HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3998 - IDOT , f Iliinois Department af Transportation Division of Highways / Region 3/ District 4 401 Main Street / Peoria, Illinois ! 61 602-1 1 1 1 Telephone 309/671-3333 August 17, 2012 City of Canton - Ash Street Fulton County Section 04-00093-04-RS Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement Ms. Diana Pavley City Clerk 2 N. Main Street Canton, IL 61520 Dear Ms. Pavley: The Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax Funds (BLR 05510) dated August 7, 2012, between the the city of Canton and Maurer-Stutz, Inc. to be performed in conjunction with the improvement of the above section is approved in the amount of $28,432.50. Enclosed is the signed greement. V truly yours, Josep . Crowe, P.E. Depu irector of Highways, Regio hree Engineer KSD/kj g s:\gen\winword\dvorsky\transmittal letters\agreements\mftengagree ash street_04-0093-04-rs.docx Enclosure cc: Maurer-Stutz, Inc. (Attn: Mr. George Merkle) City of Canton (Attn: Bill Terry) District Four Auditor (letter only) File ~ . i Municipality ~ Name City of Canton p IIIinOIS Depal'tnleJlt C Maurer-Stutz, Inc. ~ of Transportation o Township L S Address Preliminary Engineering ~ 1670 E. Ash Street count A Services Agreement ~ cit y G For T y Fulton E Motor Fuel Tax Funds A Canton Section C T State 04-00093-04-RS y I L THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 7th day of August , 2012 between the above Local Agency (LA) and Consultant (ENGINEER) and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement of the above SECTION. Motor Fuel Tax Funds, allotted to the LA by the State of Illinois under the general supervision of the State Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the "DEPARTMENT", will be used entirely or in part to finance ENGINEERtNG services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISIONS. Section Description Name Ash Street ROW Acquisition Route FAU 6883 Length Mi. FT (Structure No. ) Termini Description: ROW acquisition for Phase IV and a portion of Phase V of the Ash Street Improvement Project. Agreement Provisions The Engineer Agrees, 1. To perform or be responsible for the performance of the following engineering services for the LA, in connection with the proposed improvements herein before described, and checked below: a. ? Make such detailed surveys as are necessary for the preparation of detailed roadway plans b. ? Make stream and flood plain hydraulic surveys and gather high water data, and flood histories for the preparation of detailed bridge plans. c. ? Make or cause to be made such soil surveys or subsurface investigations including borings and soil profiles and analyses thereof as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. Such investigations are to be made in accordance with the current requirements of the DEPARTMENT. d. ? Make or cause to be made such traffic studies and counts and special intersection studies as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. e. ? Prepare Army Corps of Engineers Permit, Department of Natural Resources-Office of Water Resources Permit, Bridge waterway sketch, and/or Channel Change sketch, Utility plan and locations, and Railroad Crossing work agreements. f. ? Prepare Preliminary Bridge design and Hydraulic Report, (including economic analysis of bridge or culvert types) and high water effects on roadway overflows and bridge approaches. g. ? Make complete general and detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates of cost and furnish the LA with five (5) copies of the plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates. Additional copies of any or all documents, if required, shall be furnished to the LA by the ENGINEER at his actual cost for reproduction. h. ~ Furnish the LA with survey and drafts in quadruplicate of all necessary right-of-way dedications, construction easement and borrow pit and channel change agreements including prints of the corresponding plats and staking as required. Note: Four copies to be submitted to the Regional Engineer Printed 7/26/2012 Page 1 of 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. 