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Resolution #3583
Illinois Department of Transportation ~k3583 Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways By Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code #234-01049 City of Canton Section 01-00000-00-GM BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the (Council or President and Board of Trustees) City of Canton ,Illinois, that there is hereby (Gifu, Town or Village) (Name) appropriated the sum of X280.000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department , a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of transportation, at Peoria ,Illinois. 1, Mrs_ Nancv Whites Clerk in and for the City (City, Town or Village) of Canton ,County of Fulton hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Council at a meeting on Jtme 19 , 2001 (Council or President and Board of Trustees) Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day of A.D. 2001 Jtme ~;. ~' ~ , ~ ~~ ~ (SEAL) ~'!(-~i'-~ ~ l~"i~ r~~~ ~~ ~ ~1~ Clerk (City, Town o Village) APPROVED Date Department of Transportation District Engineer BLR 4123 (Rev. 12J97) Illinois Department of Transporation Period from January 1, 2001 to December 31,2001 Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operation Maintenance O eration Material, E ui mentor Labor Operation No.-Descri iton-Total Quanti Item and S ecification Reference Quanti Unit Unit Cost Amount Cost ' Fee Grou CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 1.Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat IV Bituminous Materials Prime Coat 4,574 Gal $1.20 $5,488.80 45,739 S .Yd. Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat Mod 2,564 on $46.50 $119,226.00 $124,714.80 2. Bituminous Resurfacin 1 1/2" IV Bituminous Materials Prime Coat 1,874 Gals. $1.20 $2,248.80 12,491S . Yd. Bituminous Mixture Com lete Mod. 11/2" 1,050 on $45.00 $47,250.00 549,498.80 3. Mill & Bituminous Resurfacin 1-1/2" IV Bituminous Materials Prime Coat 925 Gals. 51.20 $1,110.00 6,170 SQ.YD. Bituminous Mixture Com lete Mod. 11/2" 519 on $45.00 $23,355.00 Bituminous Surface Removal Cold Mill 6170 S .Yd. 52.00 $12,340.00 $36,805.00 Sub-Total= 5211,018.60 GENERAL MAINTENANCE OPERATION 3. Street Swee in II Caro 7000 EI in Swee er Public 659 Hrs. $45.55 $30,017.45 $30,017.45 otal Maintenance = 5241,036.05 Prelimina En ineerin See BLR-4310 and attached sheet for Fee Schedule S9,740.91 Job No: 234-01049 Sec: 01-00000-00-GM Municipality: Canton Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs Total Estimated Maintenance Cost ~ 5250 776 96 Submitted ~ -.~ G) ' ,2001 Approved 2001 By Ma or Municipal Official _ Title District Engineer Submit Four (4) Copies to District Engineer BLR - 8202 (Rev. 5/90) CANTON 2001 MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING FEE Maintenance O eration Maintenance O eration Totals Totals Totals & Grou Fee Cost Grou II Grou III Grou IV 1. Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat (IV) $124,714.80 $124,714.80 45,739 S .Yd. .Bituminous Resurfacin 1 !/2" IV $49,498.80 $49,498.80 (12,739 Sq.Yd.) 3. Mill & Bituminous Resurfacin 1-1/2 IV $36,805.00 $36,805.00 6,170 SQ.YD. ENERAL MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS . Street Sw~~ (I~ $30,017.45 $30,017.45 Bituminous Pro ortionin costs from other than MFT Funds. I Totals $30,017.45 ' $0.00 $211,018.60 I Base Fee $1,000.00 Grou I I = 1 % Of $30,017.45 $300.17 I Grou III = 3%Of $0.00 $ 0.00 Grou IV =4%Of $211,018.60 $8,440.74 I otal Fee $9,740.91 Can01 eng.wks 6/13/01 2:43 PM Illinois Department Maintenance Engineering to be - of Transportation Performed by a Consulting Engineer (to be attached to BLR 8202 or BLR 8205) #234-01049 City of Canton Section 01-00000-00-GM The services to be performed by the engineer, pertaining to the various items of work included in the estimated cost of maintenance operations (BLR 8202 or 8205), shall consist of the following: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING shall include: Investigation of the condition of the streets or highways for determination (in consultation with the local highway authority) of the maintenance operations to be included in the maintenance program; preparation of the maintenance resolution, estimate and proposal; attendance at meetings of the governing body as may reasonably be required; attendance at public letting; preparation of the contract or acceptance of proposal forms; and the preparation of the maintenance expenditure statement. ENGINEERING INSPECTION shall include: Furnishing the engineering field inspection (including preparation of payment estimates and/or checking material invoices) of those maintenance operations requiring professional on-site inspection, as opposed to those ordinary operations such as street sweeping, snow removal, tree trimming, crack filling, cleaning ditches and culverts, etc., which typically require no professional inspection. For furnishing preliminary engineering, the engineer will be paid a base fee PLUS a negotiated fee percentage. For furnishing engineering inspection the engineer will be paid a negotiated fee percentage. The negotiated preliminary engineering fee percentage for each group shown in the "Schedule of Fees" shall be applied to the total estimated costs of that group. The negotiated fee for engineering inspection for each group shall be applied to the total final cost of that group for the items which required engineering. (See reverse side for additional instructions). In no case shall this be construed to include supervision of contractor operations. SCHEDULE OF FEES Programs of $15,000 or Less Negotiated ($1,000 Maximum) Over $15,000 $1,000 Group Prelimina En ineerin En ineerin Ins ection Operation to be Acce table Fee % Ne otiated Fee % Acce table Fee % Ne otiated Fee % Ins ected, Etc. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° SIGNATURES By: Maurer-Stutz, Inc.; 6 East Elm; Canton, IL 61520 Local Agency Official Consulting Engineer Mayor By: Title Date ` `~\`5 ~ ~ ..,.~ ~., ~~~' o2-7f56 ~r ,~:~ = ~rro~-aruc ~: t7/G;r~= : r ~£ ~~%ri ~~LNCl7 ..~~. 8LR 4310 (Rev. 11/93) IL 494-0325 Group TYPICAL OPERATION WITHIN GROUP 1 ~ Non-engineering items; materials or services purchased without a proposal; i.e. electrical energy and expendable small tools. Routine day labor maintenance items, i.e. street sweeping, tree trimming or removal, mowing, ice and snow control, cleaning ditches, brush removal, traffic signal maintenance, lighting maintenance and purchases by a proposal of materials not directly incorporated into the work. Items requiring minimum preliminary engineering and no engineering inspection. Day labor maintenance items requiring material proposal. Items famished and spread or delivered to jobsite by material suppliers. Items requiring preliminary engineering and/or engineering inspection. IV Contract maintenance items performed by contractors. Items requiring preliminary engineering and/or engineering inspection. Notes: (1) The negotiated fee shall not exceed the acceptable fee percentage for each group and shall be negotiated based on the level of complexity involved. (2) PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING: The negotiated fee for each group shall be applied to the total estimated costs of those items in that group (excluding engineering cost). (3) ENGINEERING INSPECTION: To compute the estimated cost, the negotiated fee for each group shall be applied to the total estimated cost of those items in that group to be inspected. The actual fee paid shall be based on the final costs of those items in that group given field inspection by the Engineer. (4) Payment for maintenance engineering may be arranged.: (a) On the basis of base fees plus percentage fees not to exceed the fees listed, or ' (b) On the basis of the actual cost of services plus a specified percentage for overhead, or ` (c) On the basis of a lump sum fee. If method (b) or (c) is employed, the total engineering cost shall not be greater than the amount determined under method (a). (5) Ten percent of the total fee is to be withheld until such time as the expenditure statement is submitted and the final cost of inspected items is known. (6) Each maintenance operation shown on the "Estimate of Maintenance Costs" shall show the applicable engineering Group (I to IV) for which the operation applies. (7) Base fee applies only to preliminary engineering. W LL O ~_ F ¢ O QU W y ZO y O 2 N O Z F- m Z Z Q W a O W U ¢ Z F Z Q Q a v z s z w O U F Q: 0. 1 (1 m N N A O m O N N 0l N Of pN 8 OO N O O O O N10 ~ Of 0 1n 0 o1 0 O 7 t N 7 t O O t O O 1 N t f7 '1 C 0 D 8j t N 0 f p V 0 7 0 N 0 0 i pp A N M 0 a OD ! /l Q b y f 0 N N ~1 N A! ~ (( 'f N pp O A N[ N 9 N O R Nt PO dN 0 C7 ~ t0 N A f 01 t 01 O Ol 010 0 h t N 0 7 t ~-f t 0 71 O NC ~ NI 7 t ~ '1 ~ 07 A1 0 f A f1 f '11 O O n OI N A0 ~ O 0 mf O)f 0) D O O N O f N M O ~ Nt N 01 t O t aD "f O N ~ N N t ~ O U = O M N ~ N N M N M N N AN N N ~ N O M N1~ N N t0 N Nt N 0 N 1 N '~7 N N N yNj N N N N M N N N N N N N M p N N N{ N Oq N L ( '- n ~ O. ~ C7 $ 0 t0 f 0 0 0 Ntt 0 OO 0 N 0 N 0 0 N O 0 f0 0 0 1 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y 0 10 t 0 0 ON 0 N 0 N 0 m 0 O 0 N 0 O 0 GO 0 m m m Q U H O N 0 m P7 Pf A N Of Ql O1 1 P 01 N1 0 ~N tl70 ~ N N N N tG Pm ~-f7 ~ fG 1~ N ~ O1 O1 ~ N N A m' C'1 Q 0 O N ~ N OI N C'1 N P1 N ~ N V t N 0 ~ ^ ~ fD N N ~_ N N ~ m N N N N N N N N N N N $ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M N N N N N N Z k 1 0 m 1 N Pf 0 X1 0 0 01 f0 01 h1 0 ~ 00 aD 0 O N 0 A 0 R1 01n []Ol p 111 O I~ O N N t~ O tO O N 0 ~ V1 1~ 0 N 0 ~ V1 0 0 0f N D 10 f0 0 Q p ~O f0 10 0 N p S N (/l y UI = O N O 0 O T ~ N A Ol A N O 0 V N aD Ol 0 A 1")f~ N O Sj O M O pf0 V1N lO T af tO /'1 O N m O pp N tD 0 Of W W tO N N I~ !"1 P N m ~j h 0 h 1 1~ 0 h 1(7 l m C~ O 1~ O N 0 N N 1p ^ N N N r N N N N A ~ N w N M O w N h N N N w N N 0 N N N N N N ~ N w N w ^ w N w N w N N n N w m N N N N N ~ N T w !/I N Z 01 01 .- R O N N NP' f C7 1O h~ 0 aD N N < a0 ~ ~/1 a0 N t~f tO ~ ~ tp O 1~ O0 0 0 = O C O 0 0 N 0 0 19 N 0N N N ~N N 0 ~ t'1 f0 0 A N /O N UI Vl mm V1 y y f0 A N 1~ O N fV W ~ ~ ~ O 0 N Nf N N O ~ O m r'1 tO f0 0 N 0 Q' ( ~ O ~ m N m 0 t0 1~ e+f Q7 tp 0 t0 0 N V Q Q 0 O N N a0 A N Ff 0 , ~ f~ 0 N N t9 N 0 ~ 0 0 0 h 0 ~ 0 0 0 01 ~ ~ ° a _ 0 J ¢ W Q } N 0 v1 t0 1~ N N N 0m O N N 0 N 00 N O N m N C' f 0 m OI ^ m O N A N 0 m 0 P. 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'm' U p :. ia U ~ j `~ U ~ J m J m J 'm J m J m J m J m r m ; ~; 'm C 0 U p N F fA 47 (n N fq ~ N fn V) (n (7 N F- ~ N y S Y1 ~ W O W W W ¢¢ W W ¢ W W W W W W ¢ W ¢ H O J F- Q F' fyj > 3 W W } F y Z O y O N ¢ = ¢ = ¢ = ¢ _ ¢ ¢ _ ¢ Y YY Y ? y N W > W Z i. ~ y 3 Z a Z a F m Q o Z m 111 = 2 k A S A N _ N _ = Z ¢ Q ¢ V ) N w N V O ] W ~ W W W W W W W fy j fy j W fy j~ ~ ~ tl 1 F -J F o K u iw » 3 jr Z » Z z - W > Z YZ ¢Z Z Z a S ¢a = a S a S a = a = ¢ = J J ¢ ¢ = a = ¢ = Zq~ZZ .~Zq~ ,gZ ~ o y ¢ w N d LL ¢ ¢ ~ - 1 j ¢ ~ OJ J O ~ O ~ 0 ~ V N N ~ N { L [L { L~ d ~ O f U J Q j' ' ~ 1 0 0 1 C~ I C ~C ~ ( n t' 7 a e 0 0 N ~_ 9 C '.~ N Y 3 N N L A C O C o' w LL_ ~_ W F- W J a O U W r x N O 2 F lD N Q Z Z Q W a O w U Q z W r z a J Q a U Z 7 a e 0 N_ O O N O C J Y 3 C J J_ Q Z U 0 U p LL_ p O F- W J a O U w 1-' X N O Z m Z 2 O H W a O W ZU Q Z W F Z 6 J Q a U 2 z w U .e a o ~ o N $ ~ 0 N O Z ~ $ m U J J U - M Of w NN H ~ ~ O O 8 t na(7 m ^ o Oro Um~`! M ~ m„ ^ N~ - w Z F-O o °o °o VV~ ~ n ~ H ~ ~ N w N w c~°> ~ g S 2p O '~ N c N r f"1 U ~ c N M ~ W ~ W N U Z Q P1 t~ ~ J Q - ~ ~ f0 N ~ N Q f J O V~~ 1 O M N ~ ~ J Q ~ ~ N N d (~~ ID N 01 O O } OGN a ^' ~ ,u p p W } per Q Q N o 0 Q p W } t0 O o A Q f/1 R ~ f0 S O p LL ~ r i 3 W ~ G LL LL W I L U ~ U ~ LL LL pe w TW O M } fA } ~ ~ W ~ W Q jN N Z ~ W J ~ ~ m fq 1- m m O a 0 N N_ O O N f7 d G 7 N Y 3 C t0 E m c U 0 U City of Canton -Public Owned Equipment - 2001 Maintenance Rental Rates 1. Sweeper Pick Up -Hourly Expense Rate = $45.55 per hour All rates based on IDOT Schedule of Average Annual Equipment Ownership Expense Booklet dated January 1, 2001 S: Cherie\00070sc hedule. wpd RETURN WITH BID #234-01049 STATE OF ILLINOIS J Q ~~ d ~ OL ~ O ~ ~ W `' ~~ Zm W O ~-.~ W = U ~ O ZZ ~~ ~ .... W "" ~ O Oo Zv ~ ~ .