HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #4072 - canton extending the real estate listing agreement on 61 e side square RESOLUTION NO. 4072 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CANTON EXTENDING THE REAL ESTATE LISTING AGREEMENT ON 61 E. SIDE SQUARE WHEREAS, on January 17, 2012, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, through Resolution 3977, declared the City's real estate located at 61 E. Side Square, as surplus to the needs of the City pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-76-4.2 of the Illinois Municipal Code. WHEREAS, the original listing agreement expired on December 30, 2012, and then was extended on June 18, 2013, until June 30, 2014. WHEREAS, the City desires that the real estate still be listed for sale since the City has not received an acceptable offer for the purchase of 61 E. Side Square. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. That the listing agreement with Jim Maloof Realty and Gorsuch-Hensley Realty dated January 17, 2012, and extended through June 30 , 2014, and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit"A." 2. That the extension agreement with Jim Maloof Realty and Gorsuch-Hensley Realty attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" is hereby approved by the Canton City Council. 3. That the Mayor and City Clerk of Canton, Illinois are hereby authorized directed to execute said Extension Agreement on behalf of the City of Canton. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois this 15th day of July 2014 AYES: Aldermen Jim Nelson, Pickel, Putrich, Lovell, Justin Nelson, Ellis NAYS: None ABSENT: None APPROVED: Jeffrey A Fritz, Ma or AT EST: e � Di Pavley- ock, ity Clerk NLR Resolutions 61 E Side Sq 7/11/2014 pEQRIA. AREA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS� 1T 13 RBCOHIIN�iDBD THAT PAATIHS COQdSU1.T AIQ ATPO1tNBY RBOARD1Nd�'FIIS TRAN8A�CIION Y�18 CON11tAC!FOl!ITS`BY�S OF Y'�PMR A.''ND L1YIIS. �`,g LISTYNG CONTRACI' • (BacGlusive Riglat to Sell and/or Lease) a.MUe�..�.m�u w+.�s��wK� �om�..*n�tcial_- Indus 'al Real Ect� 1 This Contcacc is enterod inbo on the 1Tth day of Januanr .201Z �ry Jim Meloof R�alt!►s�d Goisuch- - 2 (sroker)ana -Hna�1.r aa���fsrokK+.�an�I tn.Clt�r of C�to„ (seuar)�foc the saldleaso of real estatc 3. coa„ncm�y 1m�vK►ss 6i Eut Std•sawn 4 in C�n�n Towr�shtp,��ulbon Ca�uiriy,N�is �1�0 Z3p C'.crie,Tax 1D� �,-�.i�Q27----- 5 the legal dexriptia�n af which ie at�uohed(Fx�ubrt"A'�or dcscdbed�s follows: 8M A�oh�d W�rra�' O�d tExhibtt AZ 6 � (ti�e"Propeity„). S In conaidat�tioa of the muhial covenaat�h�a and s�avices to ba pmfnrmed,Broker�S s�ppointed sa 5d1eora'sga�t with irrevooable 9 and exclusiva right to sell,�ge,optiom or lease t}u Property d�rix►g the Term far$�e fiooSlowing pcice aad�ms. Where the 10 word"Seller"sppeara,rt shall also mean"I,esaor.,'"Landlo�d,,•ar"Optionm';"•°Sald'or"Purahasa"shsll also mean"Lease," 11 "Excha�go,"or"Optle�n;""Buye�"sheli also meaa"Lessce,""Teasatt,,•or"Opt3onee:"anc.'"Srokd'shatl include any salosperaon 12 asaociated with the Brolcer's firm. "Propett}�'sball mean all p�+operty offared frnr saDe�tu�suant to thi�Contract as defined in 13 Saction B(1.1)and B(1.2)(if applicable)betow. 