11/06) , , . . . i. ? Assist the LA in the tabulation and interpretation of the contractors' proposals j. ? Prepare the necessary environmental documents in accordance with the procedures adopted by the DEPARTMENT's Bureau of Local Roads & Streets. k. ? Prepare the Project Development Report when required by the DEPARTMENT. (2) That all reports, plans, plats and special provisions to be furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to the AGREEMENT, will be in accordance with current standard specifications and policies of the DEPARTMENT. It is being understood that all such reports, plats, plans and drafts shall, before being finally accepted, be subject to approval by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. (3) To attend conferences at any reasonable time when requested to do so by representatives of the LA or the Department. (4) In the event plans or surveys are found to be in error during construction of the SECTION and revisions of the plans or survey corrections are necessary, the ENGINEER agrees that he will perform such work without expense to the LA, even though final payment has been received by him. He shall give immediate attention to these changes so there will be a minimum delay to the Contractor. (5) That basic survey notes and sketches, charts, computations and other data prepared or obtained by the Engineer pursuant to this AGREEMENT will be made available, upon request, to the LA or the DEPARTMENT without cost and without restriction or limitations as to their use. (6) That all plans and other documents furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to this AGREEMENT will be endorsed by him and will show his professional seal where such is required by law. The LA Agrees, 1. To pay the ENGINEER as compensation forall services performed as stipulated in paragraphs 1a, 1g, 1i, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in accordance with one of the following methods indicated by a check mark: a. ? A sum of money equal to percent of the awarded contract cost of the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT. b. ? A sum of money equal to the percent of the awarded contract cost for the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT based on the following schedule: Schedule for Percentages Based on Awarded Contract Cost Awarded Cost Percentage Fees Under $50,000 (see note) ~ % % % % % Note: Not necessarily a percentage. Could use per diem, cost-plus or lump sum. 2. To pay for services stipulated in paragraphs 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1h, 1j & 1k of the ENGINEER AGREES at actual cost of performing such work plus * percent to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve -"actual cosY' being defined as material cost plus payrolls, insurance, social security and retirement deductions. Traveling and other out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at his actual cost. Subject to the approval of the LA, the ENGINEER may sublet all or part of the services provided under the paragraph 1 b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 1 h, 1j & 1 k. If the ENGINEER sublets all or part of this work, the LA will pay the cost to the ENGINEER plus a five (5) percent service charge. "Cost to Engineer" to be verified by furnishing the LA and the DEPARTMENT copies of invoices from the party doing the work. The classifications of the employees used in the work should be consistent with the employee classifications for the services performed. If the personnel of the firm, including the Principal Engineer, perform routine services that should normally be performed by lesser-salaried personnel, the wage rate billed for such services shall be commensurate with the work performed. ` Based on manhours estimated to complete appraisals, ROW and Easement purchases and engineering to prepare plats and complete boundary surveys. Estimate =~65;6A~2-6A, ~28'~~Z.Sa ~See 0LR-o91SD) Printed 7/26/2012 Page 2 of 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. 11/O6) I ~ . f 3. That payments due the ENGINEER for services rendered in accordance with this AGREEMENT will be made as soon as practicable after the services have been performed in accordance with the following schedule: a. Upon completion of detailed plans, special provisions, proposais and estimate of cost - being the work required by paragraphs 1a through 1g under THE ENGINEER AGREES - to the satisfaction of the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, 90 percent of the total fee due under this AGREEMENT based on the approved estimate of cost. b. Upon award of the contract for the improvement by the LA and its approval by the DEPARTMENT, 100 percent of the total fee due under the AGREEMENT based on the awarded contract cost, less any amounts paid under "a" above. By Mutual agreement, partial payments, not to exceed 90 percent of the amount earned, may be made from time to time as the work progresses. 