«.. W ` W ~ c Z- ~ O W z 0 0 m COUNTY OF Fulton City of Canton (Insert name of City, ~Ilage, Town or Road District) ESTIMATE OF COST, SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACT PROPOSAL (Strike out that which is not applicable) FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET NAME OR ROUTE NO. Various city Streets SECTION NO. 01-00000-00-GM TYPE OF FUNDS Motor Fuel Tax TO BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE State LIST OF STANDARDS Standard 702001-01 Standard BLR 18-4 Submitted Approved/Passed 2001 Mayor For County and Road District Projects Only Submitted/Approved County Engineer/Superintendent of Highways APPROVED DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAION Date __ 2001 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY District Engineer IL 494-0328 BLR 5701 (Rev. 3/97) ~~wnc~ U~^4~ MAURER. STUTZ, INC. „ ENGINEERS SURVEYORS 6 East EIm Street TEL 309-647-7831 Canton, Illinois 61520 FAX 309-647-6155 June 13, 2001 Mayor Jerry Bohler City of Canton 210 E. Chestnut Canton, IL 61520 Dear Jerry: We have prepared the city of Canton's 2001 Maintenance Program in accordance with the input received from you, the Council, and Clif O'Brien. The total estimate of maintenance costs including maintenance engineering is $250,776.96. We have prepared the Motor Fuel Tax Resolution, from BLR 4123, in the amount of $280,000.00. It is normal procedure to appropriate sufficient funds in case of higher bids or cost overruns when performing the work. We are enclosing the following documents for Council action at the next meeting, Tuesday, June 19, 2001. 1. Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code -Form BLR 4123. 2. Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs -Form BLR 8202. 3. Spreads sheets showing maintenance operations with locations and costs. 4. Maintenance engineering to be performed by a consulting engineer. Plus attached form showing cost breakdown by fee groups. 5. Public owned equipment rate sheet. 6. Contract Proposal cover sheet -BLR 5701. PEORIA ~ CANTON Page 2 Jerry Bohler June 13, 2001 If everything is found acceptable you and the Clerk should date, and sign where indicated and the Clerk Seal where indicated. We will submit the necessary documents to the Illinois Department of transportation, District 4 - Peoria, for their review and approval. They will send an approval copy back to the City and to Maurer-Stutz, Inc. At that time a Letting will be scheduled for the contract work. If you have nay questions about any of the above, give us a call. Sincerely, Maurer-Stutz, Inc. Ja s A Davis, P.E. cc: Mr. if O'Brien, Street Superintendent Mrs. Nancy Whites, Canton City Clerk [~AURER. S1U1Z, INC. EIMGINEEAS SURVErORS City of Canton -Public Owned Equipment - 2001 Maintenance Rental. Rates Sweeper Pick Up -Hourly Expense Rate = $45.55 per hour All rates based on IDOT Schedule of Average Annual Equipment Ownership Expense Booklet dated January 1, 2001 S:Cherie\00070sc hedule. wpd ;~ i iVIAURER. STUTZ, INC. ® ENGINEERS SURVEYORS 6 East Elm Street TEL 309-647-7831 Canton, Illinois 61520 FAX 309-647-6155 June 21, 2001 Mayor Jerry Bohler City of Canton 210 E. Chestnut Canton, IL 61520 RE: City of Canton 2001 Maintenance Section 01-00000-00-GM Project 234-01049 Dear Jerry: Enclosed is a copy of the 2001 Maintenance Program and the contract proposal as submitted this date to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), District 4, Peoria, II.. IDOT will review these documents and send the City an approved copy. A letting has been established for bidding the contract work required to perform the bituminous overlay. The date is July 17, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. at the Canton City Hall. I have confirmed this with the Clerk and she will be in attendance. We will review the bids after the letting and prepare a recommendation for the awarding of a contract. You and the Council should be prepared to approve the awarding of a Contract to the low bidder at the Council Meeting the night of July 17, 2001. If you have any questions concerning this matter please give me a call. Sincerely, t ~i~ Janes A. Davis, P.E. cc: Nancy Whites, City Clerk, City of Canton Clif O'Brien, Supt. Of Streets S:\CherieUetterlerry Bohler234-01049 PEORIA • CANTON INnois Department of Transportation Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways By Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code #234-01049 City of Canton Section 01-00000-00-GM BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the (Counal or President and Board of Trusteed C'ifii _ of Canton _ ,Illinois, that there is hereby (CiN. Town or VillaAe) (Name) appropriated the sum of • Q~Rn nnn nn of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from January 1, ~oo~ to December 31, ~~ . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department , a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of transportation, at Peoria ,Illinois. Jy"•L,, "~^^^'~ ~^JhitPS Clerk in and for the city (CiN. Town or Village! of ~^nton ,County of Fulton hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the s'o mcil at a meeting on (Council or President and Board of Trustees) Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this / ~ ; *,~',~ L WW4~ ", Clerk :,(SEAL)`~=, ~'Xx•.~,~~. •j`~' (CiN. Towner illagel z .~ -_ "'r.~=~'' :~' :•~'-~"~`~~'~ APPROVED ~ , , .~ •.~. .:.. ,~.r` • '~ +~j,~r Oate ~ ' 1. a .~~ t'`~ Y " .,.~~ r .;~;~;~ .,`` Department of Transportation District Engineer BLR 4123 (Rev. 12'97) Illinois Department of Transporation Period from January 1, 2001 to December 31,2001 Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs Job No: 234-01049 Sec: 01-00000-00-GM Municipality: Canton Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operation Maintenance O eration Material, E ui mentor Labor Operation No.-Descri iton-Total Quanti Item and S ecification Reference Quanti Unit Unit Cost Amount Cost ' Fee Grou CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 1.Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat IV Bituminous Materials Prime Coat 4,574 Gal $1.20 $5,488.80 ' 45,739 S .Yd. Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat Mod 2,564 on $46.50 $119,226.00 $124,714.80 2. Bituminous Resurfacin 1 1/2" IV Bituminous Materials Prime Coat - 1,874 Gals. $1.20 $2,248.80 12,491S . Yd. Bituminous Mixture Com lete Mod. 11/2" 1,050 on $45.00 $47,250.00 $49,498.80 3. Mill & Bituminous Resurfacin 1-1/2" IV Bituminous Materials Prime Coat 925 Gals. $1.20 $1,110.00 6,170 SQ.YD. Bituminous Mixture Com lete Mod. 11/2" 519 on $45.00 $23,355.00 Bituminous Surface Removal Cold Mill 6170 S .Yd. $2.00 $12,340.00 $36,805.00 Sub-Total= $211,018.60 GENERAL MAINTENANCE OPERATION 3. Street Swee in II Car o 7000 EI in Swee er Public 659 Hrs. $45.55 $30,017.45 $30,017.45 otal Maintenance = $241,036.05 Prelimina En ineerin See BLR-4310 and attached sheet for Fee Schedule $9,740.91 Total Estimated Maintenance Cost I $250,776.96 Submitted ,2001 Approved 2001 By Ma or Municipal Official Title ~ District Engineer Submit Four (4) Copies to District Engineer BLR - 8202 (Rev. 5/90) CANTON 2001 MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING FEE Maintenance O eration Maintenance O eration Totals Totals Totals & Grou Fee Cost Grou II Grou III Grou IV 1. Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat (IV,~ $124,714.80 $124,714.80 45,739 S .Yd. .Bituminous Resurfacin 1 !/2" IV $49,498.80 $49,498.80 (12,739 Sq.Yd.) 3. Mill & Bituminous Resurfacin 1-1/2 IV $36,805.00 $36,805.00 6,170 SQ.YD. ENERAL MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS . Street Sweeping (II) $30,017.45 $30,017.45 __ Bituminous Pro ortionin costs from other than MFT Funds. I Totals $30,017.45 ! $0.00 $211,018.60 i Base Fee $1,000.00 1 Grou II = 1 % Of $30,017.45 ! $300.17 Grou III = 3%Of $0.00 $ 0.00 Grou IV =4%Of $211,018.60 $8 440.74 otal Fee $9,740.91 Can01 eng.wks 6/13/01 2:43 PM Illinois Department Maintenance Engineering to be of Transportation Performed by a Consulting Engineer (to be attached to BLR 8202 or BLR 8205) #234-01049 City of Canton Section 01-00000-00-GM The services to be performed by the engineer, pertaining to the various items of work included in the estimated cost of maintenance operations (BLR 8202 or 8205), shall consist of the following: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING shall include: Investigation of the condition of the streets or highways for determination (in consultation with the local highway authority) of the maintenance operations to be included in the maintenance program; preparation of the maintenance resolution, estimate and proposal; attendance at meetings of the governing body as may reasonably be required; attendance at public letting; preparation of the contract or acceptance of proposal forms; and the preparation of the maintenance expenditure statement. ENGINEERING INSPECTION shall include: Furnishing the engineering field inspection (including preparation of payment estimates and/or checking material invoices) of those maintenance operations requiring professional on-site inspection, as opposed to those ordinary operations such as street sweeping, snow removal, tree trimming, crack filling, cleaning ditches and culverts, etc., which typically require no professional inspection. For furnishing preliminary engineering, the engineer will be paid a base fee PLUS a negotiated fee percentage. For furnishing engineering inspection the engineer will be paid a negotiated fee percentage. The negotiated preliminary engineering fee percentage for each group shown in the "Schedule of Fees" shall be applied to the total estimated costs of that group. The negotiated fee for engineering inspection for each group shall be applied to the total final cost of that group for the items which required engineering. (See reverse side for additional instructions). In no case shall this be construed to include supervision of contractor operations. SCHEDULE OF FEES Programs of $15,000 or Less Ne otiated ($1,000 Maximum Over $15,000 $1,000 Grou Prelimina En ineerin En ineerin Ins ection Operation to be p Acce table Fee % Ne otiated Fee % Acce table Fee % Ne otiated Fee % Ins ected, Etc. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIGNATURES By Local Agency Official Mayor By: Title , Maurer-Stutz,. Inc.; 6 East Elm; Canton, IL 61520 Consulting Engineer n n ~. ! iry''~' O l Date ^~ ~ 'oZ-27156 ~'' .4 .~.~ PROF~~iOIYK . ~F : E71iG"vE:? - r Date '., . „F , _ BLR 4310 (Rev. 11/93) I L 494-0325 Group TYPICAL OPERATION WITHIN GROUP Non-engineering items; materials or services purchased without a proposal; i.e. electrical energy and expendable small tools. Routine day labor maintenance items, i.e. street sweeping, tree trimming or removal, mowing, ice and snow control, cleaning ditches, brush removal, traffic signal maintenance, lighting maintenance and purchases by a proposal of materials not directly incorporated into the work. Items requiring minimum preliminary engineering and no engineering inspection. Day labor maintenance items requiring material proposal. Items furnished and spread or delivered to jobsite by material suppliers. Items requiring preliminary engineering and/or engineering inspection. IV Contract maintenance items performed by contractors. Items requiring preliminary engineering and/or engineering inspection. Notes: (1) The negotiated fee shall not exceed the acceptable fee percentage for each group and shall be negotiated based on the level of complexity involved. (2) PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING: The negotiated fee for each group shall be applied to the total estimated costs of those items in that group (excluding engineering cost). (3) ENGINEERING INSPECTION: To compute the estimated cost, the negotiated fee for each group shall be applied to the total estimated cost of those items in that group to be inspected. The actual fee paid shall be based on the final costs of those items in that group given field inspection by the Engineer. (4) Payment for maintenance engineering may be arranged.: (a) On the basis of base fees plus percentage fees not to exceed the fees listed, or (b) On the basis of the actual cost of services plus a specified percentage for overhead, or (c) On the basis of a lump sum fee. If method (b) or (c) is employed, the total engineering cost shall not be greater than the amount determined under method (a). (5) Ten percent of the total fee is to be withheld until such time as the expenditure statement is submitted and the final cost of inspected items is known. (6) Each maintenance operation shown on the "Estimate of Maintenance Costs" shall show the applicable engineering Group (I to IV) for which the operation applies. (7) Base fee applies only to preliminary engineering. W O ~_ F O UQ w H O S N 2 H m O Z Z O W a 0 W U z H Z_ a U Z 7 f z w O U F~ ~ a N aO I NI O ~ OO O~N N Q1 N Of pm O C m ^ Np of N p l~f p 00 N rf QQ pp ID tO NI ^ N '~ 0 m 8j IO m l$ N d U1 O O O ln N t"7 $ 000, d N .6 N tC N ~ P f f N pp P N I(I G Nt yPy O O CN7 I'~ m N Ohl fmO Ql d tOD N O ~ tN~f iC n N f~f ~Oh1 I h ff 7 f0 01 ~ 0 O m m M tC ONO fV f~O N N 01 OmD ~1O'~ SO m N h v V _ y N ~t N 7 N 0 N N N N fA N r N N M N p O ay N N . h m N N N N m N N _ N ~ N m N N N N N y N N N N N N N N OOpp N N N N N H N ~ ~ ~ ~ p O O O O O O O O O N d O m O d O 10 O pp d 0 O fD pp f O ~ pp O O d O ? O ~ pp t 0 0 10 0 N 0 N 0 m 0 d 0 n! ~ m 0 a0 m ~ (n O U O. F m ( N ~ N 10 t f+f t I~I N 0 ~ O N N m O7 rnrn N N N h m N N ~0 ina N phjN nu`~i N ~n ONO ~} h ~ Im~f r 17N Cf O N ~ N U7 h N tm~1O N N OO "~ N N tO N N N f7 !NA N N N N N N m N ~ N N N ~ N N N Q W N N N p N N N N N y N O ~ N m ~ N ~- p p N I~ N h ~ p~ ~ d N Q o N N l7 m O ~ Cm O h m O N N V f h 0 O O 10 N m i0 N h O N pOj _ O V tNC ~ N O IOO N op O pp O Ip N O = N O g ~ O N h ~ N„ ~ m O ~h O O+ d ~ mj pOj O m m O IO 011 O Of N N ~ h 07 N m ~j H h h 1~ O h N m ~ d h SO d N ~ Ol U ~p aW{ Oa 1 N n N N ~ N N N N ' N n, ~ N `y N ~ y O w N N 1~ N N N N N <C N N NN N N N 6 N N w ~ w N w N w N N N N N N N N N N w N N _ N Z O 0 tCl 01 1A h d a} OV fD N 10 t!'1 Nt") N V 1") N m N h ~ l'10 mmN N~ m ~ d m O N Y7 N N d m yy m tOd O h " IO W N m O m N m N M O tn m O IO .