HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #3043 - levying and assessing taxes for corporate purposes beginning May 1, 2013 and ending April 30, 2014 Prepared by: The City of Canton DEC 2 6 2013 Diana Pavley-Rock 2 North Main Street Canton I161520 �� Return to: The City of Canton OU NTY CLERK Diar►a Pavley-Rock FULTON COUNTY, IL. 2 North Main Street Canton II 61520 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) CITY OF CANTON, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON.) I Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances, and other books, record and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy o£ Ordinance#3043 An ordinance levying and assessing taxes for corporate purposes of the City of Canton, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1,2013 and ending Apri130,2014 Adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 17th day of December 2013. WITNESS my hand and the Corporate Seal of the City of Canton, Illinois this 17th day of December 2013. t� � ' na Pavley-Rock ity Clerk (SEAL) , Prepared by: The City of Canton Diana Pavley-Rock 2 North Main Street Canton 1161520 Return to: The City of Canton Diana Pavley-Rock 2 North Main Street Canton II 61520 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) CITY OF CANTON, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON.) I Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances, and other books, record and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy o£ Ordinance#3043 An ordinance levying and assessing taxes for corporate purposes of the City of Canton, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1,2013 and ending Apri130,2014 Adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 17tn day of December 2013. WITNESS my hand and the Corporate Seal of the City of Canton, Illinois this 17th day of December 2013. � c� ,� ' na Pavley-Rock ity Clerk (SEAL) Ordinance#3043 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1 2013 ENDING APRIL 30 2014. WHEREAS on Au ust 20th 2013 the Ci Council of the Ci of Canton Illinois assed the Amended Bud et Ordinance of the Ci of Canton, Illinois for the fiscal ear be innin Ma 1 2073,and endin A ril 30 2014 in the amount of$27 590 156.00 which Ordinance was a roved b the Ma or and Ci Council on Au ust 20 2013,and which Ordinance was ublished in am hlet form and osted at the Ci Buildin 2 N.Main Street Canton illinois. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the total amount of bud et for all cor orate ur oses le ail made to be collected from the tax le of the current fiscal ear is hereb ascertained to the sum of$27,590,156.00. SECTION 2: That the sum of$2 199 046.00 bein art of the total bud et heretofore le all made which are to be collected from the tax le of the current fiscal ear of the Ci of Canton for all cor orate ur oses of said Ci of Canton be and the same is hereb levied u on all of the taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton sub'ect to taxation for the current ear for the followin s ecified ur oses: Total Bud et Amt.to be raised Amt.to be raised CITY ADMINISTRATION from other sources from tax le A tax not to exceed .25%of the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of IL on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton, Illinois. PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 342 199 HEALTH INSURANCE incl. retirees 348 441 20%EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -20,045 WELLNESS PROGRAM 1 050 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 671,645 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES UTILITIES 41 000 TRAVEL 5,600 TRAINING 4,850 POSTAGE 3 000 ADVERTISING 1,500 ACCOUNTING SERVICES 500 ENGINEERING SERVICES 52 500 LEGAL SERVICES 75,000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,000 DUES 6 300 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59 376 PLANNING 8 ZONING CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50 400 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 245 026 COMMODITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 71 700 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1 700 OTHER SUPPLIES 600 TOTAL COMMODITIES 74 000 OTHER OPERATING EXP. INTEREST EXPENSE 300 FIREWORKS EXPENSE 11,200 VOLUNTEER WORKS 2 500 � TRANSFERS-GREENWOOD 58,962 TRANSFERS-CIVIL DEFENSE 3,600 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 3 500 SPOON RIVER ECONOMIC DEVE. 45,000 POLICE&FIRE COMMISSION EXPENSES 9,000 DEMOLITION EXPENSES 30 000 HHS LOAN 40 000 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING EXPENSE 204,062 CAPITAL OUTLAY SIDEWALK PROGRAM 14 500 EQUIPMENT&IMPROVEMENTS 109 000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 123,500 TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATION 1,258 233 1 258 233 0 POLICE PROTECTION FUND A tax not to exceed .75%of