4. That, should the improvement be abandoned at any time after the ENGINEER has performed any part of the services provided for in paragraphs 1a, through 1 h and prior to the completion of such services, the LA shall reimburse the ENGINEER for his actual costs plus 185 percent incurred up to the time he is notified in writing of such abandonment "actual cost" being defined as in paragraph 2 of THE LA AGREES. 5. That, should the LA require changes in any of the detailed plans, specifications or estimates except for those required pursuant to paragraph 4 of THE ENGINEER AGREEs, after they have been approved by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER for such changes on the basis of actual cost plus ~ 85 percent to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve "actual cost" being defined as in paragraph 2 of THE LA AGREES. It is understood that "changes" as used in this paragraph shall in no way relieve the ENGINEER of his responsibility to prepare a complete and adequate set of plans and specifications. It is Mutually Agreed, 1. That any difference between the ENGINEER and the LA concerning their interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the ENGINEER, one member appointed by the LA and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee's decision shall be final. 2. This AGREEMENT may be terminated by the LA upon giving notice in writing to the ENGINEER at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the ENGINEER shall cause to be delivered to the LA all surveys, permits, agreements, preliminary bridge design & hydraulic report, drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data, if any from traffic studies and soil survey and subsurface investigations with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the LA. The ENGINEER shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 4 of THE LA AGREES. 3. That if the contract for construction has not been awarded one year after the acceptance of the plans by the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER the balance of the engineering fee due to make 100 percent of the total fees due under this AGREEMENT, based on the estimate of cost as prepared by the ENGINEER and approved by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. 4. That the ENGINEER warrants that he/she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, to solicit or secure this contract, and that he/she has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For Breach or violation of this warranty the LA shall have the right to annul this contract without liability. Printed 7/26/2012 Page 3 of 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. 11/06) , . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the AGREEMENT to be executed in quadruplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authorized officers. Executed by the LA: City of Canton of the (Mu nicipality/Townsh ip/Cou nty) ATT T: r ~ State of illinois, acting by and through its ~ ~ ~ By ~~C Clerk By . ~ (Seal) Title Mayor Executed by the ENGINEER: Maurer-Stutz, Inc. 1670 East Ash Street ATTEST: Canton, IL 61520 By By Title . C'?lio+~ ~'0/c'c1~ /~T~e~~ Title l~ ~'`,.r.r~~,/~ Approved OY~~1~1~t, D~te D artment of Transportation egional Engineer Printed 7/26/2012 Page 4 of 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. 