15 �P�Y o�ed Fa�Sate: ,��]„ For Leeee: �_ Fa�sale�Lase: r„�.. 16 17 A. TLRM; T"hi�Cantraat be8i�n+an the 17'th d*y of darwsr�t .20 1= .aad sh�ll c�oatinue unW midniglrt 18 aa the 8�1► d�ty oP ,p��,. .2Q 1� ;pcovidod,t�aw�+r,�f Sellar entiea�s into a pu�rol�ase�rea�m�an�a l 9 ag,rcanent,opt�en ar laasa dutir�g tlw te�m of this Ca�.bu�the alos�g of the aale,q�c�mnge.o�ption ar�aee vv�ll aat t,e�ka 20 pleoe unt�!aRer the te�m oE th�s Coat�nt,�an this Co�ct al�all ba acDaaded te vo�ncade wit6 tt►a cloeing data of the purdmae 21 sgco�at,v�cct�mge�eam�e�►��on a��sa. And.fiMhar'p�ovided that f£Soller ent,eors into a pu¢�e sg�ment,acc�g+� 22 e�remnant,o�tion or leese with�n !i9 days aRer the�on clate of diis Caat�.�t witb a Buyet wha waa flest bm+oduoed ta 23 the Pmpa�ty dw�in8 dio torm of d�ia Cotttract wtd who was ic�entl�ed be�a'e the end of this Conttwct,du�this Corahact ahall be 24 e�ct�oded to�aincide with dta closing debe of tbe pia�d�sa eg�reemmt,aocc�m8°a!�°0�1bnt,a�aa ur leeee. Shcer offiers t!u 25 Propaiy fot sale,o�uclsange.op�tOn or leaa°uPoa�aaY�P'��e�d terms a�oap�t�ble to Satle�r as ev�deu�oed by Sellaa�'a 26 eycecutiosa md cldivay of a�n corrired.with�ec�to the Pro�ped.y 27 B. PRiC1NC�&COMNIISSIONS 28 1. SALE PRIC�: ����� 29 Se11er offe�the Property fvr sala o�acchaoge et a p�iCe of 30 dollars(S 300,000 )payablc upon t�e follo�ving mrms�nd cond�ioa�s: Cesh.Conwnttor�i F1nu�ci�. 3� w�►sabl.Corrtract tor Dwa 32 1.1 P'ROPBRTX 4F't'ERED POR SALE: The above pric�e(s)ineludos thereal esmte toBethez whh a�11 buildings and all 33 peum�neat imp�c►vements and�i�d�u+es auacLed thereto;except the fallm�lmg itaas m be EXCLUDED(if aay): 34 � 3S 36 1.2 PER30NAL P'ROPERTY OFFERED FOR SALB: 'rhe ab�+e p�'ica ina�the follo�wic�ite�ms of petaonsl propeity 37 to be IlICLUDED in the sate; Norn 38 3 9 1.3 BROKBR'S SALSS COMMt39TON: Sc31er agcoes to psy Brok,a�a oomomisaia�.wbich sMll be da�amined and paid 40 as f6lbws: 7.0 %)of the ginss sates pcic�,wtficl► 41 Se11�st�all pay Broker a Salas oa�on af 8iwa pa+amt{ 42 oommissio�►shat!be paid wbea tit1e�o or en�in d�o Pt�rty�d trensf�rrod ta Buyer ar Buyer'a no�na�ee. 'llu 43 minim�suie c,ommi�ian ahali be iT,000 . A4 !A ERCHANi3E: !f ffia tr�aealian ia�eocoheoge.SoUet ahall psy Broker a commiesio�a of 8�wn peroent 45 ( 7.0 �f.)of the totsl c�onsideretiun rec�eived by Salla�far the Property,which�ommisgian sl�l!be paid vvhaa titk 46 to or an�t in the Pr�opeat�y ls aaccMu�ed�or other pa�per�j►. Io tl�e eve�s d�tomt�is not�et fio�th aa�a 47 monotarY value 9a the�u�ge ag�reeme�t o�'an0'r�ated p+�°���e eo�aida�tioa for the PropaetY 48 �hall be dee�aed to be the tiat�g p�e�et f�orth in duis Cotmract. Saller `�`"' Brokar remwn�.