HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #4003 - agreements with springbrook software
WHEREAS, the Finance Department recommended replacing the City's current accounting and
utility billing software with an enterprise resource planning software system that would fully integrate
the business functions of the City of Canton; and with a more comprehensive system, the City will be
able to implement internal controls, streamline accounting, audit incoming revenue easier as well as
track expenses in greater detail; and
WHEREAS, after substantial discussion with the department heads, administrative staff and the
City Council, the finance committee have determined that it is necessary and in the best interest of the
City of Canton to enter into an agreement with Springbrook Software Inc. as set forth in Exhibits A, B,
and C respectively, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, of the City of Canton, has made a similar determination.
1. That the Springbrook Software Master Client Agreement attached hereto and incorporated
herein as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved by the Canton City Council.
2. That the Springbrook Software Maintenance Agreement attached hereto and incorporated
herein as Exhibit "B" is hereby approved by the Canton City Council.
3. That the Springbrook Software Hosted and Subscription Services Addendum attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "C" is hereby approved by the Canton City
4. That the Mayor and City Clerk of Canton are hereby authorized and directed to execute said
agreement on behalf of the City of Canton.
5. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the
City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, and approval by the Mayor
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, at a regular meeting this 16th day of
October, 2012, upon a roll call vote as follows:
AYES: Aldermen Pickel, Hartford, Schenck, Pasley, West, Fritz, Ellis, Nelson
NAYS: None
~ ~
, ,
. ~ /
~ ~ / Kevin R. Meade, ayor
Diana Pavley, City erk
~ . _._.__~D~;~;tvi)tIl1~ ~ 2~Iz
Thts Addendum sets fpnh additional termt end cond(tions applicable to Product Malnteznnce SeMces purchased by Clty Of CBntOTI ('Q1eaC) frpm
Sprf ng6rook Sdtware, lnc. ("Vendor") pursuant to the Master Client Agreement ("Master Aareement"J entered Into by Vendor and ~lent Captpiized terms used in
thls Addendum but not deArred herefn wiil havc the meanings set farrh in the Master pgreement or in the Software Licenu AgreementAddendum
i DSRINITIoNS [cJ After hours support during haurs other shan Vendor's norm~l hours
Capitalised terms (n thls Addendum mean the fopowing unless standard h urly rates for) after nours suppor~ or s documented on
speciftcalty deflned elsewhere In this Addendum. the appropriate Order Form or Statement of Wor)c
"EtlLiII~gpC any change to a 5oftware Product that che Vendor, in its z.2 Scope ofProduct Maintenance Servlces
sole discretion, has determined wili become part of the Sofiware ProducC
including any modiflatlon or addition tha4 when made or added to a As long as piem is current on Maintenance Fees, Vendor agrees to provide
Sohware Product, materfel~y changes tts udllty, efflGeacy, furutional ~duct MainUenance Services in support oFthe Software produces as set
capabtltry, or Output, but that does not constttuce solely an Error fO~ in che appllcable Order Form, Product Maintenance Services shaU
Correcdon, ~nd does noc conatitute a New Product Release, Vendar may ~onsin of
designate Enhancemenct aa "M~jor Enhancements" or simply as (a) Error Correctioa Vendor wfll use all reasonahle diligence to correct
"Enhancements," depending pn Vendor's assessment of their value and of verlHabie and reproducible errors in Software Products thai are nat
the function added to the Software Product or Appllcatlon. A"MaJor performfng in accorda~ue wlth the SpeciRcations. gtrar Corrocqons
Enhancement" Is a substanrial rewrite of an Appiication or a Software will be made within a reasonable dme penod after reported to
Product. Vendor. The 6rror Correctton, when compleced, may be provided in
"Tem o~y Fix" means en inicfal correction or "fix` to a pro6lem in tl~e may b p~ovided ~the fo~r
of r cornmended alte eat meHaods of
Sottware Producta prior to the release o(an Error Gorrection, usfng the Sohware Praducts.
"Srror Corregtinn• me~ns either a rnaditication or an addidon that, (b) Changes in State and Fedc~al Report(nQ Requircments. Vendor wlll
when made or added to che Software Praducts, brinPs the SoFtware provlde En}L,~ncements needed to canform to state and Federal
Products into materl~l conformity with its SpecitlcaUons, or a procedure reporting requirements, Including changes W tax tablea and routine
or routlne th~L when observed in the rcgular ope~ation of the Software forms, as chanQes become efFective. Product Mafntenance Services
Products, awids the praccical adverse effect of such nonconformity. under thls Addendum do not include updates to conform to any
changes tn local governmental regulatlons, including without
"Meintenance Fee~" msans Feaa paid by Glient on a periodic basia to Umitatlon changec in utliity bi)ling rates, reporis or methods. Vendor
purchase the Product Maintenance Servlces under this Addendum. These reserves che righc to deterr,une final form of State arsd Federal
Ma1Men~nce Fees are subject to the Tetms and CondSdons of the Master reporti~ functlonality to ensutt th~t [unctfonallry meets che
Agreement ere considered"Fees." requirements of the controlling regulation and all cilents with(n the
"New Prod~et Aeleacn• scope of satd regulatloa Enhapcements to meet local needs are not
means sidier the toWl rewrite of an Appllcatlon included in this 5ervice.
or new verslon(s) of the Software Products (including, without
ifmitrtlen, ofFering oF nn Applicetion (n a new languege), die offering of (~l Service Packt. Vendor may, from time to Nme, lssue routlne minor
new su(~s af AppUcaHorts or dotabases, generally packaged as a separate releases of the Software Produccs, known as servtce paeks, which
module, and wh(ch rtay incorporate Brror Correctians and/or contain Errar Carrec[Ions, tn Clients who have Software Maintenance
E~hancements. A New Product Release shall be distlngulshed from an Addenda (a place. Instal(ation of Service Packs is provlded at no
Enhancemant by Vendor's dete~mination, based on Vendor's assessment charge to Client i£ completed over the ]ntemet fnstailation ofroudne
of the N~rv Product's value and of the funcHon added to the Software releases, Service Packs, and Enhancements by Vendor at CitenPs site
Products or an Applicatlon. will be billed te CI[ent at Vendor's then-current hourly race,
2 SCOP6 ~F MAINT6NAN .R A.R CMtUT (d) Discounts on Major Enhe~cement Releasex Vendor nwy, from tlme Co
timc, offer MaJor Enhancements [o C?ienc To the extenc Yerdor offers
Clfent has purchased access to certein SoRware Products from Vendor such MaJor Enhancement~, Vendor shali permtt CJient to galn acceas
and Ctient wishes to have Vendor mafataln and support ClienYs use ot to each MaJar Enhancement For each designated User of the Software
those Softwue Products. Vendor and Cllenttherefore agree as follows: Produ~ts or Apptlcstlon being maintatned under thia Addendum at
the discount dien speci(tec3 by Vendor.
2,1 ScopeofSupportServECes
2.3 LlmitattonofSupportandMalntenanceServtces
(a) As loog as Client is current on Meintenance Fees, Vendor agrees ta
provlde 'Bssic Support Services" in support of the Product Baslc Thefoilowingisnotcoveredbythisagreement:
Support Services sh8ll consist oE: (e) Training, data conversion, Consulting Services, and project
(b) a toli-free line plus Intarnet acce.ss to Vendor's support department management services (whether ~site or offsSte);
during Vendol's normal hours ot operatien to answer questions (fJ Mafntenance or support services resulting tYom any pro6lem
about Uie Sohware Products and help resolve tssves not re?ated to resulting from ClienYs deliberate or inadvertent misuse, alteradon
Hrror Corrections as deRned 6elow; and
- pnbn-~f~ro?ldaunaaceAddmdum
F~ Sprin~l~raol;
a E~.... ~ ~i f:~~~~:A!~EIi~;
~ 'L ~
(inciuding local reports wr[tten by the Cllent), or damage o( the outside of the Products and Services itsted l~ Section 1.L Among other
Software Products; tfifngs, Vendor will bili Client on an hourly basis for the following servicer,
5uppor[ of aperaqng systems; support of non•Vendor software (a) Support or maintrnance in cases where repeated opera[or-praduced
(inclading but not limiud tn sprcodsheets, word praessors, general error by the same user contlnues to occur desp;te notiflcation ro
oHice soRware, and report writers (including Crystal Reports, except Cllent;
for du standard Sprtngbrook reports written in Crystai)J;
(b) Support and malntenance services assoclated with applicatlons not
(h) On-sJte managemenc services for Upgrades or MaJor Enhancements; purcbased by Lllea[ from Vendor, as documented ln an approprlate
Order Form or Statement of Work;
(1) Prov[dtng or recommending internal controis or balancing Client's
boolcs; (c) Support and maintenance services outside the scope of thls
(i) Any trainfng, consulHng (mplementeqon management services, and
data conversion services required on an individual CUent basfs for (d) Support and maintenance services necessltated by CHenCs fallure to
Major Enhaneements (whether onsfte or offsite); provide adequate lnternal controls to ensure the arcvracy and
(k) Any set up, support for and matntenance of additional productlon approprfate use of tl~e ProducGs and compliance wtth local, sate and
d~tabases (whether onslte or ofTsice); federal reguledons and audltors raqutremerKs
(1] Travel (including travel time) and living e~rpenses For training, or any te) Support and malntenance services assoclated with Client's failure to
otheronsltesupportorservices; Provide adequare irrternal concrols to ensure the accur~ty and
approprfate use oFthe Produds,
(m) New (addttional) Product license and service fees. (Q Cosu assoclated with CIlenYs creaqon or modiflcatlo~ ot daU in
(n) Glient is responsible for teating Client•spedftc modlAcations or Vendor's database except through the appropriate uae oF Vendor
Custom Serv(ces assoclated with upgradtng or migratlng Guscom m ~'oducts; .
new release levels is not Irtcluded !n tMs agresmenc
(g) Costs associated wich CJtent's own actions co inte`rate Vendor
3 CLiENT RESpONS1At1.t~nRC Products wtth applicadons or senc~es not purchased from Vendor,
Under thls Addendym tTw C)Ient is responsible for items na specifically ~h) C~~ asspciated wtth Giant's failure to meet the terms and
assigned to the Vendor, including the followSng: conditlons ofsection 3 of this Addendum;
3.3 CooperattonofClfent (i) Costs associated with additfonal iabor or ouc of poclcet expenses
Client agrees [o notify Vendor promptly fallowing the discovery af an ~nturred while provldfng support to Client i~ cases where Vendor has
Y requested but Client has de~ied remote access inco a user
e~TOr. Purther, upon disGOVery of an errar, qien[ agrees, lf requested by workstatlon or the server housing Vendor's Products; and
Vendw, ta submit to Vendar a Ilsting of Qutput and any other data that
Vendor may requlre fn order co reproduce the en•or and the aperatlng U) Labor and travel costs assoclated witb providing on•site for services
conditions under which the error occurred or K as discovered. Vendor shall covered by thta Addendum.
tteat any such data as confideuttal.
