HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3491~~34y 1
. Construction
~10~ ~1"$Y1Pllt Resolution for Improvement by
~ '~'~~~~ Municipality Under the Illinois
Highway Code
BE IT RESOLVED. by the ~'.itv r;niin~il of the
Council or President and Board of Trustees
City of ~:antnn Illinois
City, Town or ViNage
That the following described street(sl be improved under the Illinois Hiahwav Code:
Name of Thorou hfare Route From To
Locust Street IL Route 9 Main Street IL Rte 78 & West to Avenue D
1. That the proposed imorovement shall consist of thr~ day lahnr cnnstnirtinn of handiran ramnc at varia~s
and shall be constructed various feet wide
and be designated as Section Q~-nnnR5-~[)-SW
2. That there is herebv aoorooriated the ladditionall sum of SPVen Hundred Finhty Five and ?1!100
Dollars ( ~7A5 ~1 1 for the
imorovement of said section from the municioalitv's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds.
3. That work shall be done by Dav I ahnr ~ and.
Specify Contractor Day Labor
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the
district office of the Department of Transportation.
Department of Transportation
District Engineer
I_ Mrc Nanrv whites Clerk in and for the
City of Cantnn
City, Town or Village
County of Fi,Itnn .herebv certify the
foregoing to be a true- perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the nuncjl
Council or Presidert and Board of Trustees
at a meetino on (~c_toher 5 1 q4A
IN TESTIMnNY WHEREnF. I have hereunto set my hand and seat this
day of A.D. X999
City Clerk
City, Town or Village
Illinois Department of Transportation
Division of Highways /District 4
401 Main Street /Peoria, Illinois / 61602-1111
Telephone 309/671-3333
October 12, 1999
City of Canton
Section 95-00085-00-SW
Supplemental Improvement Resolution
Mrs. Nancy Whites
City Clerk
210 E. Chestnut Street
Canton, IL 61520
Dear Mrs. Whites:
The supplemental resolution adopted by the City Council on October 5, 1999
appropriating an additional $785.21 of motor fuel tax funds for
Section 95-00085-00-SW is approved.
The improvement consisted of the construction of handicap accessible ramps
at various locations along state routes within the city limits of Canton.
Very truly yours,
Joseph E. Crowe
Distric ineeC rp
~ ~ct~ <vc.~---~
By: Ray ng a
Dis rict oc oads Engineer
cc: Mr. McMurray
Mr. J. Kopec
Maurer-Stutz, Inc. (Canton)
City of Canton
Section 95-0085-00-SW
D4 Handicap Ramps 1996-3
Fulton County
Job No. C-94-303-96
Agreement No. JN-496-411
Joint Agreement Figures
Final Construction Cost = $34,462.33
Non-Participating Construction Cost = $ 1,081.92
Participating Construction Cost = $33,380.41
Breakdown of Costs Per Joint Agreement:
T,Xpe of Work State Cost (%) City Cost (%,) Total
Construction $12,996.47 (Max Allowed) $21,465.86 (Bal.) $34,462.33
Preliminary Engineering (5%) 834.51 (50%) $ 2,948.37 (Bal.) $ 3,782.88
Construction Engineering (10%) 1 669 02 (50%) 6 370.98 (Bal.) 8 040.00
Totals: $15,500.00 (*) $30,785.21 $46,285.21
*Maximum Amount According to Joint Agreement
City of Canton
Section 95-0085-00-SW
D4 Handicap Ramps 1996-3
Fulton County
Job No. C-94-303-96
Agreement No. JN-496-411
Joint Agreement Figures
Preliminary Engineering -Participating Construction Cost $33,380.41
Preliminary Engineering to the City based on the fees in the approved MFT Engineering Agreement dated
May 5, 1997 and approved by Local Roads on May 6, 1997.