- m N ~ d ll/Of m h O IO h IN m O ~ o C f m ~ N d d M N .-N N N N W ~ U N lh N N O P7 N h m P') m m ~ IO O r ~ N N O n m Ip 10 < N y y O N ~ N ~ ~ O o ~ N O Q O O ~ ~ O ~ IO ~ a O 0 d N d O Q a ~ t N '` m N m d ION hm N `~i N d Om min N d N m d N o d n m NO min N N ~ h ~ /n N fd') ,u d h ~m N ,•~ N ln OdO o N ~ 1m0 a t0 o ~ o fNO m ~ ~ N ° a rn QNi .- ~ ,e .~ H W O W O ~ O N ~ O OO O O mm ~~ m N °p O m O m m mO m N lc N m N m 00 0 m 0 ~ N O OO tV m fV N m d O m O m N O ~ N d Q a Q N ~ d' ~} O ~ N d N Ff d mh h ON N O N 10 d ~~ N~ phppp ~ N O d O MO N N fO h ~ N N m ~ ~ m O M m N m O N ~ ~ O d O N O ~ d M 7 CO^ m p I pNj ~ M ~ d a N ~ ~ h m ~ h O ~N m ~ h .- O N t'1 N N 717 m N m N N N Mf O 7 N N C1 m ~ N i7 ~ m N~ m ~ N tti N N m N m N ~ N N N m N m N m N m ~ 3 u. W w a a Q W W W W W W W LL. W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W LL V W W W W W W W LL W W W LL W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ W °~ W O O O O O O O O W W W W W W W O z W O z W O z O z O z W W W W W W W W } W r O z w z z z z zz z y yy > } y } } } } } } } > } > _ F- Ur h W N h ~ m O N N N O ~ 0 NN 0 N 0 0 1~ N pp ~ ~ p 1 1 m ~ 0a C' } 0 N f t~7 0 N P1 0 OD r• p O N N IOo f~ M '! d I+ t M f N 9 c C N 1 C' 7 C 0 f O I M 7 f 0 ' V 1 - f` 7 ~ h O ~ N Om f O e - ~ ~ {M Z W J LL O O P1 d I h ~ /7 h 0 ~ Wa U U U U UU U _: ' .: JJ ~ m J m m ~ m J,O m ~ d ,'~ ~ m m m m m m m m C m 7 ~ ~ > ~ ~ m ~ ~ mm ~ m mm m ~ ~ y ~ N y O O N N N N N N N N N N N S m V c i- F- O Z ~uJ ~ l- N t ~~ j W » W W > W » W W » W W W » W » W t ~i7 N y = N ~~ J - F N F N O W 3 W y N W N W N O y F N N 2 O V > O Q U a a 6 a a a a a a a a Y Q y a a O Z N N W ~ W Z a lo 3 a o. ~ O J ~ w m m ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn 0 0 0 ~ v p > ~ w ~ N ~ a f~ V~1 W ~ I L LLl LLl LL1 LL1 l L IL lL W l ll y~ LLl F y - y F F y - ~{ =-• O -~ ~ Y a F- aa a a a ~ aa 6 ~ ~ a a ~ a ~ z ¢ ~ V f O W ~ n I L Qa C . 1Q - Q ~ Ii o O J J yN Of ~O ~ V 1 ~ v c~ ~ c~ a N O ~ U O 3 3 ~ N ~ N= O I1J ~ LLl » W » W N ~ N ~ N y f" N ~' N ~ N ~ N N } N } N ~ F LLJ a W Q LLi 6 ~ U ~ U r U ~ U O_' W iv W i W W W a W LLV W a i a y a a = a 0 0 N 0 0 N Z 0 Z 0 N - N_ Y J Y J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N Z W a aa a ~~ m F m 1 - m ~ h ~ Q ~1J1 ~1J1 = = = S U ~ m O~i = 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 Q Q Q = = U U = fn N ~ O a[DU MM 7 d ~ a a mh OI m O) U O7 O ~ ~ m N N M m d m v7 - ~O f0 0~ 01 0 N ~ N OaD m OmD m OU0 m 0~0 m ~ J Z t a Q S N r c N 3 N L N C O A U W LL_ ~_ W F W J a 0 U W 1- X_ N O Z F m N 0 Z Z O w a O w U Z a z w z_ a U Z 7 a N_ 8 N M O C 7 N Y 3 C J J_ Z U 0 U 0 w LL Q O H W J a 0 U W ~_ O 2 m Z Z 0 F W a 0 w 2 W F Z Q f a U Z z w O v ~ CO N y a C9 '~ ° p Z ~ ~ m U ~ J N o U - w ~^ w ~ 0 0 ai a m r o U ~ m "! w W N w ~- w 0 ~ p O p S ~- - ~ ^ ~ N w w w Q ? N $ ~ O V 'g p p 0 Of o C1 N N w w w w 2 J O Y c~ r~ ~ - d ~ ^ W ~ N ~ J O 1 O N ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f N d' O W„ f O 10 N N W a c ¢ O ~ Q ~ ~ ~ a ~ '° ~ o ~ w o ~ g ~ < O ~, o 0 Q W } t~0 O o A ~ Q fq ~ ' ~ 2 o ~ ~ ~ 3 w ~ LL U LL LL W O d 'N IL U . O ~ W b W O N Y N Y ~ ~ W ~ . N , ~ V a f o Z LL , W J M 1 - m m O O N y F d' Y ~ O z o y LL Z ~ a ~ F.. W W C Q f~A N O Z m m a N_ S P7 m c N Y C c U U City of Canton -Public Owned Equipment - 2001 Maintenance Rental Rates 1. Sweeper Pick Up -Hourly Expense Rate = $45.55 per hour All rates based on IDOT Schedule of Average Annual Equipment Ownership Expense Booklet dated January 1, 2001 S:Cherie\00070schedule. wpd RETURN WITH BID #234-01049 STATE OF ILLINOIS J Q ~~ O~ ~ O W ~ rn W `" ~~ Zm W O ~-+ = U ~ O Z Z ~ .~ ~ ..'' W '`' ~ O ~' OO Z~ ~ ~ W WN c Z~ Cn +r ~ O W z 0 0 m COUNTY OF Fulton PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY Contractors Name Street P.O. Box City State Zip Code City of Canton (Insert name of City, Village, Town or Road District) ESTIMATE OF COST, SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACT PROPOSAL (Strike out that which is not applicable) FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREET NAME OR ROUTE NO. Various city Streets SECTION NO. 01-00000-00-GM TYPE OF FUNDS Motor Fuel Tax TO BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE LIST OF STANDARDS Standard 702001-01 Standard BLR 18-4 Submitted Approved/Passed 2001 Mayor For County and Road District Projects Only Submitted/Approved of Highways APPROVED DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAION Date 2001 District Engineer IL 494-0328 BLR 5701 (Rev. 3/97) O 116nois Department of Transportation Estimate of Cost Section 01-00000-00-GM LOCatiOn and brief deSCflptlOn (Sta. and land description of beginning; Sta. only for end for county and road districts; street limits for muniapality.) Various City Streets Total Pro'ect Len th 20,009 Net Len th 20,009 Surface T e BIT Width VARIES County Fulton Municipality/Road District City of Canton Shoulder T e NA Width NA Bridge or Culvert Len th NA Width NA Item Number Items Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Cost 1 Bit. Surf. Rem. Cold Millin 1 '/z" x Var. S. Y. 6170.00 2.00 12 340.00 2 Bit. Material Prime Coat Gal. 7373.00 1.20 8 847.60 3 Bit. Mixture Com lete Modified 1 %" Ton 1569.00 45.00 70 605.00 4 Bit. Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat Modified Ton 2564.00 46.50 119 226.00 Total Estimated Cost 211 018.60 Made by Date 6-1 ~-01 Checked by Date BLR 5730 (Rev. 1/97) 0 w LL_ 0 O a O U M N r O x N 7 O Z_ C m Z Z O W O w U Z W 1- Z Q a U Z 7 f/1 N !n x o1 C Z Of Of ~ V 0 O m ~rfV m - m NvQ 1n M ~[1 N N Iy M r N ~'n C+>t0 ON NN r ~ t~ N m '1 O . lm -~ Q t 047 MPN'1 Q ~ 0 0 O) v r ~n N m (OO ~ t N h 10 ON v'i ~ ~i ~ O r 1N ~ N O r V 1 N W ~ ~ J a ~ 'nmmmM m m N MN pO O N N Om Nr ~1y O N ~ r N mM M 1n m 0 Mf 0 v. Om 00 ~ v 0 r ~ ~ ~ 0O Qrn I '. O N ~ _ Q. C.7 O .-NRrm N Q NO Y p N a 0 1 W _ Q O N ODmin N m 1 nOm f NN 1 m0 ~ N m O ~ M M ~ M jl P N m M N N p r N ~ m O~ m O m O) ~ M M ~ 001 01 ~ rn M r N O Q N ~ N Y r m 1 n Y m 1 N Q Q Q O N r N O N ~ ~ ~ '. 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Q ~ ~~ mm F m K =Q J ru Jx x = = U=O K m°'oooo a QQ x U N N - - - - - - - UD d OBU - - ~n - - a l` - - afO or - U al -[ m O.-~ - ¢ m NN - •[ M . u1 •[ M V -.- m Y •- -c 1n ~- 1n O m 1n ~.- •- O1 O .- m m m m '. N N 101010 N V~ 1n OZ MMM V lo m . ~-.- ..~ . . a ~o 8 N u N Y 3 G N C O r 1N O W LL_ 0 O W a O U W ~_ N O z F- m N 0 Z Z ~_ F- W a O w U Z a z w r Z a a U Z O w LL_ 0 ~_ w J a O U W K f O z f H m C7 Z Z O W a 0 w UZ Q z w F- z a f J Q a U Z CHECK SHEET FOR SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS AND RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS Adopted January 1, 2001 This sheet contains a listing of SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS, frequently used RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS and LOCAL AGENCY SPECIAL PROVISIONS. ERRATA Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (Adopt. 1-1-1997) (Rev. 1-1-2001) SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Paoe No. Std. Soec. Sec. 1 102 Bidding Requirements and Conditions ............................... ................ 2 103 Award and Execution of Contract ................................. ................ ..... 3 104 Scope of Work ................................................ blic ••••••••••• P ibilit t ........... ••••••••••'•••" 4 107 u ...••••••••-• y o Legal Regulations and Respons 6 108 Prosecution and Progress •••'•••••••--••••••••••••••••••••""" """" .• 7 109 Measurement and Payment .. ................................... .•.•.• ....... . " ' 9 202 Earth and Rock Excavation .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " " " " " " " " " " •.,... .. 10 251 Mulch ....................................................... ..... ......... 11 252 Sodding ...................................................... ....... .... 253 Planting Woody Plants ......................................... ............ ' • 13 280 Temporary Erasion Control .. • • • " " " " " " " " " ........ 15 281 Riprap ............ ......................................... ....... :: 16 311 Granular Subbase ...... 17 312 Stabilized Subbase ........................................... ........... ' ' ' ' • ' 18 355 Bituminous Base Course _ ' ' ' ' ' ..... 19 402 Aggregate Surface Course ...................................... ........ A-3) A 2 1 A ............ ................ . 403 ........... - , , - Bituminous Surface Treatment (Class 21 404 Bituminous Surface Road Mix (Class B) 22 405 Bituminous Surface Plant Mix (Class 8) ............................ ................. 23 406 Bituminous Concrete Binder and Surface Course Class I ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 25 420 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement ............................. ................ ..... 26 442 ........................................... Pavement Patching ............ " 28 445 Open Graded Asphalt Friction Course ...•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••"""""" " ' • ~ • 29 481 ................................. Aggregate Shoulders .. • • • • " " .................. lders Sh " " " " " ................. 30 483 ............ ou Portland Cement Concrete 31 501 Removal of Existing Structures ..... 32 502 Excavation for Structures ....................................... ............ .... ~ ........ 33 503 Concrete Structures ........................................... ..... ...... 35 505 Steel Structures .............................................. ........ ... • • ~ • 59 506 Cleaning and Painting ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ......... 64 507 Timber Structures ........................................... ........ . • 65 512 Piling ...................................................... ...... .. ......... 66 540 Box Culverts ................................................. ...... ..... 67 543 Insertion Lining of Pipe Culverts ................................ k •••••••• D ............ ••••••••-'•""" 69 582 s ..•••••••••-• ec Bituminous Concrete Surfacing on Bridge ' ' 70 601 Pipe Drains, Underdrains and French Drains .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' 71 606 Concrete Gutter, Curb, Median, and Paved Ditch .................... ................. .. 72 611 ............................ Treatment of Existing Field Tife Systems ............... ..... 73 661 Bituminous Shoulder Curb ..................................... ............. ' ' 74 669 Removal and Disposal of Regulated Substances • • • - ' - ' ' ' ' ..... _.. 84 701 Work Zone Traffic Control ..................................... . _........ .~~.. • • • • • 86 703 ............................... Work Zone Pavement Marking . • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ... ' ' ' 87 781 ............................ Raised Reflective Pavement Markers ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ... ' ' - 88 783 .......................... Pavement Marking and Marker Removal • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ... ....... 89 810 ............................ Underground Raceways " " " " " " " " " ' •••••• 90 813 Junction and PuIlBoxes ........................._.:....•••••• •••••••••••• ........ 91 814 Handhoie ............. .............. ....................... .......... • • 92 851 Paint Existing Traffic Signal Equipment ........................... .. • • . • • • • • • • • • • • ,_ •` SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONTINUEDI Paae No, ,Std. Soec. Sec. ... 93 865 Breakaway Devices ................................................ .......... 94 1001 Portland Cement or Blended Hydraulic Cement ........................... ............. ... 95 1003 Fine Aggregates ................................................ .......... 97 1004 1005 Coarse Aggregate ............................................................. Concrete Blocks and Broken Concrete for Erosion Protection, Sediment Control, and Rockfill Stone 99 , 1006 Metals .......................................................... i l ••••••••••••••""•" ............. """~•• 100 1009 a s .•.•••••••••••••••••••••• Bituminous Mater 103 1020 Portland Cement Concrete .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••• •"'•••~~~•• 105 1040 Drain Pipe, Tile, Tubing, Drainage Mat, and Wall Drain ..................... ............ . ... 107 1050 Poured Joint Sealers ............................................... .......... 108 1052 Neoprene Expansion Joint ........................................... ............. . 109 1060 Waterproofing Materials ........................................... ............ 110 1061 Waterproofing Membrane System ..................................... .............. 111 1062 Reflecctive Crack Control System ..................................... .............. ..... 112 1080 Fabric Materials .................................................. ......... 113 1081 Materials For Planting . 116 1085 Electric Materials ................................................... ............. ...... 117 1090 Sign Base ..................................................... ........ ...... 118 1091 Sign Face ...................................................... ........ . 119 1095 ..................... .......................... Pavement Markings ............. " " ' 120 1096 ......................................... Pavement Markers " " " " " " " ... . 121 1101 .............................................. General Equipment . ......... 122 1103 Portland Cement Concrete Equipment ................................ ............. . The following RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS and RECURRING LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS SPECIAL PROVISION indicated by an "X" are applicable to this contract and are included by reference: PAG E NO. ~}iECK SHEET 1 Protection Liability Form (Eff. 6-10-58) (Rev. 9-29-67} ................................................................... R R 123 2 . . State Required Contract Provisions All Federal -aid Construction Contracts (Eff. 2-1-69) (Rev. 10-1-83) ..... 134 3 Specific Equal Employment Opportunity Responsibilities NonFederal -aid Contracts (Eff. 3-20-69) (Rev. 1-1-94) ,.... 136 4 Required Provisions -State Contracts (Eff. 4-1-65) (Rev. 4-1-93) ........................................................... 140 5 Asphalt Quantities and Cast Reviews (Eff. 7-1-88) ................................................................................... 143 6 Subletting of Contracts (Federal-aid Contracts) (Eff. 1-1-88) (Rev. 5-1-93) ............................................ 144 7 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (Eff. 7-1-94) ...................................................... 145 8 Grading and Shaping Ditches (Eff. 5-1-93) ............................................................................................... 146 147 g 10 Earthwork (Eff. 7-1-94) (Rev. 2-1-95) ....................................................................................................... Construction Layout Stakes Except for Bridges (Eff. 1-1-99) (Rev. 7-1-99) ............................................. 148 11 Construction Layout Stakes (Eff. 5-1-93) (Rev. 8-1-93) ......................................................................... 150 12 Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM) (Eff. 1-1-90) (Rev. 1-1-00) ..................................................... 152 155 13 Use of Geotextile Fabric for Railroad Crossing (Eff. 1-1-95) (Rev. 1-1-97) ................................................. 14 Erosion Control Fiber Blanket (Eff. 3-1-91) (Rev. 7-1-96) ......................................................................... 156 158 15 Bituminous Surface Removal (Coldmilling) (Eff. 11-1-87) (Rev. 10-15-97) ................................................. 16 Bituminous Surface Treatments Half -Smart (Eff. 7-1-93) (Rev. 1-1-g7) ...... ........................................... 160 17 Subsealing of Concrete Pavements (Eff. 11-1-84) (Rev. 2-1-95) ........................................................... 164 1 g Asphaltic Emulsion Sluny Seal and Fibrated Asphaltic Emulsion Slurry Seai (Eff. 8-1-89) (Rev. 02-01-97) ............... 166 1g .................................................................... Polymer Modified Emulsified Asphalt (Eff. 5-15-89) ••••••-'.••": ................... . 171 173 20 . Reserved ................. ............................................................................................................ .................. 173 21 ................................................. Reserved ................... 173 22 23 Reserved .............................................................................................................................. Patching with Bituminous Overlay Removal (Eff. 10-1-95) (Rev. 7-1-99) ..............••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 174 175 24 Haul Road Stream Crossings, Other Temporary Stream Crossings, and In-Stream Work Pads .•..•••••••••••••••- (Eff. 1-2-92) (Rev. 1-1-98) 176 25 ..•.••••.••••,.••..••..•,- Protective Shield System (Eff. 4-1-95) (Rev. 8-1-95) ...................................................... 177 26 ......................................................................................... Pipe Underdrains (Eff. 9-9-87) (Rev. 1-1-98) ....................... 178 27 Reserved ........................................................................................................................ ..................... 178 28 29 Reserved .......................................................................................................................... Traffic Barrier Terminal Type 38 (QuadGuard) (Eff. 10-1-86) (Rev.10-15-97) ........................................... ...................... 179 180 30 31 .................................................................................................... Reserved ........ Give em a Brake Sign (Eff. 8-1-89) (Rev. 08-1-91) ................................................................................... ........................ . 1 96 181 182 32 . ) ................................ - Portable Changeable Message Signs (Eff. 11-1-93) (Rev. 2- ..................... 1 33 34 X Reserved ............................................................................................................... ............ . - regate Gradation Control System (Eff. 7-1-95) ..••.••••.••••--•-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'•••""""""""""' A 18 185 35 gg ............................................................... Traffic Barrier Terminal Type 3 or 3A (Eff. 10-1-96) -•..""""""" : ... 186 36 ................................................................................................ Bicycle Racks (Eff. 4-1-94) (Rev. 1-1-97) ...................... 188 37 38 Reserved ................................................................................... ............................ Guardrail and Barrier Wall Delineation (Eff. 12-15-93) (Rev. 1-1-97) ........................................................ ....................... ...... . 1 192 39 40 . ............................................................................................ ........ Reserved Epoxy Coating on Reinforcement (Eff. 4-1-97 Rev. 7-15-97 ........ 1 194 41 X Resurfacing of Milled Surfaces (Eff. 10-1-95) ..................................................................................... ................................ . 195 42 . Reserved ................................ ................................................................................... ............. 43 EEO (Eff. 7-21-78) (Rev. 11-18-80) ............................................................................................. ............ 203 44 Corrosion Inhibitor (Eff. 3-1-90) (Rev. 7-1-99) ................................................................................. . .....................................•- 96 204 45 ) ................................ Night Time Inspection of Roadway, Lighting (Eff. 5-1- "'•• 205 46 PCC Partial Depth Bituminous Patching (Eff. 1-1-98) ......•••••-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-••••"""""""""•""" ...........................• 207 47 Reserved ............. .......... .................... 207 48 Reserved ............................... ..................... .....................................• 207 49 50 Reserved .................................................................................. ........... . Quality Control/Quality Assurance of Bituminous Concrete Mixtures (Eff. 1-1-00) (Rev. 1-1- 1 ..........•••••••••••• ................. 208 221 51 ( ) ......................................................................... Direction Indicator Barricades Eff. 7-1-99 RECURRING LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS SPECIAL PROVISIONS 223 LRS 1 Proposal Guaranty (Eff. 1-1-99) ............................................................................. .......................... 224 LRS 2 Cooperation With Utilities (Eff. 1-1-99) .................................................................... ................ 226 . LRS 3~ Failure to Complete the Work on Tim (Eff. 1-1-99) •••.•••••••••••••••--•••••••••••••••••••••••"" .............. 227 ............................. LRS 4'X 22 Employment Practices (Eff. 1-1-99) ................................................................... ..................... LRS SX 9 Wages of Employees on Public Works (Eff. 1-1-99) ......................................................... •••••-~~•-•-•~~~••~••~~•-~••• LRS 6X ....... Selection of Labor (Eff. 1-1-99) """""""""""~~~' ............ 230 . LRS 7 Borrow Excavation (Eff. 1-1-99) ......................................................................................... ...... 231 LRS 8 •••••.•••• Eituminous Surface Treatments (Eff. 1-1-99) ...................................................................... ....... • 232 LRS ° Construction Zone Traffic Contro{ (Eff. 1-1-99) ..•••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••' ........................ ........................... . 233 LP.S 10f~. Flaggers in Work Zones (Eff. 1-1-99) ............................... ..................................... .... ................... . 234 LRS 11 Reflective Sheeting Type C (Eff. 1-1-99) .................................................................. .... ..... .. . . 235 LRS 12 .... Construction and Maintenance Signs (Eff. 1-1-9 .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•"""""""""' iii Special Provisions City of Canton Section 01-00000-00-GM #234-01049 The following Special Provisions supplement the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", Adopted January 1, 1997, the latest edition of the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways", and the "Manual of Test Procedures of Material" in effect on the date of invitation for bids, and the Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions indicated on the Check Sheet included herein which apply to and govern the maintenance of Canton Section 01-00000-00-GM, and in case of conflict with any part, or parts, of said Specifications, the said Special Provisions shall take precedence and shall govern. MANHOLES TO BE ADJUSTED The City of Canton will be responsible for manhole adjustments. This item will be performed at no cost to this contract. AGGREGATE (PRIME COAT) The City of Canton will be responsible for furnishing and applying prime coat aggregate. The City will perform this operation at no cost to this contract. PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS The provisions of Article 102.01 (b) of the Standard Specifications is applicable to this proposal. A current "Certificate of Eligibility" issued by the Department of Transportation shall be include with the Contract Proposal. BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE. MODIFIED 1 'h" Effective April, 1990; Revised December, 1997 This item consists of the furnishing, transportation and placement of bituminous mixture in accordance with Section 405 of the Standard Specifications and as modified herein: Add the following to Article 405.02 (c); Bituminous materials shall be PG 58-22. Article 405.09 is replaced by Article 406.12 and the mixture shall comply with Class I, Type 2, Mixture D, except for the first lift of the proposal pavement cross-section which will be a "B" Binder as to gradation and tolerances. All references to Bituminous Concrete Class I mixtures in these Special Provisions shall be interpreted to mean City of Canton Section 01-00000-00-GM #234-01049 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE, MODIFIED. The job mix formula tolerances and composition limits shall meet the requirements as set forth under Article 406.10 and 406.12 of the Standard Specifications. Gravel listed under Article 1004.03(a) will not be permitted for the coarse aggregate. The coarse aggregate shall be crushed stone (dolomite). EQUIPMENT: The equipment used shall meet the requirements of Article 405:03. The spreading and finishing machine shall be equipped with the leveling device as specified in Article 406.03(f). This work will be paid for in accordance with Article 405.16 at the contract unit price per ton for BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE, MODIFIED. BITUMINOUS SURFACE_REMOVAL (COLD MILLING) 1 1/2" & VARIABLE The cold milled salvaged aggregate resulting from this operation shall be the property of the City of Canton. The contractor shall deliver it to the City's lot at 2"d Avenue and Pine Street and store it as directed by the Canton City Superintendent of Streets. "Rough Grooved Surface" signs (W8-1107) shall be used when the pavement has been cold milled and is open to traffic. The sign(s) are to remain until the milled surface condition no longer exists. The sign(s) shall be erected a minimum of 150 m (500 feet) preceding the start of the milled pavement and on all side roads within the posted area. Side road signs shall be posted a minimum of 60 m (200 feet) from the mainline pavement. All signs shall have a 450 mm x 450 mm (18" x 18") orange flag and an amber flashing light attached. Basis of Payment -All traffic control required shall be considered incidental to the contract and will not be paid for separately. 