HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #2093 - redevelopment agreement between the City of Canton and Canton Crop Service CITY OF CANTON, FULTON, ILLINOIS , ORDINANCE NO. ,~'~~L'~ ~ CANTON 2 -RT. 9/CHESTNUT STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) DISTRICT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A RED.~VELOPMENT AGREEMENT by and between THE CITY OF CANTON and CANTON CROP SERVICE, INC. ADOPTED BY THE CORPORATE AUTHORITIES OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ON THE 17TH DAY OF JULY, 2012. CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: ORDINANCE NO. ~C..~\ ~3 CANTON 2- RT. 9/CHESTNUT STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) DISTRICT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND CANTON CROP SERVICE, INC. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF CANTON THAT: SECTION ONE: The Redevelopment r~gYeement with Canton Crop Service, Inc. (E~~~~iGit~ attached) is hereby approved. SECTION TWO: The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and e~ecute on behalf of the Cit~~ said Redevelopment ~greement and the Cit~~ Clerk of the City of Canton is hereby authorized and directed to attest such execution. SECTION THREE: The Rede~relopment 1~greement shall be effectiee the date of its appro~~al on the 17`" da~~ of Jul}~, 2012. SECTIGN FOUR: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and appro~ral as required by la~~. [Balartce ofpage i.r irztentzorrally bl~tnk.] PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Corporate Authorities of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, on the 17`~' day of )u15~, r1.D., 2012, and deposited and filed in the Office of the Ciry Clerk of said Cit~~ on that date. MAYOR & ALDERMEN AYE VOTE NAY VOTE ABSTAIN / ABSENT Ald. David Pickel Ald. James Haxtford ~ Ald. Jeffrey Fritz Ald. Craig West Ald. Gexald Ellis Ald. Justin Nelson Ald. Eric Schenck X Ald. Jeremy Pasley X Hon. Kevin Meade, Ma~~or TOTAL VOTES ~ APPROVED: ~ ~ ~ , Date ~~7 / ~~1~ ~ on. Kcein ~~Zeade;~~laj~or, _it~~ of Canton f; ~ , ATTEST• ,f ' , Date: 2012 Diaiia`~ ~'avle~~, Cit~~ C rl:, Cin~ of Canton ;~1"1'.1C(II~II,;N1:S: EXHIBIT A: KI?lll?V'I~;LOY\II?N'l':AGRI?I?~11?N'1' BY ~1ND BI~"1'Wl~:l?N'1'I[i~: CI'1'Y OI~ C;AN'l'UN ;1ND C~AN"1'ON CROV SI?RV'ICi~~;, INC. -3- EXHIBIT A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by and between CITY OF CANTON and CANTON CROP SERVICE, INC. CANTON 2- RT. 9/CHESTNUT STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) DISTRICT CANTON 2- RT. 9/CHESTNUT STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) DISTRICT TIF REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by and between THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS and CANTON CROP SERVICE, INC. JULY - 2012 CANTON 2- RT. 9/CHESTNUT STREET TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF)DISTRICT REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by and between CITY OF CANTON and CANTON CROP SERVICE, INC. THIS AGREEMENT (including Exbibit is entered into this da~- of Ju15~, 201?, by and bet~~een the CITY OF CANTON ("Ciry"), an Illinois Municipal Corporation, Fulton Count~~, Illinois; and CANTON CROP SERVICE, INC. ("Developer"). PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the Ciry has the authorit~~ to promote the health, safetv, and welfare of the Ciry and its citizens, aizd to prevent the spread of blight and deterioration and inadequate public facilities, by promoring the development of private investment properh~ therebv increasing the taY base of the City and providing employment for its citizens; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Tax Increment ,Allocation Redc~~elopment ~Act, GS ll,CS 5/11-7-~.4 et .f~eq., as amended (the "l~ct"), the Ciry has the authorin~ to providc inccntiees to owners or prospecti~re o~vncr:-. of real propert~~ to develop, redevelop, and rehabilitate such propern~ ba reimbursing the owner for certain costs from resulting increases in real estate tai revenues and enter into contracts with developers necessary orincidental to the implementation of its rcdevelopment plan pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-4(b) and (j); and WHEREAS, pursuant to 65 ICLS 5/8-1-2.5 the Cin~ is authorized to appropriate and expend funds for economic deaelopment purposes, including, ~vithout limitation, the making ot grants to any other go~rernmental entitj~ or commercial enterprise that are deemed necessary or desirable for the promotion of economic devclopment within the municipaliry; and WHEREAS, the City, recognizing the need to foster the development, expansion and