3.Z VertdorAccess
4.1 Fallure to pay Maintenance Fees
; Client agrees ro provide and maintain a meana for Vendor to remotely
access and maintain the Sohware Products. Th1s aaess will Include the 1f Gfenc faps to pay Maintenance fees as specEfied in the appl(cable Order
~ foUowfng: Form or Stztemcnt of Work, Vendor reserves the right to suspend all
~ (o) Appropriate Vendor approved software chat wfll allow Vendor Services under thls Addendum. lf Cilen~'s account Is plued ai hold due to
failurt to pay Maincenance Fee; Venda~ wiU suspend ~ll Seryices urder this
support personnel to access the Clknt's server envlronment for the Addendum. CIIenYs account will n~t be taken ofC hdd until the foltowin
~ purposes of set-up of Products, troubleshaodng and problem o~~~ 8
(p) Ctient will allow Vendor personnel to access Products with maal tenanceamountisepatd~
dng of 1~% of the full year annual
adminlstratlve level access;
(b) All ou[standing Fees are paid in fuq.
(cil Client is rosponaible for maintaint~g the secwity of any access
solutloa; and 4.2 Maintenance Fees
(r) Vendor's failure tp provide services under thfs Addendum as a direct Vendor reaervea the right to (ncrease Matntenance Fees by ap to 596 each
rewlt of Client's failura to provide access to Vendor wlll not Year.
~ constitute a breach of this Addendum. 5 USH AND RHC'rntL'7'IONS.
; 3.3 Key Qfent personnel replacement Error CorrecUons, Enhancemer~, New Product Releases and arry aher
~ (f key qient personnel nplacement acurs, Vendor reserves the right to . P~~amming provided by Vendor, regardtess of its form or purpa~se shaU
require that the new empioyee(s) acquire Vendor-required ~atning. be cons(dered patt of the Sofnware Producrs For yurpcues of determining
, Venda offers free aalning st Vendor's Patland 7~ainirig Center to ail new ~e partie~ rights end obllgattons related thereto pursuant to the SoRware
department heads and one (1) new primary user per year for Products ~d Subscriptlon Agreemerrt Addendum and this Addendum
' purchased by the Client. Vendor may, in iq discretion, retse the vendor sheU have sole and exctustve ownership of al] righc, cide and interest
Maintenance Fees payable by qiant by up to ten perce~rc (1096) each yeer ff ~ and to such works (ineluding ownership oF all copyright,s trade secret
Cllant dces not provida traini~g to all applicable users who caEl in to Vendor and other intellectual property rights pertaining tbereto), subject tp
I f~r suppoK the terms and condlttons of dte 5othvare Hosting and Suhscrlptlon
3.4 Addltiona! Costa not covered by thls Addandum. AS~~ment Addendum.
. Vendor reserves the right to b[q houriy fa maintenance and support
-'T~..~ Gnron•Sott7variMabltcnanaAdA~ndum
f~~:S~~rr~~~bi•i~c~(: r~r~~,~;r~k~t~r~ ~ ~0~2
.~r~ . ~
1~ U 11~F.~,ti ~rifF.ItFAF, tach uf tlx pazaas heirrc~ haa cauacJ thix ilckkti~dum m be cxecuteJ bti• its tluh• nuclwratti ~>ffuer or reprrscnmti~a.
/ ~ ~
Vendor. Springbrook pvere,lnci ~ N Clie~t:Ciryo
Hy. ~c.w~ By,
Name (Pfint): 71m Rneener Name (Print): lSs~n_Nleade
7Yde: S(iGC.$.E~ 'ons 7ide:
Date. !C~ /b~~CY2 . Da~: _ V 'j,Ul~„
Gutoa- SoftwYn Tphrtml8~rce Addendum
/j~~~3Cill~;l~t't:~t:r}~ ORDERFORM { 2012
Licensed Pmducts and Services
r ' t+o,~oo ~s,sao
~ • * lneluded ~76
' ~ Inoludttl f97d
~ Mcludtd Induded
klcludld Inclutlttl
Inelud~0 Inolu W d
~ i~.BCO j87b
~ i f4,226 f1,900
51,2l8 ~8lp
i4.2Z6 ip~6
° i4.~Z8 i976
a '
s~,~ao s9,rsa
InclnWd indu0~d
lndotNd in¢Ntl~d
. , , ~~B ~
~ = NO UpiroMFess Ineluw0
: ~ ~ ~ 51,A00 maud•d
~ : • ~ 53~260 q,260
No uptront f~~s =97Q
• i4~~26 i860
No Uphont Ftas t876
, S1,Z2b ~.1,900
. • ~ • No Upfront Feos i976
~ il~,ss0 f6~d00
: i~,600 f6B0
5~,460 j'1,300
' , ' i2,600 5976
i1,000 i1,000
" i?,600 i1~000
' ~ ' IndUMd
• ' • Inelutlsfl
, ~
1 80~
+Hostad UB Psyments, [nquiry and e-statements are calcula~od at 50.03/acdve accoimUma~th + s1.00inensection. Norrml CraiB Card fers appiy.
"'thme applicnliom are eonfigured as a subscription model so no liante fee is dua Consulting, traming, implemematiqr and aub~cription hes apply. Sepnrate
Contrad roquirCd
_ . .
~t~, : 4~t~rtb'~4drta,11:?3.Ql. il
/~~Springbrook ORDBR FORM I 2012
Converrsion Services- DBtaii .
~,aoo ~
An esamated cat a your aaca Qa~sion naa be~ pnrkJea ~n m?s qu«s, m~s ~Nmate is ar up to tnrcs
sep9r~e dete pWls ior UdNty BNNnB pPP~), end aia data {wtl fbr a(1 ather 6~pplkk~tbns. We wdl naed
to reNew ~~I asmple d your deta to cordfrtn ttia estlmate. Certaln 4~clars may ceuse Ihe oost to
axceed ths amamt quoted. Ses ~ectiw~ betav tiUed "Not kicNxled In Estlmate".
mae are a wrtsty a aaccas m.t c.n hauenoe the c:ost a a can?era~on and a wn.ry a~tems u~et a~e na
induded the ctandatd Cost esfpnete 1~' your con~rslon For examplY, Y~ eatirttHte wiB rwt includn the
• RertlOtial d dete (ro?n yOUr eziating systeln
• Canwldr~p on romwel af deta finm your exiadnq syetsm
• Chanpe~ ar rtwdiflcaliorre requeBted aller the p~et con~srs?on and ddfe~ent ttom
u,e.oec~c~a,s we «~rrr~n ~~ed.
• Chenpe0 in the brtrfat wr rooehe ttle d9ta In a(OertM firet aorne~sfon
• MFOie than lhro, conarWon~ for lPB or mone that w~e cornasion br airy df~r modda
In ~tlidan~ tfw bUoMnp Iteme can IrKUaase the cost d your corne~abm.
. M~ad brrtwRs a~ dda (a Ole cadsinMp tab ddimiteQ or ocmme dellmttad Iknmei.
• Problans wiM cJeh 6de9~Y
• Date msniD~~ not for ths purpase d fhs comersion, but for it~ p~rt~opa at supplylna You wfth
InfameUon you tAd noR pfeMOUSIy he~e aecees to.
• Chergoe In tlie Ale iamat ~terthe first corne~slan
• ~ tsquestal to ttroe data elRa'tf~e SACOrttl OOmeretan
. No Me or inCplet,K flle layaits
No oaR ol firs in ~xcaas oFtl~ota est forth !rt tAe $cFadui~ 01 Fees wip be irwwrred by IM Lieeneas without
pMorac~ptrnc~ of Liprpea a~ IndlcaEad on a aEynsd work order
Pngc 2 of5 ~!4~5. 9_~-1~lI~A~.~: 1Q1!«+.~'"~
f~S~ringbraok ORDER FORM ~ 2012
Main#enance Fees
sz.~co s~~o
te~o sexa
s~o se~o '
~ s~o
iseo teeo `
~ seso
:~,e~o s+,~so
iwo taeo
is.aoo ~,aoo
s,,~+e :,,~ee
i+,6oo s~,6oo
i7e4 f7e4
s~eo s~o
s~,aoo t~,soo
taao s~o
s,,aoo s+,aoo
t~,~ ~t,aeo
it2o !~o
Sd~o se2o
saao ssso
. s~,eeo yt,eeo
78 b
io iu i9ae
~Cbsd arvke~ f~cW~ • m b yur terw. Upru compicKou of tero? aap~~etw ~rlopa6nlly rmm kr ~~o4wqaest II meth period birrioa writtm ao11u ofSH~aded
e~aaltaNo~ wlfhia 90 dpn ofa u~w Nrm
P~a1of,5 Q~a.l~~-.omqoa.n~~,01.. s~~
~~Springbrook ORDBR FORM I 2022
Optional Products
t9 t0
- The addifian of optional products roquires a fully executed Change Order.
