HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #3010 - annexing certain territory (PIN 09-08-28-408/Ameren) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i J .=i ~ r~ iAM~:~, 3. NELS~:iN t:L~UN`I z ~:.L~RIi 5~ NECCrhI1~;h; FULTUN t:EiUNTY, IL fiE~:.C1FtI~EI> L~I~ ~~5~~i~t2t~1::? ii:~x~tc~i~AM CERTIFICATE h~{° F~~=~: t~A~~:~,: ~ STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) CITY OF CANTON, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON.) I, Diana Pavley, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances, and other books, record and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 3010 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF CANTON ILLINOIS (pin 09-08-28-408-013/AMEREN ILLINOIS Adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 2ND day of Apri12013 WITNESS my hand and the Corporate Seal of the Cit f Canton, I' ois this 2nd day of April 2013 ~ ~ana Pav ey, C' Clerk (SEAL) , ~ .G .r ~ ` 6 . " ; CERTIFICATE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) CITY OF CANTON, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON.) I, Diana Pavley, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances, and other books, record and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 3010 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF CANTON ILLINOIS (pin 09-08-28-408-013/AMEREN ILLINOIS Adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 2ND day of April 2013 WITNESS my hand and the Corporate Seal of the Cit f Canton, I' ois this 2nd day of Apri12013 ~ ~ana Pav ey, C' Clerk (SEAL) ORDINANCE NO. 3010 An Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory to the City of Canton, Illinois. (PIN: 09-08-28-408-013/Ameren Illinois) WHEREAS, the territory hereinafter described, is situated in unincorporated territory adjacent to and contiguous to the City of Canton, Illinois, and it is part of the Copperas Creek Fire Protection District, Canton Township and the Parlin Ingersoll District; and WHEREAS, a notice was given to the Trustees of said Fire Protection District, the Board of Township Trustees, and the Board of Parlin Ingersoll Library, said notice is being mailed on February 6, 2013, stating that this Ordinance would be voted upon at a regular meeting of the City Council at 6:30 p.m. on Apri12, 2013; and, WHEREAS, a written Petition signed by Ameren Illinois Company doing business as Ameren Illinois, the sole owner of recard of all land within such territory, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois, requesting annexation thereof to the City of Canton; and, WHEREAS, legal notices regarding the intention of the City to annex said territory have been sent to all public bodies required to receive such notice by state stature; and, WHEREAS, upon annexation, the property will be zoned I-1, light industrial; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, that said Petition complies with all requirements of the law thereof; and WHEREAS, the majority of the corporate authorities are of the opinion that it would be in the best interest of the people of the City of Canton, Illinois, that said territory be annexed to and made part of said City. NOW, Therefore, be it ordained by the Corporate Authorities of the City of Canton, as follows: Section 1: THAT the following described real estate, be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois: A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Fulton County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows and bearings are for descriptive purposes only: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, thence along the east line of said Section 28 bearing South 00 degrees 34 minutes 38 seconds West, a distance of 844.77 feet to the projection of the south right-of-way line of Illinois State Route 9, thence along said projection and said south right-of-way line bearing South 89 degrees 50 minutes 53 seconds West, a distance of 449.71 feet; thence along said south right-of-way line bearing South 29 degrees 39 minutes 06 seconds West, a distance of 28.81 feet to the northeast corner of the Hicksgas Canton, Inc., property and the Point of Beginning of the parcel to be described. From said Point of Beginning; thence along the East line of said Hicksgas Canton, Inc., property bearing South 29 degrees 39 minutes 06 seconds West, a distance of 107.79 feet to the southeast corner of said Hicksgas Canton, Inc., property; thence along the south line of said Hicksgas Canton, Inc., property bearing South 89 degrees 50 minutes 53 seconds West, a distance of 142.91 feet; thence bearing North 38 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 152.48 feet to said south right-of- way line; thence along sai south right-of-way line for the next three courses bearing North 89 degrees 50 minutes 53 seconds East, a distance of 28.08 feet; thence bearing South 00 degrees 09 minutes 07 seconds East, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence bearing North 89 degrees 50 minutes 53 seconds East, a distance of 72.50 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.305 acres more or less. PIN: 09-08-28-408-013 