide space, clear of
publ ic rights-of-way, for loading and un{oading. One 12' x 30' space
shall be provided for th� first 5000 square feet of building area and one
additional space for each 10,000 sc�uare feet thereafter.
A)I loading areas shal f be surfaced with a dust-free material and shal) be
screened or ofiherwise conceafed from street view by landscaping or
archifiectural treatment. .
3) General Commercial
The general�commercial area is intended for the development of vehicular
oriented businesses as opposed to the pedestrian-shopper use of the retail
a) Permitted Uses �
The following enumeration of uses is presented as being illustrative of
those permitted, but should not be considered as all inclusive:
Retail and whc�lesale furniture stores; automobi le agencies and show-
roams; automoai le repair and services; bakeries; commercial recrea-
tional uses, including bowl ing alleys, danee halls, gymnasiums,
health clubs and swimming pools.
b) Intensity of Development
Buildings containing General Commercial uses may be developed to
a maximum floor area ratio of 3.0/T.0*
A minimum building set back of 10 feet from public rights-of-way,
excluding alleys, shall be required. In those instances when the
development site abuts residentially zoned property, the set back
shall be equivalent to the building height or 10 feet, whichever is
c) Off-Street Parlcing
The developer shal I provide on-site, one space for each 1000 square
feet of net sales area or in the case of recreafiion uses, one space for
each 4 parmitted occupants based on the design capacity of the build-
ing. Each parking space shall confiain a minimum of 350 square feet,
including drives and aislas and shalf be surfaced with a dust-free
material, properly drained, and adequately lit for nighttime use.
k F oor area ratio is defined as the ra�io of a fiota) floor area of a building (excluding basement
and p�rking areas) to the net area of the site.
d) Off--Street Loading
All b�ildings containing 5,000 square feet or more shall provide space,
clear of publ ic rights-of-way, for loading and unloading. One 14 x 50
space shal) be provided for the first 5,000 square feet of building area
and one additional space for each 10,000 square feet thereafter. All
loading spaces shall be surfaced with a dust--free material.
4) Parking
The purpose of a parking use designation is to assure adec{uate off-street faci-
lities to serve fihe shopper needs of fihe Cenfiral Business District, which in turn
will strengthen this retail and service core area. To the extent foresesable,
fihose areas designated for parking shall be "public" parking, with private
parking permitt�d elsewhere at the discretion of individua) property owners.
Each space shall be a minimum of 10' x 20' in size, exclusive of driveways
and aisles and shall be adequately marked.
5) Other Uses
The development of uses other than those enumerated herein shall be subject
fio approval in accord.with the provisions of 5. below.
6) Residential
The development of residential uses shall be in accord with the apprespriate
provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Canton as it may from time
to time exist.
7) Industrial
The intent of the industrial use designafiion is to allow for the orderly growth
of the City's industrial base, while at the same time affording an element of
protection to the surrounding non-industrial uses.
a) Permitted Uses
All retail and general commercial uses enumerated above, plus: 1)
firuck terminals; construcfiion confiraci'or; lumber yards; generaf ware-
housing and storage; and research and development and administrative
offices; 2) a11 oth�r uses, excepting animal or animal part processing,
explosive or ammunifiion manufacturing or storage, natural resource
first stage processing, residential and agriculture. _
In no instance will residential, junk yards or outside bulk coal storage
uses be permitted, nor will uses emitting excessive odors or noise be
permitted. ' `
b) Intensii-y of Development
There shall be no restriction on building bulk. However, set backs shal(
be as follows:
(1) From public rightsrof-way, excluding alleys, 25 feet ora distance
equivalent to 1-he building height, whichever is great�r.
(2) From abutting residentially zoned property, 25 feet or a distance
equivalent to the building height, whichever is the greater. lliis
set back area shali be landscaped in a manner so as to visually
screen the residences with said area maintained in a manner so as
nofi to detract from fhe residences.
, ' ' , ' . ' ' , � . , � '.
' c) Off-Sfireet Parking
The developer shall provide one on-site space for every 3 employees.
d) Off-Street Loading
All buildings containing 5,000 square feet or more shall provide space,
exclusive of public rights-of-way, for loading and unloading. One
14 x 50 space shall be provided for the first 5,000 square feet of build-
ing area and one additional space for each 10,000 square feet fhereafter.
