HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #3033 - lease of municipally owned real property; lot #22 lakewind addition ORDINANCE NO. 3033
WHEREAS,the City of Canton owns the following described real property:
Lot number Twenty-two (22) in Waveland Addition (also known as Lake Wind Addition) to
Lake Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, situated in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois.
Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot number Twenty-two (22) in Waveland Addition
(also known as Lake Wind Addition) thence East One Hundred Ninety-five (195) feet, thence
South Fifty (50) feet more or less to a point on the east side of the lane leading to the cul-de-sac
platted in the middle of Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 in Waveland Addition, thence West One
Hundred Ninety-five (195) feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 22 in Waveland Addition, thence
North Fifty (50) feet along the East lot line of Lot 22 to the point of beginning.
which property is generally located at 25899 N. Weldons Road, Canton, Illinois, and is currently
used as residential real property; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton has determined that it is in the best interest
of the City of Canton that it enter into a amendment of a prior lake lot lease previously entered
into by the Municipality in the format attached hereto as Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 11-76-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-76-2,
notice has been given of the proposal to lease such real estate, said notice having first been
published on October _, 2013, and having been published at least once in the Canton Daily
Ledger, a newspaper published in the county in which the municipality is located, not less than
15 nor more than 30 days before the date on which it is proposed to adopt this Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to said notice, this Ordinance was adopted at the regular meeting of the
City Council held on November 19, 2013 ; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the best interests of the City of Canton
and its residents will be served by the approval of the above-referenced Amendment to Lake Lot
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton
County, Illinois, as follows:
SECTION ONE: The City Council finds as facts the recitals hereinabove set forth.
hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Canton for the lease of the following
described real estate:
Lot number Twenty-two (22) in Waveland Addition (also known as Lake Wind Addition) to
Lake Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, situated in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois.
Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot number Twenty-two (22) in Waveland Addition
(also known as Lake Wind Addition) thence East One Hundred Ninety-five (195) feet, thence
South Fifty (50) feet more or less to a point on the east side of the lane leading to the cul-de-sac
platted in the middle of Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 in Waveland Addition, thence West One
Hundred Ninety-five (195) feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 22 in Waveland Addition, thence
North Fifty (50) feet along the East lot line of Lot 22 to the point of beginning.
SECTION THREE: The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sign and the City Clerk is
hereby authorized and directed to attest an AMENDMENT TO LAKE LOT LEASE of the
aforesaid real estate, which Amended Lease shall be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.
SECTION FOUR: The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to enter into the aforesaid
AMENDMENT TO LAKE LOT LEASE and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to
acknowledge and attest such AMENDMENT TO LAKE LOT LEASE and to affix thereto the
seal of the City of Canton.
SECTION FIVE: The City President and the Clerk are hereby authorized, respectively, to
execute and attest such other documents as may be necessary to the conveyance herein
SECTION SIX: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, by a
vote of at least three fourths of the corporate authorities now holding office, and approval in the
manner provided by law.
PASSED THIS 19 DAY OF November, 2013.
AYES: Aldermen Pasley, Lovell, Ellis,Justin Nelson, Pickel,Jim Nelson,Putrich,
APPROVED THIS 19 DAY OF_November, 2013.
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Johnson&Johnson, P.C.
212 E.Chestnut Street }�ECORAEP pl�
Canton, IL 61520 3�/�=/��13 @9:Q13:?9A}!
REG AEE: 5Rl.00
Pertaining to real estate legally described,to-wit;
Lot itumber Twenty-two {22) in Waveland Additian (also known as Lal:e Wind
Addition)to Lal:e Canton, Ptilton County,111inois, situated in ti�e Colinty of Pulton
and State of Illinois.
P1N: 10-09-30-205-001
�1ND ALSO Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot number Twenty-two(22)
in ��aveland tlddition (also known as Lake Wind Addition) thence �ast One
IILUldred Ninety-five(195) feet,thence Sout11 Fifty(�0) feet more or less to a point
on the cast sicie of the lane leading to tl�e cuE-de-sac platted in the middle of Lots 23,
24,25.26,27,and 28 in Waveland Addition,thence West One Hundred Ninety-five
(19�)feet to the Soutl�east corner of Lot 22 in WaY�eland Addition,thence Norch f-ifTy
(50) feet along the East lot lizle of Lot 22 to the point of beginniiig.