�.Ntoa�►,�m�Ra�u..o�o (o6+io� Po,wrtc.l000 EXHIBfT �°�°Es REA O � i � 49 2. LEASE PRICE: 50 Lendlocd of�'�a tha Pmpecty for lease st a rent of doDsta pa�( ) S 1 pw+able upo�the foliowing tarma end c�aditiao�: 52 Lendlord no pay: O UWities ❑CAM ❑Taoces ❑I�uence ss T«��,�: av�� ac� Q�s a� 54 Landlatd expeds a sea�„aty d�podr. p'Yes ❑xo 55 2.1 BROKER'S LEASINQ CObIl�IIS3ION: Land6ord a�t+oes t�n pay Brokea a commission,which s6a11 ba deEocmined and 56 paid es�ullow�: 57 Sallar ahaU pay Broker s aommission of perccnt( %)of the tatal gross amouat to be received by 5 8 Landlacd dun�b�g the iniEial betm of the lease,which oomraission shall be paid at tha tume Selier ead a I.essee(euccessor 59 or assig�u)�ntor nato a lease. Tf tho lase is naewed aa�axtended,Landlord sball pay Bmker a cornmissiv�n �0 of perceat( °�6)of the total�rOes umw�t to be recxived by I,andla�d d�nrlag the ronewsl or 6l e�easion tam of the leese��vhich oo�amission sl►a11 ba paid st t6e tiaae the renev�+aU�xte�ded leese tera�begins.If 62 the leaaed prentiaea ero expandod.a commission with respect to each expansipa sball be paysble in 63 the seme amrnmt and at fhe semc time as if d�e arprm:ion vras a naa►lesae. If dse leased premiaes ia wk3 to tba te�aat 64 duriug du inidal aa�extended tacm or wit�tm daye,or du¢ing a hold avoar following iha te�m or eataudad tarm, 65 tt�e sale ebatl be subject to a _Pe�c�nt( ?/i)sales c�oanmiasian per 3oc�ian B(1). 66 3. OPTiON: If an optlon is gaaat+ed�a proepec�lve Bnp►ar a Lessoe,3aUer s1u�11 p�y B�(S 67 or parcent( 9�b)(v�Chavar is gt+eater�of e�ch psymeut mado to Seller to oWain,renew ar extend 68 tha option. If the option is aoce:cis�d,Solk�r ahait pay Bmioer a cama�iesion pursuant to Sedion B(1)>(1.4)�(2,1), b9 scclia�C and Section E as appliaable. 70 C. DEFAUI.T: If Seller caters it�bo a tully aocACUbed aonh�act for sale.eacohsnge,optioa or lease and$eller de�ualts u�la�'tbat 71 contirac�,dteis a comtnisaion in tha sarne amou�as wouW hawe been paysble u�wet a cto�iag or lease eaeartion pwsu'nt '12 to thia Co�tract sball be due immedietely upero sach�efsult 73 D. REAnY.WII..i,II�10 AND ABLE PERS(�N: If Broker pmaaes a wr[ttea offar$�om a Huy�er who is reedy.will'ung and 74 $aanciel�j►�ble co o�ummute th�pm�po�ed�wt�on oonueeniaig ttue P►x�aty ac�osdias to�a�cea�ain«t ia this 75 Cocdrsd,and Sellar refus�a ta aocapt the offier,&akec ehelt be immedistely enti#led to a c�mmiasbn in the same amount as 76 would have beei►payabla u�pam a ato�ing or le�e aaceartion p�rsuant to this Coim�act. 77 E. SUIT BY OWWE1t: If Se11Gr sn�ce�afuliy prosecutas a suit igair�st�BuYer who t►as brdel�ed a ptu+a6asa�''ea�m�t.�cch�age 7 8 a�ro��c�d��.�'1��6��P�Y�cadleots all ar a�+p�t of the mo�a ry dam�s p�a�elY 79 c�used by su�h br�vv�ether ee a reanit of trial.oom�om�e,rettlemant a�ath�vvisa.then.aft�'�t deduct�g SaIIar'� 80 reasonable stbocmy�ees>wd court oo�ts,Sefler sha11 p�y Brokar sn amamt a�ml to tha lae�of are-l�f(K)of t3�e�da 81 received by Satla�or tbe acno�mst of Broker's a�mmis�ion,l�d the P���+����.���n.ar 82 lease bean closed. �b��m d C�t�orsuah "Sellear'a Desi�ted Age�►t"� 83 F. AaENCY DI3CLQSl7Yt13S: Broka designab� � 84 s sala assocaste a�listed with Brnke��es the on1Y legal egart of e�e soiler. Bro�reearves the rlght w nsaro additionat SS des;gna�ed aga�s whei+�c►B,rolCer's di�aetion it ia nacxaeery. ItFaddit�osl d�stied sgaa�are n�nad,9euar sh�1i be 86 informed�n wrttia�wkhia a reeu�eble dme. SaUar sc6awwledga�at 9ollec''Da�i�ted Agent m+�Y 8rom time m tfine 87 hsve anothar sales aaavixta wbo vrilt nat be�tla8 Se�1ar,iwst�n opeu ho�uea Qf Sel�mr's pmpe�ty er prav3de aimilar 88 support ia!he marlaetfng of 3eller'e pcoperty. 