- Listed prioes valld if cwnirad for additional produots exea~ted by 12/3l/20] 3. .
. Prlces not to acceed 10~'o inar~ase from 1/1/14 ttuaugh 11J31/2014.
rae~ e ~rs oirwr~•,4¦Opa:A:=ip3~i7ri
~~~pringbrook ORDER FORM I 2012
Paymerrt 5chadule
Sub~cr9ptlon and
SoAware and Services Ctoud Fees
Oue Upon Signing $ 88,535.00 y 5,735.00
Dw May 18~ Z013 S 20,510.00 $ -
Due Sepbamber 1$~ Z013 $ 18,450,00 $ -
1st Anhlvenary of 8Egnin$ ~ - $ 33,927.00
Due Muy 1S, Z014 8 27,000.00 $ -
Total ProjactCoeb~ $ 154,495.00~
•TaOol Prqject Coats do not Inclnde travd, meioidmnce a wbsaiptioa fea.
This Ocdor Form adows applieeGona Cliaft bes purclmaod aud the emount c#urgad far eech, die cost for bnplanentatiaa sarvioes. and the accomPenyin8 arteod
maintaie,~ca cmb. Hy e)p,nin~ the Urder Fonn, Client u a~reeiane to purchaso ihese applications under the umbreJle of the originel meacer egreana~t aad d~e associuad
adda~da in additioo W any tertns descaibed 3n thta e~remnent co be exxuted botwow~ ClimU and Vendor md to the priaes conteined heroin. Pricing is 6ased m sqodnrd
conaea. Deviatlope from standard comiso[ rom~s may encult m moditied pdas. Order Form estume~ s@ producb to be impfamarted under ~e saope of a tingle
proJect Client crueed prv,iect dalays or raquearc W implanenc modWes separatdY rt~y require s chenQe omdec and additionat nrvicas fees. Trah~mg and Buaiaaes
Process Study (BPS) Estimsou do net inaludy.8aYe1 thne ar travd e~ens~. ~~[nvamxnt wIII vary beaed on number of uee~s, savers aad QB being backad up,
Vendor. SPrL~br C1ienC CIty n,
py: ~'"•Va~~~c.~a~s4~ . HY
Neme (P11tfi~: 7lm Reeener N~ne (P~int): V~ 11 a~
T~: 7Ytle: 0~
Uate: /t9 / Dace. {0 1U
npconm~e ~.0~~~~n ('9~~~~I
AAphonanumber. 30°l. U~~. t151o
Cllent Fi~l Year. ~_~0
Pnµc S of 5 O,t'dM~ , orm ~~Opq;]L-10}61;;Y
/~~$~PCltl~;~~t'i~c:r}: ORDERFORM ~ 2012
Licensed Products and Services
~ ~to,~oo sa~sao
~ triclud~d W78
~ j baludad f97b
plaludsd Included
InCtutl~d IaGUd~tl
muua.a i~auwa
s~BOO sera
, . ~ ~ s+~zza sa,soo
a~.zza ts~w
f{,226 i976
~ S~.2Z8 i876
, * ~1~YY +4~7W
inGUWd Mduaad
Indnqad IneluE~tl
~ ~ • ~278 =3Zd
NO Up1roM Fess MeWdsd
~ f1,800 InNud~d
: ~ , ; ~ ~ f3~Z60 53,260
No Uptront Ft~a =976
• • i • 54~426 i8f0
No Upiront F~ss :875
~ f4,?26 f3~i00
No Upkont Fers i916
. ss,aso se,aoc
, s~,eoo scao
ss,sso r,soo
+ i2,600 5976
E1,000 it,000
~Z,b00 i1~000
, . : ~ ~,6pp
1 800
~Hoatad UB Peyments, tnquiry and astatements are calcuiaied at SO.OShqive accoimUmm~th + S1.OOltrensection. Nornni Ciedrt Cerd fas appiy.
•~'Ihwe applications are configured as a subscription model so uo lianae fee is dua Consulting ttaining, implemcatatian ond aubocription fas appty. Seperate
cociVaa requircd
. _ . .
r.~.. . . 4~nn±d: . 1k?~o . x
/j~Springbrook ORDER FORM I 20l2
Conv~rsion 3ervices- Detaii .
s,,sao .
An iqimdsd oat of yax data can~ersiion Fms been proutlad in this quote. ?hle mtimate la Ihr up to three
~a tl~e puila io? Udmy BIIUnp p?appYcade}, entl one deta puU Aor dl ather epplk~tWns. We wdl ~eed
io reoiew an actual asmple of your dete lo oonArtn thla ~timale. CatNn fectora may cause the coat to
sxceed tM amount q~wUd. Ses section betow titled "iJOt IncN~ded in Eatlrtrete".
There ere a~eriety of factas fh~t cr~ InOuence the cost W a comersim and a wriety of items tt~ are not
included fn the ~td cost sst~nsto 1br your comasiat For awmpli, Your ecqmffie w(tl rat includa ~e
• R6~D(n~d d detd kOm yOUrexiatin8 ayatem
• CornulMt~p on nxnoyal dtltta hom yoirexia6nq Syetem
• Charpss ar modiflCediarm roque~tad sRer the fNet can~ersion ta~d d'dfererU fiom
the iDOdAOStbne we orialnalty rocel~ed.
• Chenpee In the brmot wr reoelw U1a dlNa In at6er tlw lbst oornwsfon
• A~{019 thaz~ lhl!! COMMil01M 10f l~ Or RIOfIB thOd O~f! Con~e18f01t ~r arry dh6f rtl0dule
In addidan~ ttw bltaMnp lOe~ms tren ir~e the oost of yota caneisian:
. Mixed brmats otdeda (a Ole cadeinlnp tab deHmited or oomma de~knited hsmel.
• Problems wHh deh MdeD~Y
• Data manipulnlon not Rx the purpose of tfie canersian, but for the P~~Poee d suDp~Y~~ Na+ ~
infam~Uon you did not preHOUaly he~e aeoees to.
• Chetg~ In the Me ~urnat edter the Ifrot corneisiaf
• Chif1~B8 f!¢IBi2id t0 tl10 Q9te 81R61'tlle sBCQid OdKe18b11
• ND M! Of IflCOfliCt dl~ 18y0Ut8
No aoat of fias in ~xqas of tl~ota eet fortl~ In LAe Sch~dule of Rees wip be Incurred by tlu Lioeness witlwut
pMorecapbna of Uames a~ IndlcaEod on a Nqned waic order
PaNc 2 0(5 ~dK. ~ ~,~A.1~: iQ~,¢32~1
(~S~ringbrook ORDER FORM I 2012
Main#enance Fees
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s~,aoo st,eso
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~CNsd arvka i~cYd~ ~ rddm~m 9 yar term. Up~u rnmpkliou stte+m, eooM~etw artonadnlb ronew tor ~ w6nqoert 11 nool6 period burlna arimm ~otlee offi~teoded
c~oeellwNur wYWn 70 diq+ola eew ea~
P.Kx 3 o/S ~7E~~~.'.~Ar.~ :.'~,Q~. 1:~
/~~Springbrook ORDER FORM I 2022
Optional Products
so so
- The addition of optional products requir~a a fully executad C6anga Orda.
- Listed prIas vatid if conbrad for addiiional products axecmted by 12/3120] 3. .
- Ptices rtot to excced 10'Yo morease :fmm 1/1/I4 tlunugh 12/31/2014.
r~e. a ~ts oid~raap~q,•.qap~i;14=3Qi1~~ri
~~Springbroolc ORDER FURM I 2012
Paymecrt Sc~edule
Subscr9pllon enc!
SoRware and 3orvices Cloud Fees
Due Upon Signlnp $ 88,535.00 ~ 5,735.00
Dw May 16, ZOf3 S 20,510.00 $ -
Due Sepb~mbe~ 18~ 2013 ~ t8,450.06 $ -
1st Mnlvereary of Signing $ - $ 33,927.00 ~
Due Mtty 1S, 2014 S 27,000.00 ~ -
Tobl ProjactCaebe $ 154,495.00~
•Tobl Prqject Cos~ do na incincle Cavel, meioramnca a sub~aripaoa fea.
'It~is Order Fmm ehows applications Cllau 6es pnrdmsod and tlie emount durgad far eech, d~o cost for bnplanmtetion sarvices, and the accompenying currao~
mainunence cmts. By ei~smg tde Order Fam, Client u a~edne to purc6eao theae npplications under the wnbreJln of the original mascer ~gneanent and the avocuted
addend~ in eddition w any tamt dwaibed in this e~remnent to be executed betwom? Client and Vendor md ro the ptiaes contained heroin, pricing is 6aspd on stmderd
caeotaa. Daviedoas ~om standard wmtact tmms may result in modi6ed pdas. Ondar Fam essuma aQ producd to be implanartad widor ihe scope of a rit~le
project Climt caueed project delays or requmrs to implanmt modules separat~Y may mguire a chon~e order aad sdditionsl nrvicas fees. Trein~g and Buciaees
Prooeve SludY (HPS) Eetimaar do uot inaludf.aa0al dme «travd experea. +Rinvamnnit wIlF vary bes~d on number ofime~s, savers aad OH being baelcad up.