11/06) , Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Highways / Region 3/ District 4 401 Main Street / Peoria, Illinois / 61 602-1 1 1 1 Telephone 309/671-3333 August 23, 2012 City MFT City of Canton Section: 04-00093-04-RS Improvement Resolution Ms. Diana Pavley • City Clerk 2 North Main Street Canton, Illinois 61520 Dear Ms. Pavley: The resolution adopted by the City Council on August 7, 2012, appropriating $75,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the Ash Street and 20`" Avenue improvements is approved. A file copy is enclosed. An authorization for $37,070.00 for right-of-way, $21,232.50 for engineering, and $7,200.00 for appraisals was made on this date and will show up on your ext allotment letter. V y truly yours, J ep E. Crowe, P.E. D pu Director of Highways, R ' n Thre~ Engineer CCB/kjg s:\genUrpr\projects\winword\bradle\improvement resolutions\improvresocanton04-00093-04-rs.docx Enclosures cc: Maurer-Stutz, Inc. (Attn: Mr. George Merkle) District Four Auditor - File ~ _ . , . ~R e~~~~n ~N if~inois De t'$'YIPJ1t Resolution for Improvement by ~ Municipality Under the iliinois of Transportatian Higttway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the CouncilCity of the Councii or Presidant and Board of'frustees of Canton ilfinois City, Town or Village that the foltowing described street(s) be improved under the IIlinois Highway Code: Name of Thorou hfare Route From To Ash Street FAU 6883 Y 6 Avenue 20 Avenue 20 Avenue FA116893 Chestnut Street North of Ash Street BE fT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That the proposed improvement shall consist af _ROW acquisition for Phase IV and a portion of Phase V of the AsFt Street improvement Projec#. and shall be canstructed wide and be designated as Section 04•00093-04-RS 2. Thatthere is hereby appropriated the (additional ~ Yes ? No) sum of seventy-five thousand Dollars ( $75,000.00 ) for the improvement af said section from the municipality's alfotment of Motor ~uel Tax funds. 3. That work shall be done by Contract ; and, Specify Cantract or Day Labor BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to trarismit iwo certified copies of this resolution to The district office of the Department af Transportation. Approved I, Diana Pav{ey Clerk in and for the City of Cantan ~ CEty, Town or Village ~ County of Fulton , hereby ceri'rfy the Date foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Council Council or President and $oard of Trustees Department of Transportation at a meeting on August 7, 2012 ~ate i IN TESTiMOIVY WH OF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this I Regional Enginee[ ~Z ~ ~ay f V d~ (S L) r Cliy, To , or Village Clerk Printed 7/26J2012 BLR 09t t t(Rev, i 1/06} . _ _ . . _ Municipality L City of Canton Name o Ininois Department ~ C of 'iFansportation Maurer-Stutr, Inc. 0 Township A ~ L S Address Preliminary EngEneering ~ 1670 E. Ash Street County ~ A Services Agresment L G ~or r Ciry Fuiton E Motor Fael Tax Funds A Cantan Sedion N N 04-00093-04-RS ~ T State Y IL THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 7th day of August , 2012 beiween the above Local Agency (LA) and Consuitant (ENGiNEER) and covers certain professtonal engineering services in connection with the improvement of the above SECTIQN. Motor Fuef Tax ~unds, allatted to the LA by the S~ate of Illinois under the general supervision of the State Department of 7ransportation, hereinafter called the "DEPARTMENT", will be used entirely or in part to finance ENGfNEERlNG services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISfONS. Section Description Name Ash Street ROW Ac uisition Route FAlJ 6883 Length Mi. FT (Structure No. ) Termini Description: ROW acquisition for Ahase 1V and a portion of Phase V of the Ash Street Improvement Praject. Agreement Provisions The Engineer Agrees, 1. To pertorm or be responsible for the perForrnance of the foUowing engineering services far the LA, in connecfion with the propased improvements herein before described, and checked below: a. ? Make such detaiied surveys as are necessary far the preparafion of detailed raadway plans b. ? Make stream and flood plain hydraulic surveys and gather high water data, and flood histories for the preparation of detailed bridge plans. c. ? Make or cause to be made such soil surveys or subsurface investigations including borings and soi( profiies and anafyses thereof as may be required to fumish sufficient data for the design of the propased improvement. Such investigations are to be made in accordance wifh the current requirements of the DEPARTMENT. d. ? Make or cause to be made such traffic studies and counts and special intersection studies as may be required to furnish su~cient data for the design of the praposed improvernent. e. ? Prepare Army Corps of Engineers Permit, Department of Natural Resaurces-Office of Water Resources Permi#, Bridge waterway sketch, and/or Channel Ct~ange sketch, Utifity plan and locations, and Railroad Crossing work agreements, ~ f. ? Prepare Preliminary Bridge design and Hydraulic Report, (including economic analysis of bridge or culvert types) ~ and high water effects on roadway overflows and bridge approaches. 