3ailar�and Bgreea that dtis agroamna�t is a oontraot fio�Bra3cdr to 89 ma�claet Sella�'s pr�o�mrky and that Sellar's Desi�ast�l Agant is ti�miy lagal sg�ent of Saller. Seller'�DesigAst�d A�will 90 be prLneri�y nesponsible for tha d�ireat medca�ag ez►d sak of Seller's�ope�+. 91 Brok�r ia u�diorixed ta slww tla prnpacty te proapectivo buyex�s rvpioeanted by buyec's a�ea�,a�d 3e11�autboziaes 92 Brakac to pay a pe�t of the sbove commi�tion w bu�'a aQecit a ot�a 000�nB�gpa�s. Selles aclmawlodgea 93 thac the oompa�ian offiacal to suc6 coopeo�iaQ lnak+acs m�ry v�aY flbm brok�at�o braker. 9�} Sella�mdarsmnds that��dlor Seller's De�i�ed Agmt nyY ba'�'e Previa�slY�+ePr�e�ed a bttyar who ls 95 intarested ia Sella's�+opary. DarL�tbat r�tia�.Broka end/o�Sauar'e T�igmted A�may bave�earned 96 mat«ial infrnmation ebout the Buiye�r that is caaak�eurod com8dea�ial. 3e11er tmdaa�de�d a�rooe t1�at uz�da�the law, 97 naithet Brok�ec nor Seller's Designaa,cd A�a►t may discloae a�y suc�►confic]eec►►tisl infoe�matton to Sailer even though the 98 Brokar and/or Seller's riesi�ated�gea�now represent Sellcr. 99 Sollex flu�er�mdae�s�anda and ooes consent,at thie time,to allaw Broker and/or 100 Sella�'s Desi�swd Ag7eat w�►ot ae a d�ul sge�t as detailod in ttre SMt�e mand�ted ' 101 A�jc doam�nt,which sallar has read and Has sigaed as an addend+a»to t'his Coart�. 102 Selbr undar�ends emd e�roes th�t o�har ea1ea as�ooietes effilie�ed wtth Brok�,od,e�tma soliar'�D�ig�stal 103 Ageat(s),msY reWaseat the aotusl or pzoepoctive buya of S�lle�s Prapeity and may be ac�iag as a Bt�y►ar's Doeigasted 104 105 �3elkr agreea to iunmed�iately refar to Sellex's Des�ated Agait all pmspeetive buyers or brolcars who contact 9ellar 1 0 6 f a�a�►r�eso�n wlth r e a p e c t w the P r o p a t y and to p ro vide Seller's Deaignetat Ageat with their names and adck+essas. � ��. ��„"„�'"� Bm1co' e■ow�►�nen�aoeu�no►rarRea.ro� (oenu� �xo.woo r.`.sots REAL 0 1 d7 a. sSLLBR's�OVENANTS: seuer�greea to c�oope�ste wi15 Broluer,its eg�ts ana 000pe:ating b�okezg fully with reapect 108 to Bmkar's ofRorts to market and sell�e Property. Seller a�r�to re£er tio Bralcer a11 inc�uiries recelved raltting to t�e aale, 109 exchmge,lease�optio�of t�Propaty and to conduct all ne�o�tiaos w�th prospa�ive buy�s of the Prope�ty tbrou� 110 BrokGr. 3etkr Rrthet agraes to fiva�h B�aar my in�m�on oonoarnio�the Pro�ty as Brokdr msy emeonably c+equaet 111 from time to time iachuling,but not 1�miDed to the f�ltawb�g: �� 112 SG1Ie�has viewed the Brokar's madcetin6 PaciaQe anc!alao4 b p�yy w additioael S .o- at t1�time 113 of exeartian of @�is sgi�eemart which shatl be used axc��y far additiaoal marketiag. 114 H. SELLEIt'S REPRESSNTAITONS: S$GLFR REPRESENT3 AND WARRAN'I5'PO BROKER Ti�AT TO SEL�.F�t'S HEST 11 S IQJOWLBDOE AND 88L�F: l lb 1. 