PIN: 10-09-�0-100-003 (pax•t)
Cammon Address: 25399�Iorth Weldon Ra�d, Canton, IL 61520
f � �
For goad and valuable consideration this Amendment is made on the day and year last
written, to a certain Lakeshore Lease by and between tlle City of Ca�iton, an Illinois inunicipal
corporation and MICHAEL S. MANSFI�LD dated the 30`�' of Jiu�e, 1999, recorded as Document
#99-98596 upon the Land Records of Pulton County,Illinois,foc the fol lo��vinb described real estate:
Lot number Twenty-two {22) in Waveland Addition (also lcnawn as Lake Wind
Addition}to Lalce Canton, Pultoil County, Illinois, situated in the County of Fulton
and State of Illinois.
The above-referenced Lakeshore Lease is hereUy aFnended as fallows:
l. NANCY S. CRAWLEY is hereby added as the joint tenant of MICHA�L S.
MANSPIELD (hereinafter"Custodians") upon said Lakesi�ore Lease and agrees to
be bound by tI�e terms of both the original Lakesliore Lease and this Amendment.
2. Paragraph 12 '/� of said Lakeshore Lease states:
It is further undersCood and agreed by and between the
parties hereto that the Custodian shall construct aiid
maintain a roadway or roadways in accord with the
said recorded plat at his own expense, or with other
Custodians of neighboring premises.
Pu�•suant to sucl�provision,the Custodians hereui�der and their predecessors in title
(Gifford C. Loomer(March 1, 1962- July 14, 1975); Charles J. Schwalm& Linda
L. Schwalm (July 14, 1975 - August 2, 1979); Bill L. Lindsey, Jr. & Donna L.
Lindsey(August 2, 1979 - Apri127, 1992); and Robert E. Wierman and Viigina C.
Wierman(April 27, 1992-June 30, 1999),built,constructed a�id inaintained a gravel
driveway providing access to the subject paz•cel wllich provided tlie sole access to the
above-referenced parcel of real property. f1 drawing of said gravel driveway is
attaclled hereto as Eahibit A and is located upon land owned by the City of Canton.
3. An implied term of the aforemeutioned Lakeshore Lease dated the 30'h of June, 1999,
recorded as Document#99-98�96 was fihat the Custodians shall have an easement
iinplied by preeYisting use over the driveway depicted in E�hibit A.
4. On or abaut September 3, 1999,the City of Canton entered into an Amendment to
Lake Lot Lease with the Custodian's neighbor,PAUL R.GRAVES,amending such
neighbor's lease to add the fo(lowing parcel to his lease:
Beainning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 21 in
Lake Wind Addition,thence East One Hundred Five
(105)feet,thence South Seventy-five(7�)feet,thence
West One Hu�ldred Five (l05} feet, thence North
Seventy-Five (7�) feet to the Place aPBegiunia�g.
( t �
5. The driveway depicted on EYhibit A crosses the parcel referenced in paragraph 4
above. The Custodians contiz�ued to use such driveway without incident until
approximately Api•i123, 2013.
6. As the cights of the Custodians to the use of the existing driveway for access to their
leased premises had already vested prior to execution of the aforementio��ed
Amendment to Pf1UL R. GRAVES' Lot Le1se, it is impossible that the granting of
such Amendment by the City of Canton would extinguish the existing implied
easement held by the Custodians pursuai7t to their lease.
7. The City of Canton aff rniatively states t11at fi•om June 30, 1999,throtigh tl�e date of
this Amendment,the Custodians herein held an easement over the City of Canton's
property, including the parcel referenced in paragraph 4, supra, for access to Lot
number TwEnty-two(22)in Waveland Addition{also known as Lake Wind Addition)
to Lake Canton, Pulton County, Illinois, situated in tl�e County of F'ulton and State
of Iltinois.
8. Conflict has arisen between the GRAVES,Lessors of Lot 21 and tl�e parcel described
in parabraph 4,su ra,over the continued use of the driveway depicted in Exhibit A
by the Custodians.
). The Custodians have constructed an alternate access over other land owned by the
City of Canton and are willing to abandon the easement over the d�•iveway depicted
in Eahibit A i�i exchange for tl�e Amendments set foi�th herein. By agreement,such
easement is discontinued upon e�ecution of this Amendment.
l0. The Custodians' Lakeshore Lease is hereby amended to include the following real
estate within tlie premises demised in said Lease:
B�binninb at the Northeast corner of said Lot number Twenty-two
(22} in Waveland Addition (also known as Lalce Wind Addition)
thence East One Hundreci Ninety-five (195)feet, thence South Fifty
{50)feet more or less to a point an the east side of the lane leading to
t11e cul-de-sac�latted in the middle of Lots 2�,24,25,26,27,and 28
in Waveland Flddition,thence West 4ne Hundred Ninety-fve(195)
feet to tl�e SoutiZeast corner of Lot 22 in Waveland Addition,thence
North Fifty (50) feet�long the East lot line of Lot 22 to the point of
11. This Amendmem shall be subject to the implied easements of the lessors of Lots 23,
24, 25, 2G, 27, and 28 of Lake Wind Addition to travel over the existing gravel
driveways depicted in�xhibit B for access to their premises over the parcel described
in �aragraph 10.
