HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #4071 - IDOT .�yD��
���11101S �"tn1p.1'1� Resolution for Improvement by
� , Municipality Under the Illinois
af Transportat�on Highway Code
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the
Council or President and Board of Trustees
City of Canton Illinois
City,Town or Vilfage
that the following described street(s)be improved under the Illinois Highway Code:
Name of Thorou hfare Route From To
1a Avenue S ruce Street S camore Street
Martin Avenue Maple Street Walnut Street
1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of Preliminary Engineering for the ADA Curb Ramp Improvements
along 1S`and Martin Avenues. The work on Martin Avenue will be completed as part of Contract Maintenance
Mill and Overlay Project 14-00000-01-GM while the work on 1$'Avenue will be completed as a stand alone
Contract Construction Project
and shall be constructed 5' wide
and be designated as Section 14-00105-00-SW
2. That there is hereby appropriated the(additional ❑ Yes � No)sum of forty two thousand
Dollars ( $42,000.00 )for the
improvement of said section from the municipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds.
3. That work shall be done by Contract ; and,
Specify Contrad or Day Labor
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the
district office of the Department of Transportation.
Approved I, Diana Pavley-Rock Clerk in and for the
City of Canton
City,Town or Village
County of Fulton , hereby certify the
foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the Council
Council or Presiderrt and Board of Trustees
Department of Transportation at a meeting on July 15, 2014
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
15th day of Jul
Regional Engineer
City, n,or dlage Clerk
Printed 7/3/2014 BlR 09111 (Rev. 11/06)
Iliinois Department c�f Transpartation
Division of Highways/Region 3/ District 4
401 Main Street/Peoria, Illinois/61 602-1 1 1 1
Telephone 309/671-3333
August 1 l, 2014
City Motor Fuel Tax
City of Canton
Section 14-00105-00-SW '
Improvement Resolution
Diana Pavley-Rock
City Clerk
2 North Main Street
Canton, Illinois 61520
Dear Ms. Pavley-Rock:
The resolution adopted by the City Council on July 15, 2014, appropriating
$42,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the 1 St and Martin Avenue
improvements is approved. A file copy is enclosed.
An authorization for $41,692.00 for Engineering was made on this date and
will show up on your next allotment letter. File copies are enclosed.
S incerely,
��.� c. --�a,,,�
Kensil A. Garnett, P.E.
Acting Deputy Director of Highways,
Region Three Engineer
s:\gen\blrs�stafflbradleGmprovement resolutions\improvresocityofcantonl4-00 1 05-00-sw.docx
Enclo sure
cc: Maurer- Stutz, Inc. (Attn: Mr. George Merkle)
District Four Compliance Review Officer
���It101S �"tt'�'1p,11t Resolution for Improvement by
� Municipality Under the Illinois
c�f Transportation Highway Code
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the
Council or President and Board of Trustees
City of Canton Illinois
City,Town or�Ilage
that the following described street(s)be improved under the Illinois H' .
Name of Thorou hfare Route To
1s Avenue S ruce Stre t more Street
Martin Avenue Maple St Walnut Street
1. That the proposed(mprovement shall consist of Preliminary Engineering for the ADA Curb Ramp Improvements
along 1"and Ma�tin Avenues. The work on Martin Avenue will be completed as part of Contract Maintenance
Milt and Overlay Project 14-00000-01-GM while the work on 1"Avenue wifl be completed as a stand alone
Contract Construction Project
and shall be constructed 5' wide
and be designated as Section 14-00105-00-SW
2. That there is hereby appropriated the(additional ❑ Yes 6) No) sum of forty two thousand
Dollars( $42,000.00 )for the
improvement of said section f�om the municipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds.
3. That work shall be done by Contract ; and,
Specify Contract or Day Labor
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the
district office of the Department of Transportation.
Approved I, Diana Pavley-Rock Clerk in and for the
City of Canton
Clhr,Town or VUlage
__ r��sr�-�4 County of Fulton , hereby certify the
foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the Council
Council or President and Board of Trustees
Department of Transportadon at a meeting on July 15, 2014
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
��..,�� .���..� 15th day o , 2014
Regional Engineer
(SE ) j
,Town,or vllage Clerk
Printed 7/3/2014 BLR 09111 (Rev. 11/06)
IlGnois Department Request for ExpenditurelAuthorization
af TranspQrtatian
of Motor Fuel Tax Funds
For District Use Only ,
Transaction Number
Municipality Citv of Ganton
Countv Fulton
Rd. District
Checked by
Section 14-00105-00-SW
I hereby request authorization to expend Motar Fuel Tax Funds as indicated below.
Contcact Construction...........................
Day Labor Construction...................
Right-of-Way(Itemized On Reverse Side)..................
..... o�a..................................................