the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of IL on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton, IL PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 1 923,684 HEALTH INSURANCE 433 486 20%EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -84 272 WELLNESS PROGRAM 9,824 PEHP PLAN 27,415 PENSION 285 696 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERV. 2,595,833 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 21 965 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 70 840 UTILITIES 8 000 TELEPHONE 9 840 TRAVEL 6 150 TRAINING 19 726 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 35 853 DUES 1 705 OTHER CONTRACTUAL-ADVERTISING 200 OTHER CONTRACTUAL-PRINTING 1,550 OTHER CONTRACTUAL-SUBS 405 OTHER CONTRACTUAL-MISC 4 942 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 120,576 COMMODITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 4 240 MOTOR FUELS 83,125 OPERATING SUPPLIES 18 740 UNIFORMS 3 823 PUBLICATIONS 7 000 OTHER SUPPLIES 4 200 TOTAL COMMODITIES 115,128 CAPITAL OUTLAY VEHICLES 45,000 EQUIPMENT 10 000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 55,000 TOTAL POLICE PROTECTION FUND 2 886 537 2,803 537 83 000 z FIRE PROTECTION FUND A tax not to exceed .15%of the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of IL on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton, IL PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 7 227,479 HEALTH INSURANCE 280,945 20%EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -56 189 WELLNESS PROGRAM 2 812 PENSION 593 270 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 2 048 317 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE-BUILDING 2 720 MAINTENANCE 25,565 UTILITIES 21,760 TRAINING/TRAVEL 11 615 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 8 313 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 69 973 COMMODITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,550 GAS-OIL 19 629 OPERATING SUPPLIES 18,327 UNIFORMS 5 370 OTHER SUPPLIES 400 TOTAL COMMODITIES 47 276 CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIPMENT 23 000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 23,000 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND 2,188 566 2 028 228 160 338 OTHER PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY LAW STREET DEPARTMENT A tax not to exceed .06%of the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Iilinois on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois lus a 3/4 vote of the members elected an additional .04%of said taxable ro e as rovided b Section 22-81-1 Cha ter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes. PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 372 772 HEALTH INSURANCE 87 828 20%EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -17 566 WELLNESS PROGRAM 1 800 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERV. 444 834 CONTRACTUALSERVICES MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 17,000 MAINTENANCE-TREE 10,500 UTILITIES 7 000 STREET LIGHTING 85,000 RENTAL 5,000 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 10 500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 135 000 3 COMMODITIES GAS-OIL 68 650 OPERATING SUPPLIES 112,000 OTHER SUPPLIES 3 000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 183,650 CAPITAL OUTLAY VEHICLES 27 500 EQUIPMENT 51 400 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 78 900 TOTAL FOR STREET DEPT 842 384 842 384 0 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND A tax not to exceed .20%of the full cash value,as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois ursuant to Ord. No.35 assed Ma 20 1947 authorizin the establishment and maintenance of a s stem for the collection and dis osal of arba e. PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 210 904 HEALTH INSURANCE 66,571 20%EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -13 315 WELLNESS PROGRAM 800 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 264 960 CONTRACTUALSERVICES MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 14 000 LANDFILL FEES 201,600 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 3 000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 218,600 COMMODITIES GAS-OIL 57 590 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 13 500 TOTAL COMMODITIES 71 090 CAPITAL OUTLAY VEHICLES De reciation Account Monies 275,000 EQUIPMENT p TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 275 000 TOTAL FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND 829 650 829 650 0 BUILDINGS�GROUNDS DEPT PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 117 905 HEALTH INSURANCE 30,805 20%EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. -6,167 WELLNESS PROGRAM 400 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 742 949 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE-BUILDING 13,500 MAINTENANCE-VEHICLES 500 MAINTENANCE-EQUIPMENT 500 UTILITIES 3 500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 18 000 COMMODITIES a GAS-OIL 2 535 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 25 000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 27,535 CAPITAL OUTLAY p TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL-BUILDING 8 GROUNDS 188 484 788,484 0 TOTALEXPENSES-CEMETERY A tax not to exceed .025%of the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Iliinois. 