12. 1�'h�.City of Canton specifical ly�rants tlle Custadia.ns the ribl�at to cons�ruct a privacy
fence c�r other Fence a(ong the botmda�y line bet«,�een l...ots 21 and 2?and l�c;t�veen thc;
parcel id�;nti�fied i�� par��rapl� � a�1c1 tJ�e p�rc�l clescril�ed in pal•a��ca�7h 10, ar�d
specifically states that it does not �rant PAt1L R. GKf'�VL:S, ROSE C;R!�VES, �r
their� successors ir� i�Iterest arly easem�nt or t•ight o�t�use c�t• access tc7 the prei��is�s
desci�ibed i�� par�igra��h 10 above.
1�. f'xhibit B att�ched Ilereta de}�icts the rectangular are;a added to the Custadians'legal
c��scriptioll, as �,�•cll as the cxisting coads �ver the City of C��nton's adjac��it l�nc�s
iised 1�:br access tc� Lr�t 20, 22, 2>, ?4,25, 2C,2'1, and 2�. T�a�void future conf�us�ioY�
and conflict, the C'cistodians yuit claim ia the City c�fi Canton 3ny futtu'e claim to
eas�nae�it �x-use of the parcel cl�scl•ibed in par����apl� 4, su�ra. "I`h� City of'Cai�COn
confirms thc rigllt e�f lessc�l•s of Lots 20, 2?, 23, 24. ?5, 26, 27, and 2� foi•access to
iheir parcels ��vei-�the existi�lg�t•oads re�l�erea�ced t�y cross-haCchin�in�Exhil�it T3.
14. 7`he City En�ineer•s sh�111 locate�t1ci i��ark the bo�indary bet4veen Le�ts 2l ancl 22 and
tlle pa�rcels desc�•ibccl ir� para�ra�hs 4 and 1�)l�lerein 1�or rei��erence.
1 a. All ather terms and cc�nditio��s oFtlie C'ristociians' original L,e�se, inciudi���,bt�t�.lc�t
lirnitcd to thc term therec�f sha11 ��ppty to this Amendment.
l 6. `I'l�ere shall be additic��la1 ��ent in t17e �uaic?unt of�$25.�0 pea•ytzir for tllis �1a�i�end�tle.nt
in ��dditic�n to th�current �72�.00 r��n��l�al lot rerrt.
I�1 �a�itnetis w�h�re�of, anc� in thc e�se c�1' Cl�e City, by aytl�ority oP t�� C�C�y Cou�lcil, ihis
�'1»�G���dmealt 10 i �lse iti cxecuted a� C`antot�,�Illinois c�n this �/�'"c��ty of �i+��t+��a�,2d13.
C)I::1'AR"C'MT;N�I'(�I�' I_AK�::D1:V1:�I,C)PM1;N'T
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l�%lic(7a�� �S. M�insfiel� �I:.e��e�ICustodia�l —_.-.--
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N����nc�� S. C:��•��vl�.��, Lessee/Clistc�diai�
ST.�"[��1� Ol�� II_,l_,IN(�I� j
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C'i�[IN�I��' OI�' 1�UI.."TON j
I. th� uncl�.csi�„ned, a Notary Public in and ic�a•said Cc�GU�ty in the State aCoresaid, do hereby
certify�tl��it.icfti�,y 1�"ritz,M��yar ai�d Diana i'avlcy, C�ty Clerk,and �'��i� ��v��jl
C'hairman of I.,��l:e I)evclopme»t Committee,ol�t�lle C'ity nt�Cat�tc�n,Illi���c�is.pc��-sonall}�k.nc�wiz t�ii�e
io be th�sam�persoals and stiich ofticers,respecti��ely.«hose names are subscribed to ihe foregoing
instrun7ent, a��p�ar�d b�foci mc this day in �crson and sevet•all��� ackno���l�ci�;cci th.at they signeci,
s�alcd a��d c�el�ivcrcd tl�c s�aid inst��um�t�t as the fi•ee a�1d voluilt�ry act c�f the said Cit.y, far the uses
an�i purposes �herein set �ti�rth, E�rirsu�ant 2c> duc auth��rity co.n�(�crred by i�ts C;��uncil.
