HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #4006 - guaranteed 24 month price agreement woth automatic data processing (ADP) RESOLUTION NO. 4006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING GUARANTEED 24 MONTH PRICE AGREEMENT WITH AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING, INC. (ADP) AND THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS, ADP has provided the City of Canton with a guaranteed price agreement covering the City's ADP payroll services for the next 24 months subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee of the City of Canton has determined that it is necessary and in the best fiscal interest of the City of Canton to enter into an Agreement with ADP that will guarantee pricing for the next 24 months; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton has made a similar determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the guaranteed 24 month price agreement, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, is hereby approved by the Canton City Council. 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk of Canton, Illinois, are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Canton. 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, at a regular meeting this 161n day of October, 2012, upon a roll call vote as follows: YES: Aldermen Pickel, Hartford, Schenck, Pasley, West, Fritz, Ellis, Nelson NAYS: None ABSENT: None APPROVED: K€~/tl~l . A~ AYO R Jy ATT ST: ~ rt pr i ~.x D a a a ey, City rk AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSiNG, INC. ~ ~ ' GUARANTEED Tw6Wiv~FOUR MON'FH PRICE AGREEMENT ~ Clie.u /+a~ermntiaa: CmeNa~tlu: 19)11549 qiem Hamc: City of Cantan E1i«~ivc De~c: 11/1J2012 Sw~a Cen~cr 0034 ParrniCompanyCode: 10/INU F~cpiradonDatc IIf30/2034 acq,~wat ey: Gius Faarri - ReL Spec. kdsted Comp~ny Cadn: N/A L'nnlxl /ry~onna6mt- coM.a. Cupin Campbell rha,r (309) 64~ 1756 ~edrm: 2 North Main SKeG ciry: Canan 5u~ (L ztp: 61520 ADY. Inc. !'ADP") is pleawd ~o ptovide Cl{y f~/CawAO~ ('Ctien7 with ~ ~w[nmed pioe a~eemem wveriaY ~a C1ia~Cs ADP xrvias for thc crsi ltvt~ly~Oltr inOntlu, wbjaa m tM Wms and aondiuaa ~et fatY ia ~his ~preemait• Tha ~wmau eneampowi dl Iittad ooda rnd rry Pown codac tlrt m~y bc aMed imdcr d~c sbove limd pamt coda In aansidaatiaa of tls mwu~ ~greanaMS ael fo~ 6dow. AOP rid Chea a~ree s follows: II PrJ~s LwYMat Por dw nwt fwlN~ow/ wwqb period con+manciny uriih the aliecnva da~e ol' 11/12012 . ADP wtill ~eatne pr~ Per ~he sched~de 6¢low on Payroll snd HR proce~i~ ~arvieas p'wided ro Cliem !'Savica') ~oorpee p~Ge tocm.ae % 7/Il2013 No Ixrcuse 7/1Q01A No Increase Items specific~lly e~dnJed frym tL'r ~~~eement pre ddivsry, ravene win fee~, j~~AWk~iw hes, maMtentnce fees nad year-e~d ~avkes. In ~im nwnth tolbwing ~M1ecompla~io~ of the gua~Need price period, Client't pioes will 6e nbjeG ro dw wne yriu i~ pptied p ils older elieMS of simila cire and produa u~ilixa~iw unlas e rene~wl ~gt~enfan is sigoed by bolh partics. 