9. ? Make complete genera! and detailed ptans, special provisions, proposals and estimates of cost and furnish the LA with five (5) copies of the plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates. Additional copies of any or all documents, if required, shaA be fumished to the LA by the ENGlNEER at his actual cost for repraduction. f h. ~ Fumish the LA with ~survey and drafts in quadruplicate of all necessary right-of-way dedications, construction easement and borraw pit and channe[ change agreements incfuding prints of the cor~esponding pEats and staking as required. Note: Four copies to be submitted to the Regional Engineer Printad 7/26/2012 Page 1 of 4 BLR 0551d (Rev. 31lO6) ~ , _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ i. ? Assist the LA in the tabulation and interpretation of the contractors' proposafs j. ? Prepare the necessary environmental documents in accordance wifh the pracedures adopted by the DEPARTMENTs Bureau af Locai Roads & Streets. k. ? Prepare the Project Devetopment Report when required by the DEPARTMENT. (2} 'f'hat alf reports, plans, plats and special provisfons to be furnished by the ENGlNEER pursuant to the AGREEMENT, will be in accordance with current standard specifications and policies of the DEpARTMENT. 1t is being understood that all such reports, plats, plans and drafts shall, before being finaily accepted, be subject to approvaf by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. (3) To attend conferences at any reasonable time when requested to do so by representatives of the LA or the Department. (4} En the event plans or surveys are found to be in error during construction of the SECTION and revJsions ot the plans o~ survey corrections are necessary, the ENGlNEER agrees that he wilf partorm such work without expense to the LA, even though flnal payment has been received by him. He shali give immediate attention to these changes so there will be a minimum defay to the Contractor. . (5) Thaf basic survey notes and sketches, charts, computations and other data prepared or abtained by the Engineer pursuant to this AGREEMENT wil! be made available, upon request, to the LA or the bEPARTMENT without cost and without restriction or limifations as to their use. (6) That a!I plans and other documents fumished by fhe ENGlNEER pursuant to this AGREEMEN7 will be er,dorsed by him and will show his professiona! seal where such is required by taw. The LA Ag~ees, 1. To pay the ENGiNEER as compensation for all services performed as stipulated in paragraphs 1a, 1g, 1i, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in accordance with one of the foltowing rrtethocis indicated by a check mark: a. ? A sum of money equal to percent of the awarded contract cost of fhe pro~sed imp~ovement as approved by the DEPARTMENT. b. ? A sum of money equal to the percent of the awarded contract cost for the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT based on the following schedule: Schedule for Percentages Based on Awarded Contract Cost Awarded Cost Percentage Fees Under $50,000 (see note) % o~a o~o o~o % Note: Not necessarily a percentage. Couid use per diem, cost-plus or fump sum. 2. To pay for services stipu(ated in paragraphs 1b, 1c, 1d, 9e, 1f, 1h, 1j & 1k of the ENGfNEER AGREES at actual cost of perForming such work plus " percenf to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve -"actual cost" being defined as material cosf plus payrolls, insurance, socia! security and retirement deductions. Traveling and other out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed to fhe ENGINEER at his actual cost. Subject to the approval of the LA, the ENGINEER may sublet all or part of the services provlded under the paragraph 1b, 1c, 1 d, 1e, 1f, 1 h, 1j & 1 k. !f the ENGlNEER sublets ail or part of this work, the LA will pay the cost to the ENGINEER pius a five (5) percent service charge. "Cost to Engineer" to be verified by furnishing the lA and the DEPARTMENT coples of invoices from the party doing the work. 7he class~cations of the