C�ivcn under i1��r l��ii�cl and notarial seal, this � cl�� *'��` ��'���+� , 2013.
� "nC � ►�IAL SEAL" _..--- �/� �
� An � -;��ca W Johnson ..�.__...___.__�.___
No;�, : t;c,State of U��nois Nt�tar}�i'ubl' ,
My Corr��nession Expires 9130/2Q15 �-°- "�
5"I�A I'f� OF� I[_LINUIS }
j SS
CO[..'N"I�Y OE� I'l;L'I�O1� )
i, tlae undersi�,�n�d, a Notary I'�ublic in an�i for saicl Co�rnty in the State�faresai�l, do herel�y
c�rti�fy that h�1IC'I I��LL S. N1,�1NSl�IELV and N nN�CY S. CF�VIrLGY, personally know�n tc�ine tc�
bc th�san�e�7erso��s whc�s�names are subscribecl the ic�regi�ing instruinent,appcarcd bc;fore�nc this
da�'in pci•sorl atld scverally�aekizowledg�cl tllat they si�n�ci,seal�d and delivered�the said instru�me��t
as th�ir �f�rce and ��oluntary act for the t�i�es anci ptu-�oses th.erein sct� f�:orth.
Given t�ulder�»y hand and notar•ial �eal, this �� d�ty� af ���`��� _, 20l i.
� A,_.�r�-�v��� W Johnsan �-�
� t .±�::y r ��•i��.', State of lilinais
My l,orr�miss�on Expires 9i30/2015
Notarv Pu"lic
1'repared l�y ancl ret�urn to:
Jol�nsc�n & ,if�hnsoi�, P.C'.
?12 L;. Chestnut Strec.t
Cantt>i�, lI,t>l�?0
(3C)r)} G�7-�}?00
For good and valuabie consideration this Atnendn�ent is made on the day ai�d year last
written, to a certain Lalceshore Lease by and between the City of Canton, an Illinois municipai
corporation ai�d MICHACL S. MANSFIELD dated tlie 30"' of Tune, 1999, recorded as Document
#99-98596 upon tl�e Land Recards of Fulton Cotulty,Illinois,forthe followin�described real estate:
Lot number Twenty-two (22) in Waveland Addition (also known as Lake Wind
Addition)to Lake Ca�aton,P�.itton Cou��ty, Illinois, situated in the County of Fulton
and Statc of Illinois.
Tl�e above-referenced Lakeshoce Lease is hereby a►nended as follows:
1. NANCY S. CRAWLEY is heceby added as t(�e jaint tenant oF MICHAEL S.
MANSFI�LD(hereinafter"Custodians") upon said Lakeshore Lease and agrees to
be bound by the terms of both the original L�lceshore Lease and this Ainendment.
2. Paragrapi7 12 %of said Lakeshore Lease states:
It is fiu-ther understoad and agreed by and between the
parties hereto that the Custodian shall construct and
maintain a roadway or raadways in accord with the
said recorded plat at his own expei�se, or with other
Custodians of neighboTllla premises.
Pursuanf to such provisian, the Custodians hereunder and their predecessors in title
(Gifford C. Loomer (March l, 1962 - July 14, 1975); Charles J. Schwalm &Linda
L. Schwalm (Jt�ly 14, 1975 - flugust ?, 1979); Bil] L. Lindsey, Jr. & Donna L.
Lindsey(August 2, 1979 -April 27, 1992}; and Robert E. Wierman and Virgina C.
Wierman(April 27, 1992-June 30, 1999),built,constructed and maialtai��ed a gravel
driveway providing access to the subj ect parcel which provided the sole access to the
above-referenced parcel of real property. A drawing of said gravel driveway is
attached hereto as Exl�ihit A and is located uUon land owned by the Ciiy of Canton.
3. An implied term of the aforementioned Lakesho�•e Lease dated the 30'�'of June, 1999,
recorded as Document #99-98596 was that the Custodians shali have an easement
impiied by pcee;cisting use over the driveway depicted in Exhibit A.
4. 4n or about September 3, 1999, the City of Canton entered into an Amendment to
Lake Lot Lease wi#11 the Custodian's neighbor,PAUL R. GRAVES,amending such
neighbor's lease to add the following parcel to his lease:
Beginning afi the Northeast cornei• of said Lot 21 ii�
Lake Wind Addition,thence East One Hundred Five
{105)feet,thence South Seventy-five(75)feet,thence
West One Hundred Five (]OS) feefi, thence North
Seventy-Five (75}feet to the Place of Beginning.
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