2 City of Canton Section 01-00000-00-GM #234-01049 BITUMINOUS HOT MIX SAND SEAL COAT (MODIFIED) This item of work shall be performed in accordance with LR-420, Special Provision for Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat except for the following modifications: Materials under item (a) include Article 1004 to provide for a CM-16 or CA-16 aggregate in the mixture. Modify Note 1 to follow the Class I Surface Course of the "Standard Specifications". The following is a gradation: Passing'/2 inch sleeve 100% Passing 3/8 inch sleeve 99% Passing No. 4 sleeve 78% Passing No. 8 sleeve 55% Passing No. 16 sleeve 40% Passing No. 30 sleeve 30% Passing No. 50 sleeve 17% Passing No. 100 sleeve 7% Passing No. 200 sleeve 3% ±5% ±5% f4% ±0.3% The ingredients of the seal coat mixture shall be combined in such proportion as to produce a mixture conforming to the following composition limits by weight: Ingredient CA-16 or CM-16 FA-01 FA-20 Residual Bitumen PG 58-22 Percent by Weight 27.9% 32.6% 32.5% 7.0% 3 Mixture Specification in Section 406 Target Range for the aggregate Job Mix Formula Tolerances City of Canton Section 01-00000-00-GM #234-01049 The percentage of residual bitumen shall be set by the engineer. The right is reserved by the engineer to make such changes in proportions during the progress of the work as deemed necessary. The asphalt content shall not vary t .5% from the bitumen content set by the engineer. Modify Note 2 to require a PG 58-22 asphalt cement in the mixture. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Traffic control shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", the applicable guidelines contained in the "Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways", these special provisions, and any special details and Highway Standards contained herein and in the plans. Special attention is called to SECTION 701 and Articles 107.09 and 107.14 of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" and the Traffic Control Standard 702001-01 and BLR 18-4. BASIS OF PAYMENT All traffic control required shall be considered incidental to the contract and will not be paid for separately. 4 S:~cherie~specprovCanton.wpd State of Illinois DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR BITUMINOUS HOT MIX SAND SEAL COAT Description. This item shall consist of the furnishing and spreading of a Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat Mixture to a compacted thickness of 20 mm (0.75 inch) or less all in accordance with the requirements of these specifications, and to the lines, grade, thickness and cross sections shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. Standard Specifications. All references to Sections or Articles in this specification shall be construed to mean a specific Section or Article of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Department of Transportation. Materials. Materials shall meet the requirements of the following Articles of Section 1000 - Materials. Item Article (a) Aggregate (Note 1) 1003.01, 1003.03 (a, b ~ d) (b) Bituminous Materials (Note 2) Section 1009 Note 1. The aggregate shall conform to the Standard Specifications except that the gradation shall be as follows: Passing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) sieve ................... 100% Passing 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve ................. 93 ± 7% Passing 2.00 mm (No. 10) sieve ..... ........... 75 + 10% Passing 212 microns (No. 20) sieve ............ 50 ± 10% Passing 425 microns (No. 40) sieve ............ 30 ± 10% Passing 180 microns (No. 80) sieve ............ 13 + 7% Passing 75 microns (No. 200) sieve ............ 4 ± 2% The material passing 75 microns (No. 200) sieve shall contain not more than 3% clay. If approved by the Engineer, the material may be produced by blending aggregates from more than one source. The method of blending shall be by the use of aggregate feeders of the apron, drum, reciprocating, or other type approved by the Engineer, which shall provide for proportional and total feeding of the aggregates. The components of a blend need not be of the same kind of material. The source of material and blending proportions shall not be changed during the progress of the work without written permission from the Engineer. Note 2. The contractor may use any one of the types of bituminous materials as shown in the table below. When more than one grade is shown for particular mixture, the Department reserves the right to specify the grade which shall be used. For the specifications for Emulsified Asphalt HFE-90 see mimeographed specifications Serial Number: M 87-70. Emulsified Asphalts Liquid Asphalt Asphalt Cements RS-1, RS-2, HFE-90 MC-3000 AC-2.5, AC-5, AC-10 LR 420 (Rev. 1-97) Equipment. The following required items of equipment shall conform to Section 1100: Item Article (a) Tandem Roller .................................. 1101.01 (e)(1) (b) Three-wheel Roller ........................... 1101.01 (e)(2) (c) Hot Mix Plant .................................... 1102.01, 1102.01 (e) (d) Spreading and Finishing Machine ....1102.03 General Conditions. The seal coat mixture shall be laid only on a base which is dry, and only when weather conditions are suitable. No mixture shall be laid when the temperature of the air in the shade is below 10oC (50oF). No work shall be started if local conditions indicate rain is imminent. Rolling shall be done with three-wheel and tandem rollers. The rollers shall weigh 7 to 11 metric tons (8 to 12 tons). All surfaces shall be cleaned of dirt, debris, and loose material prior to placing the bituminous mixture. Preparation of Base. When an existing bituminous concrete pavement is to be sealed, all excess crack filler and bituminous patches which contain an excess of bitumen or which are unstable in hot weather shall be removed. All bitumen shall be removed from cracks more than 38 mm (1 1/2 inches) wide. The Contractor shall perform this work in the most economical manner practicable and as directed by the Engineer. All waste material placed on the shoulders during the pavement cleaning operations shall be removed at the close of each day's work and shall be disposed of outside the limits of the right-of--way at locations acceptable to the Engineer. This work will be paid for in accordance with Article 109.04. Prior to placing the seal coat mixture, all open cracks having a width of 13 mm (1/2 inch) or more, cracks that have been cleaned and depressions of 25 mm (one inch) or more in the existing pavement or base, shall be completely filled with a bituminous mixture meeting the approval of the Engineer. The mixture shall be tamped in place with hand tools. This work shall be completed at least 24 hours prior to placing the seal coat mixture. Preparation of Aggregate and Bituminous Materials. The aggregate and bituminous materials shall be heated to the following temperature. Emulsified Asphalt Mixture Aggregate Not to exceed 150oC (300oF) Asphalt 60oC to 80oC (140oF to 180oF) Liquid Asphalt Mixture Not to exceed 110oC (225oF) Not to exceed 65oC (150oF) Asphalt Cement Mixture 135oC to 190oC (275oF to 375oF) 120oC to 180oC (250oF to 350oF) Preparation of Seal Coat Mixture. The heated aggregate and the asphalt for the seal coat mixture shall be measured separately and accurately by weight. The bituminous mixture shall be made in the pug mill mixer. The time required to add the asphalt shall be not more than 15 seconds. The total time required to add the asphalt and complete the wet mixing period shall be not less than 30 z LR 420 Rev. 1-97) seconds. If the mixing period may be extended by the Engineer necessary, to produce a homogeneous mixture in which all particles of aggregate are coated uniformly. The ingredients shall be heated and combined in such a manner as to produce a mixture which when discharged from the mixer should not, in general, vary more than 10oC (20oF) from the temperature set by the Engineer. In all cases, the temperature shall not exceed that shown in the table below. Emulsified Asphalt Mixture Liquid Asphalt Mixture Asphalt Cement Mixture 120oC (250oF) 120oC (250oF) 180oC (350oF) The ingredients of the seal coat mixture shall be combined in such proportions as to produce a mixture conforming to the following composition limits by weight: Ingredient Percent by Weight Aggregate ........................... 92.5 to 95.5 Residual Bitumen .................... 4.5 to 7.5 The percentage of residual bitumen shall be set by the Engineer. The right is reserved by the Engineer to make such changes in proportions during the progress of the work as deemed necessary. The asphalt content shall not vary ± .5% from the bitumen content set by the Engineer. Transportation of Mixture. Trucks used in transporting the bituminous mixtures shall have capacities of not less than 4 metric tons (4 tons). Any truck that causes excessive segregation of material by its spring suspension or other contributing factors, or that causes undue delays shall, when directed by the Engineer, be removed from the work until such conditions are corrected. Trucks shall have tight dump bodies which have been previously cleaned of all foreign material and sprayed with distillate oil. The body of the truck shall be in a completely raised position when sprayed with the distillate oil, and it shall remain in this position until all excess oil has drained from the truck body. Truck bodies, including the end, end gate, sides, and bottom shall be insulated with fiber board, plywood, or other approved insulating material to prevent chilling of the bituminous mixtures. The insulating material shall have a thickness of not less than 19 mm (3/4 inch). When the insulation is placed inside the truck body, the insulation shall be covered with sheet metal approved by the Engineer. Each load shall be covered, before leaving the plant, with canvas or other waterproof material meeting the approval of the Engineer. The covering shall extend down over the sides and ends of the truck for a distance of 300 mm (12 inches) and shall be fastened securely. The covering shall be rolled back before the load is dumped into the finishing machine. Unless artificial light satisfactory to the Engineer is provided, no bituminous mixture which cannot be placed and compacted during daylight shall be delivered at the work. Placing of Bituminous Mixture. The seal coat mixture shall be delivered at a temperature established by the Engineer commensurate with the mix temperature. The bituminous mixture shall be placed true to crown and grade with a spreading and finishing machine. The bituminous mixture may be spread and finished by approved hand methods only where machine methods are impractical, as in the case of special areas which because of irregularity, inaccessibility, or unavoidable obstacles do not lend themselves to mechanical placing. When the bituminous mixture is placed in partial widths, the individual widths of the seal coat shall conform to the traffic lanes. LR 420 Rev. 1-97) Placing of the bituminous mixture shall be as continuous as possible, and shall always be away from a transverse joint. The base or existing surface shall be kept clean, and any foreign material shall be removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer before the seal coat is placed. The spreading and finishing machine shall spread the bituminous mixture without tearing the surface and shall strike a finish that is smooth, true to cross section, uniform in density and texture, free from hollows, transverse corrugations, and other irregularities. When the machine causes surface irregularities such as hollows or transverse corrugations, the machine shall be repaired or adjusted not later than the