2J (;uinnieeR Terne: As eauidtta~an fw the MCrtf}~oNr month yuaanrced price paiod, Cliw ~rsrs to pure4ne IAe saviae fa a mmimum gus: eated ~am of IWEAQ'-fOKr nwmhs canmaiti~ witb ihe elTe4ive dort aid Ihva(1er. CIiaLL's aQ~aement to puchsc tho fmieos ddl rawin in a1Fen uail cancdled by C6em or ADP with niiuly day~ prior ~vnttm ndice- 3j Ternixadmi Fee: lf Cliem tarm~mtec tbis a~yeement io pnlcluse fenc~e pria a Ilro md o! the minimam guvaNaed tam of tw lm IFir~ twuth ~our mam{,a, L'liau agrac ro{my ADP n wminaliw (a of rhra a~arrk: of avppe mmthly Dro~ami~i ~{or Ihe ewvicp (bued on m wsryse of ih¢ lav Utree m0111Nf af Procassin~ Prar to Na du~ of lamimtion). Pollowiny the MCR{p~Olii montA gatsqwd pics paiod, MmideN Nrminaian policy epplin baud on mitid tams md candirions ~iyxd by Clieat 1C diart frb Iv p+y the eetFy tmai~ucion fce or oiha amowu~ due herewder, Cliaid sdall numbura ADP for aey apeawy ineurtrd, iriclud~ng ;merert e~d re~sanabla rbmsy (eu. in odlea~ng rnouN~ dus ADP hnewida ~hat Qe nat unda ~ood frih d~pwc by aiaA. The termiwtion fa wiN ba w~ived in tht evew M¢ eompmy i~ wld. moracd w in tAe avant ~hare is a m~teri~! barh of Ap"6 smvia commipnenl. ~ tM evenl af i anio brmd+ ADP flall M eotitid in writi~y a oo dro ~pecifx aervice iaue ~nd Y~dl be Bnnted v~ry doyf ~o raulve di iswas W th Cliertis om~sfae~wn. TttF AUP SF.R VICES COYERED BY TH4S AOREEMF.NT ARE PROVIpID M ACCORDANCE WRH THE TERMS AND COND1770NS SFf FORTH IN THE AOREP.i~tENT(3) HETWEEM CLI£NT AND MP COV EtUN6 TNE SPECIFIC fSRV 1CGS. THIS ACR6EMENT SUPPLEMENTS ~NO DOES HOT SUPfiR4EDE wNY OP THOSQ TBRMS AND CQNDI'11dW5. TfUS ~GREEMfNT IS NOT VAL(DUNLESS SSGNEp BY B(fTH PAR'[1P3. ADP ReD~nnadw ~6'd~~++ Namr. Moraen DoYIa N~e Y~~ ~G Q ~ Sign~un:r~//~~r ~~,r~~ ~ Si~uturc: .S~yl~~~v' _ A T~~k: Pmr~eid Amlt+~ Tak: ~h~~ Date ~ I~~/ C~{ Dm: ~ ll 1~ V{ I.,O1 fr NOTE: ONLY THE D[V3510N V[CH PRESIDENf OR FWANCE EXECVTtYE OFTHE AFFBCTED REGfON tS AUTHORtZED TO PJCEClf1E 2HtS )RICE AOREPMENT ON HP~IALF OF ADP. , IJ r i i Anaual Grand To~s Current Proposed $$$Change % Change ' ~ ' $24.80fiJ9 $22,285.08 1) -10.2°k . . . o~ 101NU CitYOtCanton 424,806.79 -10.2% Please Not~. t ; , Thts work~h~ec represg~~ ~awo~tim~te annua! Costs ' ` ' ' It Qp~ npk ~r~lUd~ rer~itf5, ~PR~~f!'E~nt81 Pa~rot~, sy~pli~ bot paYrblls or hqX qank ~h~rqes tniscellaneous 4dxfilanq charqes i e , w~re ehar4les stop p~pLS ~r Volds~ ~7+QRS~nlEnts nr appf~d foC charge8 : New.Hlre f~f,iDrOrtG toSL u`4ry I~r,~d On b5~ an~f 0Je NOT inClddBtl in the 8Rflud~t~ed cost' s Courl~r delrvery: F~eS md4 v~t'X hased-4n 4YeTph~: T',~iR~~r4T+IRA S. . ~tI3 ' . . ~ : ~f 'T~~t4u0~ f5 Nd~ ~~h~!'sl~R btt~7~tt~i xi 4~d?a~C4`~ ip Y~iit~tl khe5~ pn~$ ~re auar~~ltked 6y ADP PQr a D~~ipd p~ S mor~tF~ (1~(t, ddYS) fi~i~n-ihe ~~tg gf ~ixitldn After 1$p 4~VS AQF zesevves thg rivht to jOCrease P~ice~ ak anV~irlre 8~ the fntbdl per~od is yp ' , Iter~s:ex~Igtle4?f[Qm thi5 ~~~ga~~G ~r~ deitve~r, rg~+er~e v~nre f~~s st~ze and lqcal fee5 maintenance fees ~r~4 ~N Z's ` : ProP.oSal uood for 30 ~aYS ' ; ' , Siq~ature Date - _ Page 1 of3 ~ ; ~ : . . . M~lor Accvur~#~¦¦Ii141~l~5erv~ce Ceh~e _ Company Name: Citv OF Canton Autopay II ProductCode: 10 1 N U Current ~'ricin_q Total Annual Cost Before Discount(s): $30,160.03 