3alle�(i)holda title to the Prbpaty in fee simple;(u�is authorized and has the capacity t�o�cea�and 117 delivac this Lisdag C,antiact:and(iii)bsa the ebility to oonwy a good end m�ble title by�deed and/or mtar into s 11$ aa14 exchen,�0.oPtlon or lease a�eement oansi�ent with Sa�ion C.haseo� 119 2. Tbe Propaty: 120 • is r,oned C�ntrnl Bustness o�Nrkt ; 121 •b Not located in s Hiatw�lc Dis�rdct; 122 •b Not laoated in a flood plain. 123 SeUer furdu�r carti8e$that�e p�tly exists no deSoc�t ar condition lasawa to Satla whtch would advetsely at�ect or 1?i� n►ate�ially impsir d�e iifaess of tho Pro�perty for hs exisHng use,EXCEI+T: No�� 125 126 3. '['6a+c are�o eal�a�a,suits ca�pd+ooeedia�r pandio�a�ed��ar the propecty before any judirria�l tribunel 127 ��ov�a�t a�cnc.y,+�p.rtmant or inst�umeatalcey,which affeot aa�+patian of the Prope�ty,F.xcEP'!': 128 Non� 129 4. Tha�e a�e tw peadi�g a�roataned con�dam�act[ons at epeaal�scna�ts o£a�y ne�hue with reepect to the Pmperty 130 nor hw 3eller revel�rod a�ry noti�oes af anqr such oonda�on actioau oz epeaial aeee�ma�s bei»g contaapla�ed- 131 5. Thm+e am no foreclusuaes p�dim8 a threatmed vri@i reepecx to�e Prapaty aoz hss Seller reoeived mny naicea of nny 132 foreclowro acd�oa being ccate�nplsted• 133 6. 3eller ha�not rocetved any noNce in writing or othawiie from any�ove�tt�mia�tci�al sBe�oaY re9uiring the 134 corndion of�ny con�dition witb reapect to the Propaty or any pa�thaoo�bY reseon af a violeiiaa or alisged 135 violetion of eny applicaWe federel or stabe statute,e�dinamoe,ooda or'neSvintion,EXCEPT: 136 Nor� � 137 ?'. 'i'be Property doa nat contais�mq►mstecW cbfarb tl�w►ould av�m�eky s�eot ttre m�et value oc e�ditfing vee of 138 the Proper�y v�ha�uer o�aa s�d►defects oauld be diwoveiabia by a:�aeo�nsble inq�ecti�of the Pc+�►aty. 139 I. MARKBTINCi: Selle��Broloar tia pLece aad redativ�e"Fa Satd"aad alh�ai�u on a��ro�a the Proparfy. 3aller iao ��m�e,���a�s�.��a����,►. ��s�.c�� 141 w�ll be kept�a&x�a w pt+oteot 9oflar in tha avent of aqy d�gg toe�oar da�n acisivag&�a�try t�n ti�e Property end 142 Sa�ler sbaU l�ld harmleas Bro�ber.iis a�mob,Shcer's Desd�ted A�t,�ploy��d���O°�7' 143 tosa,c�laim or damsge reaolHn�th�refi+�m• 144 J, u�1DFM1�nTY: sellrr s�ees w�aity.dessod wu1�ald Brohar hiutnless flx�+r4Y and ait ntaims�+f avay ki�d mad 145 c�xar nauhiog fro�m ar rclaied o0 3ellar':�uniching Be atic�er ar c�treing Brokes to bc fi,�nia�hod wtt��,y Bshe,mmaocre�x 146 or inao�auate ilt�at at re�eeea�ioa��oe Settiar'a oo�roe�t crFaa►y m�b[xial a�to�aon. If a di�puts erlses et�ny 147 timo�tb�e eo�ditio�n af the Pra�perb+,t�re etrud�ca„��o�s p��m�a�Ued and sEi��oed d�a+et0. 14$ Pmperty dat�.ar h+e�tb ha�auds,Se�'�ro�to�.de�eamd aad hald�Brdcar and�Ngmsa,000par�g 149 �tha Peoria Area Aasoca�iaaa�af RaahoastD�the NII.S(if applia�bin)and�e�Aeeoe�lar of�aloor�fra�m�md I50 s�t wqy aod vl ci�in�a whic�th�y may i n c i a as s r e a u l t o f aq�d i�. S e l t a r's�u d e m m i t y o b H�t i o a t d�a U i n o l u d a�u y 151 and a!1 demanrh,iisbili�f�ea d�me�ea.jotee+�..jud�me�.e�pe�se�.c�ts and e�ocn°�'�ieea, 1 S2 K. BROI�t'S LIBN: �or p�rpocae�of thue Ca�csct,tho Pati�u�d�nd sg�'�ee t1�Hrok�'a oo�naaiaeim ia dee�ned to 153 be a�a�e