HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #3041 ORDINANCE NO. ��`� �
WFIEIZEAS, tlle Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals have determined that
due to efficiency and economics, it is necessary and in the best interests of the citizens of
Canton, Illinois to amend Title 10 (Zoning Regulations) of the Canton Municipal Code to
combine the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals; and
WI-IE1t�AS, the City of Canton is desirous of exercising their authority to combine two boards
and create a one (1) new commission, that being the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission; and
WI11?]tEAS, in furtherance of its statutory powers to amend the Municipal Code for the City of
C�ulton, the City Council, and the Mayor, have determiized that it is the best interest of the City
to establish such commission namely the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission.
NOW THER�1+012�, I3E IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and the City Council for the city of
Clnton, Illinois, as follows:
1. The City of Canton Municipal Code, "Title 10-Zoning Regulations" is amended by
a�nending Chapter 17 entitled "Adininistration and Enforcement" to provide for the
ci•eation ol�this conZmission and the duties and responsibilities of this commission.
2. That the Amendment to the City of Canton Municipal Code under Title 10 Chapter 17
shall read as follows:
The administration of this title is hereby vested in:
A. Zoiling adiiiinistrator;
B. Joint Planning and Zoning Commission; and
C. City council (Ord. 567, 11-1976)
"1 hc zoning administrator shall be appointed by the mayor, by and with the consent of the council
on lhe first Tuesday in May of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, and shall hold his
oftice for the term of one year, and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified.
The duties of the zoning administrator shall be to enforce this chapter and his authority shall
(A) Performing the functions of building official under the various uniform codes as the same
may be from time to time adopted by the city; further, the zoning administrator shall act as
the zoning enforcement officer and shall cause the various zoning laws to be faithfully
enforced. As the btiiilding official and as the zoning enforcement officer, he shall act as a staff
advisor to the Joint P1amling and Zoning Commission. He shall give written opinions and
re��orts when requested to do so by the chairnian of the Joint Planning and Zoning
Coinmission. He shall cause written variances to issue in conformity with the decisions of the
Joint Planning and Zoning Commission for appeals.
(B) Determining conformance of applications for building permits with regulations of this
(C) Issuing all zoning certificates, following approval as required in this chapter, and making and
maintaining records thereof.
(D) Isstiing building permits.
(E) Issuing all certificates of occupancy, and making and maintaining records thereof.
(F) Issuing permits for temporary parking and use of trailers.
(G) Conducting inspections of uses of land and structures in accordance with due process of law
to determine compliance with the terms of this chapter.
(H) Maintainiiig permanent and current records of the administration and enforcement of this
chapter, including, but not limited to, applications, processing and decisions for all
amendments, variations and appeals, and charting and designating each amendment and
special use on the zoning district map.
(I) Providing and maintaining a public information bureau relative to all matters pertaining to
this chapter.
(.1) Receiving, filing and forwarding to the Joiiit Planning and Zoning Commission all
applications for variations, appeals or other inatters on which the Joint Planning and Zoning
Conimission is required to act under this chapter.
(K) Forwardiilg to the City Clerk all applications initially filed with the building inspector for
amendments and other matters under this chapter upon which the Joint Planning and Zoning
Commission is required to act.
(L) Providing such clerical ai�d teclulical assistance as may be required by the Joint Planning and
'Loning Conlmission in the exercise of its duties.
(M) Attending all meetings of the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission.
(N) Determining the confirmation of application of building contractors, and cause the same to
be faithfully enforced.
(0) It shall be the duty of Zoning Administrator to make monthly, written reports to the City
Trcasurer and City Clerk of all monies received by his office arising from any official act and
to immediately pay over to the City Treasurer, all monies so received by him.
He shall likewise make a monthly written report at the first meeting of the council in each
montll of the monies so received by him and o� all his acts and doings for the preceding
(P) The office hours of the Zoning Administrator shall be from eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. until
twelve o'clock (12:00) noon and from one o'clock (1:00) P.M. until five o'clock (5:00) P.M.
froni Monday through Friday. (Ord. 1325, 11-5-1991)
(A) Organization:
l. A Joint Planning and Zoning Commission is hereby created. It shall at all times be
under the jurisdiction of the City Council of the City of Canton.