Engineering �
............................................................. .............................. 41 692.00
��� . .....�..�. ............ ,
Maintenance Engineering........................................
..........�..f g ................. ......................................
Engineering investigations.................. �e,��e.
........... . ' .........��,6................................
Other Cate9ory..................................................
�`... ........................................................................
Obiigation Retirement...............................
Co. Eng./Supt. Salary& Expenses (Period from to )
IMRF or Social Security.................................
Total S__41,892.00
Date �5 �� Approved
Signed by � L �P'�? '4
City Clerk Department of Transpqrtatian
Title of Clfficial
� G' -L�.1Rrc1,a�-
R ional En ineer
Printed 7/3/2014 Page 1 of 2 BLR 09150(Rev. 11/06)
� � _ .►.
Illinois Department
of Transportation TRANSMITTAL LETTER
Division of Highways/Region Three/District Four■401 Main Street■ Peoria, Illinois 61602-1111 ■Telephone 309/671-3333
Date: August 5, 2014
To: City of Canton Route:
2 N. Main Street Section: 14-00000-00-GM
Canton, IL 61520
County: Fulton
Job No.:
Contract No.:
Attention: Ms. Diana Tucker Agency: City of Canton
Subject: Approved Revised Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs(BLR 14231)
Transmittal Sent As Marked Below:
❑ For Processing/Approval ❑ Othel'(See Remarks) ❑ Returned for Corrective Action
❑ For Your Information/Response ❑ Per Our Conversation ❑ Review and Comments
� Note and File ❑ Per Your Request ❑ Take Appropriate Action
Description and/or Remarks:
Attached is the approved revised Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs(BLR 14231)for the above-mentioned
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Simon Alwan at(309) 671-3694.
Kensil A Gar ett�.E���
Acting Deputy Director of Highways,
Region Three Engineer
cc: Maurer-Stutz, Inc. (Attn: Mr. George Merkle)
District Four Auditor
s:\gen\blrs�stafflbradle\transmittal letters\canton I4gm.revest.docx
Printed 8/5/2014 D4 AD0101
' Revised
� � p@p�ft�tpllt Munlcipal Estimate of
p#'iFet�Sportatio�t Maintenance Costs
Local Pubiic Agency: City of Canton'
County: Futton
Mafntenance Period 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 Sectfon Number: 14-00000-00-GM
Estimated Cost of Maintenance O erations
MaiMenance For Grou 1 IIA �IB or III Est Totai
Operatlon Maint. Irtsp. Unit item OperaU�
No.Des Uon item Untt Quan Price Cost Cost
Corrtred Maintenance
1. MAI 8 HMA Ovetla N date ADA Ram N Y HMA Surf Rem 1 1!2" S.Y. 1822.00 4.00 6 488.Od
�g� N Y Btt Mat7s Prime Coat GaHon 162.00 5.� 810.Q0
IV Y HMA Surf Cse Mix D N50 Ton 134.00 120.00 16�0.00
N Y Curb&Gutter Rem Foot 120.� 15.00 1 800.00
N Y Skiewalk Removal S.F. 600.00 5.00 3 000.00
IV Y Comb C8G 88.18 Faot 120.00 40.00 4 800.00
N Y PC Conc SWeHralk 4" S.�. 800.00 8:00 4 .00
N Y DetedaMe Wami S.F. 1R8.00 3Q.t10 3 840.00
N Y P vemer�t Patch S.Y. 45.00 150.00 6 750.00
N Y Miac Eanhwork/Seedi L.Sum 1.00 2 000.00 Z 000•00 50 388•00
2. 5eal Coat A-1 iil Y Bit MaYls Seal HFP Gal 7587.00 5.00 37 935.�
1 676 S I II Y Seal Coat r rac Grav Ton 271.00 65.00 17 615.00 55 550.00
3. 8 Patch -i1F Y Patch L.S 1.00 19 989A0 19 999.00 19 999.00
PreUmirta E Base Fee 1 250.00
111 Y 75 549 % 3 021.96
N Y 30128 596 15Q8.40
E inee Ins cdon ill Y 75 5A9 % 3 021.96
N Y 50 369 6% 3 022.0$
11 822.40
Total Ee�ed Maintenarxoe Uperallort Coti 1 91'7.
Esdmated Cost MFT Portion Other Funds PreUm Ir�eeri 37t 88 ��
Maintenance 125 917.00 125 917.00 ineeri 1ns on 4 07 &�A�1+64
Maint 11$22.40 11 822.40 - Materiai Testl
Totais: 137�35.40 137,739.40 AdveRisi
Brid Ins �tions 1 8
Tatal Estimated MaiMenance Cost i+9E8�18
Total Estlmated Makrtenanoe Cost 49fi'!'�l:+Itr
Su itted: APPfoved:
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Printed on 7/3/201410:25 AM