of tbe mo�aay received bry+Selkr. Bmker 6�tl�e rtgbt to puraue apprnpt�te 1qg�a1 re�edY t�ndl t�e coromiaiw 154 is paid. 1 S 5 L. AVfHORYTY TO OBTAIN PROPBRTY II�FORMATIOiN: If Sella has motigaged ttue PropeA'ty,Seller hereby authorizas 156 tbe le�ding ir�ihtiea�bo d�i+ul�e ail�ago infomm�iam to Brd�et and Lo pm�vlde oapias oftbe m�a�nd matgaga,if 157 reque�coed. sella slw su�tzei Bs+uYer t�o obmin ls�sb�orio udility biptng�from udility eecvioa pravi�das. 158 NL EARNB3T MONSY: Not later tban the aaoct�a day aRar�ooepeanae of a�q+offar.toy estae�t maoay atudl be t 59 dopasi�ed ieto the�kar's esca+ow aa�im�it the ask is ob�1�mlaea o�ttarwise provided'm d�e P�a+e6�ee A�eeme�t. 160 Ia the aveat the sale is not closed and tbe a�rnest monay is forBebbed t�sellar,dua�ahsil be a�itled�o reCein ane hsif('�,) l61 af�e enaert ma�►in p�mneut�r�ervt�oee r�e�+ed.but ia no evetrt�ll iLe�mnoua#reb�ined exaoed tbs un�of&otce�r'' 162 coommisaion�d the t�aaa�t3ai bean abiod. In the evaot t3mt�y aattrac��t1u aE1e.tnraba�qge,option ar lesee of�Pc+o�pat�► 163 does�c otoee�'ar�ny rea�o�.�snr�moa�ery►t�eld br sroker ah.0 be�si»ed u�u soue�,Buy�err and B��oer�1�+a�roe 164 in writing as W ics dlsposition or�mtit H�e dirpositioa ia dicncGed by s oomt oeder tJpera reoeipt of�writ�requast by tha Shca 3ella `� � peo�u►M�e�Iwocu►staraxwaaa� (oblt� lrowxo.s000 ra�sa�� REAIT 08�37 1 6 JA11�S I. 11fiLSW1 ODUN?Y CLBRI� i RECOIiDBR FLiL70H CqIJNTY. IL RBCQRDED Qll iiiO3i20e8 �9:43s34ex REC FRE: 4�.0� n PAGBSs 2 �-�'(Ja I,t��� 1�' The Above Spaca for Recorder's Use Only �ARRANTY D�ED . TAIS INDENTURE WITNESSETR,that the Girantor,Rick LiUtc,sa unmsrriad person,whose curr�at maiUng address is 1150 E.Linn 3i�roct,Canton,for valuable consider�tian paid,to wit:Twenty-eight Thousand,Three Hundred Dollars,{�Z8,300}attd good and ott�er valuable consider�tion,the receipt of w6ich is hereby acktudwlcdSed,g�cants,eonveys,and we�rants ta the City af Canton,Fulton Counry,Illinois�a municipatity duly org�uuizcd and existing undec and by virtue of the laws of the state of Illinois and authoriud to�ransact business in the state af Illinois,whose address is 2 N.Main Street,Canton,lllinois,th�following descrlbed reat estate,to wit: Part af Lat Nine(9)in Jot�es'First Addition to the City of Canton,situattd in FuiWn Couaty, Illinoia�described as follows:Commencing ai a point 24 fcet 4 �inch�es North of the Southwest Corner of said Lot Nine(9).thesLCe East 181 y�feet,thence North 24 feet 4 %inches,thence West 181 '/�fcet,thence Sauth 24 Peet�%inches to tkte place of begisuning;and, Part of Lot Nine(9)in Jones' First Addition to the City of Canton�situated in�iton County, Yllinois,described as follows: Coannencin$at the Southwest Comer of said Lot Nine(9), rucmin.g thance North 24 feet 4 �,inchos,thencc tunni�g East 181 '�,�eet to the West lina of First Avenue,riuu�ing tiunce South 24 feet 4'/�inches,mm�ing thenoe West 181 �4 feet w the place of beginning. Subja:t to conditions,covenants, easements,aad rostrictions af record. PIN:09-08-27-410-008 � ����_� 7_ �/� ,,,. 