Current Discount%: 20.0% Total Annual Cost with Discount(s): $24,806.79 ~ Discount% is only applied to discourrtable items indicated with a ~ symbol StSrt , ` l Feature Atsnual ; Annua? t7 feaa~DPSCr~p~.ion SCN' Prod Tier Mm Base R~te Un~ A~ Date ; ~ ~ . . ; , Cos~S.;: Bjllings ' Cost;,,: ; , , . . , . . . . . ; I: , . , . > ; . . _ . . . Outside Courier Deliverv e00007 1/4/2006 1~ 1 25.06 1 25.Ofi 52 1,303.12 Pavs- First so Pav(s) Fooo2z 1/4i2oo6 l0 50 392o s.oo 50 250.00 52 13,000.00 s Pavs- Afterso Pav(s) Fooo22 1/4/2006 1o 99999 2.35 79 185.65 52 9,653.80 0 Check Siqninq F00031 1/4/2006 10 1 ~?9 52 - e Labor Distribution F00043 1/4/2006 ~ 129 5z - o New Hire Reportinq Service F00064 7/11/2006 10 1 ~ 52 - Total Tax Plus FOD101 1/4/2006 1~ 1 129 52 - o ADPiPavStatements F00140 6/24/2008 t0 1 ~~g 52 - a POrtel Wlth CM F00295 7/15/2008 1~ 1 125 52 - a WGPS Service F00620 1/4/2006 10 1 11 52 - o VK~S Payrrerts FO 0 621 1/4/2006 10 1 ~ ~ 52 Chedc~Aew Prmessinq Fee F00771 4/22 /200 8 10 1 7 2 9 52 BenefitACCfUaIS FOD808 5/1/2007 10 1 10.30 0.14 129 18.06 SZ ~ 939.12 TOtaIPBV ServlCe F00886 1/4/2006 10 1 164 52 Workforce Now Miqration Tradcinq F0099B 5/31 /2012 10 1 ~ 2 5 52 STANDARD BENEFIT ACCRUAL AUDIT REPORT R00950 5/1 /2007 10 1 ~ 7~ 52 Extemal Pavdata Interface F00116 2/17/2006 10 1 1 12 ADPReportinq F00243 5/21/2008 1a 1 169 12 > Human Resource/Self Service F00482 5/16/2008 14 1 150 12 i HR eXpeA Complete FOOSOE 5 I 16 /2 0 0 8 ~ a I 115.15 2.30 ] 49 342.7~ ~'1 ~ 4,1 ~ 2.40 > CheckView Monthly Fee F00770 3/13/2009 10 1 ~ 12 IMRFMASTERFiLE DOWNLOAD R00953 2/21/2006 10 1 ~ 7~ 12 CTTY OF CANTON R00956 5/23/2006 10 I 5 8 1 ~ 2 FIRE PENSION L?ST R00979 5/23/2006 10 1 ~ 7? 12 a POLICE PENSION R00979 5/23/2006 10 1 ~ 7 2 12 a MONTHLYIMRF REPORT R00979 5/23/2006 10 1 574 ~2 8 QuarterlvM/2 Deliverv FO0011 1/4/2006 1~ 1 19.80 1 19.80 4 79.20 W2lYear End Statements F00053 1/4/2006 1 75.00 5.96 139 828.44 1 828.44 Annual Eaminq Records F0080A 2/25/2008 10 1 219.10 139 219.10 1 219.10 Annual CD Eaminq Records F0080C 2/25/2008 1~ 1 24.85 139 24.85 1 24.85 10 1 52 Tota) Before 1,913.66 30,160.03 Discount: 155.67 5,353.24 rricen~y9screatm ovizmzo~z (C) Automatic Data Processing- Confidential Information ::::.::::::::::___....,._.._.,,..._....._~.,:::__u._ ~~.,J„_~:~-:::~~.............._..... i.l.... . . . .Ni'~ ~,nx....:L-. . . . . . . ~ v. ~~~a...~... v....<. . . ._.'....:....r....: . : : .......~~rir.ir~rr:i•:w,iiiti':'0-'a ir.:r::r.::: ~d' ' =_~..:...h3..a.:t.._..r....~.~..urtysxSK:aA>.a::ea~::§:r.:L: ~ - . , ~},~~ii;~........~:~a: ~n : i!:::;n°~'. . . . . . .~.v..::r:- . ~ ' :..s. . ~ii'iiP??;e?i~diii i : ~~JMN ~ ~ , ~ ~ " ~ ~la~~r Ae~aunt~ Nxiclw~s~ Sert/t~ ~Ce~t~~r ~ ` ~ t : : i ~ : ~,`3s' 4 ~ ...::s.r.~ . . ..v' ~ . . . . . ( .......s: : . . , 0.' ~ ~ Comoanv Name: Citv Of Canton Autopay II Product- Code: 10 1 NU Total Proposed Annual Cost Before Discount(s): $32,172.43 Proposed Discount%: 33.0% Total Proposed Annual Cost With Discount(s): $22,285.08 ` Discount% is only applied to discouMable items irxiicated with a¢>syrt~ol ..a~a: ::;na•r~ ~.~ur ~r ~vu• ~ ~ ~ -a..... - - . . . . 