8) Other Controls
The following landscaping, lighting, and sign regulations shali apply through-
out the development area:
a) Landscaping and Lighting
(1) All area; subject to wheeled or pedestrian traffic shall be lighfied,
paved with bituminous, concrete or equivalent surfacing, and
parking areas shall have appropriate bumper, wheel guards or
railings as needed.
(2) Any area not paved shall be maintained in grass and landscaping.
(3) Parking lots open to public view shall be screened with an attrac-
tive or dense landscaped screen a minimum of 3 feet in height.
b) Sign Regulations
(1) All exterior signs shall pertain only to, or identify, a business or
use contained within the property.
(2) Free standing signs and displays integrated within the building
design shall be permitfied.
(3) Spot lighfis or similar illuminating devices shall be so shielded
that the light source is not visible from the street or adjacent pro-
perties. Flashing signs shall not be permitted.
c. Duration of Controls
This Plan and the provisions contained herein and/or future modifications thereto,
shall be in force and effect for a period of twent-y-five (25) years from the date of
approval by the City Council. �
D. Specific Redevelopment Proposals
1 . Land Acquisition
As designated from time to time, the City of Canton will acquire by way of purchase or
eminent domain c�rtain real estate, including the improv�ments thereon, in order to a-
chieve the stated objectives of the Plan, Prior to the acquisition of specific properties,
the City Council wilf hold a public hearing as a part of th� Plan implementation process.
2. Rights-of-Way
In order to accomplish the stated objectives of this Plan, certain existing sfireet rights-of-
way as shown on Map No. 3, wi II be vacated in whole or in part. Addifiional rights-of-
�vay wi I 1 be ded i cated as i nd i cated on Map No. 3.
•� ' .� , " ' ' . ' . � � . , ' . . . ' ' �
3. Rei�abilitation and Conservation
a. Methods to be employed in achieving rehabilitation or conservation
1) A continuing and vigilant enforcement of applicable laws, codes, ordinances,
and regulations of the City of Canton and the State of Illinais shall be in ef-
fect within the Community Deve{opment prea.
2) Properties within the Community Development area designated for rehabilita-
tion will not be acquired, pravided that the owner(s), within a reasonable
fiime, undertake(s) rehabilitation in conformance with this Plan and such state
and local laws as may be applicable. Those properfiies which are not reha-
bilitated in conformance with the minimum Rehabilitation Standards set forth
below will be subject to acquisition. Upon the acquisition, the buildings will
be eif{ier:
a) Demolished and the land disposed of for redevelopment at its fair
value for uses in accordance with fihis Plan; or
b) Sold or leUSed at the fair value subjecfi to rehabilifiation in con-
formance with the Rehabilitation Standards and objecfiives af this
Plan; or
c) Rehabilitated by the City for demonstration purposes and sold at the
fair markefi value.
b. Objectives
All properties not presently designated for clearanc� shall, where nec�ssary, be
rehabilitaYed. Each building, upon completion of rehabilitation activity, must
be safe and sound in al) physical respecfis and be refuroi,hed and altered so as to
bring the. property to a desirable market condition. Although the precise reha-
bilitafiion specifications will be determined in each instance so as to me�t these
recited goals, the following factors will govern the scale and scope of th� re-
habilitafiion activity:
Characteristics of room arrangement, design, finish, e{ectrical
and mechanical equipment and other building feafiures should be
such as to support mortgage and loan commitments and improv�
the functional adequacy and occupancy of the individual proper-
fiies, thereby enhanci ng the rrrarketabi 1 ifiy.
c. Rehabilitafiion S�andards
All structures fio be retained in t{�e project area must meet no less than the follow-
ing si'dndards, and comply with the applicable provisions of all perl'inent codes of
the City of Canfion and the Sfiafie of Illinois, including:
Building Code: Uniform Building Code, 1973 Addition as amended
Elecfric Code: Uniform Building Code, 1975 Addition as amended
Plumbing Code: Illinois State B�ilding Code, 1969 Addition as amended
Uniform Building Code, 1973 Addition as arnended
Mechanical Code: Uniform Building Code, 1973 Addition as amended
Housing Code: Uniform Housing Code, 1973 Addition as amended
Fire Code: Uniform Bvilding Code, 1973 Addifiion as amended
These code standards are hereby incorporaFed in this Plan by reference and are the
mi n i mum Property Sfiandards for Rehabi I itati on.
i' . .�•�� . � ', . , , !• . ' � �, . . ' .