0 Z 7 PIN:09-08-27-410-009 COMMON ADDRESS: 59 actd 61 East 3ide Square,Canton,Iltinois 6I520 Fullon County Clxk 8 Recordir Ins�kn�nt No_ 0823718 Peg�1 �2 • • ., . � RiCk Lillie STATE OF II.L[N�IS ) )SS. COUNTY OF FULTON ) U Thc orward' instiwnet►t was acknowledged before me on this�day of 2Q0$. Notary PubUc a�o�t�NO�o,ttt �OtN'ni do 3t�A8'at�elld�iUYYLON a�aaM a�vNOa 'tvs� io�,t This t�asacNaa exempt tmder 3oction 31-45(B)of the Real Estate Transfer Tax Law. This instrument prepared by and retutn to: Chrissi�L.Peterson 2 N.Main Strect Cattton,IL 61520 (309�47-2738 Fukon Counq Clerk 8 R�oorder Insorumsni No. 08Z3718 Pape Z of 2 � � �.. � • . p�ox�►��as�soc��►�ox�og���,TORS��� � � : .;..r•.� � . • MUCl7PLB L�S'I�f�i SBSVICE . ' .. , +�i�i� •. . 1 �. . Di$Q,OSUB�AND CONSSNT�TO'DUAL�AGLNCY(DB�9IGNATED�Af�EI�TC�� ; . . NOT�TO.CONSUMEI� .THIS DOCUMEIV� $LRVE8 THREE PURPOSE3. FIRST, IT Dl8CL03E3 'TMAT A 1�►l. F3TATE � LICEN8EE•MI1Y POTENFIALLY ACT AS �A DUAL ACiENT, THA7���IS..REPRESENF MQRE"THAN ONE P14RTY TO THE � TRANSACfJON. 8ECOND�THl8 DOCUM�17 FJ�WNS 7HE�CONCEPT OF DUAL AOENCY. THfRD,THIS DOCUMENT SEEK8 YOUR CON8E'(�'70 AI.IOMI'TH�F�AL ESYATE LlCEhISEE 70 A�T'A�S A DUA!AOENT. A•LICENSEE MAY•LE{�AI.LY ACT A3�A �•� DUAI.AdLM OrM.Y 1'iVl'M YOUR CON36NT.;6Y CHOOSINQ TO SION 7`HIS DOCUMENFT�YOUR CON3ENT TO L)UAL A4ENCY� REPRESENT�ITION i8 PRE8UM�D. r.:, " . , . Ths'tndsn�wd ,�,�'D �� �1E TG/�14r�__�_,���'!S �Di2Su,r..s� ('Llcensea'��may. ' pnMrt rnme�s)ail�o�e+ur�d�ldrp dw1 r+vnw'+i�or�) underbiks�adual�npre�enbalbn(tepr�sent�bolh�ths sdkr orlsr�on!snd U�e buysr or t�nent)br the•ssls orieNe of ptnpsriy. Tho .. uitdWSlpnod•adcnov�leclne 11tey.were ini�ned of fhs poe�ly otfNis lyp�of represer�tlon.. Se1�ae sigr�ing thb docume�k plsese reed ti'ie�albwkip: • ,.Reprr�trtirq mor+o thsn one paryr b�a bame�c�ton presants�a cadlict of�rdsrsat sinos b�t�dfer�may rely upon l�anses's . ..ad�►la and ihs.dl�nCa r�psdMs intsr�s�s mAy be advdise�a ead��otl�er•�Lloenses w�l ruidataNce this repre�s�tion cNy wNh the .wiilben oon�srd af AL.I.clienb.in 1he iransadion. , • . ., .. � . 'An�l�beiw�s9n tlN�.B�iaa�nN oontaCt prbs�nd oli�r ternls b a r�i�uit-a��belw�en.11N dknb •e�llrlp h.thek ow�a bat MN�4 and on tl�sir,own•bshaK. You�th�t I.�a�t�ee't��o�t�d t�lmpMo�llansof ddel� . reprwsnhilon,inaMidirp 1ta►rNics•b�votwid,and�dsnr�end�iM�t you h�+w bs�n Wub�ed�o�swtt A�+dependent ad+rics M�m�ou�advi�on � a Nio�r�sri be��t��y doc�men�a In ihis Irar�otlon.• � WHItY'A LICBNSRE'CAH DO ROR q.IEN�'YIMEN'AGTINO'A8 7►DU/U:AGENT:� � ... � , 1. Trset st cifbnb ho�eeliy. 2. Provkle b�Ia�ne�ori'about�s proparq►�tl�s buyK ar�e�at. � � . 3. •t)bolo�s N b�bnt niN�ieil ddeofs in ihs pmpsrt�►�t�ltnowin tio l.k�nses: . 4. Dl�lo�e fir�t�!4u�e�+s aFlhe�buyeror�enartt��6�IM Nllet or la�dlord. • � . , 5. E�M hei I�Ms�ma. .. . � , . , 6. �FiNp 1h�bt�rer or bu�ant�o ivaea�r�or p�ope�b M�ps�ns.. • . 7. ExpIN�cl0�rlp oo�s�d pnoosduni. ' . . ' 8. HNptl�s OilyKOOmp�1kw�oNq rten�MNw• � � � S. PrONd�kdorme�qon�bad r�onp��blo propa�llss tlwR hav�sold�so both ' . : dbnb miy Ir�c�s�bd dsciNahs a1 what prlce•io sxepkor o�lrer. � � : WHAT J►�CAHNOT OISd:O�S TO CL'IEN'TS WHF.