HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-02-2012 council meeting minutes A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on October 2, 2012 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers, The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. Aldermen in attendance: Jeff Fritz, Jim Hartford, Justin Nelson, Jeremy Pasley, Dave Pickel, Eric Schenck, Gerald Ellis Aldermen absent: Alderman Craig West Staff in attendance: City Treasurer Nicole Marter, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Mayor Kevin Meade, City Administrator Jim Snider, City Clerk Diana Pavley, Comptroller Caty Campbell, Police Chief Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Keith Frank, City Engineer Keith Plavec, Public Works Director Bill Terry, Zoning Director John Kunski, Missy Towery Media in attendance: Daily Ledger- John Froehling Video Services by Joe Ginger Others in the audience: Rod Heinze, Attorney John McCarthy, Anne Mays, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY PASTOR NINA NESTLERODE ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mayor Meade recognized former Mayor Rod Heinze in the audience. Rod said the town is looking great and complimented everyone on their efforts. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of Council meetin~ held September 18. 2012 Minutes of Mechanical Committee meetin~ held Seatember 25, 2012 Motion and second was made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to accept the minutes as presented and be placed on file. Discussion: Alderman Nelson asked that a correction be made to the minutes dated September 18, 2012. The correction was made in the section pertaining to the Pink Ink event. Alderman Nelson/Pickel was listed as being excused from the vote. The correction reflects Alderman Nelson as being excused from the vote. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Amended Motion and second were made by aldermen Ellis/Hartford to approve the minutes with the above correction and have them placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. COMMITTEE REPORTS: PUBLIC SAFETY & TRAFFIC - ALDERMAN JIM HARTFORD CHAIRMAN STREETS AND GARBAGE- ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON CHAIRMAN REQUEST FOR SPECIAL EVENT- MUNCHKIN MASQUERADE ROAD CLOSURE AND USE OF CEFCU LOT/JONES PARK An application was submitted for the Munchkin Masquerade to be held in Jones Park on October 26, 2012 from 5-7:OOpm. A request for road closure was also submitted for Elm Street at 1St Avenue and Avenue A, East Side Square, Main at Chestnut and Pine, White Court and the CEFCU lot. The certificate of insurance was submitted for the event. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Ellis to approve the request for the Munchkin Masquerade road closure and use of CEFCU lot/Jones Park. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. REQUEST FOR SPECIAL EVENT- CHRISTMAS WALK- USE OF JONES PARK An application was submitted for the Christmas Walk to be held in Jones Park on December 7, 2012 from S:OOpm-7:30pm. A certificate of insurance was submitted for the event. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Hartford to approve the request for the Christmas Walk and use of Jones Park. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. LAKE, BUILDINGS & GROUNDS - ALDERMAN ERIC SCHENCK, CHA/RMAN USE OF CITY PROPERTY BY CANTON MOTORCYCLE CLUB Alderman Schenck explained that this will be brought back to council for additional discussion. PUBLIC WORKS WATER & SEWER - ALDERMAN GERALD ELLIS CHA/RMAN FINAL INVOICE FROM JON NEWBURN CONSTRUCTION FOR FIRST AVENUE AND CHESTNUT STREET PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENT (CURB & GUTTER) IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,457.38 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to approve the final invoice from Jon Newburn Construction for First Avenue and Chestnut Street Parking Lot improvements in the amount of $12,457.38. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. FINAL INVOICE FROM SPECTRA TECH. LLC FOR SEWER MANHOLE LINING IN THE AMOUNT OF 26 026.25 City Engineer Keith Plavec stated this was a budgeted item in the amount of $30,000.00. The actual amount of the invoice is $26,026.25 for 13 manholes. This would be paid from the System Maintenance account. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Nelson to approve the final invoice from Spectra Tech, LLC for sewer manhole lining in the amount of $26,026.25. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. INVOICE FROM SYNAGRO CENTRAL, LLC FOR WTP SLUDGE REMOVAL & DISPOSAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $82.189.14 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Nelson to approve the invoice from Synagro Central, LLC for WTP sludge removal & disposal in the amount of $82,189.14. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. INVOICE FROM B& J BRITE LINE FOR WHITE COURT & PINE STREET PARKING LOT PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,217.00 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Nelson to approve the invoice from B& J Brite Line for White Court & Pine Street parking lot project in the amount of $1217.00 from TIF funds. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR KEVIN R. MEADE REQUEST TO WAIVE OUTSTANING LIENS AT 205 NORTH AVENUE I(TRAILER PARK) Attorney Peterson explained that the City has been dealing with 5 sisters trailer park for many years and currently all of the tenants are out of their trailers. The utility services have been terminated. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson (The neighbors to the south of the property) are interested in purchasing the property from the Ford's. Attorney Peterson explained that there are a lot of title issues with this property. Currently they are working with MidAmerica National Bank to have a mortgage with Don Inman released and they are working with the county to have some outstanding mobile home taxes released. From the City's perspective a judgment is on file against Don Inman in the amount of $6,253.74 that was entered in March 2006. There are two water liens that total $23,403.23 plus a final utility bill of $224.83 that has not yet been paid. The City is potentially talking about releasing a lot of money if they are able to move forward with the transaction. The request is to see if the City would release the liens totaling $29,891.80. John Kunski has been working with them about their plan to demolish all of the trailers. The City understands that there is no intention to operate a mobile home park at this property at anytime in the future. From a zoning perspective they would have to come back to request the operation of a mobile home park. The City has looked at some demolition estimates for the property in the amount of $80,000.00. The request tonight is in return of an agreed demolition they would sign an agreement with the City saying that they have agreed to complete the demolition and the City would be willing to release the liens. Alderman Nelson asked if the City has an approximate value of the parcel. Attorney John McCarthy explained that the taxes are approximately $3,000.00, so the value would be approximately $30.000.00. The property is currently setup in zoning as an R-2. Attorney Peterson explained that section 10-5-2 of the city code states the only way they could ever be a mobile home park would be to ask for a PUD. Mayor Meade further explained that it would cost the City more money to clean up the property than what the City would be releasing from the liens. Attorney John McCarthy provided the following overview of the property. The Inman's acquired the property in 1989 from the Oatman's. The Inman's sold the property to Charles Belamy in 1997. Immediately after he sold the property to the Belamy's the very next document recorded is a memorandum of an agreement for a warranty deed back to Inman. Attorney McCarthy explained that he suspects that Belamy acquired it for the purpose of security for a loan he must have paid to Inman. McCarthy explained that Belamy has title and Inman now has a contract for deed. Around 2003-2005 Belamy then sold for contract for deed to a Valerie Otto. A tax lien is on file for Valerie Otto and a mortgage on the property from Inman that has not ever been released. MidAmerican National Bank has co-operated and has now provided a release. Three liens are on record from the City. There are mobile home privilege taxes that are over $30,000.00. The 2011 real estate taxes are due in the amount of $3333.33. The 2007 real estate taxes were purchased at the tax sale by Charles Belamy's daughter. There is a warranty deed from Charles Belamy to the Ford's. The warranty deed should convey the property in good title, however obviously the property was not conveyed in good title. Alderman Pickel explained that releasing the liens is the best way to clean-up the property. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickel/Ellis to release the liens. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. APPOINTMENT OF LABORER TRUCK DRIVER TO THE GARBAGE DEPARTMENT Public Works Director Bill Terry has interviewed a number of people and made the selection of Cory Black as a laborer truck driver to the garbage department. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Pickel to appoint Cory Black to the position. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. LEAF PROGRAM Public Works Director Bill Terry explained that the leaf program will start soon and the date will be announced. Bill reminded everyone not to rake the leaves into the streets. STREET CLOSURE A street closure will take place tomorrow on Custer Place from Ash Street to 5th Avenue so sewer repairs could be completed. The closure will start at 7:OOam and should be completed by early afternoon. OLD BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE CREATING SECTION 11-11-11 (GARBAGE REFUSE CONTAINERS) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE (2ND READING) Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Ellis to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3-3-14-1 (VIDEO GAMING MACHINES) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE (2ND READING) Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Fritz to approve the ordinance and place it on file. Attorney Peterson explained that this ordinance will change the fee for the video gaming machines from the current amount of $50.00 per machine to $25.00 per machine-which is the amount allowed under the new law. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. AN ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS OF THE MUNICIPALITY WHO WILL ASSUME OFFICE MAY 7, 2013. (2ND READING) Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to approve the ordinance and place it on file. Discussion: Aldermen Nelson stated that he had a few questions about the figures that were sent out. Aldermen Nelson explained that the 3.0% increases for the elected officials should be on the base salaries and not compounded by the certification/degree. City Administrator 1im Snider said that the City would be changing the way that elected officials would be paying for their healthcare premiums. Currently the elected officials pay 3.0% of the base wages for healthcare and ali other empioyees pay 20% of the cost of the premium for healthcare. The proposal is to have elected officials pay the 20% of the premium like the other employees. Comptroller Caty Campbell explained that two options are being proposed to allow for the adjustment from the 3.0% of the base wages elected officials are currently paying for healthcare to the 20%a of the cost of the premium. The three unions have made the same adjustments when they changed from the 3.