employees used in the work should be consistent with the employee c~assificatians for the senrices performed. If the personnef of the ftrm, including the Principaf Engineer, perform routine services that should normaily be performed by lesser-salaried pstsonnel, the wage rate bilied for such services sha!! be commensurate with the work performed. " Based on manhours estimated to complete appraisals, ROW and ~ Easement purchases and enginesring to prepare plais and complete boundary surveys. Estimate =$65,502.50. Printed 7l26/2092 Page Z ot 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. t 1/06) , _ . _ . , 3. That payments due the ENGIIVEER for services rendered in accordance wifh this AGREEMENT will be made as soon as practiC2ble aftet the Services have been performed in accardance with the foltowing schedule: a. Upon completion of detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and es~imafe oF cost - being the work required by paragraphs 1a through 1g urtderTHE ENGINEER AGREES - ta the satisfaction o# the LA and their approval by tFre DEPARTMENi', 90 percent of the total fee due under this AGREEMENT based on the approved esGmate of cost. b. Upon award of the contract for ~he improvement by the LA and its approval by the DEPAR"CMENi", 100 percent of the tota! fee due under the AGREEMENT based on fhe awarded contract cost, less any amounts paid under "a" above. By Muttral agreement, partial payments, not to exceed 90 percent of the amount earned, may be made from time to time as the work progresses. 4. That, should the improvement be abandoned at any time after the ENGINEER has performed any part of the services provided for in paragraphs 1a, through 1h and prior to the completion of such seroices, the LA shall reimburse the ENGINEER for his actual costs plus 185 percent incurred up to the time he is notified in wri#ing of such abandonment ='actua! cost° being defined as in paragraph 2 of THE LA AGREES. 5. That, should the LA require changes in any of the detailed pians, specifications or estimates except for those required pursuant to paragraAh 4 of THE EIVGItVEEf2 AGREEs, after they have been approved by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER for such changes on the basis of actual oost plus Tg~ percent to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve = actua! cost" being defined as in paragraph 2 of THE LA AGREES. It is understood that "changes" as used fn this paragraph shall in no way relieve the ENGIIVEER of his responsibility to prepare a complete and adequate ~ set of plans and specifications. IE is Mutually Agreed, 1. That any difference between the ENGINEER and the LA concerning their interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shalf be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the ENGINEER, one member appointed by the LA and a third member appoinfed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee's decision shall be frnal. 2. This AGREEMENT may be terminated by the LA upon giving notice in writing to the ENGINEER at his last known post o~ce address. Upon such terminafion, the ENGINEER shaf! cause to be delivered to the LA alt surveys, permits, agreements, preliminary bridge design & hydraulic report, drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data, if any from traffic studies and soil survey and subsu~face investigations wi#h the understanding that alI such material becomes the property of the LA. The ENGINEER shaq be paid for any services compieted and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 4 of THE LA AGREES. 3. Thaf if the contract for construction has not been awarded one year after the acceptance of the plans by the LA and their approval by the DEPAR7MENT, fhe LA will pay the ENGlNEER the bafance of the engineering fee due to make 100 percent of the total fees due under this AGREEMENT, based an the estimate of cost as prepared by the ENGlNEER and approved by the L,A and the DEPARTMENT. 4. That the ENGINEER warrants that he/she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGIMEER, to solicit or secure this contract, and that he/she has not paid or agreed to ~ pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working sole(y for the ENGlNEER, arry f~e, commission, ~ percentage, brokerage fee, gifis or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this . contract For Breach or violation of this warranfy the LA shall have the right fo annul this con#ract without liability. E Pnnted 7/26/2012 Page 3 of 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. 