Section 2: THAT the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record in the Recorders' Office of Fulton County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Ordinance, together with the accurate map of the territory herein above described. Section 3: THAT the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Canton, Illinois, and the Zoning Map of the City of Canton, Illinois, are hereby amended to classify the real property herein annexed as I-1, light industrial. Section 4: THAT to avoid uncertainty regarding public safety responsibilities concerning the property herein annexed, this Ordinance shall take effect at noon on the 1 St day of May, 2013, following its passage by the Canton City Council. Passed by the City Council this 2"d day of Apri12013. AYES: Aldermen Pickel, Hartford, Schenck, Pasley, West, Fritz, Ellis, Nelson NAYS: None ABSENT: None ~ ~ ~ ~ ~z~~~'~'',~:'-~ ; Mayor, Kevin R. Meade~ AT ST: C r , Diana Pavley ANNEXATION PLAT PART OF SE 1/4 SEC. 28, T7N, R4E, 4TH PM o toa' 2ao' FULTON COUNTY ILLINOIS I- r.:ar~usr coatice c~ rxe $CALE: 1 INCH = 100 FEET r~ wunus cwmcH ov scaex za BEARINCS ARE FOR DESCRIPTIVE PURPOSES ONLY F. ~ N p~ ~ ~ / / ~ ~ F' > ~ i ~ ~ ~~CU,gT ~ ~ m AIVNEXATION QfSCRiPTiON - PARGfL 3 N' 3~ ~ / i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ (Per Worronty Deed 03-34379 doted Octaber 17, 2003) ~ ; ~ b g ' ~ A part of the Soulheast Ouarter oF Section 28, Township 7 North, W' ~9 A~ 4 Range 4 Ewt of ihe Fourth Principal Meridion, Fulton County, a~ 3~ ~ 8 Illinds, more particulurly described os follows and bearings are for ! ILLINOJS STATE ROUTE 9 LOCUST STREE7 descriptive Wrposes onlY sQ3 ! oi N 9B'- '-53' E.. >250' N ` ii N 09'-SO'-53~ E- IB.OB' $ ~ sw~x aa~r-ar-~ur ~_we ~ Commenci ut the Northeost Comer of the Southeast Ouarter of u sovm x.Hr-a-~ur uc N s s9•-so~-5r w-..e.,r Seetion 28 thence a~ong the east line of said Section 2B bearing ~ ~ ~ ~ hM1- ~"Fr-~~-r--------r . . ~ ~ South 00 d rees 34 minutes 38 secands Wesl, a distance ef j~~- S 2y-33'-UC' w 738.BY I 844.77 feet~to the projection of the south rigM-of-way line of ~ Iliinois StMe Route 9, thenee along said projection and soid swlh ' ~ 3~, r:wr or ~c;'ww:. I ~ z ~ righl-of-way line bearing South 89 degrces 50 minutes 53 seconds / 4' T ~ ~ West, a distance of 449.71 feet; thence obng soid soulh ~ ~x~ ` OY'" ~ i........._ w right-of-way line bearing South 29 degrees 39 minutes Ofi seconds w ^P s zc~-as~-oc• w-,o~.~e~ I ~ j ( W) West, a dislance of 28.91 teet to the northeast comer ot the V _ i = Hicksgas Canton, Inc., property ond the Point oi Beginning of the a F } ~ ~ y. i _ ~ porcel lo be described. a ~3 '-t --'r s es~- s~ _ i4s.si . ~ j__ - ~ a ~ 2 ~ ~ i vpR~` i ~ From said Point ot &ginning; thenee olong the Easl line of soid ~ Hicksgas Canton, Inc., property bearirg South 29 degrces 39 g o / / ~ y i ~ i minutes O6 eeconds West, o distonce of 107.79 feel to the ~ / / -~-r~-F~t-r-~-~-~-~----- ~-ei--f-~ - - -....f._ Z 3 ~ ~ southeast comer ot said Hicksgas Conton, inc., property: thence O / ~ \ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ ' alorg the south line ot said Hicksgas Cantan, Inc., PropertY bearing ~G a ~ . i ~ i ~ y m ~ South 89 degrees 50 minules SJ seconds West, a distance of x ~ ~ ~ ~ i i~ c~` ~ i ~ T J ~ 142.91 feet; thence bearing North 3B degrees 49 minutes 30 Z ° ~ ~~'aS~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ seconds East, a dstance ot 152.48 fcet to said south Z ~ p~ ~ ~ : i pd~~ i i E ~ I right-of-way line, thmce along said soulh right-ot-way iine fa a v. ; ~ 0~ ~ i * y ( ~ the next tAree courses bearirg North 89 degrees 50 minutes 53 ~ ' --j ? seconds Eost, o distonce of 28.08 fcet; thence Dearing South 00 ~ ~ I ~ I `Y9 T_____ ~ ~ ~ ~s ~a i ~ I ~ i I ~ degrees 09 minutes 07 xconds East, a distance of 25.00 feet; ~ ~ i i i i~ ~ thence Dearing Nwth B9 degrees 50 minutes 53 seconds Eost, a ~ ? / 1 ~ i I ' ' I 9 ng. containing 0.305 ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ , i t ~ l' d"rstonce of 72.5D feet to the Point of Be inni ~ ~ ~ .i _ -".r-- ocres more ar less. a ! / i ~ ie ~ r' ~ i i i I ~ ~ L -----f- --'--~--~--1--1 -H--f~---i---J I W ~ ----J .P=waw*c cKwrcl or mc cam ~s > ~ WEST CHES7NUT STR£ET 41JMN ON A PUT RECOppED ~N Tl Q nKrcx couxrr wcmaua+'s arr~ ,~s W ObL~EXT MUY9IX f01{68. PIAT B001t fA X State of Illinois ~ ""a 2 ~ County of Peorin ) SS W a We, Mourer-Stuk, Inc., Professional Design Frtn No. 184-005754, do hereby cert'rfy thot ~ ~ ^ we twve prepared the above annexotion plat, a pmt of the Southeast Quarter ot Section a a 28, Township 7 NoRh, Ronge 4 East of the FouRh Principal Merid'an, Fuiton County, . Illinois. f IEGEND ~ { ~ PROPO$D ANNE7(AitON 80UNDARY LINE Ooted ot Peorio, Illinois, this day of G/~t'~ ~V' , 2012. 7TTT7TT ~ ~ - t ~ - ( ) - EXISANG CORPORA710N 80UNDARY LINE 3:' € u~~o.,, ~ sy ~.a .,a p ~ ~ - ' - - WAR7ER SEC110N L1NE a „...a e~ : ' Qi6VBV • 8 5 P ' RIGHT-OF-WAY OR DEED L1NE e~: ~ _ : r~ : _ . lr. fc! Y.... n, ; MSi33 ~ t : 8Y• t'" ip~~'•~OEOR~r.% p~ y~.:,a. ry ~''o~rFpF'~~, Illinois ProTessioral Land Surveyor No. 035-003653 1 r~, Licmx Exqrce 11/30/T074 a