% of the wages to the 20% of the cost of the premium. If the adjustments are not made the 3.0% increase would be absorbed by the change in the way elected officials pay premiums. The following two options were presented for consideration: Elected ~fficialsSalaries 4riginal Amaunts with 396 Increase Fisca) Year 2014 2015 2016 201? Beginning ~/i/zoi3 s/~,/zoia ~/i/zo~s ~/i/zoi6 Ending 4f30/2014 4/30f2015 4/3Uf2016 4/30f2417 nnayor ~ ai,~oa.oo ~ z~,ooo.oo $ zz,soo.oo ~ zs,ooa.oo Aldermen" $ 3,600.U0 $ 3,640.00 $ 3,600.40 $ 3,600.OD *Aldermen will be paid an additional $125 per special meeting Clerk $ 36,255.27 $ 37,342.93 $ 38,463.21 $ 39,617.11 Certified Municipal Clerk $ 39,255.27 $ 4U,432.93 $ 41,645.~J1 $ 42,895.29 Master Municipal Clerk $ 42,255.27 $ 43,432.93 $ 44,64~.91 $ 45,895.29 Treasurer $ 3b,255.27 $ 37,342.93 $ 38,463.21 $ 39,617.11 Associates Degree in Accounting $ 39,255.27 $ 40,432.93 $ 41~645.91 $ 42,895.29 Bachelors Degree in Accounting $ 42,255.27 $ 43,432.93 $ 44,6~5.91 $ A5,895.29 Revised Amounts with Increa5e for Heaith Insurance (396 af Gross to 2096 af Rremium} Fiscal Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 Beginning ~/i/zoia s/~/zoia 5/ilzois 5/i/zoi~ Ending 4/30/2014 4j30/20L5 4f30f2~16 4/30j2017 (P~layor and Aldermen remain the 5ame as ahove) Clerk ~ 38,111.4d $ 39,254.33 $ 4U,431.~6 $ 41,544.92 Certified Municipal Clerk $ 41,111.00 $ 42,344.33 $ 43,614.66 $ 44,923.10 Master Municipal Clerk $ 44,111.00 $ Ab,3A4.33 $ 46,614.66 $ 47,923.10 Treasurer $ 38,111.00 $ 39,254.33 $ 40,431.96 $ 41,6A4.92 Assaciates Degree in Accounting $ 41,111.00 $ 42,344.33 $ 43,614.66 $ 44,923.10 Bachelars Degree in Accaunting $ 44,111.00 $ A5,344.33 $ 46,614.66 $ 47,923.10 Further discussion took place about the possibility of selecting option 2, with the language that if the elected official doesn't select the group insurance, the salary would revert back to option one. It was decided that this would make the salaries too complicated. Mayor Meade explained that he wants the motion to very clear as to which table should be included in the ordinance. Mayor Meade asked Alderman Ellis if he would like to include table one or table two in his motion. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford insert table two in the ordinance and place it on file. Discussion: Attorney Peterson asked if the elected officials would be able to participate in the spousal opt out program that is now available to other city employees. The elected officials currently cannot participate in the opt out program. Mayor Meade said we would do a roll call on the motion presented of selected table two. Alderman Nelson stated that the tables presented does not reflect the correct level of degree for the treasurer. Alderman Nelson explained that the previous discussion was to have the two levels for the treasurer be bachelor's degree and master's degree. The table incorrectly reflects Associates degree and Bachelor's degree. Amended Motion and second were made by Aldermen Schenck/Pickel to select schedule one. Amended Motion and second were made again by Aldermen Nelson/Hartford to change the levels for the treasurer position in the charts from associates and bachelors degree to bachelor and master's degree. Mayor Meade said that the first thing we will vote on is the amended motion to change the treasurer's salary chart (incentive) from the associates/bachelors degree to a bachelor/masters degree. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. Mayor Meade stated that the vote now will be for using table one instead of table two with the above changes to the treasurer's incentive. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Failed. Mayor Meade stated that the vote will not be on the original motion of selecting table two with the amendment of changing the treasurer incentive from the associates/bachelor's degree to a bachelor/masters degree. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. Attorney Peterson explained that the City needs to be very clear on this for the next four years. If the elected official drops the group health insurance the elected official's salary would remain as listed in the second chart and they would not be eligible for the spousal opt out program. The spousal opt out program currently pays $450.00 per quarter to the employees if they opt their spouse out of the program, however elected officials currently can't participate in the spousal opt out or the high deductable/H S A. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Fritz/Hartford to keep the insurance eligibility for elected officials as it is currently--- where they can't participate in the spousal opt out or the high deductible/health savings account program. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND CANTON HARVESTER INC LLC. (1sT READING) AN AGREEMENT WITH DASH WILSON REGARDING RETRO PAY FOR MILITARY LEAVE. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Nelson to enter into the agreement with Dash Wilson. Attorney Peterson explained that it was brought to the attention of the City and to Dash Wilson that he was incorrectly using his vacation time during military training. Dash will be credited back the vacation time he used during military leave in the amount of $10,155.19. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Pickel X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Pasley X Alderman West X Alderman Fritz X Alderman Ellis X Alderman Nelson X The Motion Carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion and second was made by Aldermen Nelson/Ellis to adjourn into executive session for the purpose of pending litigation, personnel, negotiations and property acquisition. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. With no further discussion after executive session the meeting adjourned. Mayor Kevin R. Meade City Clerk Diana Pavley