53 520 27 520 26 000 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND A tax not to exceed .025%of the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on ail taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois. 3 600 0 3 600 TOURISM FUND 53,195 53 195 0 IMRF FUND A tax on the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on ail taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois which will roduce the sum of: 576 000 76 000 500 000 SOCIAL SECURITY&MEDICARE A tax on the fuli cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on ali taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois which will roduce the sum of: 213 034 33,034 180 000 TECHNICAL RESCUE FUND 1,600 1 600 0 WORKING CASH FUND A tax not to exceed .05%of the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Iilinois. 0 0 0 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 70 660 70 660 0 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND A tax on the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois which will roduce the sum of: 208 275 13 275 195 000 K-9 FUND 400 400 0 AUDIT FUND A tax on the full cash value,as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois which wiil roduce the sum of: 24 600 600 24,000 UNEMPLOYMENTFUND A tax on the full cash value as e ualized or assessed s i b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois which will roduce the sum of: 2,500 -7 500 10 000 GAMING LAW ENFORCEMENT 3 300 3,300 0 WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND A tax on the full cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois which will roduce the sum of: 244 727 24,127 220 000 DUI FUND 7,850 1 850 0 VEHICLE FUND 5 000 5,000 0 ARTICLE 36 SEIZURES FUND 12 12 0 NON-FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUND 5 000 5,000 0 BONDING FEES FUND 6,000 6 000 0 FIRE PENSION-FUND 25 A tax on the fuil cash value as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois which will roduce the sum of: 960,000 418,590 541 410 POLICE PENSION-FUND 26 A tax on the full cash value,as e ualized or assessed b the De artment of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxabie ro e in the Ci of Canton Illinois which will roduce the sum of: 875,000 619 302 255,698 WATER 8 SEWER FUND 8 459 727 8,459 727 0 MFT FUND 1 551,000 1 551,000 0 TIF 1 FUND 3 200 000 3 200 000 0 TIF 2 FUND 1 230 000 1 230 000 0 LAKE DEVELOPMENT FUND 86 195 86 195 0 CONTINGENCY FUND-ENTIRE BUDGET ORDINANCE 6% 1,561 707 1,561 707 0 GRAND TOTAL ALL PURPOSES 27,590 156 25 391 110 2 199 046 RECAPITULATION The followin are the total taxes to be levied. General Cor orate Fund $0 Illinois Munici al Retirement Fund $500 000 Fire Protection $160 338 Fire Pension Fund $541 410 Police Protection $83 000 Police Pension Fund $255 698 Cemete $26 000 Audit $24 000 Liabili Insurance $195 000 Civil Defense $3 600 Social Securi $180 000 s Unem lo ment $10 000 Worker's Com ensation $220 000 Ci Share Road&Brid e $p Workin Cash Fund p TOTAL $2 199 046 SECTION 3: That the total amount of$2 199 046.00 ascertained as aforesaid be and the same is hereb levied and assessed on all ro e to taxation within the Ci of Canton accordin to the value of said ro e as the same is assessed and e ualized for State and Coun ur oses for the current ear. SECTION 4: That the Ci Clerk of the Ci of Canton Illinois is hereb ordered and directed to file with the Coun Clerk of Fulton Coun IL a certified co of this Ordinance on or before the time re uired b law. SECTION 5: That in the event that a court of com etent'urisdiction should hereafter determine that one or more of the rovisions of this Ordinance are invalid or unconstitutional,the remainder of this Ordinance and each and eve other clause and rovision hereof,shall be and remain in full force and effect as thou h the invalid or unconstitutional rovision had never been a art of this Ordinance. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediatel u on its assa e b the Ci Council and a roved b the Ma or thereof. PASSED b the Ci Council of the Ci of Canton Fulton Coun , Illinois at a re ular meetin this 17th da of December 2013, u on a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Aldermen Pasle Lovell, Ellis Justin Nelson, Pickel Jim Nelson Putrich,West NAYS: None ABSENT: None APPROVED: i ATTEST: Jeffre A. Fri� Ma or ;'� Diana Pavle ock Ci Clerk �