end of the day's work and it shall be in good working condition before work is resumed. The machine shall be operated at a speed that will insure, as nearly as possible, continuous operation. The operating speed shall meet the approval of the Engineer. If, in the opinion of the engineer, the production of the plant exceeds the amount that can be laid satisfactorily with one finishing machine, the production shall be decreased or two machines shall be used. The outside edges of the seal coat shall be sloped and pressed in place by means of a self- adjusting, constant pressure edge plate held in proper position on the finishing machine, except where the edges are supported by a curb, gutter or similar structure. A string line shall be used as a guide for the finishing machine in order to maintain a uniform edge alignment. If any other method is proposed, it shall meet the approval of the Engineer before being used. The edges of the finished seal coat shall be approximately vertical and no material shall extend beyond the limits of the base or existing surface. In-egularities in alignment along the outside edges and along the longitudinal joint shall be corrected by adding or removing bituminous mixture before the edges are rolled. Excess bituminous mixtures deposited outside the limits of the lane being laid shall be removed immediately and disposed of as directed by the Engineer. Compaction of Mixtures. Immediately after the seal coat mixture is placed it shall be compacted thoroughly and uniformly with athree-wheel roller or a tandem roller. Where initial rolling causes undue displacement, haircracking, or checking in the seal coat, the time of rolling shall be adjusted by the Engineer to correct these conditions. One three-wheel roller and one tandem roller will be required on each project where the hourly production of the plant is 70 metric tons (75 tons) or less. One three-wheel roller and two tandem rollers will be required on each project where the hourly production of the plant is more than 70 metric tons (75 tons). Rollers shall be operated by competent and experienced roller operators and shall be kept in operation as continuously as possible so that all parts of the pavement will receive substantially equal compaction at the time desired. During each 8-hour day of laying bituminous mixtures, each roller shall be engaged in actual rolling for not less than 6 1/2 hours, and not more than 1 1/2 hours shall be allowed for refueling, watering, and similar work. Delays in rolling freshly placed bituminous mixtures will not be permitted. Rolling of the first lane of seal coat to be placed shall start longitudinally at the edge having the lower elevation and progress to the other edge, overlapping uniformly on successive trips by at least 1/2 the width of the rear wheels. Where laying the bituminous mixture adjacent to a previously placed lane, the first pass of the roller shall be along the longitudinal joint in such a manner that not more than 1/3 the width of the rear wheel is on the freshly placed mixture; after which the rolling shall proceed from the outside edge toward the longitudinal joint, overlapping uniformly on successive trips by at least 1/2 the width of the rear wheels. Succeeding trips of the roller shall be terminated at a LR X20 Rev. 1-97) least 1 meter (3 feet) from the preceding stop. Each stop shall be regulated to prevent trapping of water on the rolled surface. The roller shall not pass over an unprotected edge of the freshly laid bituminous mixture except when laying of the course is to be discontinued for any extended length of time. The speed of the roller at all times shall be slow enough to avoid displacement of the bituminous mixture. If displacement occurs, it shall be corrected at once by raking and applying fresh bituminous mixture where required. To prevent adhesion of the bituminous mixture to the roller, the wheels shall be kept properly moistened but an excess of water will not be permitted. Immediately after the initial rolling of the seal coat, the Contractor shall test the surface for smoothness with a 5 meter (16 foot) straight-edge to locate high and low spots so that they may be corrected while the mixture is still workable. Rolling of the seal coat shall be continued until all roller marks are eliminated and the bituminous mixture is satisfactorily compacted. When required by the Engineer, the seal coat shall be rolled diagonally in two directions with a tandem roller, the second rolling crossing the lines of the first, and if the width of the pavement permits, it shall also be rolled at right angles to the center line. In all places inaccessible to the rollers, such as locations adjacent to curbs, gutters, headers manholes, and similar structures, the required compaction shall be secured with hot tampers. Any bituminous mixture that becomes loose, broken, mixed with foreign material, or which is defective in finish or density, or which does not comply in all other respects with the requirements of the specifications, shall be removed, replaced with suitable material, and finished in accordance with these specifications. Protection of Pavement. The Contractor shall protect all sections of newly constructed seal coat from traffic until they have hardened to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Method of Measurement. The seal coat mixture shall be measured by weight in metric tons (tons). The mixture may be measured either by weighing the mixture on platform scales approved by the Engineer or on the basis of plant weights. If measured on the basis of plant weights, an occasional check shall be made by weighing full truck loads of the bituminous mixture on an approved platform scale at the plant or an approved commercial scale. When the method of measurement is by truck weight, the weight of each load shall be determined by weighing the truck each time before and after loading. If, during the course of construction, it becomes apparent that the weighman on the mixer platform or the weighman at the platform scale is not exercising proper care in weighing the bituminous mixture, he shall be removed at the direction of the Engineer and replaced by a competent and qualified worker. Quantities of materials wasted or disposed of in a manner not called for in the contract will be deducted from the final total measured quantities. The contractor shall furnish approved duplicate load tickets upon which is recorded the net weight of the bituminous mixture in each truck. The tickets shall have sufficient space for signatures, identification of the bituminous mixture, date of delivery, and any other data which the Engineer may require. The Contractor shall submit one load ticket to the Engineer at the plant after the truck is loaded and the other load ticket to the Engineer at the work when the truck arrives. Payment will not be made for seal coat mixture in excess of 105 percent of the amounts specified by the Engineer. LR 420 Rev. 1-97) Basis of Payment. This work will be paid for at the contract unit price per metric ton (ton) for BITUMINOUS HOT MIX SAND SEAL COAT measured as specified herein. LR 420 Rev. 1-97) State of Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets SPECIAL PROVISION FOR MOBILIZATION This contract contains no provisions for Mobilization. Therefore, Section 671 of the Standard Specifications is deleted. LR 671 (2-99) Fulton County Prevailing Wage for June 2001 Fulton County Prevailing Wage for June 2001 Trade Name _ RG TYP C Base FRMAN *M-F>8 OSA OSH H/W Pensn Vac Trng ASBESTOS ABT-GEN BLD 19.530 20.280 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.200 5.630 0.000 0.250 ASBESTOS ABT-MEC BLD 24.010 25.010 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.920 4.320 0.000 0.000 BOILERMAKER BLD 24.000 26.000 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.700 6.100 0.000 0.150 BRICK MASON BLD 22.820 24.070 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.150 4.600 0.000 0.250 CARPENTER BLD 22.740 24.490 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 6.450 0.000 0.250 CARPENTER HWY 22.980 24.230 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 6.450 0.000 0.250 CEMENT MASON NW ALL 23.320 23.820 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.800 2.000 0.000 0.000 CEMENT MASON SE BLD 21.630 22.630 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.650 6.400 0.000 0.100 CEMENT MASON SE HWY 22.380 22.880 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.650 6.250 0.000 0.100 ELECTRIC PWR EQMT OP ALL 24.800 28.490 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.100 6.200 0.000 0.000 ELECTRIC PWR GRNDMAN ALL 16.680 28.490 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.100 4.170 0.000 0.000 ELECTRIC PWR LINEMAN ALL 26.700 28.490 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.100 6.670 0.000 0.000 ELECTRIC PWR TRK DRV ALL 17.560 28.490 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.100 4.390 0.000 0.000 ELECTRICIAN BLD 24.680 26.180 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 6.380 0.000 0.250 ELECTRONIC SYS TECH BLD 19.800 20.300 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.800 0.590 0.000 0.000 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR BLD 24.915 28.030 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.425 2.610 1.490 0.000 GLAZIER N BLD 20.720 21.470 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.750 5.550 0.000 0.050 GLAZIER S BLD 21.350 0.000 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.200 5.550 0.000 0.000 HT/FROST INSULATOR BLD 27.540 28.540 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 5.760 0.000 0.000 IRON WORKER BLD 21.100 22.350 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.040 6.660 0.000 0.000 IRON WORKER HWY 21.920 23.420 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.040 6.660 0.000 0.320 LABORER BLD 19.530 20.280 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.200 5.630 0.000 0.250 LABORER HWY 20.180 20.930 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.200 5.630 0.000 0.250 LATHER BLD 22.740 24.490 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 6.450 0.000 0.250 MACHINERY MOVER HWY 21.920 23.420 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.040 6.660 0.000 0.320 MACHINIST BLD 29.300 31.050 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.200 2.100 2.020 0.000 MARBLE MASON BLD 21.530 22.530 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.150 5.400 0.000 0.250 MILLWRIGHT BLD 24.040 25.790 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 5.470 0.000 0.250 MILLWRIGHT HWY 21.150 22.400 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.800 2.430 0.000 0.000 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 1 24.010 25.010 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.350 6.600 0.000 0.450 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 2 22.190 25.010 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.350 6.600 0.000 0.450 OPERATING ENGINEER BLD 3 20.870 25.010 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.350 6.600 0.000 0.450 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 1 24.290 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.350 6.600 0.000 0.550 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 2 22.460 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.350 6.600 0.000 0.550 OPERATING ENGINEER HWY 3 19.440 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.350 6.600 0.000 0.550 PAINTER BLD 23.350 24.350 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.000 2.600 0.000 0.300 PAINTER HWY 19.550 20.050 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.200 4.750 0.000 0.000 PAINTER OVER 30FT BLD 19.550 20.050 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.200 4.750 0.000 0.000 PAINTER PWR EQMT BLD 19.550 20.050 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.200 4.750 0.000 0.000 PILEDRIVER BLD 23.240 24.990 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 6.450 0.000 0.250 PILEDRIVER HWY 23.480 24.730 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 6.450 0.000 0.250 PIPEFITTER BLD 26.700 29.370 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.050 4.710 0.000 0.420 PLASTERER BLD 21.750 22.250 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.650 6.400 0.000 0.000 PLUMBER BLD 25.870 28.200 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.050 6.310 0.000 0.650 ROOFER BLD 20.500 21.500 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 4.750 0.000 0.150 SHEETMETAL WORKER BLD 23.320 24.520 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.490 6.380 0.000 0.240 SIGN HANGER HWY 21.920 23.420 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.040 6.660 0.000 0.320 SPRINKLER FITTER BLD 27.540 29.040 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.400 2.850 0.000 0.150 STEEL ERECTOR HWY 21.920 23.420 