4S4^1Y: . - _ " ' " " _ "2 . 1 . l.. . . . 9 b ' . . t Y:itl~i•1".: . . 1 1 G... . ) . M.~t~t.......~f i~.~..[ ~ . . ~ " i:::~:~ : u:.j., ~.~':'i :ait1..~1:<:V ...tl:`t::`:~'I'::~:~::; ~ ~ ~i 1 i.~u...~ ~.~U.~...Y~4~.~.dl.i.i... r ~ ~..4...,... .._.....r....s.^. . . ..u . ,.t t~........a.:..~. . ...i...i..i........... F ~ i . ~ ,.i .m,».... ..~...:-.s... ..I . . ......i.:!:::!:1: ;:a:~~:l::-:~ . I.i, t~i ....la. _ .e..... r o . ..::;a~ . . - ~ ~ . 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R e~.t+~ . l . ..::cra~:r....a.......r..:::i.:::::c:~ ~ .:~.~:..i . . .................r~, b~, . ......._...t~.......« S!~d~2 . . ....:.::r.a:::::c:::~.... ~ ~ : DI~~I~ 5+~: . .E i,~~....~~ , . . : , ~ . . 9 n:: . ~ . ..:.i . ,.~.E.. . . . . . . ; . . ~osk~' . . ~ ~ , .......i::~ '::.~..-f..., r,kx. Jvx~....~.~.1...iJk.~. »i .............t..... . .t . : : , . . . . : . . . 4. . . . . . . .....................t~..........i....................i.~;.... ..i': :~:,:~:::i:.li::~ ' - I,~If1...t.t .:t!1lt:t ~::.i.........~ . ..l . : . : : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ..1 . . . . _ . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OutsideCourierDelivery F00o07 1/4/2006 l0 1 25.06 l 25.06 52 1,363.12 Pays- First 50 Pay(s) F00022 1/4/2006 10 50 39.20 5.00 50 250.00 52 13,OOO.DO ~ Pays- After 50 Pay(s) F00022 1/4l2006 ]0 99999 2.35 79 185.65 52 9,b53.80 + CheckSigning F00031 1/4/2006 10 1 129 52 - t Labor Distribution F00043 I/4/2006 ]0 1 129 52 - a New Hire Reporting Service F00064 7/11/2006 l0 1 1 52 - o TOteITeXPIUS FOOIOI 1/4/2006 10 1 129 52 - > ADPiPayStatements F00140 6/24/2008 10 1 125 52 - e Portal wRh CM F00295 7/15/2008 10 1 125 52 - s WGPS Service F00620 1/4/2006 10 1 i l 52 - e WGPS Payments F00621 1/4/2006 ]0 1 i l 52 - o CheckVew Processing Fee F00771 4/22/2008 l0 1 129 52 - - BenefitAccruals Foosos 5~1/2007 l0 1 ]030 0.14 129 ts.ob 52 939.12 g TotaiPayService F00886 ]/4/2006 10 1 164 52 - Workforce Now Migration Tracking F0099B 5/31 /2012 10 1 125 52 - ~ STANDARDBENEFITACCRUALAUDITREPORT R00950 5/1/2007 ]0 1 171 52 - a External Paydata Interface F00116 2/17/2006 l0 1 1 12 - c ADP Reporting F00243 5/21/2008 ]0 1 169 12 - o Human Resource/SelfService F00482 5/16/2008 10 1 150 12 - o HReXpertComplete FOOSOE 5/16/2008 10 1 115.15 2.30 149 342.70 12 q,112.40 c CheckView Monthty Fee F00770 3/13/2009 10 1 1 12 . a IMRF MASTERFILE DOWNLOAD R00953 2/21 /2006 10 1 171 12 - r CITYOFCANTON R00956 5/23/2006 10 1 581 12 - r FIRE PENSION LIST R00979 5/23/2006 10 1 172 12 - i~ POLICE PENSION R00979 5/23/2006 10 1 172 12 - IvDNIII[.YIMRFREPORT R00979 5/23/2006 10 1 574 12 - a QuarterlylW2 Delivery F00011 1/4/2006 l0 1 19.80 1 19.80 4 79,Zp W2/YearEndStatements F00053 1/4/2006 ]0 1 75.00 5.96 l39 828.44 1 gZg,44 Annual Eaming ReCOrds F0080A 2/25/2008 10 1 219.10 139 219.10 1 219.10 Annual CD Earning Records F0080C 2/25/2008 10 1 24.85 139 24.85 I Z4,g5 s ADPlnfolink G/L Interface F00082 ]0 I 12.00 030 129 38.70 52 Z~p~2,4p a ~tal Before 1,95236 I t Discount: 356.09 9,887.35 Proposed Pnce Acarysiscreated 09I74I7011 (C) Automatic Data Processing- ConfideMial Information