revitalization of certain properties which are vacant, underutilized or obsolete or a combination thereof, adopted Tas Increment Financing and established a Tax Increment ~~Ilocation Redevelopment Plan, Project and tlrea under the rlct known as the Canton 2- Rt. 9/Chestnut Street TIF District (the " TIF District") on February 6, 2012 by Ordinance No. 2068, Ordinance No. 2069, and Ordinance No. 2070; and WHEREAS, included in the TIF District Redevelopment Project r~rea is appro~mately 8.2 acres of properry to be acquired by the Developer in 2012 located on Entcrpi7se Drive within the Canton Industrial Park in Canton, Illinois, including real estate ta~ propert~~ identification numbers 09-08-29- 401-012 (Lot 18) and 09-08-29-401-013 (Lot 19), collectively the "Property"; and 1 WHEREAS, based on incentives offered by the Ciry, the Developer intends to redevelop said Property by proceeding with plans to prepare the site and construct a retail agricultural service facility (the "Facility"), which Propert~~ and Facilin~ is to be collectively defined as the "Project" or "Developer's Project"; and WHEREAS, the De~~eloper anucipates the Project ~vill require a total projected investment in eYCess of $400,000.00 and provide agricultural products and service to agricultural producers within the ~ greater Canton and F~ulton Counn~ area; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Cih~ to encourage economic development which will increase the real estate and municipal taa bases of the Cit~~ and the taY bases of other ta~ng bodies, which increased ineremental taYes will be used, in part, to finance incentives to assist redevelopment projects undertaken ~vithin the Tas Increment Financing District; and WHEREAS, the Developer's Project is consistent with the land uses of the Cit~~ as adopted; and WHEREAS, the Ciry has the authoritti under the .Act to incur Redevelopment Project Costs (`Bligible Project Costs") and to reimburse De~reloper for such costs pursuant to 65 ILCS 11-74.4-4(j); and WHEREAS, the Citti~ has determined that this De~rcloper's Project requires the incentives rec~uested ~ as set forth in I.~xL~ibi! 9 and that said De~reloper's Projcct «ould, as part of the Plan, piomote the health, safet~~ and ~velfare of the Cin~ and its citizens b~~ attracting private investment to pre~rent blight and detcrioration and to provide emplopment for its citizens and generall~~ to enhance the econom~~ of the Citv; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to segregate within the Canton 2- Rt9/Chestnut Street "i'IF District Special Tax ~llocation Fund the following: Eighty-Nine percent (89%) of the "net" incremental increases in real estate taYes derived from this Developer's Project in ta~ years 2013 and 2014; Fifty percent (50%) of thc "net" incrcmental increases in real estate taxes derived from this Developer's Project in taY years 2015 through 2018; and Seventy-Five percent (75%) of the "net" incremental increases in real estate taYes derived from this Developer's Project in tax vears 2019 through the remaining life of the TIF District, not to eYCeed a total cumulative reimbursement of One Hundred Fifry- Six Thousand One Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($156,115.00) of the Developer's TIF Fligible Project Costs (see E~~hiGzt 9), whichever occurs first "Net" increment is defined as real estate tax increment derived fxom the Developer's Project as previously described after payment of administrarive fees and costs and payments pursuant to Intergovernmental Agreements. The Ciry will establish a separate account within the Special TaY ~111ocation Fund for this Canton 2-Rt.9/Chestnut Street TIF District designated as the "Canton Crop Service Specia] Account" (the "Special c~ccount"). r~ll monies deposited to this Special r~ccount shall be used eYClusively by the City for the 2 purposes set forth in this rlgreement; and WHEREAS, in consideration of the eYecution of this ~greement, the De~reloper shall proceed with completing said Project as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the City is entering into this ,3greement ha~ring encouraged and induced the De~reloper to redevelop the Property. AGREEMENTS ~ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereb~~ ackno~vledged, the parties agree as follows: A. PRELIMINARY STATEMENTS 1. The Parties agree that the matters set forth in the recitals above are true and correct and form a part of this r~greement. 2. ,~ny terms ~uhich are not defined in this .~greement sI1a11 have the same meaning as the~~ do in the ~1et, unless indicated to the contrar~~. 