4. Re�leveloper's Obl igations
The following controls on redevelopment are hereby imposed and shall apply notwith-
standing the provision of any zoning or buifding ordinance or other regulations now or
hereinafter in force.
a. All developers and their successors or assigns shall devote such land to the uses
specified in this Plan for such area and shall not devote such land to any other
b. Neither the City of Canton nor any of its assigns nor any purchasers or lessees
from it nor any successors in interest to any such purchasers or lessees shall dis-
criminate upon the basis of race, color, creed or national origin in the sale,
lease or rental or in the use and occupancy of land or improvements erected or
to be erected thereon, or any p�rt thereoF, in the Community Development area.
. Until the improvsments are completed on land made available by this program,
the redeveloper will not be permitted to dispose of the prop�erty or of his interPSt
in the property except upan such terms as the City of Canton may impose.
c. Such other controls as may be imposed by the City at the fiime of approval of the
5. Review of Projecfi Proposals
Each proposed developer wiil be raquired to submit to the City of Canton for approval,
a land use proposal, preliminary plans, outline specifications and docurnenfation suffi-
cienfi in scope ta demonstrate the design, architecfiural concepts, type of construction
and materia) used, placement of underground utilities, and parking proposals for pro-
posed improvements.
� The specific proposals for the development of these parcels will be evaluated by the
City of Canfion, or an architectural review board assigned the responsibility, as fio the
manner in which they achieve the objectives of this P1an. While the developer will
be given freedom in concept, design, and layout within the standards specified in fihis
Plan, thQ structures and any facilities to be erected must reflect pleasing architectural
expression and techniquPs so as to signify quality and permanence. Final plans and
specifications must be submitted to the City of Canton for approva) to insure confor-
mance with the preliminary suomission as ppproved.
6. Underground Utility Lines
Wherever practicable, all public and private utilities in the Community Development
Area shall be placed underground. .
E. Other Provisions Necessary to Meet State and Local Requirements
All street vacations and dedications sha11 be accomplish�d in a timely manner by separate
actions i�i accordance with state law and local ordinances. �
F. Procedure for Changes in Approved Plan
This Community Development Plan may be modified at any time by the City of Canton, pro-
vided, howPver, thafi if modified after the lease or sale of real property in the project area,
the modification must be consented to by the developer(;) of such real property or his or their
successors in infierest affecfied by the proposed modification. The City of Canton may make
minor adjustments in the regulations and cantrols es�ablished herein resulting from experience
during project execution, Any modificat'ion which substantially changes the intent of the
approved Plan shall be consid�red an amendment and will be suhject to review and approval
per fihe appropriate stafie statutes.
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I, Nellie Crawford, City Clerk of the City of Canton.
in the County of Fulton, and State of illinois, do hereby
certify that as the City Clerk of Canton, I am the keeper
of records, minutes, ordinances and other boolcs, records
and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of the Ordinance No. 523 "Adopting a Com=
prehensive Plan for Land Use in the City of Canton, Illinois"
passed by the City Council of sai.d City and approved by the
Mayor on the 7th day of January, 1976 at a Special Council
Meeting held in connection with a Public Hearing at the "City:� r�
. .'' ;.4 '. • .
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of Canton High School Auditorium. ,� - �� �s ,
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�dITNESS my Hand and the Cornorate Seal of the CiCy of"; ' ; ' '
_ _ �
Canton, Illinois this 9th day of January 1976. ' � �
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City Clerk
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) SS
I, Nellie Crawford, City Clerk of the City of. Canton.
in the County of Fulton, and State of illinois, do hereby
certify that as the City Clerk of Canton, I am the keeper
of records, minutes, ordinances and other boolcs, records
and papers of said City, and that the fore�oing is a true
and correct copy of the Ordinance No. 523 "Adopting a Com=
prehensive Plan for Land Use in the City of Canton, Illinois"
passed by the City Council of said City and approved by the
Mayor on the 7th day of January, 1976 at a Special Council
Meeting held in connection with a Public Hearing at the ��i�y:= �`
�„ti - ,.;�, _
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of Canton High School Auditorium. � ���� - �
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' �dITNESS my Hand and the Corporate Seal of the Gitiy of"' '` ; ' '
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Canton, Illinois this 9th day of January 1976. ' t
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City Clerk
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