HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3541L
Protect jects
(_17-1594 Parent PrnjPrt)
~here:.s. ~ppiication provisions far loans from the P:tblic: Water ~$uppiy l.uan Program for
construction of puoiic water suapiy t'aciiities require that the r_ i tv _ __ of
~„~ ~„~ authorize s representati~'c to stgn ti:~ !oan sppiicatton iomLS:utd
Supporting doctuments: ~hereiore. be it resolved b}• the L+' >:~-6eens i 1-.--. of
the City of Cantnn iltat is hereav autitonzed to sign
a~i loan application forms and documents.
(Zzsot~~ed this 17th day of October ~ZQ(34,
Dona 1 d E. Edwards ~~ - ~~~~
Title: Mayor ~~~,,,- ~,_ _,~.,.~
(Mayer. Village P~sidenL etc.)
Certitied to be a true and accurate copti•. Passed and adopted on the above date.
Namc: ~
N ncy S. hites
Title: C i tv Clerk
(Clerk. Secretary, etc.t
Mav~Ea. srvrz, iHC.
6 EAST ELM STREET PH. (309) 647-7831
CANTON, ILLINOIS 61520 FAX (309) 647-6155
E-ntatl manstatz~wtnce.net
TO: Ms. Mazgazet McHarry DATE: October 27, 2000
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Infrastructure Financial Assistance Section
Bureau of Water
P.O. Box 19276 RE: City of Canton's F.Y. 2001
Springfield, IL 62794-9276 Potable Water Projects IEPA
Loan No. L17-1594 ("Parent
Messenger _
ENCLOSED: _ Prints FOR: Your Files X
X Copies Your Approval X
1 ~ Resolution Authorizing a Representative to Sign Loan Documents
1 ~ Applicant Environmental Checklist -Loans
REMARKS: We are enclosing the above for your use and approval. If you have any questions,
please advise.
Colin J. E ds, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
cc: Donald E. Edwazds, Mayor, City of Canton (Letter of Transmittal Only)
Jim Snider, Asst. Administrator, City of Canton (Letter of Transmittal Only)
Nancy Whites, City Clerk (Letter of Transmittal and Copies for City Records)
' Applicant: City of Canton
L 17#:
Applicant Environmental Checklist- Loans
Environmental Sign-Offs
~_ Yes. State Historic Preservation Officer comments or Section I06 sign-off
( attached /x~e~eatad;, date t.2-07-.~9 .)..:- _
X Yes. Illinois Department of Natural Resources sign-off or Record of
Consultation regazding compliance with Endangered Species Act and
Natural Areas Protection Act (attached / r,~~q~,
date t 2-02-99 .)
Yes X No. Project involves construction in, or within 250 feet of, a designated
wetland. If Yes, a sign-off or Record of Consultation with IDNR
regazding compliance with Wetlands Policy Act is (attached /requested,
date .)
~_ Yes No. Project involves stream bank (includes stream crossings), floodway, or
wetlands construction. If yes:
* Comments by IDNR -Office of Water Resources are (attached / ~~q~e~t~ck
date t t -30-99 •)
* Comments by Army Corps of Engineers District Office aze (attached /
Kes~nal~d, date t 2-09-99 •) ~•
Other Environmental Issues
Yes -~-- N/A For Wastewater projects in Designated Water Quality Management Areas
only! SIMAPC, NIPC, or GERPDC/SIRPDC Sign-off (attached /requested,
date .)
Yes X No Project involves conversion of prime agricultural land to other uses. If
Yes, attach or include in planning documents a description and site map of
the area to be converted, and a discussion of the necessity of utilizing
prime agricultural land for the project.
Yes X No Project includes allowance for more than 30% reserve growth capacity in
the present or projected service area. If Yes, attach or include in planning
documents a discussion of the potential secondary impacts of the proposed
project(s) such as changes in the rate, density, type of development or use
of open space, floodplain, or prime agricultural land. Also, the impacts to
sensitive ecosystems due to induced growth must be evaluated and
appropriate measures for mitigation proposed if necessary.
Yes X No Other "environmental" issues of significant local concern are involved. If
~) Yes, discussion is attached.
Signed: ~~~-`~~ /~' Tn/_
Applicant Authonzed Representative
Date: ~D . ~ ~ -.7 ~ e ~
Illinois Historic
.___. Preservation Agency
1 Old State Capitol Plaza Springfield, Illinois 62701-1507 (217) 782-4836 TTY (217) 524-7128
Fulton County ~ Please refer to: IHPA LOG #9911190036K-F
Approx. 3 miles long-Along Chestnut Street to 11th Street
Water System Improvements-Potable Water Transmission Main
December 7, 1999
Steven Arahood
Maurer Stutz, Inc.
7615 North Harker Drive
Peoria, IL 61615
Dear Mr. Arahood:
Thank you for requesting comments from our office concerning the possible effects of the
referenced project on cultural resources. Our comments are required by Section 106 of the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and its implementing regulations, 36 CFR 800:
"Protection of Historic Properties".