2. The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of fifteen (15) members,
who shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the City Council, on the basis
of their particular fitness and competency for their duties on said Commission;
members to serve respectively for: one for one year, two (2) for two (2) years, two (2)
for three (3) years, two (2) for four (4) years, two (2) for five (5) years, one for six (6)
years, one for seven (7) years, and one for eight (8) years; the successor for each
member so appointed to serve for a term of five (5) years. In addition to the twelve
(12) lay inembers, the mayor shall appoint three (3) members of the city council to
serve concurrent with their terms of office on the council. All members of the
Commission shall serve without pay. A period of five (5) years' appointment and/or
service terms shall be staggered in such a manner so as to_provide for the appointment
or reappointment of three (3) members each year after the year the commission is
initially established. Vacancies on the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall
be filled for the unexpired term of the member whose place has become vacant, by
appointment by the Mayor and subject to confirmation by the City Council.
3. Any member who misses three (3) or more consecutive meetings without cause (as
deterniined by the Chairman) may be removed from his/her term.
(13) Powers of the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission:
1. Generally: The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the general powers
provided by 65 Illinois Coinpiled Statutes section 5/ll-12-5 as said section is
amended from time to time.
2. Plats of Subdivision: Plats of subdivision shall be submitted to the Joint Planning and
Zoning Cominission for preliminary approval. The requirements and provisions set
forth in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes section 5/11-12-8, as amended from time to
time shall apply to the city's review.
3. Hearings; Special Uses: In conformance with the requirements herein set forth the
Joint Planning and Zoning Cominission shall review, hold public hearings, and report
to the ciry council its recommendatioils concerning special uses. Pursuant to 65
Illinois Compiled Statutes section 5/11-13-1.1 as amended from time to time, special
uses shall be permitted only upon evidence that such use meets the standards set
forth herein. Prior notice of public hearing shall be given pursuant to 65 Illinois
Compiled Statutes sections 5/11-13-6 and 5/11-13-7 as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 567, 11-1976)
4. Annexation: Requests for annexation or annexation and rezoning, as the case may be,
sh�ll be brought before the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission in the manner
prescribed by 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes and local ordinances. The petition for
annexatioi� (and rezoning) shall be filed with the City Clerk by the petitioner with
clear and legible copies of such petition, together with all attachments and exhibits
thereto appertaining, to be simultaneously delivered by the petitioner to the City
Engineer, City Attorney, and the Recording Secretary of the Joint Planning and
Zoning Commission. Any notice by publication required by law shall be given by the
City Clerk after the text and format of such notice has been approved in writing by
the City Attorney and the chairman of the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission.
At the time the petition is filed with the City Clerk, the petitioner shall also submit to
the City Clerk a minimum of two (2) dliplicate original plats of the territory sought to
be annexed (and rezoned). As a minimum, each such plat shall clearly show on its
face the following:
a) The existing corporation line and the proposed new corporation line.
b) The dimensions of the property as described in the legal description.
c) A norlh arrow and scale of the plat.
d) The complete recital of the legal description.
e) Each such plat shall be entitled as an annexation plat and shall provide a space on its
face to show the ordinance number providing for such annexation and, further, shall
provide a space on its face to show the date the ordinance was passed by the city
I) Each such plat shall be certified in writing on its face as being accurate by either a
registered professional engineer or a registered land surveyor; in either case, the
person making such certification shall affix his seal to the face of each of the plats.
g) The plat as submitted shall then be approved or disapproved by the city engineer
before final action is taken by the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission.
Tl�e city engineer is authorized (but not required) to accomplish any plat required by this section.