3. The Cit~~ is estending incentives for the lle~reloper's Project in anticipauon of the expected completion of the Project as set torth herein. 4. Fach of the Parties represents that it has tal:en all acaons necessar~~ to authorize its representatives to e~ecute this ~lgreemcnt. B. ADOPTION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING The City has created the Canton 2- Kt9/Chestnut Street "I'IF llistrict ~uhich includes the Developer's Property. The City has pteviousl~~ assisted certain Kedevelopment Projects using taY increment financing incentives and now intends to provide such assistance to the Developer's Project which shall be known as "Canton Crop Setvrce, Ine. C. INCENTIVES In consideration for the Developer having purchased the Property and completing the Project substantially as set forth in F.xhibit 9, the Cit~~ agrees to extend ro the Developer the following incentives to assist Developer's Project 3 1. ~ reimbursement of Eight}~-Nine percent (89%) of the "net" incremental increases in real estate taxes derived from this Developer's Project in taY years 2013 and 2014, Fifty percent (50%) of the "net" incremental increases in real estate taYes derived from this Developer's Project in ta~ j~ears 2015 through 2018; and Seventy-Five percent (75%) of the "net" incremental increases in real estate tates derived from this Developer's Project in taY 5~ears 2019 through thc remaining life of the "I'I~~ llistrict, not to eYCeed a total cutnulative reimbursement of One Hundred Fifty-Six Thousand One Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($156,115.00) of the Devcloper's TII~ F.ligible Project Costs (see F.~-bibit 1), ~vhichever occurs first Net increment is defined as real estate tax increment derived from the Developer's Project as previouslj~ described after payment of administrative fees and costs and payments pursuant to Intergovernmentall~greements. The Cit~~ will establish a separate account within the Special Tax r~llocation Fund for this Canton 2-Rt9/Chestnut Street TIF District designated as the "Canton Ctop Serviee Spectal Aceount" (the "Special rlccount"). r111 monies deposited to this Special Account shall be used exclusivel~~ bv the Cit~~ for the purposes set forth in this ~greement D. LIMITATION OF INCENTIVES TO DEVELOPER 1. Eligible Project Costs of the Deeeloper shall not etceed in total $156,115.00. 2. The lleveloper shall be reinlbursed b~~ thc Cin~ for all Eligible Project Costs permitted bj~ the ~~ct (subject to a limitation oE $156,115.00) as set forth herein, but onl~~ as set forth abo~re and onlv from the Propcrn~ ii~cluded in this Project and owned b~~ the De~=eloper at that locaaon. 3. It shall be the sole responsibilitv of the Developer to provide to the City as re9uested the following: a. Copies of all P1~ID real estate taY bills, annually, foY the Ptoperty included in this Project. b. Verification of "TIF eligible project costs as re9uired by Section E below. E. PAYMENT OF ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS 1. A request for payment to the Developer for TIF Eligible Project Costs as set forth by the Act shall be made by a Requisirion for Payment of Private Development Redevelopment Costs (the "Requisition") as hereto attached as Exhibit2and submitted by Developer to the City's 7'IF rldministrator Jacob & I~lein, Ltd. and The Fconomic Development Group, Ltd. (collectivel~~ the "TIF rldministraror") or a successive TIF r~dministrator upon written notification from the Ciry. 4 2. The Requisition must be accompanied by vet-ified bills or statements of suppliers, contractors, or professionals relating to the Project, together ~vith i~fecha,nic's Lien ~~aivers, cancelled checks or other acceptable proof of pa~~ment bv the Deeeloper as required bv the City's TIF ~1 dmini s tra tor. 3. The Developer shall use such sums as reimbursements for eligible e~penses onlj~ to the e~tent permitted by law and the ~ct. 4. The TIP' r~dministrator shall approve or disapprove the Kec~uisition bj~ written receipt to the Developer within thirry (30) business days after receipt of the Requisition. ~~pproval of the Requisition will not be unreasonably withheld. If the Requisition is disapproved by the TIF ~ Administrator (or subsequendy b~ the Illinois Department of Revenue), the reasons for disallowance will be set forth in wriring and the Developer may resubmit the Requisition with ~ such additional information as may be required and the same procedures set forth herein shall apply to such re-submittals. 5. The Parties acknowledge that the determination of TIF~' I;ligible Project Costs, and, therefore, qualification tor reimbursement hereunder are subject to chan~es or interl~retation made by amendments to the ~~ct, administratiee rules or judicinl interpretation during the term of this ~~greemcnt. 