Vendor: SPrtngbr CUcnC Clty
1 ~5~----•_.... a
- Y
Nsme (Plirftj; ~nRosener Name (Pcint): Vl Iy ~
T?de: Title: ~
nate: /C9 / Date: 10 1U
~c~ffi~ C~~ttih C9~Qbetl
AP piane number: ~ `3~ • l! ("~1 ~0
Cltent Fipcnl Yeu: ~"1„1~~0
r~ s ~rs ors.~. a~m~.s~oooau-so~siyY
`1~., Spz-in~;larc~~:~k ~+/1 h~ s r q
tl~. ~ l.l`iV•.Ii'a.~f,.i~ ' t~}XZ
This Springbrook Sofhvare, Mayter Client Agreement is made and entrred into as by and betwren 5pringbrook Softwaze, lnc, an Oregon corporaUon having ics
prfncipal plaee of bns)ness at 1000 SW Broadway sulte 1900, Portland OR 97205, {'Vendor") and City Of Canton ('CJienC), an [llinois agency having Itc
principal plue of 6usi ness at 2 North Main Street Canton,lL 61520.
Thls Agreement consists of the general terms and conditlons set forth below and any appllcable Addenda, Inciuding but not limited to the Addenda lderriified in
Table A Thls Agreement does not indude any other documents uriless specifically agreed to fn wrtHng by Vendor and CI(en~ in accwYlance with Secqoh 9.1 ofthis
Tade A irnu chueked.uc indudai u a i ax
Sohw~rc 1.icenae mcn~ Addendaxn , T'twd tic~vicee Addcndum ~ CGent Ad~tiaasv C,ommittee Addetulum
Sqftwnre Mointenence Addenclum fu
; Dit~auutcr Itecove hdderdum Plot Clicm Nartici [inn Addetxlum
fSceult Back Sen•iccK Addendum : Su6sec' tion AddenJum $u lertents to'Icnnc nnd Cmxlitione
1 DEFINITtOHS "Indemnt8ed Parti,,,gy" means each party entitled to indemni}icatlon
under this Agreement and its offlcers, directors, employees and agents.
Capitylized trrms In thls Agrcement mean the following unless specifitally °SoRware Producte" er "Vrndor c~n~,s.-oN
defined elscwhere In this Agreemen~ or in an applicable Addendum or means the machine-
Order Form. readable, ob(ect-code version of the software by Ve~ulor to Client,
tncludtng all related DocumentaUOn and any modl8ed, updated or
"Addendum" means an amendment or supplement [o thls Agreement enhanced veraions of the software thaC Venda• may provide to Ciient, as
e~cuted 6y both parties. set forth in the appllcable Order Form and under the terms and
condiHons of this Agreement.
'3~,@nt" means this AgreemenL any applicable Addenda, and any
Order Form orSucement of Work executed by both partles. "produrr Malntenanc rvices^ me~ns on-going servlces provlded by
'Chanae oreer" meens a written request to change the terma or scope of ~endor to Cltent as set torth tn the Software Mafntenance Addendum
a Statement of Wotk or an Order Form, "Order Fnrm" means the ordering documen[s, in a form specified by
Vendor, representing the Inltfal purchase of the Products a; well as any
"~p' means any claim, demand, cause of acdon, debt, liability, or acher subaequent ?urchases of Products that are signed and submitted by
obligaUon, Including reasanable attorney fees incwred in cannection Cllent to VenQor.
wlth such a clatm.
"Cnnflde,pj~al Information" means a an confidendal, ro r3eta or means any work product, forms, checks, statements, reports
t) Y P P ~Y interfaces to t1Urd parties, or informatlort provided by Vendor or Vendor
trade secret intormatlon of the disclosing party ("Disctoser") that, if in p~~~,
tanglble fvrm, ia reasonably marked as conRdentlal, seaet or with a
tomparable le~end, or, tf disclosed orally or vtsually, is reasonably "plp~y,t,~' means items purchased by Client as set forth 1n an Ord~r
ldentlRed as confldential at the time of dfsclosure or wlthin a reasonable Form or Shtement of Work, in accordance wlth aay appliceble
time following disclosure; jb) discusslons releHng to such lnfortnatlon; Addendum. Products may Include Software Prod~xts, Services,
and (e) any information the receiving party (°qec~pfenc'~ knew or Su6acrlption Servlces, Product Mafntenance Servlces, Professional
reasonably should have reasonably known under the Mrcumawnces to be 5ervices, and Product Customlzadon.
"Professtonal Servlces" means implementation, training installation
" on~~ltt Q e i ~e" means services provlded to analyze Clfent and dara recwery, mlgration and res[oraUon services and other
nqutremena and make recommendauons on how ta best implement and professlonal services provided by Vendor ro Client, but speclHcally
uttlize Vendor Products. Client ts solely respons[ble for insuring thet excluding Product Malntenance Services and Subscriptlon Servfces,
acttpted recammendatlons are appropriata for use w[thtn the Client's
a~ganization. "Servfces" means Consultlng Services, Subscription 5ervlces, Professional
Servlces, Product Customization, and arry other servtces provlded by
"D~tRlgaLtioII" means the then-curren~, non-user speciAc, wrttt,mn Vendor to Clknt. '
inscrucdons, user guldes, and user manuals for the Products, lf appl[cable,
whether ta efectroriic, paper or od~er equivalent form, provtded by "~Lha~'1p~on corvj5:~" means sohware based services that are
Uendor to Client provided to the Client by the Vendor or a thlyd parry on a re-accurring
1,~p~Je Code" means che fully canpited verslon of a softw~re
program thst can be executed by a computer and used by an end user "Source Cnde• meana the human-readable version of a software progrem
wlthout ltirther CompilaUon, than can be compSled into Executab3e Code.
"EffPCtive Date" means the date Che applicable Order Form Is slgned by "Stetement of Werk° mrans a written descrlptlon of work signed by the
the Cltent fot the Products or Servlces being purchased. Dartes pursuant to which Vendor prov[des Professional Servlces to Cltent
and is mvered by the terms and conditlons oTthis Agreemenk
"FEgS" has the meanin~ aet forth in Section 3.7 below,
. . . , q
(du~ m" i~lr.r qlxN A; raemrtnl
_ C:€?~J'~'.'Flf:Ti ~ ?~1~
"Tj~,q' h~s the me~ning set forch !n Secdon 3.4. "2p,~" has the meaning 5 CONFIDENTIALI7'Y
set forth in SecHon 91, -
5.1 Obltgadonc.
Each party acknowiedges that, in the course of Its perforaunce of tltis
This AQreement stetes the terms and condltions pursuant to which Vendar Agreement, it may obtefn the Confldendal [nfa-matlon of the other parry.
will provlde Products and 5erviaa to the Clienc. Thes~ general terms and The dury to protect any Conlidentlel InFormatlon shali surv[va the
condldons mey be guppkrrronted by the applkable Addenda, includtng any termlr~ation of this Agreement. Tlu Itectpient of any CoMdential
Addenda Identffied in Table A, Clieat understai~ds that all or cerrain ]aformatton shall use the same leve? of care to protect the Contidentlal
porttons of the Products sold or Ucensed under this Agreement may be Informatlon of the Dlsdoser that Reciplant takes to protect its own
provided by a third parry servtce provider. Ciient also undersvnds that all wnRdentlal (nformatlon, but, at a minimum, shall take reasona6le sceps tp .
Produds purchased by che Clknt as part of Chis Agreement are provided es prevent the unauthorized disclosure of and to maintai n the contidenciailty
is. Any Client apecific chanQes to the Products wili requtre an Addendmn or of the Contidential Informatfon of Disclosec Recipient shall not disclose die
amendmentconsistent with sectlon 11.3. Confidendal Informatlon of D(scloser to any empJoyees, co~actors, or
odier third puHes excepc as speciRcaUy authorized by Discloser oc as
3 FEHS AND PAYMF.NT nacessazy to perform Reclplen~s obliQatirns under this Agreement
3,1 Fees ltecipient shali use its best reasonable ePforts to ensure that any p~rcy to
whom Recipfent does disclose ConBdential lnforn,ation is sub~ect to
Client wIA remit to Veador ali appllcable fees, iiuluding but not limited to confldendaliry obligatlons at deast as prodecdve as those ln thia Agreement
license, maintenance, professional service and other fees for those Producrs Recf pient shall be liabk for any breach of these rnnfidentfallty obli~ations
and S~rv{tes purcheaed by Qient es set farth in any applScabie Order Form by any Indivfdual or entity receiving Confidential Informatlon from
or Statement of Work (collecdvely, "Aees"), In add(tlon, Ciknt shail ~~~P~enk However, the pardes adcnowledge and agree thaK
relmburoe Vendor for any reasonabte e~enses, including travel, travel notwlthstanding such measures taken to prevent unauthorixed disclosure,
dme, phone and relaoed axpenses incurred in the performarue of Services, °u c~~~~ to the lrrtemet p~vides @te opportuntty for
which costs are also constdered to be Feas. Except as speclflcalty set forth tn unauthorized thlyd partles to circumvent such precautions and illegal ly gafn
this Agreement all Fees ara fullyearned upan mceJpt and non-rePundable. access co Confldentlal lnformeqon. The ConRdential Information disclosed
3.2 Peyment by Discloser may only be used by Recipient u necessary to perform its
obHgatioru or exerclae it~ rlghts under this Agreemenc 3tedpient shall
Paymen[s due under this AQreement shall be made In U.S. currency in tl~e tndemnify Disrloser for da~nages or ~ incurred by Discloser as a result .
amounts aod at the pmes set forth ln the appllcable Order Form or of the un~uthorized uce, disclosure ar disdibutioa of any Confidential
Statement of Work or, lf not indieated therei n, witltin thirty (30) days of the l~~ation facilitated by Redpfent's breach of these confideneality
date of invoice. If qfent fails tn dmety pay ~ny amount when due, Ciknt ob~iganons.
shail pay,ln additlon to all piir~pal due, Interest at the rate oFone percent 5.2 Exceptioiis.