State Participating Preliminary Engineering Cost - $33,380.41 x 5% _ $1,669.02 x 50% _ $834.51
State's Construction Engineering = $33,380.41 x 10% _ $3,338.04 x 50% _ $1,669.02
Actual Preliminary Engineering = 15% of $25,219.23 (Approved Estimate of Cost)
$.15 x $25,219.23 = $3,782.88 Total Preliminary Engineering
Total Preliminary Engineering
State's Share
City's Share
Total Construction Engineering
State's Share
City's Share
- 834.51
$2,948.37 (Balance)
- 1.669.02
$6,370.98 (Balance)
Total City's Share of Engineering $6,370.98 + $2,948.37 = $9,319.35
Will make Request for Authorization for Day Labor Construction for $8,856.25
Authorization to Date $12,609.61 + $8,856.25 = $21,465.86 City Share Construction Costs and Credit
Transaction for Engineering for $2,852.65.
Supplemental Resolution for $784.21 is pending
8 East Elm Street TEL 309-647-7831
October 5, 1998 Canton, llllnois 61520 FAX 309-647-6155
Mayor Donald E. Edwards
City of Canton
210 E. Chestnut
Canton, IL 61520
RE: Canton MFT Section 95-00085-00-SW
State Section D4 Handicap Ramps 1996-3
State Job No. C-94-303-96
Supplemental Resolution & Final Report
Dear Don:
~ ~ ~, ., „ c, . > .F....,,r .7 ...
The above mentioned improvement is 100°h completed and the enclosed consists of final paperwork for submittals to
District 4, Illinois Department of Transportation. I am enclosing a copy of the cost breakdown per the Joint Agreement
with IDOT which show the State's and City's costs. The total costs are as follows:
Day Labor Construction $34,462.33
Preliminary Engineering $ 3,782.88
Construction supervision $ 7,107.00
Concrete Plant Inspection
(Whitney & Associates) $ 933.00
Total Project Costs $46,285.21
The State's share of the cost is limited by the Join# Agreement to $15,500.00 maximum. The balance of $30,785.21
will be the City of Canton's share. We have prepared a Supplemental Resolution in the Amount of $785.21 to cover
the City's share of the cost. This will make the total amount of motor fuel tax funds approriated for the improvement
Also enclosed is a letter to the Illinois Department of Transportation requesting they reimburse the $15,500.00 to the
City. Please sign the letter and we will submit it to IDOT along with the other paperwork they need to close out the
If everything is found acceptable, have the Council adopt the Resolution. I will make arrangements to get with the City
Clerk on Wednesday and have her sign, date and seal the Resolution.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please give me a call.
Ja es A. Davis, P.E.
cc: Jim Snider, Assistant Administra#or
Pat Wright, City Treasurer
Nancy Whites, City Clerk ~- PEORIA ~ CANTON
210 East Chestnut, Canton, llllnois 61520 • Telephone 309/647-0020
Donald E. Edwards, Mayo.
Nancy S. Whites, CltyCtark
Patricia A. Wright, ctry rroaaurer
October 4, 1999
Mr. Joseph E. Crowe
District Engineer
Illinois Department of Transportation
Division of Highways/District 4
401 Main Street
Peoria, IL 61602-111
RE: City of Canton - MFT
Fulton County
Section 95-00085-00-SW
State Section D-4 Handicap Ramps 1996-3
Job No. C-94-303-96
Agreement No. JN-496-411
Dear Mr. Crow:
The City of Canton has completed the above referenced improvement utilizing City Day Labor forces. Attached is a
copy of the Engineer's Final Payment Estimate detailing the construction costs incurred by the City and approved by
the District in the amount of $34,462.33. The total Preliminary Engineering cost was $3,782.88 and the Construction
Supervision and Plant Inspection was $8,040.00.
Enclosed is a breakdown of costs showing the State's and City's shaze of the Construction and Engineering Costs.
Quantities did increase and the State's share of the Construction Cost was limited due to the Joint Agreement's
maximum cost to the State of $15,500.00.
The City respectfully requests reimbursement in the amount of $15,500.00.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please contact me.
Donald E. Edwards