The city, in all such cases, shall charge and be paid a reasonable fee by the petitioner far the city
engineer's professional services. Such fee shall be computed by application of an hourly rate
dEternlined by reference to the hourly rate customarily charged by registered professional
�ngincers in the city for such services multiplied by the hours of time spent by the city engineer
rotuidcd to the nearest one-tenth (�/�o) of an hour. The city engineer may delegate such task to
�ny competent draftsman employed by the city and, in such case, shall determine the charge by
reference to the hourly rate customarily charged by competent draftsmen in the city for such
services plus ten percent (10%) multiplied by the hours of time spent by such draftsman rounded
to the nearest one-tenth (�/io) of an hour; in all such cases, the draftsman sha11 be under the direct
supervision and control of the city engineer. The charges herein provided for must be fully paid
before the plat shall be approved or released by the city engineer. (Ord. 970, 4-5-1953)
>. Hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, decision or determination
made by the enforcing officer.
6. Hear and decide all matters referred to it or upon which it is required to pass under
this chapter. The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission may reverse or affirm,
wholly or in part, or may modify or amend the order, requirement, decision or
determination appealed from to the extent and in the manner that the Joint Planning
and Zoniizg Commission may decide to be fitting and proper in the premises, and to
that end the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall also have all the powers of
the ofricer from whom the appeal is taken. When a property owner shows that a strict
application of the terms of this chapter relating to the use, construction or alteration
of buildings or structures, or to the use of land, imposes upon him practical
difficulties or particular hardship, then the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission
may make such variations of the strict application of terms of this chapter as are in
harmony with its general purpose and intent when the Joint Planning and Zoning
Commission is satisfied, under the evidence heard before it, that a granting of such
variation will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to
alleviate soine demonstrable hardship.
Howevei-, nothing herein contained shall be construed to give or grant the Joint Planning and
Zoning Commission the power or authority to alter or change the zoning ordinance or the district
map; such power and authority being reserved for the city counciL In order to partially defray the
expenses of the public hearing involving Joint Planning and Zoning Commission matters, the
applicant shall pay the sum of thirty five dollars ($35.00) to the city treasurer at the time of the
filing of the appeal.
All final adnzinistrative decisions of the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission rendered under
the tei•ms of this chapter shall be subject to judicial review pursuant to the provisions of the
administrative review act, approved May 8, 1945, and all amendments and modifications thereof,
and the rules adopted pursuant thereto.
(B) Meetings, Notice, Records, and Reports: All meetings of the Joint Planning and Zoning
Conimission shall be held at the call of the chairman and at such other times as the
Commission may determine. All meetings of the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission
shall be open to the public. The chairman, or in his absence the acting chairman, may
administer oaths or compel the attendance of witnesses. No hearing shall be conducted
without a quorum of the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission being present, which
shall consist of eight (8) members. The concurring vote of eight (8) members shall be
necessaiy to decide or make recommendations in favor of an appellant or applicant in any
inatter upon which the board is required to pass. The board shall keep minutes of its
proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon every question, or if absent or
failing to vote, indicating that fact, and shall also keep records of its hearings,
examinations, and other official actions. A transcript of testimony presented at all public
hearings on all matters heard by the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall be
included in the Joint_Planning and Zoning Commission report. Any absent member who
certifies that he has read the transcript of the proceedings before the Joint Planning and
Zoning Commission may vote upon any question before the Joint Planning and Zoning
If, due to absence, a favorable recommendation or decision has not been either made by four(4)
or more favorable votes or precluded by eight (8) or more unfavorable votes, additional members
shall read the transcript and vote until there are eight (8) concurring votes. Findings of fact shall
be made for each appeal or application for a time extension, or variation, specifying the reasons
for granting or denying, or recommending the granting or denying of, such appeal or application.
The terms of the relief granted or recommended shall be specifically set forth in a conclusion or
st�tement separate from the findings of fact.
I;vciy i�ule or regulation, and every order, requirement, decision or determination of the Joint
Planning aizd Zonii7g Commission shall be filed promptly with the secretary of the Joint Planning
and Zoning Commission and shall be a public record. The Joint Planning and Zoning
Coinnlission shall adopt its own rules of procedure not in conflict with the statutes.
NoCic� shall be given of the time and place of every public hearing not more than thirty (30) days
ilor less than fifteen (15) days before the hearing, by publishing a notice thereof at least once in
one or more newspapers published in or having a general circulation within the city. At the
l�earing, any party may appear in person, or by agent or by attorney.