(1.046) per month, 6ut noc to exceed the maximum allowed by law, on such
delinquentamount The obllgaHons set fa~th in Section 5.1 will not ~pply co arry informadon
that is requircd to be discbsed by.
3.3 Suspenslon otServiees
(a) An authariud court or other governmental body or;
Vendor m~y, ar irs sole dlscretlon, may svspend client's right to use arry
P~oduct provided by Vendor under this Agreement if qlent fails to remft (b) Otherwise required by law, Such disclosure will not be considered to
any payment when due withfn ten (10) 6ustness days after receiv(ng be a breech of this Agreement or a waiver of conFdentialiry for other
wtittnn notice from Vendor that payment is pest due. This secdoa does not purposes provided, however, that Recipient will provide prompt written
in anyway walve Vendor'srlghts undersecUon 9. notice thereoFm Discloser and will cooperate wtth Discloser to 11m(t any
3.4 Taxes. disclosure [o the fullestexcentpossible.
Ali Fees are excluslve of any sales, value•added, foreign wtthholding or b LIMLTED WARRANTIF.SAND DIS ..Atn~trraS
otlfer ~overnment texes, duties, Fees, excises, or taritl's imposed on the 6,1 Assumption of Respoasibility.
productbn, stonge, licensing, sele, transportation, import export, or use of
the Products or perfortnence of any Servtces (collecHvely, "Taxes"), lf the Ctient assumes all respons?blltty for the selectton of, approprlateness oF use
Venda is asaessed Taxes or the Gient 1s required to withhold Taxes related o1: and results o6tained from the Products and Outpuc Cllern warran~ that
co servfces provlded under this Agreeme~rt Client wlil be responsible for, it is solely responsibk fa~ xtnng up and administerfng internal conROls to
and w(U relmbwse the Vendor. Taxes shali be considered a Fee and will be ~~fy the aocuracy of the Products' Qutput on an ongoing basis. All
svbJect to the ternis and condltions set forth in thls sectlon 3. +aarrantles made by Vendor, express or tmplied, e~dend solely to Client and
4 01NNHRSHIP nottoanythirdpatties.
6.2 D15CI.AIM6R.
~ Gtent aclmowledQes, represents and warrants that qde to and otimershtp of ADDENDUM, THE PRODUCTS ARB PROVIDED "AS IS," WiTHOiTI' ANY
~ the Praduct~, Systems, and DocumenrdslrnL (nciudtng aU corrrctions, WA~A~'Y OF ANY K1ND, WttE'fHER EXPRfiSS, IMPUED, OR STATUTORY,
i enhanoements, ar other modiRcations to the Software. Products, systems, ~NCLUDINC BUf NOT LIM[TEO TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANfIES OR
and Documentatlon, are the yole ~od exclus(ve property of Vendor and its CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABII3TY, FITNESS FOR A PART7CULAR
! third perty vendw's. TMs includes all material dtsplayed on the scree~ or PURPOS$ TiTLE, NON-INARINGEMENT OR NON-MISAPPROPRlATI01V OF
{ generated, such as icons, acreen displays, etc. IMTBLLECTUAL PROP6RTY WGHTS OF A THIRD PAR7Y, CUS7'OM, TRADE,
Clfent shall not deleu, alter, cover, or distort any capyright, tredemark, or CONDi1'IONS ARISING UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL REQUIREMENT, AND
' other inteliectua[ property rights placed on or in the Produccs and shall ~~OR E%PRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTlES. VENDOR
ensure that all Intellechial properry right natces are reproduced on all ~HES NO WARRA~"fY THAT THE PRQDUCTS WILL RUN PROPERLY ON
, ~ ~ -
t., nAerAf, .:~y C in:~d A•'fvvmmd
~I~.Spril~~l~a-ook - _ ._._.._..._.`:`~~~•~'~l~CT zo12
; Client shall lndemnify, detend and hold Vendor harmless from any Claims tn ESSENTiAL PART flFTH& AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES.
the extenC [h~t the Clalms arlse out of or relate ta:
(a) Cllent's FaUure to verlt~+ ths appropriate use of Vendor Products and
Output; 9.1 Term.
(b) Failure of Qient to vertfythe aceuracy af Outpuc; This Agreement wip commence upon the Effectlve Data and wtll continue
; for the period set Forth in the applicable Order Forms (suhject to the
(c) CNent's fallure to lmplemant and adminiater lnserna! conROls, renewal tPrms set forch tn the appucab3e Product Addendum and/or tha
including Internal conaok to verify, on an ongotng basts, the approprlate appBcable Order Forms) and/or 5tatements of Work ("Term"), unless
use and aauracy, Outpur, earlier eerminated in accordence wlth the provisions of thisAgreement
~ (d] Any daw, softwere, or other meterials provided by Clien~ 9.2 TermtnaUon
, (eJ Any uaQ of the Producrs or Services tnconslscent with thelr tntended Either party may terminate thls Agreement, and any ~ppliwble addenda,
use, as manifest in thfsAgreement; and Vendw~ may terminate Order Forms, upon wriuen notlce ff the other
~ (F~ Any modificatiory alteration, rnisuse, ar combination of the Producta ~~~rlally breaches tfiis Agreement and fails to cure such breach
~ or Servfces wlth other hardware orsoRware; or witlitn one-hundred twenty (120] days aRer receiving spedRe written
nooce of the nature of tfie alleged breach [rom the eon-breaching party and
(g) Cliant's wilful or rcckless misconduct the opportunity m cure. Vendor may terminate this Agreement IF Gilenc
fails to pay any portlon of tt~e Fees wt~en due within thirty (30) days after
7.2 Sy Vendor. reaeiving written rwtice from Vendor that payment is pe~ due. Additlonal
~ Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hoid Client harmless from and against terminatlort rlghts are set forth in ihe warranty and/or termirretlon
, any Clatms to the cxtent th~t the Clalms are based on Vendor's willful or P7'ovisions in the applicable Addendum
, reckiess misconduct. 9.3 Ob1l~aUons upon Termination.
7.3 EntSre Obligation. Upon the [ermtnatlon or expiranon of th(s Agreement:
' THE INDBMNIF7CATION OBWGATIONS SET FORTH IN TH~S SECTION 7 (aj Ciient shall prompCfy pay !n Full ail outstanding payments due to
CONS7'ITUTE EACH PARTY'S ENTiRE OBLiGATION AND UABILC[Y FROM Vendor (but in any even4 na Iater than te~ (10) busineu days following
OR RELATED TO TF!(S AGREEMENT REGARDlNG THIRD PARTY CI.A[MS, the date on which termination or expiration is effectlve);
8 LIMITATION OF LInBILITY (b} all licenses granted under this Agreement and any Addenda w111
immediately termtnate and Clfent shall immediately cea~ aU use ot che
8.1 Watver of Consequentfal Damages. Products;
IN NO EV~NT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LfABLE FOR: (A) THfRD PARTY {c) CUent shall remove all coptes of the Software kom its tomputer
CLATMS OR LIAB[LITIES OTHER TiiAN THOSE 1DSNT1FlED IN SEC7i0N syetems. The acplration or termination of this Agrcement does noi
7; OR (B) ANY SPEGIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAI, E%EMPLARY, PUN1TiVE relieve either party of any o6ligations that have accrued on or before tfie
; OR GONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGFS, 1NCLUDING, WITHOUT WMITATION, effecUve date ofthe termtnation or expiratfon
j 1MPA[RMBNT OF OTHER ASSETS OR LOSS OF COODWlU. WHETHER OR ~e following Secdons wut survive the termination or expindon of this
j NOT FoRESBEABLE AND WHBTFEER OR NOT A PARTY HAS BEfiN pgreement;l and 4 through 10, and nny other provtslons of this Agreemer~
~ ADVISED OF THH POSSIBILl7Y . OF SUCH DAMAG6S AND includlr~; any Addenda, that by reasonable tnterpretatbn are intended by
NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF THE ESSEN77AL PURPOSE OF ~ partfes Go survive [he termination orexpfration of this Agreemeirt.
8,Z Cep on Wability. Vendor wiU maintain Qeneral llability insurance. Upon ttquest by C11enG
~ IN NO EV£NT W1LL THE TQTAL LIAB[L[TY OF VENDOR ARISING OUT OF Vendar will provide Client with proof of covenge. This certifxate is issved
OR 1N CONNHCTION W I7H TH1S AGREEMENT EXCEED THE FEES PAlb to the GHent as a matter of infamation only and confers no rights upon the
; BY CL16NT FOR THE SERVICES OR PRODUC'fS IN QUESTION OR THE G7ient 7'k~is Cerdfica0e dces not amend, extend or alter the rnvpr~ge
OF THIS AGREEMENT. FOR FEES THAT ARE PAID ON A RE-OCCURING p~~ ngha not e ressly granted ta Cltent in this A eement are reserved
; BAS(5, LIABIWTY !S CAPPBD AT AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE FSES PAID Vendorand itsthird party providets, ~ ~
~ 11.2 EntlreAgreamen[.