Our staff has reviewed the specifications and assessed the impact of the project as submitted by your
office. We have determined, based on the available information, that this project, as proposed, will
have no effect on any Historic Properties. We, therefore, have no objection to the undertaking
proceeding as planned.
Please submit a copy of this letter with your application to the state or federal agency from which
you obtain any permit, license, grant, or other assistance. Please retain this letter in your files
as evidence of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as
Sincerely, ,
~~ ~ I ~4 n~~.~ -
Anne E. Haaker ~ "
Deputy State Historic
Preservation Officer
OCT-27-2000 14 27 DNR
' ~- ~ rcr~
tVU V z ~ -yyy
N QT U R Q ~.. ~, ~ S 0 U ~ ~ ~ ~ Dept, of lYaturat tsesource,
52: South Second Strr_; SFrinpfiatd F2701-1797 Geerga F:. Ryan, Gcvamor ~ 8tent Manning, pir+~r,.r
PR0ICODE; 99,(~~~
pate Sub^ieta3: 11/3(99 _I~_, a 9J ' 9
IS %::~ II RtS~ .:.2.:1~~ [YeS ~ ~ I:s;: ci;cic or: t
If'Yas', enter PR07CODE: fe~oc~vmo~tr
Agarcy N~,e; Cit of Cannon
Contact Person: Mr. Jim Snider
p_g-.zcy Addrtss; 210 E. Chestnut Pnore: _ _(~~n?-nn~n
_ Canton. IL 61520 _~ _ E-mail' N/A ~~
p:ojcct Ns."1'.e: City of Canton-Water SYStern rns~rn~rg,~i 4z_ Potab~ a wa r Tr~n4r+; cs; can t~,~; n =
Co~ty(ies): Felton Go>.mt
Ciry/Tavvtz: C'
TOW%`3~'.tC/R :t1$I~SCCLioII: ~,,, T~1V, RSE, 4th P M ion , 4th ?-M_ , Gar~~ ~~= 2S & 2~
U.5.G.S. Qwd Msp Nuae~s}: Banner
Brio.°Desc.^ctioa of the Prapased Action: ~ ~~h u'-S - 2
potable water transmission main frm tYte Cit `
Nearl a.11 of the new i wi11 be installed within the 1' '
.~_i_~d___-.L_~ .-J .rf.. ..A.+N•/T1 ee t7r_Qefnna Gloms::at ttie 5?tNG:ZELD ieldesss do.a
FOR NATU ~~ R :SOURCE R+vi3v g c00RQiN~TiaY tJSE Q~:.Y ~ f
A: a th:•e :!u•_aN-e'JracasgaCed spee;ea ocNa^,:cal Ar:ss iv~etim :0 6e loea:e~ witF.iz t.~s v:cliryef the praje::? ("~'~
Is tys .neouc+ p:ajecc tuc:ly to scn_rsely aft-.e: the tic-atear'Je1d~~ =d s"r'-rs cr*:IAI s'.::s? ~ ° i
r:e cansrla~ots prae: s is terr.Late~7 ~ e ~
:f';~o'", c:r..pfe:e tie ea::cse: D:eslle? Ag:s:yAe:ica R.?or: co ecztirtu: et:: e0esultstielp:_.:::.
Evai~_3:icn Aporovc~ cy:
- - la ~
Drs ~ G!osse-, p}:.D. I
C;~.ie` Div. o; Nat' -a! R_sou:ce P._ ~i_w & Coarr3inatinr.
•. .:. l~-•-~
fl..... _
--==~.-r.l V ~~
NOV ~ 31999
Dept, of Natural Resources
TOTAt_ P.02
inffice of Water Resources
C ~~ ~ ~ c~arJ
DATE: ~~/?Ju/9~
524 South Second Street. Springfield 62701-1787 George H. Ryan, Governor ~ Brent Manning, atrector
' ~ •~ `~~ ''~~ ~ '~~PERMIT~NOTREQUIRED: NOTIFICATION' LETTER`''• ~~- ~: •~` ~~ • ••
Thank you for the recent submittal regarding the project as shown on the enclosed copy of your submittal.
Based on our review of the information you provided and in accordance with the Rivers, Lakes and
Streams Act [615 ILCS 5J, a Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources permit will not
be required for this work because:
(]~ The Department does not have jurisdiction over streams with drainage areas of less than vne
`'~`'' square mile in an urban area, or ten square miles in a rural area. The site of the work is located
where the drainage area is below these jurisdictional limits.
^ The Department does not have regulatory authority over activities outside the floodway of
jurisdictional streams. The rioodway is the portion of the floodplain that must remain open and
unrestricted to cant' flood flows. While the construction site is located outside the floodway, it
appears to be located in the floodplain. The work may, therefore, be subject to flood risk.
The Department does not have jurisdiction over construction on non-public lakes in which the
^ project would not impact the dam, traverse the lake or impact the flood carrying capacity of the
stream(s) that feed the lake.