11/O6) ~ , IN WITNESS WHEREO~, the part+es have caused the AGREEMENT to be executed in quadruplicate counterparts, each of which shatl be considered as an original by their dufy authorized ofticers. Executed by the LA: Cit of Canton af the (MunicipalitylTownship/Couniy) ATT T: ' State of Illinois, acting by and through its By ~ ~ Clerk By ' (Seal) Title _~{avor ( Executed by the ENGINEER: Maurer-Stutz, Inc. i 670 East Ash Street ATTEST: Canton, iL 6152 By Bv Titfe C'vj/o~ ~?0 ~rJ" ~ ~h~y Title ~ n-.r' . Approved Date Department of Transportation I Regionul Engineer ~ ~ I Printetl 7/26@012 Page 4 of 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. i tl06) ' . ~~~~aLS ~~m~tit Request for Expenditure/Authorization af Tr~s~portafion of Mofor Fuei Tax Funds For Disirict Use Only 7ransaction Number Municipality ~ftv of Canton County Fulton Date Rd. District Checked by Section 0400093-04-RS I hereby request authorization #o expend Motor Fue( Tax Funds as indicateci below. Purpose Amount Cantract Construction Day Labor Construction Right-of-Way (ftemized On Reverse Side) 37,070,00 Engineering 21,232.50 Maintenance Engineering Engineering lnvestigations Other Category Obligation Retirement Maintenance Co, Eng,/Supt. Salary & Expenses (Period from tfl ) 1MRF ar Social Security Interest Appraisals 7 200.00 , , i ' ~otal $ _ 65,502.50 ~ Gomments ROW Re uired for Phase IV and a ortion of Phase V Approved Date 2412 Signed by Date : _ Mavor Department of Transportatlon. Title of Ofiicial R lonal En ineer Printed 7/26/2012 Page 1 of 2 BlR 09150 {Rev. 11/06) . ~ L Itemizatton of Right-of-Way Request Locatian of Pro ert Acres Cost of Cost of Damaae Street Between And Name of Owner Right- Land to Land 'iota! Street (Street of-Way Taken Not Taken Ash Street 16 Avenue 20 Avenue Maurer-Stutz 0 1.00 1,Op Land Trust Ash Street 16'" Avenue 20'" Avenue James J. Elson 0.164 3,444.00 3,444.00 Ash Street 16`" Avenue 20'" Avenue Martin & 0.024 1,400.00 1,400.00 Debbie Wilson Ash Street 16~h Avenue 20"' Avenue Jason M. & 0.02 625.00 625.00 Kathy L. Stockov Ash Street & 16`" Avenue 20`" Avenue Eric L. Baker 0.888 7,U50.0~ 7,050.00 20~n Avenue Ash Street Chestnut St. 20"' Avenue Ash Street Chestnut St. Jack T. & 0.614 3,850.00 3,850.00 Rosemary M. Narroun 20"' Avenue North of Ash Donald R. & 0.088 75~.00 750.00 ~ Street Peggy McKenzie 20`" Avenue At Ash Brent A. Doerr 0.107 2,000.00 2,OOOAO Street Ash Street 16th Avenue 20`~ Avenue Renaissance 0.167 9,450.00 9,450.00 Care Center Property LLC , Ash Street 16~h Avenue 20`" Avenue Eric L. Baker 0.985 8,500.00 8,500.00 20"' Avenue North af Ash ' Street i ~ ' Totai $ $37,070.00 ; Printed 7/26I2012 Page 2 ot 2 BLR 09150 (Rsv. 1 t/06) _ _ _ ~ e S- S T V T Z PROJECT: Canton Ash Street PROJECT NO.: 247-10002A0 F..NGINEERS SURVf-.YORS BY: G8M DATE: August 8, 2012 7615 North Na~kar Drive 7FL 3Q9-693-7515 - Peorie, !!linois 81615 FAX3DB-693-7fi16 LETTER QF TRANSMITTAL TO: Joseph E. Crowe, P.E. SUBJECT: MFT Documents Deputy Director, Region 3 Engineer City of Cantan 401 Main Street 0400093-04-RS Peoria, IL 61602-1111 ATTENTION: Tony Sassine, P.E. TRANSMITTING: x Herewith BY: Messenger Under Separate Cover Mail U PS X ENCLOSED: Prints FOR: Approval X Spec~ficafions Your Files Shop Drawings Your Signature X Copies Distribution Other Per Your Request COPIES: DESCRlPTION: 4 En ineerin A reement - BLR 05510 4 En ineerin Resolution - BLR 09111 1 Re uest for Ex enditure En ineerin - BLR 09150 REMARKS: Attached are the engineering agreement, resolution and authorizations for the subject project. These are for the ROW acquisition for Phase IV and a portion of Phase V for the Ash Stree# ; project. These were passed by fihe City Council at the August 7, 2012 council meeting. Please return ~ all approved documents to me at fhe Peoria Office at the above address a# your earliest I convenience. lf you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me at fhe ~ above number. Thank-you FROM: Ge rge B erkle, P. E Senior Project Engineer f Cc: ~ile~~' S:1247124710002 (Canton Ash St. Ph !V)1CorrespondencelLOT to IDOT forROW Aquisition Appr Phase IV & V.doc Rev. 06/22/05