8.3 Disclatmer. This /~eement includtng the applicable Addenda and aay Order Forms ar
• TNE FOREGOlNG LfMITATIONS APPi.Y TO ALL CAUSES OF ACT10N f1J THB Statements oF Work, constitutes the entire agreement belween the partles
_ ~'~~r~ C:111lUU~a1: _tCliCnl:4'fM'All'lll
~ c:t~N'rN ~_t:',' 2~~1
~*:,5~x-iJ.~.~brc~ok _
and supersedes ail prevtous and concemporaneous agreements, insurrection, rfok act o! God ar the puWic enerny, law, acC order, export
understandings and arrangements wlrh respect ta the sub(ec~ matter control regulatlon, proclamaHon decree, regulation, ordinana, or
hereof, whcther oral or writien. inmuctions of government or other public authorities, or judgment or
11.3 Amendmen4 decree of a court oF competent jurlsdittion (not ari~ng out of breach by
such party of this Agreement).
This Agreement may lx amended as~ supplemented only in writlng Any 1].11 tnspectioa
amtndmerrt must rofer expUeftly tn this qgreement and must be signed by
both partles. Atl other agrcemenCS whether verbal, implied or wrftten are Client will permit Vendor or its representatlves to revlew Client's relcvant
notbindfngtoettherparty, records and inspect Client's facilities and systrms to ensun cempliance
12,4 Waiver. w~th the Agreement Vendor wt11 give Qfent at least ten (30) days' advance
noGCe o.° any such inspection and wfq mnduct the same duHng normal
No terM oC provfs~on hertof wIU be considered waived by e3ther party, and business hours in a manner that does ~ot unreasonably 1~tterfere wlth
no breach excused by either yatty, unless such waiver or consent is in Client'snormaloperatlau.
wntfng, and signed on behalf of the party against whom the waiver is 11,12 Governin Law.
assened. No cortsent by either party to, or waiver of, a breach by eitfier g
parry, whether express or impUed wlil con~iture consent to, waiver of, or This Agreement wfll be governed by and construed under che )aws of the
accuse af any other, different, or subsequent breach by elther party. United StaUea, the Staoe and county in which the CUern Is located, as defined
11.5 Severabiltty, atthebeginningofthfsagreement.
If aqy provision of this A~eement lsheld W 6e invalid or unenfaceable for 11.13 DEspate Resotudon and )urisdiction.
ar~y reason, the remaintng provistons wiU contlnue in fup fone wlthout The parties wiil attempt to resolve any dispute reladng co tfiis Agreement
being impaired ar invalidated in anyway. ?he Partiesagree thatanyinvalld by good fa(th negotiacion between business principals prio~ to inlGating
provtslon will be desmed W be restated so as to be enforeeable to the formal Iega1 proceedings relaang to the dfspute. [n the event [he partles are
ma~dmum extent permtssible under law conslstent with the orlginal fntent unable to resoive the dispute, any wch clalrn shall be submitud to a CouR -
and ~conomic terms ofthe invalid provision. ~~w. .
11.6 Relatfonsh[p of Parties. 11.14 Auorney Fees.
The parties to this Agreement are independent wntractors. 'Chere (s no In the event any attorney is em~layed by any party tn this A~eement with
reladonship of agency, partnership, joint venture, employment ar tranchise regard co any lagal ~ction, arbitrarion or other proceeding brought by any
between the parties. Nefther parcy wUl have, and wlll not represent t}wt it party for tlie enfor~ement oF this A~eement, or bec~use of an alleged
has, any power, right or authoriry to bind the other party, or to assume or dlspute, breach, default or misrepresentation im m~nect(on with any of the
creaGe any oWigation or rcsponalbiliTy, express or implied, on Uehalf of che provislons of ~his Agreemern then the party or panies prevailing in such
other party ar in the other perty's name. praeeding, whether at tr(al or u on a
p ppeol, will be entltled to recover
11.7 Non-Bxclusive Adatfonship. reasoneble attorney fees and other costs artd expenses tncvrred in additlon
to any other relief to which it may be endtled,
This Agrcement ls non-e~xiusive. Each party will be free to en[er into other S 1.15 Natices.
simfiar agreements or arrangements wJth other third pardes.
31.8 Aast~nmen~ All not~ces, consents, and approvals under this Agreement must be
deUvered In wi~fUng by Courier, by ovemight mafl service, by certifled or
Neither party will indirectly a~ directly transfer or assign any riglus under reQistered mail, (postage prep~id and return recefpt requesoedJ, or by
this AgreemenC fn whole a part, without the prior written consent of the facsimiie transrttfssion (including delivery recet{rt), induding ro the other
other parry. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Vendar may, without the parry at the address set forth beneath such party's signature and will be
prior written consent of tl~e other ywrty, assign !n i[s entlrety or in part this efTectfve upon recefpt Either party may change its eddress by giHng
Agreement to a subaidiary or afflliated entity as part of a divestlture, written notice ofthe newaddresstothe aher parry,
corporate reoreanizatfon or consolidation, or to another party in 11.16 PressRelease.
connection with ~ merger, acquisitlon, or sele of assets or seock, provEded
ti?e succesaor agrees fn wrftlng to assume all of the assigning party's In the event thet Vendor wishes oo issue a press release enrwuncing die '
obltgatlons hereunder. Any auignmente contrary to this Section 11,8 will existence of the rel~tlonship between the partles and the nature of tl~is
be vdd. Subject to the foregaing, thla Agreement wi~l bind and Inurn ca the AgreemenG Vendor wlll prov[de such press rclease to Client for Client's
bene6t of the parties and their respeccive succe~ors and permitted assigns. writ~n approval and consent Such appranl and conaene wi11 be in Client's
11,9 Complidace with Laws. sole dtscretinn. No other pcess releases that mentlon the other party shatl
be isaued without the other pariys prlor written approval, Client agrees to
Each party shali be responsJble for 3ts own compliance with laws, allow Vendor to list Cltent as a customer.
reguladons and other legal requiremants applicable to the mnduC[ of its 11.17 Construcdon o(Agreament
business and tltis AgreemeM, and aarees bo comply with all such laws,
regulatlons and other legal requincments. ThisAgreement has heen approved by the respective parqes herem and the
11.10 Force Majeure. lar~guage hereof will not be coastrued for or agatnst arry parry, The titles
and headings herefn are Eor reference pur}~oses oNy and will not fn any
Faccept for CltenYs payment obligadons wtder thts AgreemenS neither party manner limit the consh~uetion of this AgreemeM, which will be considered
wlU be Nable far any fafFure a delay in performance under this Agreemenr as a whole.
which mtght be due [n whole or in part directly or indirectly, to a~y 11.18 Counterparu and filectronic Signawres,
contlngency, delqy, failure, or cause of; any aature beyond the reasoruble
cona~d of such pprty. Such nuaes inciude, wtt?iout in any way Ilmidng the This Agreement may be e~cecuted in one or more cour~teerparts, each of
generality of the foregofng, flre, explosion, earthquake, storm,llood or other which wlil be deemed an o~iginal and all of which wfll be taken together and
weather, unavailability of necessery utlBtles or raw marerials, power deemed to be one instrument Eech party agress thatelecCOnic orfacsimile
outage, strUce, IockouC unavaflabiliry ot components, acdvitfes of a signatures of authorized representatives o( elther patty wiil be btnding for
combinaqon oF workmen or other labor dffRculties, wa~•, act of terrorism, the purposes o(execudng thisAgreement
, W WITN655 WNER60F, each of the parties hereto has caused tliis Agreement to be executed as of the F.A'ective Date by a duly authorized ofAcer or re}uesenptive.
Ca..', r~~MaM..r C:.. ~1
,:->.Sp.ri»;l~rc:,ok . ~
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Vendor, Springbrook ~n~ Cl~e~t. GtyQf~B~~
By: ' BY ____''rs C.
Name (Print): Name (Prlni); Bevm Meade
Tide: Tide:
Dace: /b~..f~~~~ Z Date: ~f,~11.
~ _...i..~ _ -
Wnt~~tr ..>ir.~~lhul~{+rtt•maui
- - r1~~~K:N~UM 2a4~..
Thia Addendum sets torth additional tarms and condittons appUcable to Subscriptlon Services purchased by Ciry of Canton ('Clleni") From SpLQhroek
Snkwaro. Inr (^Vendor") pu~suant ta the Master Client Agreement (the "Master Agreement"J entercd into by Vendor and Ctient and any applicable Order
Form ar Statement of Work Capitallzed terms used in this Addendum but not deflned herein will have Lhe meanings set farth in the Maste~ Agreement ~
L DEAtNIT10NS. CapltaJiud terma in this Addendum mean the foilowing 2,1 Grant ofAccess
unless speciflcaily detined elsewhere in this Addendum.