6. TIF Fligible Project Costs are broadl~~ defined in the Rede~ elopment Plan to include all costs defined in the l~ct as Redevelopinent Project Costs. 7. The Developer ma~~ submit for prior appro~-al b~~ the Cin~ as '1TF T?ligible Projcct Costs under the l~ct estimates of costs before they areincurred subject to later confirmation b5~ actual bills. F. LIMITED OBLIGATION The City's obligauon hereunder is to pay lleveloper for TIF Eligible Project Costs limited to $156,115.00 as set forth above. Said obligation does not now and shall never constiture an indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any State of Illinois Constitutional or Statutory provision, and shall not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Ciry or a charge or lien against the City's general credit or taYing power. 5 G. LIMITED LIABILITY OF CITY TO OTHERS FOR DEVELOPER'S EXPENSES There shall be no obligation by the Cin~ to make any payments to any person other than Developer, nor shall the CitS~ be obligated to make direct paj~ments to an~~ other contractor, subcontractor, mechanic or materialman pro~riding seivices or materials to lleveloper tor the Developer's Project. H. DEFAULT; CURE; REMEDIES In the event of a default under this Redevelopment rlgreement bj~ any parry hereto (the "Defaulting Party"), which default is not cured ~vithin the cure period provided for below, then the other part~~ (the "Non-defaulting Party") shall have an action for damages, or in the event damages would not fairl~~ compensate the Non-defaulting Party's for the Defaulting Party's breach of this Redevelopment rlgreement, the Non-defaulting Parry shall have such other equity rights and remedies as are available to them at law or in equit~~. ,~ny damages payable by the Ciry hereunder shall be limited to the real est~te tax increment payable to the Developer under the terms of this r~greement. In the e~rent a Defaulting Part~~ shall fail to perform a inonetary covenant ~~hich it is re9uired to perform under this Redevelopment ~~grcement, it shall not be deeined to be in default under this Redevelopment ~greement unless it shall ha~-e failed to perform such inonetarj~ covenant ~vithin thirn- (30) daj~s of its receipt of a notice from a Non-defaulting Parn~ specif5~ing that it has failed to perform such monetary co~renant. In the e~-ent a Defaulting Parn~ fails to perform an~~ nonmonetarv covenant as and ~vhen it is required to under this Rede~relopmerit ~lgreement, it shall not be deemed to be in default ifit shall have cured such default ~vithiu thirty (30) days ofits receipt of a notice from a Non- defaulting Part~~ specitj-ing the nature of the default, provided, however, with respect to those nonmonetar~~ defaults whicll are not capable of being cured ~vithin such thirh~ (30) day period, it shall not be dee~med to be in default ifit coinmences curing within such thirry (30) daj~s period, and thercafter diligently and continuously prosecutes the cure of such default until the same has been cured. I. TIME; FORCE MAJEURE For this r~greement, time is of the essence; provided however, the Developer and Ciry shall not be deemed in default with respect to any obligations of this r~greement on its part to be performed if either fails to timely perform the same and such failure is due in whole, or in part, to any strike, lock-out, labor trouble (whether legal or illegal), civil disorder, inabiliry to procure materials, weather conditions and wet soil conditions, failure or interruptions of power, restrictive governmental laws and regulations, condemnation, riots, insurrections, war, fuel shortages, accidents, casualties, rlcts of God, acts caused direcdy or indirectly by the City (or City's agents, employees or invitees) when applicable to Developer or third parties, or an~~ other cause beyond the reasonable control of Developer or Ciry. 6 J. ASSIGNMENT The rights and obligations of the Developer under this .~greement shall be fully assignable b~~ means oE written notice to the Ciry. 