�I�ACTiN01�1►DVAL Ali�Nr ' � 1. C�or�d�l tMomatlon rhst Uan�se�rraqr•bww about a cYe�t.wltlia�ttlat cYe�Ks perrr�fon: � 2. 'TM pttoe�s�NsFOr le�dlard wiN tdc's ot#�tlmn,tha Wdlnp pios v�lhout penNMlo�i dttM estls�or lendlord.� • 3. Ths�priat•tlw�Miysrorbenmt N w�tp�pay wltl+out penNr�lon atMt�b�ysr'w�snr�t� � � . � 4.. A�oonNner�d�d orwppa�ed P�tos the buywr a�tlrould oirar.� � ' � , 6. A mooimn�nd�d or iu00�P+��seM�rar b�dlor0�hould eoounb�rwMh ar aooep� . • If eAflar dNnt i�un0atlb�ebt�vr�tltl��dbdoM�s.er�d dual tepro�i�pkMO let LicsnNS kno�w•Yol�slr not reqtd�ad b . �pn�his�doour�nt unlas yaf w�eM�bo�po�iv tlN L•loen�ta pooesd ar�Dwl/�psr�t In�lhli trrr�ractlon.. : • . . • . B�I.Npnh�p belbw�You�sdo�l�dOr.tl�you'hiw �d and'unda�+d�U�Is fam ai►d vohnMatigl'aorwet�C b ihs'�LIomM� ��scttny a aoud Apeed(that 1�,�o+npie�nt80�H tir�elk►arMidoid endih�b�iyrror.�ee�tt�o�dd 4hat t�oonM n�oNiary. . ,� . '�.l�T . �� • . pM�; � D�s:. � U�ISEF ' .. : . � ' ,Rw: . . .. , . . . .. CNi��n�On1�r•� � . � . .. � . � ' � ���iee�nseoc�ka�a�a►•s�u.TO�w. �atl�•ie�.w�►� PBORiA AREA AS30CUTTON OF REALT�pgSm RXTBNSION/C�lYA1VGE FORM � �ue�u��to rl�t�cbnaaa txew�r,the rme�a oa►ner�wti�g�,�,�,r.�. Z �t�I�a sb4u a pcioe,as dr�nbed belaw.�ndkr�tbe e�ooitra�e►n!parjad.as 3 «n�,.rar.�a��,�,e a.a waoa�a�w. 4 ��.��..��L� D�e: lD�l�'• 2 O 13 S A�na: 4i l �'is s r S,.r�s S�it A�?r 6 z.ra.e m�s ?or�_�o� aa: f'��'��i�t1 � iitl�A�t I�a� Prwwt IDI�I� ����j(�. �+6 Ne,ds�{Y CI�I�7IS � /`SNc•ri a �(�a.a m.: c.e� Cp- 3 t�-��5� 9 � twdl� Cma�t D� !0 O oowtl�prq�,..,...,..K App ,w, RBMpV� ll �� 12 13 � hta CWur� _ 14 0 Nlkrie�wal: D�ox IS C�r4ot pep 17 � �Ih�NQ.80nbRNVr�vaa+wa�ea���ssaus�crMCSC�rs ae�rn�c� �a o a�cr.�..aa��,,�w��u 19 O B�ek Oa 11�1e� 30 Prorq: O l�dl� 21 O Sofd Z2 0 �Yklaeaw� 23 O Bsaewl Z4 Sslead To O�ta 2S �u Gtiap�: �6 27 � Owner'�$ipimte Q�qu�i: Beaimr/DedpWed A�a�t S Oompa�y N�me: I�O�I��q�►A000�710NO��AtAOM� �Mq �a�lr rM PEORLA AREA ASSOCIA.�TON OF REALTORS� �_��� EXTENSIONI CHANGE FORM 1 P�at�t Lo the Listing Cortract betv�roen the undersigned Owner dt Listin8 CompanY,thits 2 aglt�nc�chsnges the sMtus or pric�,as deuribed belaw,and/ar extends the ca�riactusl period,as 3 �S�tY��P�+LD�e dace Iisttd below. 4 MLS�'�m�_. �o�c�ai �_ �te: S Addl'l�Ai: 61 sa•t siea s�wre_ 6 Licth��Prke:S, �oo,000.ao City:_ _� r.acon zzvsiaao ___ 7 I.isdn=A�eat Naa�e: s-Leob.a.__a.s.esin► c.00:sncn Pe�sent Siatns: 8 0 E�ctetid To: Dau: oi/is/i5 9 O Pmdla� Corrtract Date: �__ _. 10 D CoaNw�ency�.�w�sr.,�: DADD OREMOVE I I Contis�ent iafo: 12 I3 Q Prlae CA�: t _____ _�_ __ ____... _ _.`_._--- 14 O 'Withdrav►at: Date: __ -- - .__ ___---------____.---. 15 <Sel«x O��v 17 Q t�.�srrn�co�ACn���ns�ar tr�nrnraR�xra�aa�n as ussn mc,urest rira 18 0 Coatr�d Terminatcd�carr�xr.r�oawAVarerrec�J �9 o B.�o.�w.� Zo P�►: o e� a� 0 soid 22 ❑ Witbdrswa 23 O F..:pired � 24 E�ta�d To Data 25 Mitodisneors Civa�ea: 26 27 28 � Owner's St�nature�: - �. _ L- ��c_._ `�� Srobx/Deaignated Ageat Slgnawre: '� � Coa�pu,y t�acna �i. w�eo! �..ier,x�►e. -u�a.aati► �e.si s.eae. l�ORfAAKAArOCJA11q10RtW.�011N P�1 lOIMM0.NY ��ewr/IW � � �— t00/t00� 7cvs 62=i 2�[3 biOZ/ZT1L0