Vendor hereby granta Client a limited, non•exclusiye, non-
"LitizBll~ means ciUsens, consumers, and others desl t~~~r'rable access co speclfied Users to use $o(tware Prod~
to access or uae any Products or Services where sucl~i access oreuse Is f~n machine~eadable, obJecc code form on1yJ and User Matgrfais
fadllWted, directly or indirecdy, by Subscription Services. Dra'Ided to CUent pursuant to an Order Forrn or Statement of
Work durin~ the cerm descrfbed (n SecNon 2.3 aubJect to the
"LQlApd,~~" me~ns arry and all data and information of any kind or ~~s and conditlons of this Addendum and the Master
nature submtued to Vendor by Cllent, or recetved by Vendor on 6ehelf A6~'eement, all Fa- Clienrs ordlnary, inumal buslness purpoyes
of Client, other than publidy available informaUon only, including, withouc Itmitatlon, the rlghts co;
2.1.L support CNenCs use of the Software Products undar this
"SubscrF hn
•on Servi~~ means any Products or Servlces purchased by Addendum;
Client frvm Vendor that are provided by or through a Third Party 2.12. Access SoRware Products by Users that Client apectfles
Vendpr, as indicaoed on an Order Form, Subscrippion Services may lorpurposesofservingCUent'sinterna)businessneeds;
lnclude 2RP Offerings, Onllne Payment Services, IVR service, end [hird
party hosting of compnter hardwaze, sohware, or networking elements. 2•2• Access Restrictions
"[]nline Pavment Servf .c° means the services described in Secdon
2.1. Clfen[ may only use U~e Softwu~e Producta and Uaer Materfals
within the Ifmiced scope set forth herein [n paKleular, and
without limiration, pient agrees that Client and Client's
"Thlyd Porr,+ Vendor~" mean vendors chosen by Vendor, in its employeeswill~iot;
reasonable discreUon (ar by Client, es provided in this Addendum), to
provtde the Subscripdon Services. "1.2.1 assign, sublicense, transfer, pledge, grant a securlty
intereat in, lease, rent or share the Sohware Productsor
"Ap~i erion' means a Softwan Product module as set forUi on the Client'srlghtsunderthisAgrtementwithartoanythird
approprlate Order Form. perty without prior written authortzadon from Vendor;
"~YSL~m" means any modt0eation, enhancemant m- additlon to Che 2•Z•Z reverse assembie, reverse compile, cross compile or
Softwu•e Produc[s developed by or for Vendor for Client's use or at aherwfae adopt, ~ranslaCe or modify the Software
Ctlent's Request. Products;
, 2.2.3 refer to or use any portion of the Software P~oducts or
Et1hSOC9u]EIIL" haa the meaning assigned in rhe Softwarc Maintenance User Materlals as put of any effort to develop any other
Addendum. Vendor reserves the rlglit to charge For Enhanrements. Sohware Products program; or
"MEtCdei" u applfed to changes to Software Products or an 2•Z•4 modity the Software Products in any way other than
AppIicatton, ahall mean a si~nificant or substantial alteraUon or effect that supported through configuradon opqons avatlabJe
oa the functlon or Output thereof, and "[ure' as applled to a Material ~~e Cltent from Vendor.
faUure shaU mean the provision of funcCional equivalent functlons or 2.3 LondlUonsoFACCess
"SneclticatSo~e" nlean tbe wr(tten (both hard copy and electronJc text The term of access granted co Ctient pursuarn to this Addendum
Rks) descrlptlon of the Ponctions, capacity and features of the SoRwatt
Produccs dellvered by Vendor w Cltent to the extent speciBcaUy ~g~ns on the Bffecdve Depe and w1ll contlnus as long a~
incorpnrated 1n an Order porm or Staaement of Work. Vendor reserves 2.3.1 Client is currcnt on Software Products fees spec3fied i»
the rlght to update, change or rotire the Speclfications, in whole or in Order Form; and
2.3.2 Glent is in compliance with the terms and conditions of
"llser Materlals" means all written and electronic Documentadon, chis Addendum, the Master Agreement, a11 Addenda and
provided by Vmdor to Clienc for use In connecHon with the Software appraprtate Ordar Forms or Statements of Work.
Products. Vendor reserves the right to revoke licer~ses for faflure
m~rwet any condirions oF ths Master Agreement or any
"!1~' means speciHed Client employee or agent covered under the aPplicableAddenda
Order Form.
i ,
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! 6.1. General
~ 3.1, Online Payment Services allow Citizens to make a Vendor may, in its sole diuredon, select Th~rd Party Vendors to
; p yments and perform prov(de the Subscription Services, lncluding IVR aad third party
certain other functions via a website, telephone or webpage hosied and hosting services. Ciient acknowtrdges and agrees that Vendor's
matntalned by Vendor and/or a Third Party Vendor that Is attessible by ri~hts, obtigetlons, and liabilitles to Third Party Vendors in
i hotlfnk from C1fenYs own website, as setforth in che approprlate Order connection wfth Subsaiptlon Services are governed by
Porm. CNent agress to use only 7hird Party Vendors that are subject to a agreements negotiated with [he Third Parry Vendors in
~ writYen agreement between the Qleet and the Thlyd P~rty Vendor for Vendor's sole discretion. These agreements are available to
merchant banldng serv(ces Por purposes of credit card and similar qient uppn reasonable reques[ from Vendor. qient agrees that
transacdons, Cltent shall ec[ as merchank and Client shali be solely its rfghts, obligations, and ltabilitles to Vendor with respect to
! responsible for maintaining its merchant relationshtp with its a rwed
Thlyd Party Vendor, and for ail a pP Subscription Services shall be limited hy ttiese agreements. In
p ymenta related to that merchant no event will Clienrs hghts wlth respect to Subscriptlon
relatlonship. Client agrees to only use merchant services Third Party Servlces euceed the rlghts availabie to Vendor under these
Uendors approved by Vendor. agreements and in no event wlll Client's o6ligations or liabilitles
3.2. Operation of the Online Payment Servkes requires installatlon and to Vendor in connectlon with the Subscription Servfces be less
malntenance of Software Products on servers malntattted h Client on ar more limited than Vendor's obligatlons and liabilitles W[he
y Third Party Vendors under these agreements W?thout
[ifenrs premises. The Software Product needed W operate Online IfmitaUon, Client agrees Co indemni[y and hold Vendw harmless
Payment Services is limlted to the most currnnt released version of the from am and al! liabtlity and expenses VenQor incurs as a result
• Vendor's payment Application, and lncludes any updates to that o( Subsctiption Servlces provlded to Client
Appllcation made available by Vendor. The payment A lScarion does WTa~t ~ this
~ not fnclude new software Applicatlons, subsqntlall new versfons of Addendum, Including any indemnity obltgation Vendor may
~ Y have to a Thtrd Parry Vendor.
any soRware Applica[fon, or Servlces necessary co implement new
Appllcatlons or verstons of the Applicattons, Client agrees that Vendor 6.2. ConBgurat3on
mey designate any soFtware Applicatlon released by Vendor after the
execuMd Addendurn as a new version or a new Appliwtion, and Client shall be solely responsible for (a) properly co~flguring,
additional fees may be required Por aoy suth new version or devetoping, programming, hosting artd operating Its hardware,
Application. software, web sites, content and all appli~attons, end thefr
respective telephone and lnternet connectians, co a0ow aaess
4. Sff',gP'~,NGB PRRIOD to and use of the SubscNption Services in accordance with the
documentatlon provided by Vendor or any Thlyd Parry Vendor
Upon crompletion of rhe implementation of each Software Product and ~II applicable protocols ~nd requiremants of the plattorms
purchased by the Client ar ut forth In the approprlate Order Form or used to pe•ovide Subscription Services and (b) prCviding any
Statement of Work, qient wi11 have 30 calendar days to validate thet the connecNons necessary to communicate wlth a Third Parry
ProduC[S are performing in accordance with this Addendum, the Mas[er Vendar's platform.
Agreemerrc, and any related Addenda. Each Applicadon wAl be considered
accepted by the Cilent if end when any one of the following has occumd; 6.3. Unauthorfaed Use
(a) CUent provides vendor written affirmaUon that the Applicatlon is
performing within the terma af thfs Addendum, the Master Agreement Cltent will be responstble for, and shalt pay any applic~ble fees
and any relaoed Addenda; associated with; any unauthoriud use of the Su6sQiption
Services, telephone numbers assigned to Client, and Client's
(b) 30 daya has pasced slnce the implementation oF the Application account. In the event Client becomes aware of such
wirhou[ wrltten nopce of noa•acceptance; unauthorized use, Client shall promptly nodfy Vendor and the
~ (c) Ciient is using the Safhvare Product at tssue for its tntended relevantThird Party Vendor.
~ purpose. 6.4. SupportforSubscriptionServices
i Vendnr's suppo~t obligatians ta Client in connectlon wlth
~ Subscription Services, if any, shall 6e limited to providing
alent assumea atl responalbility for the selection of, use of, and results support available frnm the Thtrd Party Vendors qient shall
obcalned Prom the Software Products. Client agreos to and is solely otherw(se be responstble for providing ail support xrvices to
respansible for implementing the appropriate internal controls to ansure its ead users with regard Co the Subscrtptlon Semces
the acaracy oF and appropriate usE of acry Software Products. N! 6.5. Network Tratflc
j warrantSe~, express or implfed, entend sokly to Client and not bo any third
partfes. Client uknowiedges that, as a result of using Subacr(ptlon
' Servlces, C11ent content and data will pass through hosted
~ servers that may not be segregated or in a separate physlcal
I tocatlon from servera on which the mntent of other third
parties Is or will be uansmEtted or scored.