Applicants for zoning variations shall have the following rights, in addition to any others they
may possess by law, at any hearing before the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission:
1. To have subpoenas issued for persons to appear at hearings and for examination of
documents by the person requesting the subpoenas either before or at the hearing,
subject to the limitations contained herein. The board shall issue subpoenas as
reqllested by the applicants aizd eligible property owners.
Subpoenas shall only be enforceable against persons or for documents which have
substantial evidentiary connection with:
a) The slibject property, and
b) Facts which would support or negate the requisite legal standards for granting the
application or appeal. All matters relating to subpoenas concerning a particular
case, including all enforcement and motions to quash, shall be heard in a single
action. Service of such subpoenas shall be made in the same manner as summons
in a civil action.
2. `l o cross examine all witnesses testifying; and
3. To present witnesses on their behalf.
Eligible property owners, as set forth above, who wish to object shall, upon request, be granted
one continuance for the purpose of presenting evidence to rebut testimony given by the
applicant. The date of such continued hearings shall be within the discretion of the Joint Planning
and Zoning Commission.
(C) Fin�il Actions of The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission:
l. Actions by the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission from rulings of enforcing
officers, appeals for a time extension, and applications for variations from the
provisions of this chapter, shall constitute a final action.
2. The findings of the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission from rulings of
enforcing officers, appeals for time extensions, and applications for variations,
shall be in writing and shall be arrived at in each specific case after a public
� hearing. A report of said findings, with the terms of relief granted specifically set
forth in a conclusion or separate statement, shall be transmitted to the appellant or
applicant, with copies to the city council, within a reasonable time.
3. A variation approved by the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall not be
valid after a period of one year, unless during this period such variation shall be
established or unless any required building, development or erection permit for an
lpproved variation is obtained within this period, after which construction shall
proceed to completion within a reasonable time. Said one year period may be
extended in writing for good cause by the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission
for up to an additional one year, if no other zoning changes affecting the property
have been made or are formally pending before the council or said period may be
extended by the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission for such time as it shall
determine, for good cause shown. (Ord. 567, 11-1976)
10-17-4: APPLALS:
(A) Authority: The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall hear and decide appeals from
an administrative order, requirement, decision or determination made by the zoning
(13) Initiation:
1. An appeal to the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission may be made by any
person aggrieved or by any officer or department of the municipality. The appeal
shall be taken within forty five (45) days of the action complained of, by filing
with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the Joint Planning and
Zoning Commission a notice of appeal, specifying the grounds thereo£ The
officer from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Joint
Planning aild Zoning Commission all the papers constituting the record upon
which the appeal action is taken.
2. An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless
the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the Joint Planning and
Zoning Commission after the notice of appeal has been filed with him, that by
reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in his opinion, cause
imininent peril to life ar property. In this event the proceedings shall not be stayed
other than by an order of the Joint Plani�ing and Zoning Commission or a court of
record on application of and on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is
taken, and on due cause being shown.
(C) Processing:
1. An appeal shall be filed with the city clerk. The city clerk shall forward the appeal to
the Joint Plaiuiing and Zoning Commission for processing in accordance with the
lllinois statutes.
2. The Joint Plaiuling and Zoning Commission shall fix a reasonable time for the
hearing of the appeal and give due notice thereof to parties and shall decide the
appeal within reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person, or
by agent, or by attorney. The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission may reverse or
afFirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or
determination, as in its opinion ought to be made in the premises and to that end has
all the powers of the official from whom the appeal is taken. (Ord. 567, 11-1976)
(A) Authority: A Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall rule on requested
variances in the approved zoning ordinance only after proper notice and
public hearing on the request. The notice of hearing shall contain the address
and location of the property for which the variation is sought along with a
brief discussion of the nature of the request. After appropriate requests and
proper notice as shall be required by the Illinois statutes, the Joint Planning
and Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing upon all applications for
variations and shall grant or deny a variation only where it shall have been
made a finding of fact specifying the reason or reasons therefor. Such findings
shall be based upon the standards set forth in subsection (D) of this section.
No variation shall be granted by the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission
without such findings of fact.