'I'he Cit~~ shall not unreasonabl~~ ~vithhold its consent provided that the nature of the Project is not substantially changed. No such assignment shall be decmed to release the Developer of its obligations to the Cit~~ under this ;~greement unless the specific consent of the Ciry to release the Developer's obligations is tirst obtained in ~vriung. K. WAIVER l~ny party to this t~greement may elect to waive anv remedv it ma~~ enjo5~ hereunder, provided that no such waiver shall be deemed to e~st unless the partv waieing such right of reinedy does so in writing. No such waiver shall obligate such parry to waive any right of remedy hereunder, or shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of other rights and remedies provided said part5~ pursuant to this ,~greement. L. SEVERABILITY tf anv section, subsection, term or provision of this :1~reement or the application thereof to anj~ ~ parn~ or circuinstance shall, to any extent, be in~-alid or unenforceable, the remainder of said section, subsection, term or provision of this ~grcement or the application of same to parties or circumstances other than those to which itis held invalid or unenforceable, sh211 not be affected therebv. M. NOTICES s~11 notices, demands, requests, consents, appro~rals or other instruments re9uired or permitted by this ~~greement shall be in writing and shall be elecuted bti~ the parti~ <>r an officer, agent or attornev of the Party, and shall be deemed to have been effective as of the date of actual deli~rery, if deli~rered personally, or as of the third (3'd) day froin and including the date of posting, if mailed b}~ registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid addressed as follo~vs: 7 CITY DEVELOPER City of Canton Canton Crop Service, Inc. % City r~dministrator % ILen Barker, Owner/Operaror 2 N. Main St 1~750 E. Kennv Lane Canton, IL 61520 l_.e~vistown, Il, C1542 PH: (309) 647-0065 PH: (30)) 231-6206 F13X: (309) 6~7-2348 F,maiL b~zz~(,erl,~?3t~<it~i~~~-a{~~~o.~-~~rn ~ l~itl~ copy to: Jacob & Klcin, Ltd and ~ The Economic llevelopment Group, Ltd. 1701 Clearwater l~~venue Bloomington, IL C 1704 PH: (309) 664-7777 Fr1X: (309) 664-7878 N. SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST Subject to the Proaisions of Paragraph J, abo~~e, this l~greement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and thcir respecti~~e successors. O. NO JOINT VENTURE, AGENCY, OR PARTNERSHIP CREATED Neither anything in this ~~greeinent nor an~~ acts ot the parues to this r~greement shall be construed b~r the Parties or any third person to create the relationship of a partnership, agenc}~, or joint ~retlture between or among such Parties. P. INDEMNIFICATION OF CITY llevcloper acknowledges that it is responsible for determining applicability, processing payroll and compliance with the Illinois Prevailing ~~'age 1~et, to the eatent such is applicable. ~pplicability is to be determined by Developer and Developer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, and all City elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, engineers, consultants and attorneys (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties"), from any and all claims that may be asserted against the Indemnified Parties or one or more of thcm, in connection with the applicabiliry, determination, and/ar payments made under the Illinois Prevailing ~~age Act (820 II_CS 130/0.01 et..req.), the Illinois Procureinent Code, and/or any similar State or Federal law or regulation. This obligation to indemnify and hold harmless obligates Developer to defend any such claim and/or action, pay any liabilities and/or penalties imposed, and paj~ all defense costs of City, including but not liinited to the reasonable 8 attorney fees of Ciry. Q. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT This 1lgreement shall espire upon the eYpiration of the Redcvelopment Plan adopted bj~ the Cit~~ or sooner if the Developer has received all incenuves included herein. R. AMENDMENTS TO THIS AGREEMENT The parties hereto may amend this r~greement at anv time by their mutual consent which amendment must be in writing and eYecuted b~~ the parties. S. WARRANTY OF SIGNATORIES The signatories of Developer warrant full authority to both eYecute this r~greement and to bind the entin~ to which they are signing on behalf of. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF the Cin~ of Canron aiid Canton Crop Ser-~~ice, Ine. ha~-e caused this ;~greement to be eaecuted by their dul}~ authorized ofticers on the abo~~e date at Canton, Illinois. CITY DEVELOPER CITY OF CANTON, an Illinois 1~lunicipal CANTON CROP SERVICE, INC., an Corporation: Illinois Corporatioiz: c / BY: '''C,C BY: ~ ~ I~Tati~or, City of Canton en Barker, O~v zer/Operator r, ~ r' ~ f ~ ATTEST: i ~ ~GL Clerk, Cit~~ of Cant n 9 EXHIBIT 1 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED TIF ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS Canton Crop Service, Inc. Canton 2- Rt9/Chestnut Street '1'IF District in the City of Canton, Fulton Counry, Illinois Project llescription: Developer is proceeding with plans to acquire, assemble and prepare a site located on appro~imatel~~ 82 acres of propeiry to be acquired by the Developer ~ in ?