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.040 6.660 0.000 0.320 STONE MASON BLD 22.820 24.070 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.150 4.600 0.000 0.250 TELECOM WORKER ALL 21.900 23.400 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 2.650 1.430 0.000 TERRAZZO MASON BLD 21.530 22.530 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.150 5.400 0.000 0.250 TILE LAYER BLD 22.740 24.490 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.000 6.450 0.000 0.250 http://www.state. il. us/agency/idoUCM/EVENMO/FULTONxx.htm Page 1 of ~ 6/9/01 Fulton County Prevailing Wage for June 2001 TILE MASON BLD 21.530 22.530 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.150 5.400 0.000 0.250 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 1 23.190 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.360 2.125 0.000 0.000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 2 23.590 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.360 2.125 0.000 0.000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 3 23.790 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.360 2.125 0.000 0.000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 4 24.040 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.360 2.125 0.000 0.000 TRUCK DRIVER ALL 5 24.790 0.000 1.5 1.5 2.0 4.360 2.125 0.000 0.000 TUCKPOINTER BLD 22.820 24.070 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.150 4.600 0.000 0.250 Legend: M-F>8 (Overtime is required for any hour greater than 8 worked each day, Monday through Friday. OSA (Overtime ie required for every hour worked on Saturday) OSH (Overtime is required for every hour worked on Sunday and Holidays) H/W (Health & Welfare Insurance) Penan (Pension) Vac (Vacation) Trng (Training) Explanations FULTON COUNTY CEMENT MASONS (NORTHWEST) - That part of the county West of a North-South line West of Farmington and Canton and North of an East-West line North of Cuba. GLAZIER - (SOUTH) - Starting at the northeast corner of Logan County continuing due west through the city of Sutter (Hancock County) to the Illinois state line. The following list is considered as those days for which holiday rates of wages for work performed apply: New Years Day, Memorial/Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. Generally, any of these holidays which fall on a Sunday is celebrated on the following Monday. This then makes work performed on that Monday payable at the appropriate overtime rate for holiday pay. Common practice in a given local may alter certain days of celebration such as the day after Thanksgiving for Veterans Day. If in doubt, please check with IDOL. EXPLANATION OF CLASSES ASBESTOS - GENERAL - removal of asbestos material from any place in a building, including mechanical systems where those mechanical systems are to be removed. This includes the removal of asbestos materials from ductwork or pipes in a building when the building is to be demolished at the time or at some close future date. ASBESTOS - MECHANICAL - removal of asbestos material from mechanical systems, such as pipes, ducts, and boilers, where the mechanical systems are to remain. Page 2 of ~ http://www.state.il.us/agency/idoUCM/EVENMO/FULTONxx.htm 6/9/01 Felton County Prevailing Wage for June 2001 ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Installing, assembling and maintaining sound and intercom, protection alarm (security), master antenna television, closed circuit television, computer hardware and software programming and installation to the network s outlet and input (EXCLUDING all cabling, power and cable termination work historically performed by wiremen), door monitoring and control, nurse and emergency call programming and installation to the system s outlet and input (EXCLUDING all cabling, power and cable termination work historically performed by wiremen), clock and timing; and the installation and maintenance of transmit and receive antennas, transmitters, receivers, and associated apparatus which operates in conjunction with the above systems. All work associated with these system installations will be included EXCEPT (1) installation of protective metallic conduit, excluding less than ten-foot runs strictly for protection of cable, and (2) 120 volt AC (or higher) power wiring and associated hardware. TRUCK DRIVER - BUILDING, HEAVY AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Class 1. Drivers on 2 axle trucks hauling less than 9 ton. Air compressor and welding machines and brooms, including those pulled by separate units, truck driver helpers, warehouse employees, mechanic helpers, greasers and tiremen, pickup trucks when hauling materials, tools, or workers to and from and on-the-job site, and fork lifts up to 6,000 lb. capacity. Class 2. Two or three axle trucks hauling more than 9 ton but hauling less than 16 ton. A-frame winch trucks, hydrolift trucks, vactor trucks or similar equipment when used for transportation purposes. Fork lifts over 6,000 lb. capacity, winch trucks, four axle combination units, and ticket writers. Class 3. Two, three or four axle trucks hauling 16 ton or more. Drivers on water pulls, articulated dump trucks, mechanics and working forepersons, and dispatchers. Five axle or more combination units. Class 4. Low Boy and Oil Distributors. Class 5. Drivers who require special protective clothing while employed on hazardous waste work. OPERATING ENGINEERS - BUILDING Class 1. Cranes; Overhead Cranes; Gradall; All Cherry Pickers; Mechanics; Central Concrete Mixing Plant Operator; Road Pavers (27E - Dual Drum - Tri Batchers); Blacktop Plant Operators and Plant Engineers; 3 Drum Hoist; Derricks; Hydro Cranes; Shovels; Skimmer Scoops; Koehring Scooper; Drag Lines; Backhoe; Derrick Boats; Pile Drivers and Skid Rigs; Clamshells; Locomotive Cranes; Dredge (all types) Motor Patrol; Power Blades - Dumore - Elevating and similar types; Tower Cranes (Crawler-Mobile) and Stationary; Crane-type Backfiller; Drott Yumbo and similar types considered as Cranes; Caisson Rigs; Dozer; Tournadozer; Work Boats; Ross Carrier; Helicopter; Tournapulls - all and similar types; Scoops (all sizes); Pushcats; Endloaders (all types); Asphalt Surfacing Machine; Slip Form Paver; Rock Crusher; Heavy Equipment Greaser; CMI, CMI Belt Placer, Auto Grade & 3 Track and similar types; Side Booms; Multiple Unit Page 3 of ~ http://www.state.il.us/agency/idoUCM/EVENMO/FULTONxx.htm 6/9/01 Fulton County Prevailing Wage for June 2001 Earth Movers; Creter Crane; Trench Machine; Pump-crete-Belt Crete-Squeeze Cretes-Screw-type Pumps and Gypsum; Bulker & Pump - Operator will clean; Formless Finishing Machine; Flaherty Spreader or similar types; Screed Man on Laydown Machine; Wheel Tractors (industrial or Farm-type w/Dozer-Hoe-Endloader or other attachments); F.W.D. & Similar Types; Vermeer Concrete Saw. Class 2. Dinkeys; Power Launches; PH One-pass Soil Cement Machine (and similar types); Pugmill with Pump; Backfillers; Euclid Loader; Forklifts; Jeeps w/Ditching Machine or other attachments; Tuneluger; Automatic Cement and Gravel Batching Plants; Mobile Drills (Soil Testing) and similar types; Gurries and Similar Types; (1) and (2) Drum Hoists (Buck Hoist and Similar Types); Chicago Boom; Boring Machine & Pipe Jacking Machine; Hydro Boom; Dewatering System; Straw Blower; Hydro Seeder; Assistant Heavy Equipment Greaser on Spread; Tractors (Track type) without Power Unit pulling Rollers; Rollers on Asphalt -- Brick Macadem; Concrete Breakers; Concrete Spreaders; Mule Pulling Rollers; Center Stripper; Cement Finishing Machines & CMI Texture & Reel Curing Machines; Cement Finishing Machine; Barber Green or similar loaders; Vibro Tamper (All similar types) Self-propelled; Winch or Boom Truck; Mechanical Bull Floats; Mixers over 3 Bag to 27E; Tractor pulling Power Blade or Elevating Grader; Porter Rex Rail; Clary Screed; Truck Type Hoptoe Oilers; Fireman; Spray Machine on Paving; Curb Machines; Truck Crane Oilers; Oil Distributor; Truck-Mounted Saws. Class 3. Air Compressor; Power Subgrader; Straight Tractor; Trac Air without attachments; Herman Nelson Heater, Dravo, Warner, Silent Glo, and similar types; Roller: Five (5) Ton and under on Earth or Gravel; Form Grader; Crawler Crane & Skid Rig Oilers; Freight Elevators - permanently installed; Pump; Light Plant; Generator; Conveyor (1) or (2) - Operator will clean; Welding Machine; Mixer (3) Bag and Under (Standard Capacity with skip); Bulk Cement Plant; Oiler on Central Concrete Mixing Plant. OPERATING ENGINEERS - HEAVY AND HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Class 1. Cranes; Hydro Crane; Shovels; Crane Type Backfiller; Tower Cranes - Mobile & Crawler & Stationary; Derricks & Hoists (3 Drum); Draglines; Drott Yumbo & similar types considered as Cranes; Back Hoe; Derrick Boats; Pile Driver and Skid Rigs; Clam Shell; Locomotive - Cranes; Road Pavers - Single Drum - Dual Drum - Tri Batcher; Motor Patrols & Power Blades - Dumore - Elevating & Similar Types; Mechanics; Central Concrete Mixing Plant Operator; Asphalt Batch Plant Operators and Plant Engineers; Gradall; Caisson Rigs; Skimmer Scoop - Koering Scooper; Dredges (all types); Hoptoe; All Cherry Pickers; Work Boat; Ross Carrier; Helicopter; Dozer; Tournadozer; Tournapulls - all and similar types; Multiple Unit Earth Movers; Scoops (all sizes); Pushcats; Endloaders (all types); Asphalt Surfacing Machine; Slip Form Paver; Rock Crusher; Heavy Equipment Greaser (top greaser on spread); CMI, Auto Grade, CMI Belt Placer & 3 Track and similar types; Side Booms; Starting Engineer on Pipeline; Asphalt Heater & Planer Combination (used to plane streets); Wheel Tractors (with dozer, hoe or endloader attachments); F.W.D. and Similar types; Blaw Knox Spreader and Similar types; Trench Machines; Pump Crete - Belt Crete - Squeeze Crete - screw type pumps and gypsum (operator will clean); Formless Finishing Machines; Flaherty Spreader or similar types; Screed Man on Laydown Machine; Vermeer Concrete Saw. Class 2. Bulker & Pump; Power Launches; Boring Machine & Pipe Jacking Machine; Dinkeys; P-H One Pass Soil Cement Machines and similar Page 4 of ~ http://www.state.il.us/agency/idoUCM/EVENMO/FULTONxx.htm 6/9/01 Felton County Prevailing Wage for June 2001 types; Wheel Tractors (Industry or farm type - other); Back Fillers; Euclid Loader; Fork Lifts; Jeep w/Ditching Machine or other attachments; Tunneluger; Automatic Cement & Gravel Batching Plants; Mobile Drills - Soil Testing and similar types; Pugmill with pump; All (1) and (2) Drum Hoists; Dewatering System; Straw Blower; Hydro-Seeder; Boring Machine; Hydro-Boom; Bump Grinders (self-propelled); Assistant Heavy Equipment Greaser; Apsco Spreader; Tractors (track-type) without Power Units Pulling Rollers on Asphalt - Brick or Macadam; Concrete Breakers; Concrete Spreaders; Cement Strippers; Cement Finishing Machines & CMI Texture & Reel Curing Machines; Vibro-Tampers (all similar types self-propelled); Mechanical Bull Floats; Self-propelled Concrete Saws; Mixers-over three (3) bags to 27E; Winch and Boom Trucks; Tractor Pulling Power Blade or Elevating Grader; Porter Rex Rail; Clary Screed; Mule Pulling Rollers; Pugmill without Pump; Barber Greene or similar Loaders; Track Type Tractor w/Power Unit attached (minimum); Fireman; Spray Machine on Paving; Curb Machines; Paved Ditch Machine; Power Broom; Self-Propelled Conveyors; Power Subgrader; Oil Distributor; Straight Tractor; Truck Crane Oiler; Truck Type Oilers; Directional boring machine; Horizontal directional drill. Class 3. Straight framed articulating end dump vehicle and Truck mounted vac unit (separately powered); Trac Air Machine (without attachments); Herman Nelson Heater, Dravo Warner, Silent Glo & similar types; Rollers - five ton and under on earth and gravel; Form Graders; Pumps; Light Plant; Generator; Air Compressor (1) or (2); Conveyor; Welding Machine; Mixer - 3 bags and under; Bulk Cement Plant; Oilers. Other Classifications of Work: For definitions of classifications not otherwise set out, the Department generally has on file such definitions which are available. If there is no such definition on file, the Bureau of Labor Statistics SIC list will be used. If a task to be performed is not subject to one of the classifications of pay set out, the Department will upon being contacted state which neighboring county has such a classification and provide such rate, such rate being deemed to exist by reference in this document. Further, if no such neighboring county rate applies to the task, the Department shall undertake a special determination, such special determination being then deemed to have existed under this determination. If a project requires these, or any classification not listed, please contact IDOL at 618/993-7271 for wage rates or clarifications. LANDSCAPING Landscaping work falls under the existing classifications for laborer, operating engineer and truck driver. The work performed by landscape plantsman and landscape laborer is covered by the existing classification of laborer. The work performed by landscape operators (regardless of equipment used or its size) is covered by the classifications of operating engineer. The work performed by landscape truck drivers (regardless of size of truck driven) is covered by the classifications of truck driver. Page 5 of ~ http://www.state.il.us/agency/idoUCM/EVENMO/FLTLTONxx.htm 6/9/01 i ~_ . . e m e ~ e^9 ~ o N o N°_ p w J r t2b ~ ~ r ~ ° c r o ~ ~ •uIW OOC • ~~ e o c ~ • O _ w~L ~ ~ N e = r pc o w o e T I GE N CEO a Lam(/') O °- ~ a- 3 0 -W- oo^a E w O W N ~ e '"n °o I i o. 