(B) Initiation: An application for a variation may be made by a governmental
office or department, or by any person, firm or corporation having a freehold
interest, a possessory interest entitled to exclusive possession, a contractual
interest which may become a freehold interest, or any exclusive possessory
interest applicable to the land or land and improvements described in the
application for a variation.
(C) Processing: An application for a variation shall be filed with the city clerk
who shall forward one copy of such application to the Joint Planning and
Zoning Commission for processing and one copy to the city council for
informational purposes.
10-17-5: VARIATIONS:
(A) Authority: The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall rule on requested variances in
the approved zoning ordinance only after proper notice and public hearing on the request.
�1'he iiotice of hearing shall contain the address and location of the property for which the
variation is sought along with a brief discussion of the nature of the request. After
appropriate requests aild proper notice as shall be required by the Illinois statutes, the Joint
Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a public hearing upon all applications for
variations and shall grant or deny a variation only where it shall have been made a finding of
fact specifying the reason or reasons therefor. Such findings shall be based upon the
standards set forth in subsection (D) of this section. No variation shall be granted by the Joint
Planuing and Zoning Commission without such findings of fact.
(I3j Initiation: An application for a variation may be made by a governmental office or
dcp�lrtment, or by any person, firm or corporation having a freehold interest, a possessory
interest entitled to exclusive possession, a contractual interest which may become a freehold
interest, or any exclusive possessory interest applicable to the land or land and improvements
described in the application for a variation.
(C) Processing: An application for a variation shall be filed with the city clerk who shall forward
one copy of such application to the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission for processing
�ind one copy to the city council for informational purposes.
(D) Standards:
1. The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall not recommend a variation of the
provisions of this chapter as authorized in this chapter unless it shall have made
findings of fact based upon the evidence presented to it on the following specific
issues that:
a) The property in question cannot yield a reasonable return if permitted to
be used only under the conditions allowed by the regulations governing
the district in which it is located.
b) The plight of�he owner is due to unique circumstances affecting the tract
in question and not a problem which is personal in nature to the owner.
c) The variation, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the
2. For the purpose of supplementing the above standards, the Joint Planning and Zoning
Commission, in making the determination whether there are practical difficulties,
hardships, or unique circumstances, shall also take into consideration the extent to
which the following facts, favorable to the applicant, have been established by the
evidence that:
a) The particular surroundings shape, or topographical conditions of the
specific property involved would bring a particular hardship upon the
owner as distinguished from a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of
the regulation were to be carried out.
b) The condition upon which the petition for variation is based would not be
applicable generally to the other property within the same zoning
c) The granting of the variation will not be detrimental to the public welfare
or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in
which the property is located.
d) The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air
to adjacent property, or substantially increase the danger of fire, or
otherwise endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair
property values within the neighborhood.
e) The purpose of the variation is not based exclusively upon a desire to
make more money out of the property.
� The alleged difficulty or hardship has not been created by any person
presently having an interest in the property.
3. The Joint Plamung and Zoning Commission may require such conditions and
restrictions upon the premises benefited by a variation as may be necessary to comply
with the standards set forth in this chapter to reduce or minimize the injurious effect
of such variation upon other property in the neighborhood, and to implement the
general purpose and intent of this chapter.
(E) Unauthorized Variations: The variation procedure shall in no case be used to accomplish a
result which could otherwise be achieved by a rezoning of the property involved, such as, but
not limited to, establishment or expansion of a use not permitted in a residential district;
authorizing the construction of residences in other than residential districts; nor authorizing
other than single-family detached residences in the R-1 and R-2 districts. (Ord. 567, 11-1976)
10-17-G: 12I;SLRVLll:
10-17-7: SPECIAL USES:
(A) Purposes: This chapter is based upon the division of the City into districts, within any
one of which the use of land and buildings, and the bulk and location of buildings or
structures as related to the land are essentially uniform. It is recognized, however, that
there are buildings and uses wluch, because of their unique characteristics cannot be
properly classified in any particular district without consideration, in each case, of the
iinpact of those buildings and uses upon neighboring property or consideration of the
public need for the particular buildings or uses at the proposed location. Such special
uses fall into the following categories:
1. I3uildings and uses entirely private in character but of such a nature that their
construction and operation may give rise to unique problems with respect to their
iillpact upon neighboring property or public facilities;
2. Uses traditionally affected with a public interest ar uses operated by a publicly
reglilated utility; and
3. Planned unit developments.
(B) Application: Applications for special use permits shall be filed with the zoning
administrator and processed in the same manner as that required for amendments and
discussed in Section 10-17-8 of this chapter, and shall be of such form, accompanied by
such infornlation as shall be established from time to time by the planning commission.