The Department does not have jurisdiction over Class 111 (low hazard) dams which meet all of the
^ following criteria: a dam height of less than 25 feet; an impounding capacity of less than 50 acre-
feet (calculated at the top of dam); and a drainage area of less than ten square miles in a rural
area, or one square mile in an urban area.
If modifications are proposed to the dam, this office should be contacted for a determination of
permit applicability prior to initiation of construction. Also, future changes in downstream land use
could change the hazard classification making a permit and dam modification necessary.
The proposed activity is considered routine maintenance or repair work and is exempt from the
^ Department's permit requirements.
If you have any questions or comments concerning the above determina on, please Fee! free to contact
the person noted below at 217882-3863. This letter is not to be construed as a release from any other
federal, state or focal laws or r ou should Icontactothe UnS IAemy C rps o Engineers and the olcal and if
you have not already done so, y
regulatory authority to ascertain applicable federal and local requirements.
^ Rod Johnson ^ Scott Arends ^ Mike Diedrichsen
^ Kimberly Gibson ^ Mark McCauley ~-9ennis Kennedy
~U. S. Army s of Engineers ~~'y'~ Dist. w/encl.
(~-Illinois Environmental Protection Agency w/encl.
IDNR/OREP (Robert Schanzle) w/encl.
^ Local Office w/encl.
-Agent ~S~~~c~t,.+ ti-z~.,~ ~ ~ ~,_._ w/encl.
(pranced on recrcfed and recyGaDle pacer!
i-tT TO
"`"`"«`~~ December 9, 1999
Regulatory Division
. .}
1'•'' ~ "~
Mr. Donald E. Edwards
City of Canton
210 East Chestnut
Canton, Illinois 61520
Dear Mr. Edwards:
~~i~ - ~ ~
MAURtR•S i UTZ, i~ IC.
Our office reviewed your application dated November 18,
1999, concerning the proposed water system improvements
project in Section 30, Township 7 North, Range 5 East,
Fulton County, Illinois.
Your project is covered under Item 12 of the enclosed
Fact Sheet No. 4(IL), provided you meet the permit
conditions for the nationwide permits which are also
included in the Fact Sheet. We based this determination on
the information furnished us. The Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency (IEPA) also issued Section 401 Water
Quality Certification with conditions for this nationwide
permit. Please note these additional conditions included in
the Fact Sheet. You must also comply with these conditions.
Fulton County is within the known breeding range of the.
federally endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis). The
Corps has made a determination of no impact on federally
threatened and endangered species provided all tree clearing
activities .occur outside the bat's breeding season which
extends from April 1 to September 30.
This verification is valid for two years from the date
of this letter unless the nationwide permit is modified,
reissued, or revoked. It is your responsibility to remain
informed of changes to the nationwide permit program. A
public notice announcing any changes will be issued if and
when they occur. If the activity is not undertaken within
the two year period, or the project specifications have
changed, you must immediately notify this office to
determine the need for further approval or reverification.
r_ ..
r..-. , ,
-/a /.~'!
Y ~ l~
Although an individual Department of the Army permit and
individual IEPA 401 certification will not be required for
the project, this does not eliminate the requirement that
you must still acquire other applicable Federal, state, and
local permits.
You are required to complete and return the enclosed
"Completed Work Certification" upon completion of your
project, in accordance with General Condition No. 14 of
the enclosed Fact Sheet.
Should you have
Regulatory Division
any questions, please contact our
by letter, or telephone me at
~~ . ~~
Gene W. Walsh
Project Manager
Enforcement Branch
Copies Furnished:
Mr. Bob Dalton
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Lincoln Tower Plaza, 524 South Second Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1787 (w/o enclosures)
Mr. Bruce Yurdin
Manager, Permit Section #15
Watershed Management Section
Illinois Er^_~: i ror_*:~en*_31 Pret=ctio*~.
1021 North Grand Avenue East
Post Office Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
U.S. Army Corps of
Illinois Waterway
257 Grant Street
Peoria, Illinois
Project Office
(w/o enclosures)
61603 (w/o enclosures)
~ ~-
P[otc:Ct [', *..; ~f :~iaai~ ~;:::r~~;,jects
" x.,17-1594 Parent Prn,jectl - "
~herers. gpplication provisions far loans from :he Pablic: Water ,$uppiy Loan t':oLrarrt Hof ..
construction of public water supply t'aciiities require chat the r i tY _
authorize z representau~'c :o stLn ti:c loan application forms and
~ntnn Ot
--+'~~T-6 e d n e i l
Supporting documents: }hereiore. 5e it resolved ~' the r ~ ~s hereav authorized to sign
the C i ~ of anton C113t
ail loan appiicauon forms and documents.
Rzso«~ed ti:is 17th day of October ~2UQQ,
" Donald E. Edwards ~~
Title: Mayor %~~>~r ~~-~-~
~" (Mayor. Village President. etc.)
Czrtitied to be a true and accurate copy'. Passed and adopted on the aflove date.
N cy S. hires
Title: C i tv Clerk
(CIerlc. Secsetnry, etc.1