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WIDTH 9B 32' 18 28.2 9C 32' 19 28' 10 28' 20 28' 11 A 28' 21 27.4' 11 B 32' 68A 28' 12A 32' 68B 28' 13A 32' 68C 28' 14A 32' 68D 28' 16 32' _ dpcmentmjd:00070cgts r' CITY OF CANTON 2001 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TYPICAL SECTION WIDTH VARIES FROM 11.5' E-E ' TO 24.5' E-E f I , .. ~ ~ ~. BITUMINOUS HOT MIX SAND SE.~L COAT (MOD.) AVG. 1 1/8" MATCH EX1STiNG SLOPE TYPICAL SECTION NON-CURBED STREETS BITUMINOUS HOT MIX SAND SEAL COAT (MOD.) 1-1/8" AVG. (1/2" OVER HIGH-POINT) LOCATION NO. WIDTH LOCATION NO. WIDTH 20' 3A 1T 136 ' 16' 3B 18 146 ' 24.5 3C 11.5 15A 16 4 17' 15B r 16 5 20 69 16' 6A 18' 7 17' OPERATION N0.1 BITUMINOUS HOT SAND SEAL COAT {MODIFIED) doymentm~d:0007DTSnon CITY OF CANTON 2001 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TYPICAL SECTION OPERATION N0.1 BITUMINOUS HOT SAND SEAL COAT (MODIFIED) ______-- 30' FAC>= TO FACE OF CURB ~ ~( I ! ~ _._~- BITUMINOUS HOT MIX SAND SEAL COAT (MOD.) AVG. 1 1/8" T CH EXISTING SLOPE TYPICAL SECTION CURB 8~ GUl i ER STREc t 5 RESURFACE FACE TO FACE OF CURS BITUMINOUS HOT MIX SAND SEAL COAT (MOD.) 1-118" AVG. (1/2" OVER HIGH-POINT) LOCATION NO. W1DTr{ 9A 30' 00070(2)TS CITY OF CANTON 2001 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TYPICAL SECTION OPERATION N0.2 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE (MODIFIED) 1-1/2" WIDTH 28.4' E-E BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE (MOD.) 1 1/2"~ ~ MATCH EXISTING SLOPE LOCATION NO. WIDTH 17 28.4' • CITY OF CANTON 2001 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TYPICAL SECTION __ OPERATION N0.2 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE (MODIFIED) 1-1 /2" WIDTH VARIES FROM 16' E-E . TO 20' E-E I ~ .. ~ ~~ BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE (MOD.) 1 1/2" TYPICAL SECTION NON-CURBED STREETS BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE (MOD.) 1 1/2" LOCATION NO. WIDTH 37A 20~ 376 16 -MATCH EX1STiNG SLOPE docvmentmjd:00070TSnan CANTON 2001 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TYPICAL SECTION MAINTENANCE OPERATION NO. 3 30' EDGE TO EDGE OF PAVEMENT I MILLING (TYPICAL) BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE (MODIFIED) TCH EXISTING SLOPE MILL EXISTING SURFACE 1 1/2" & VARIABLE AND OVERLAY WITH BITUMINOUS MIX COMPLETE (MOD.), 1-1/2" ,,. EXISTING CURB & GUTTER STREET TO BE MILLED 1 1/2" & VARIABLE AND OVERLAID 1 1/2" WITH BITUMINOUS MIXTURE COMPLETE 1-1/2" LOCATION NO. WIDTH 8A 30' gg 30' S:\Chene~00070eet52001.wpd o~~~ of Transportation RETURN WITH BID Route Municipality Rd. Dist./Twnshp County Section Time and Place of Opening of Bids Notice to Bidders Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the (:ifii (`iork• City of Cantons non r n~__a.. .a oa- ,.a.r.,.,~.... II 51 ~2n - Illln0lS (address) until 10:On o'clock A. M., .lulu 17- 2001 _ Proposals will be opened and read publicly (date) until 1000 o'clock A. M., ,lulu 17. 2001 at the office of tha r.i+~~ (:iar4• l`ity of Canton: (date) 210 E. Chestnut Street• Canton IL 61520 (address) Description of Work Name r'^^•^^ ~^^~ rn.,+,-°.-+ nAaintenanr.P Length KM ( 3.789 miles) Location ~ -'•"' '"° ~,fi, of rantnn -- Proposed Improvement - -- - ^••1 0 °I Mnlit flAillinnl Rifiiminniic M~tcrial /Prima (~oatl Bidders Instructions 1. Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of ~~°~ ~-^~ c+„+~ Inr • R Fact Flm Ctraa+• (`.antnn li 81520 - 2. All proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guaranty as provided in Article 102.09 of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction," prepared by the Department of Transportation. 3. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Article 102.08 of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction," prepared by the Department of Transportation. 4. Bidders need not return the entire contract proposal when bids are submitted. Portions of the proposal that must be returned include the following: a. BLR 5701 -Contract Cover d. BLR 5706 -Contract Schedule of Prices (if needed) b. BLR 5704 -Notice to Bidders e. BLR 5707 -Contract Schedule of Prices and Signatures c. BLR 5705 -Contract Proposal f. BLR 5708 -Proposal Bid Bond (if required) By Order of City o_f Canton (Awardi q ut rity City Clerk Note: All proposal documents, including Proposal Guaranty Checks or Proposal Bid Bonds, should be stapled together to prevent loss when bids are processed. BLR 5704 (Rev. 5/97) Illinois Department of Transportation RETURN WITH BID 1. Proposal of a total distance of 20,009 Proposal for the improvement of the above section by the construction of Bituminous Surface Removal (Cold Millino) Bituminous Material (Prime Coatl Bituminous Mixture Complete (Modifiedl And Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat (Modified) Route Municipality Road Dist./Twnshp County Section FeeUMeters distance of 20.009 ,( 3.789 )are to be improved. FeeUMeters MileslKilometers of which a 2. The plans for the proposed work are those prepared by Maurer-Stutz Inc ~ 6 East Elm Street: Canton IL 61520 Tele - 309-647-7831 /Fax 309-647-6155 and approved be the Department of Transportation 3. The specifications referred to herein are those prepared by the Department of Transportation and designated as "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" and the "Supplemental Specifications" there to, adopted and in effect on the date of invitation for bids. 4. The undersigned agrees to accept, as part of the contract, the applicable Special Provisions indicated on the "Check Street for Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions" contained in this proposal. 5. The undersigned agrees to complete the work within working davs or by 9/30/01 unless additional time is granted in accordance with the specifications. 6. Accompanying this proposal is either a bid bond on Department form BLR 5708 or a proposal guaranty check, completely with the specifications, made payable to the Citv Treasurer of the Citv of Canton The amount of the check is 7. If this proposal is accepted and the undersigned fails to execute a contract and contract bond as required, it is hereby agreed that the Bid Bond or check shall be forfeited to the awarding authority. 8. Each pay item should have a unit price and a total price. 9. The unit price shall govern if no total price is shown or if there is a discrepancy between the product of the unit price multiplied by the quantity . BLR5705 (Rev. 9/96) 10. If a unit price is omitted, the total price will be divided by the quantity in order to establish a unit price. 11. A bid will be declared unacceptable if neither a unit price nor a total price is shown. 12. The undersigned firm certifies that it has not been convicted of bribery or attempting to bribe an officer or employee of the State of Illinois, nor has the firm made an admission of guilt of such conduct which is a matter of record, nor has an official, agent, or employee of the firm committed bribery or attempted bribery on behalf of the firm and pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the firm. The undersigned firm further certifies that it is not barred from contracting with any unit of State or local government as a result of a violation of State laws prohibiting bid-rigging or bid-rotating. Attach Cashier's Check or Certified Check Here In the event that one proposal guaranty check is intended to cover two or more proposals, the amount must be equal to the sum of the proposal guaranties which would be required for each individual proposal. If the proposal guaranty check is placed in another proposal; state below where it may be found: The proposal guaranty check will be found in the proposal for: Section No. 13. The undersigned submits herewith this schedule of prices covering the work to be performed under this contract: SCHEDULE OF PRICES ( For complete information covering these items, see plans and specifications) Item No. Items Unit Quantity Unit Price Total ,„ 2 Bit. Material Prime Coat Gal. 7373 3 Bit. Mixture Com lete Modified 1 '/z" Ton 1569 4 Bit. Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat Modified Ton 2564 Carried Forward $ 0.00 Illinois Department of Transportafion RETURN WITH BID Schedule of Prices #234-01049 Agency City of Canton Section No. 01-00000-00-GM (For complete information covering these items, see plans and specifications) Item No. Items Unit Quantity Unit Total Price BLR 5706 (Rev. 1/94) d ~M~~~+ ~p ~p~} I'I/it IViV V~i~11 ifs if` a of Transportation rRETURN WITH BID Schedule of Prices #234-01049 Agency City of Canton Section No. 01-00000-00-GM (For complete information covering these items, see plans and specifications) Item. Unit No. Items Unit Quantity Price Total Carried Forward Bidder's Proposal for making Entire Improvements. $ 0.00 14. The undersigned further agrees that if awarded the contract for the sections contained in the following combinations, he will perform the work in accordance with the requirements of each individual proposal for the multiple bid specified in the schedule below. Cw4.e~.l~~ln .,i IUI~~14inln Riri¢ Combina- tion Letter Sections InGuded in Combination Total of o c~n7 roe.. ~~a\ o~ of Tran~ortation #234-01049 RETURN WITH BID WE as PRINCIPAL, an Fulton 01-00000-00-GM as SURETY. are held and firmly bound unto the above Local Agency (hereafter referred to as "LA") in the penal sum of 5% of the total bid price, or for the amount specified in Article 102.09 of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" in effect on the date of invitation for bids. We bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly to pay to the LA this sum under the conditions of this instrument. WHEREAS THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH that, the said PRINCIPAL is submitting a written proposal to the LA acting through its awarding authority for the construction of the work designated as the above section. THEREFORE if the proposal is accepted and a contract awarded to the PRINCIPAL by the LA for the above designated section and the PRINCIPAL shall within fifteen (15) days after award enter into a formal contract, fumish surety guaranteeing the faithful performance of the work, and fumish evidence of the required insurance coverage, all as provided in the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" and applicable Supplemental Specifications, then this obligation shall become void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. IN THE EVENT the LA determines the PRINCIPAL has failed to enter into a formal contract in compliance with any requirements set forth in the preceding paragraph, then the LA acting through its awarding authority shall immediately be entitled to recover the full penal sum set out above, together with all court costs, all attorney fees, and any other expense of recovery. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said PRINCIPAL and the said SURETY have caused this instrument to be signed by their respective officers this day of A.D. Principal (Company Name) BV: (Signature and Title) (Company Name) BV: (Signature and Title) (If PRINCIPLE is a joint venture of two or more contractors, the company names, and authorized signatures of each contractor must be affixed.) Surety ev: (Name of Surety) (Signature of Attorney-in-Fact) STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF Local Agency Proposal Bid Bond Route Municipality City of Canton Rd. Dist./Twnshp County Section a Notarv Public in and for said county. do hereby certify that (Insert names of individuals signing on behalf of PRINCIPAL & SURETY) who are each personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument on behalf of PRINCIPAL and SURETY, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged respectively, that they signed and delivered said instruments as their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this NOTICE 1. Improper execution of this form (i.e. missing signatures or seals or incomplete certifiption) will result in bid being deGared irregular. 2. If bid bond is used in lieu of proposal guaranty check, it must be on this forrn and must be submitted with bid day of My commission expires A.D. (Notary Public) BLR 5708 (Rev. 9/96)