(C)Standards: The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission shall not recommend a special
use unless it is deemed necessary of the public interest or convenience at the location or,
if private in character;
1. It is so designated, located, and proposed to be operated that the public health, safety
and welfare will be protected; and
2. It will not cause appreciable injury to the value of other property in the neighborhood
in which it is located; and
3. It will not subvert or defeat the primary purpose of the zoning ordinance, or of the
zoning district or area for which it is proposed, when its effect is considered in
conjunction with the cumulative effort of the number of various special uses of all
types already located in the adjacent area and in the City as a whole; and
4. It is one of the special uses listed in chapters 3 through 13 of this title. In the event
tlie special use is a planned development, the provisions of chapter 13 of this title
shall also be applied.
(D)Conditions: The Joint Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City
Council may provide, such conditions and restrictions upon the construction, location,
and operation, of a special use, including, but not limited to, provisions for off street
parking and loading, signs, and accessary uses, as may be deemed necessary to promote
the general objectives of this chapter and to minimize injury to the value of property in
tl�e ueighborhood (Ord. 567, 11-1976).
10-17-8: AMENDMENTS:
(A) Authority: This chapter inay be amended from time to time by ordinance in accordance with
applicable Illinois statutes. No vote shall be taken upon the adoption of a proposed
an�endinent by the city council until after a public hearing before the Joint Planning and
7oiling Coilimission and a report of its findings and recommendations has been submitted to
the city council.
(B) Initiation Of Ainendment: Amendments may be proposed by the city council, Joint Planning
and Zoning—Commission or by the petition of any person, firm or corporation having a
freehold interest, a possessory interest entitled to exclusive possession, a contractual interest
which may become a freehold interest or any exclusive possessory interest which is
spccifically enforceable on the land which is described in the proposal for an amendment.
(C) Processing:
1. A proposal or petition for an amendment shall be filed with the city clerk and
thereafter entered into the records of the first meeting thereafter of the city
2. A copy of such proposal or petition shall be forwarded by the city clerk to the
Joint Planning and Zoning Commission with a request to hold a public hearing
and submit to the city council a report of its findings and recommendations. Such
public hearings shall be held upon notice by the Joint Planning and Zoning
(D) Decisions: The city council, upon request of the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission, and
without further public hearing, may vote upon the adoption of any proposed amendment in
accordance with applicable Illinois statutes, or may refer it back to the Joint Planning and
Zoning Commission for further consideration. In case of a written protest against any
proposed amendment of the regulations or districts, signed and acknowledged by the owners
of'twenty percent (20%) of the frontage immediately adjoining or across an alley therefrom,
or by the owners of twenty percent (20%) of the frontage directly opposite the frontage
proposed to be altered, is filed with the clerk of the municipality, the amendment shall not be
passed except by a favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the aldermen or trustees of the
n�unicipality then holding office.
(E) Zoning Map: No change shall be made in this zoning ordinance nor shall any zoning
variation be granted within six (6) months after the date upon which the official zoning map
is adopted by the city council, unless such change in the zoning ordinance or such variation is
approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the corporate authorities. (Ord. 567, 11-1976)
YASSLD by the City C ��cil of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting
this�day of �JL�-� , 2013 upon a roll call vote as follows:
AYl.S: IQef(1'�'1�+�! �rt'�7 � Z,(�.rlch, d.ry.. I�lel`.iUw� iC�Cf'/i � )l�s, �UL`erl, ��1� /�'�
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APPROVED: ���y �����
Jeffery A. Fritz, Mayor
A"l,T'EST: �
llia�la Yavley-Rock, City Clerk