, 6.G. Content
! Client is and shall be solely responaible for the creation,
~ editorial rnntent controt, and all other aspeccs of the content
passing tl~rough third party servers as a result of the
r. i
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5ubscrlption Services. Cllent represents and wurants that Client has Client shal! immediately tnform Vendor of any account data
obuined (or wfll obtatn, prior to transmission) all authorizations and inconsistency, errors ar corruption.
permissions required to use and transmit such contcnc
7.5. ReleaseoiClientorCiHzenRecords
6.7. No Harmful Code
Client shall assume responsihitsty for respondfng to and
pleM represents and warrants that no contcnc shal) be knowingly determining the validtty o! any requests or dem~nd& whether
transmitted by Cl3ent ar e~xl users through the Subscriptlon Services from a court, a regulatory or other gavernmental agency, or the
that contafns any program, routlne or device which is designed to publiG for the release of any Clfent or Citizen records or dara in
delete, disabie, deacdvate, interFere with or otherwise harm any Vendor's control or possessloa Vendor shall not release any
software, program, date, device, system ar service, includiog without such records or daW to any party without written authorization
limitatlon, any 'dme bprnb', virus, drop dead device, malicfous logic, by L1Sen4 unless compelled to do so by a court or ageacy of
worm, Tro)an horae or trap or back door (co!lecUvely, "Hann C.nde°), competent ~urledtction. In the event that vendor needs to
release client information to defend a clalm agalnct Vendor,
6.8. Glent Dnta Vendor shaU inform Client o(any such requtred dfulosure prior
to disclosure, and seek approval to re3ease informatton.
Gient shall remain the sole and extlusive owner of all Client Data. As
such, Client Data shali be subject [o regulation and exarnination by the ~•6, Citlzen Support
approprfate auditora and regulatory agencies to the same extenc as iF
such informadon were on Client's premises. Cllent assumes sole responsibtlity for prwtdin$ atl support
servicec to Ciriaens, and sha11 be the sole concacc for all support
requests from Citizens. fJtent shalt not refer any Citizen W
7. fS,IBNT RBSPONSIBIL.ITiHS. Yendor directly fo~ support requeats, but may CommuniCabe
such requests to Vendor tagether with contact informaUon for
Client acknowtedges that operation of the Subscription Services ~?e requesting Citizen. Vendor may, in i[s d~scretian, respnnd
requires Client's elfort and cooperatlon, and that in addicion to its other dtrecUy to the Citizen or pravtde a response to Clie~t, ~nd may
obltgatfons under this Addendum, Clien[ ~ssumes the followtng deam any such response support not covered by regular
responsihilities: Meintenxnce and Support to be billed as an additional fee to
Cltent at Vertdor's normal hourlyrates
7.1. SebUp, Trainine. 7.7. Credtt Card Charge-backs
Client shall use its besl efforts to facUitate and participate in Third Party Client assumes liahiliry for, and Indemni8es Vendor ~nd its
Vendor's service set-up actlvtties, dnd wfll afFord Vendor and Th1rd agents, against any claims oc charges by any bank or creditcard
Party Vendors reasonable access to information, equipment and company For charge-backs related to any C[tizen payment via
facil3ties upon request. Client shall require all of Clleni's personnel who ~ che Servlce, and any clalms or charges 6y any bank or credit
use the Subscription Servfces to canplete any training prescribed by card company for onllne paymenc {xoeessing fees related to
Vendor or Third Party Vendor at the time of imptementation. onllne paymencs m Clfent.
Subsequent training of new personnel after Implementation is not
irxluded in thls Addendum 7.8. PCI and Red (lag Compliance
) 7.2, BqufpmentMaintenance As between Vendor and Cltent, Client sh~U be solely and
~ exdusively responsible for ensuring that all transactfons
i Client shall maintain hardware and software, including non-Vendor processed through Subscripdon 5ervlces camply fuily w[th the
~ hardware or software, at Cllent's site as recommended by Vendor for Payment Cerd Indusby ('PC17 Data Security Aasociaqon
• operaHon ond use of the Subscripqon Servlces. Client, at its expense, Requlremenu and with the "red flag" requirementa oF the Palr
; shall alro mafnUia ltt own website, which shall feature a hotlink tron by and Accurate Credit Transactions Act ( FACTA"). Ltlent w0!
whfch Citisens can access the Subsniption 5ervices, to tl~e eutent tndemnify and hold Vendor harmless for any and ail )labtltdes
necessary for the operation and use of the 5ubscriptfon Services. and damages the Vendar tncurs as a result of qienrs fallure ar
Vendor may, at Its discredon, provide a standazd web page that appears alleged Faliure to comply with pCl or FACTA requirements.
. to belong ro Cifent but is actually housed on Vendor's vuebaite.
7,9. Upyrades and Service Packs
7.3, Aaount Access, Craatlon and Terinirration
Client underst~nds and agrees [hat periodically Upgrades and
Qient ahaU exerclse eontrol over a0 administratlve account acceu, Servlce Packs will be applled to the Products as deemed
~ creatlon and terminatlon, and shaU be solely responsible for, creating or necessary by Che Vendar and at the Venda s sole discretion.
terminatlng accounts, and for apowing Citlzens to open accounts, and Vendor wi{l provlde nodflcadon to Citent in a timely menner
for controlling ~ccount and pastiword securtty. ThSrd Party Vendors prior to any Upgrades or Servlce Puks being applied.
~ may restrid accesa ro each CiUzen accaunC to users who enter the
! asaigned aaount pasaword, but otherwise Vendor shall not be
~ responsible or llable fae controlling access to or misuse of accpunu. g. TERM: DEFAin.T• RBNHU?AI,
' 7.4. Monitorand Store Data
~ 8,1. Term
~ Client shall verify eccount da~ accuracy on a regular basfs, and assumes
sole responsibility For maintaining da[a backup systems of ThSs Addendum ts effectlve upon execudon and shall contlnue
I systems for a term as set forth in the Qrder Form, (t~e "initial Tam").
1 located at the clfent site or managed and maintafned but the client. ~~s Addendum will automatlcally renew at the end oF the
i•~~~ ~ ~ -»._..-.•.v~..•.µ•._ c mon.71.•:i~»tedSc-rvicrta:ld.m~lun~
, _ t:a.3i~lyyit.~i~ 2Q'~ 1
Initfal Term or any subsequent term far an additional term of 12 reported Materlal defect, failure or other Ixeach. CLIENT AGREES
months. The Client must notffy ~he vendor wichin 30 days of the end of THAT TNE FoREG01NG ~IMITEp WARltANTY iS 1N 41EU OF ALL
a Term that they wish ta termtnate thls Addendum. 0'i'FtER WARRAN77E$ AND VENDOR DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER
8.2, Termfnation ~'~'AR~~~~ ~p~ OR 1MPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT
Efttur party m~y terminate thls Adde~dum upon dellvering notfce of U5E, QUpLI7y, pRppUCTIVENES OR CAPACI~OR THAT THE
terminatlon provided thar, OPERATION OF TNE SOFTWARE PROWCTS WlLL BE
8.2.1, Citent has ti~IAOed the Term of the Order form, arsd notice is
delivered at least nlnety(90) days prior to the fdlowing renewal 10, OWN_F.RCHIP• PRDPRIFT~RV PunTCrr~n~r
year, ar; -
8.2.2. Any meterfal breach oF thts Addendum by the otlier party has Nothing in this Addendum, d~e Master Agreement, or any other
occurred and notice is provided inciuding the following; Addenda provfdes Client with tltle to or ownership of any, sets fortb the grounds for terminaCton, and; Software ProducC but only a limited access to use the Products
8,2.2•2• glves che breaching party ninety [90) days to consistent with the limitations identtfied in this Addendum,
cure the breach, and; Yendor shall have sale and ezclusive ownership of ail righ4 tltle Notwithstandfng [hat a party giyes notice of and interest in and w the Software Products and User Mztcrfals,
terminaHon, such termination shali not be aU copies thereof, ali derivatlve works, and all ydated m~terial
effective ii the breach 1s curcd prior to generated from the Sottware Products, with the exceptton of
ezpiradon oF the rilnery (90J day notlce perlod, (7ient Data, but including materiai dlsplayed on the screeh such as
and the terminating party ls notified of the [mns, s~aeen dlsplays, etc. (lecluding ownershlp oFell co?yrights
ture within the notice perlod. trademarks and other Intellxtua2 prpparty t~ghtt pertaining
thereto), whether created by Yendor rn• any other party, subject to
9. LIMITBDWaRRANTY therightsoFClientexpressFygrantedherein.
Vendor warrants that it has tltk to the Software Products and thar it has
fuU authority to grant aaess to Client Vendor also warrants that, as co
eoch Appltcetlon, for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of Cllent's
acceptance of the Appliwtlon, the AppL'catlon will functlon in Materlal
caiformiry with the Specificatiams. Vendor makes no warranty regarding
the usabiliry or Conve[tlbillty of any of Client's data, the suftabillty of tt~e
SoRware Products fo~ Client's iueds, or any performance problem, daim
ot Icffringement ar other matter to the exteM aGrl6uable to any use or
modiflcation of the Software Products, or combinatlon of the Products
with any other computer program or communications device.
Additlonally, each Software Product Is subjett to the stabiitry and
capablliry of the GlenYs edstlng operating system(s). V6NDOR DOES
OTHBR HARpWARE OR SOFTWARB. Determinatlon oF breach oP the
foregoing li mi~d warranty or default under this Section shall be sub)ed to
the notice and cure prov(sfons of Section 8 of ~e Master Agreement, and
upon reeefpt of wiitoen notice of breach of warranty, Vendor shali be
afforded a period of one hundred and tweary (12a) days to cure the
tN WITNESS WNER60F, each of che partles hereto has caused this Addendum to be executed in duplicate by its duly autborized of8cer or represencat[ve.
f ~
Venda: Spring+lx4 , e nc. r+'`~ Client•Gtvof.e~ n~
8y: ~s BY Y
N2if1C ~P1lI1C~: Tim Remnwr Name (P ntJ:
Ttt1e: Tifle:
' aate: _ _ 1 O ~i 7D1 nace; i0 lu 12.
~ •
. , ,
. {l. - ~IV~• Il ~rl'Y(fC4J~~f: ~l1~111U