(112 located on Enterprise llrive ~vithin the Canton Industrial Park in Canton, Illinois, including real estate taY property identification numbers 09- 08-29-401-012 (Lot 18) and 09-08-29-401-013 (Lot 19) . Estimated Eligible Project Costs: Lai~d and buildings (acquisition costs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~1,115.00 Site preparation, clearing and grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~0,000.00 Professional Fees (planning, engineering, architectural, legal, accounting, other) . . . . . . . . $12,000.00 )ob training and retraining services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000.00 Interest Buv-Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $61.000.00 Total Estimated TIF Eligible Project Costs' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $156,115.00 ~ NOTE: Cumulative'I'otal Reimbursements of 1'IF F_.ligible Projcct Costs to Developer shall not esceed ~156,115.00 10 EXHIBIT 2 PRIVATE PROJECT REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT 11 CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS CANTON 2- RT.9/CHESTNUT STREET TAX INCREMENT FiNANCING DISTRICT PRIVATE PROJECT REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT BY CANTON CROP SERVICE, INC. Date Attention: City Administrator, City of Canton Re: TIF Redevelopment Agreement, dated by and between the City of Canton, Illinois, and Canton Crop Service, Inc. (the "Developer") The City of Canton is hereby requested to disburse funds from the Special Tax Allocation Fund pursuant to the Redevelopment Agreement described above in the amount(s), to Canton Crop Service, Inc and for the purpose(s) set forth in this Request for Reimbursement. The terms used in this Request for Reimbursement shall have the meanings given to those terms in the Redevelopment Agreement. 1. REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT NO. 2. PAYMENT DUE TO: Canton Crop Service Inc Developer 3. AMOUNTS REQUESTED TO BE DISBURSED: Description of TIF Eligible Project Cost Amount Total 4. The amount requested to be disbursed pursuant to this Request for Reimbursement will be used to reimburse the Developer for Redevelopment Project Costs for the Project detailed in "Exhibit 1" of the Redevelopment Agreement. 5. The undersigned certifies that: (i) the amounts included in (3) above were made or incurred or financed and were necessary for the Project and were made or incurred in accordance with the construction contracts, plans and specifications heretofore in effect; and (ii) the amounts paid or to be paid, as set forth in this Request for Reimbursement, represent a part of the funds due and payable for TIF Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs; and (iii) the expenditures for which amounts are requested represent proper Redevelopment Project Costs as identified in the "Limitation of Incentives to Developer" described in Section D of the Redevelopment Agreement, have not been included in any previous Request for Reimbursement, have been proper~y recorded on the Developer's books and are set forth with invoices attached for all sums for which reimbursement is requested, and proof of payment of the invoices; and (iv) the amounts requested are not greater than those necessary to meet obligations due and payable or to reimburse the Developer for its funds actually advanced for Redevelopment Project Costs; and (v) the Developer is not in default under the Redevelopment Agreement and nothing has occurred to the knowledge of the Developer that would prevent the ~ performance of its obligations under the Redevelopment Agreement. 6. Attached to this Request for Reimbursement is Exhibit 1 of the Redevelopment Agreement, together with copies of invoices, proof of payment of the invoices, and Mechanic's Lien Waivers relating to all items for which reimbursement is being requested. BY~ (Developer) TITLE: APPROVED: CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS BY: TITLE: DATE: CITY OF CANTON TIF 2- RT. 9/CHESTNUT ST. CANTON CROP SERVICE INC. / CANTON INDUSTRIAL PARK Revised 7/17/2012 TIF FORMED Ca/endar Year of Recei ts 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total Real Estate Tax Increment Built Assessed $13,822 $14,167 $14,522 $14,885 $15,257 $15,638 $16,029 $16,430 $16,841 $17,262 $17,693 School Share 8~ Admin. Fees $3,455 $3,542 $3,630 $3,721 $3,814 $3,910 $4,007 $4,107 $4,270 $4,315 $4,423 Net Real Estate Tax Increment $10,366 $10,626 $10,891 $11,163 $11,443 $11,729 $12,022 $12,322 $12,630 $12,946 $13,270 Devebper's Share of Net RETI $9,226 $9,490 $5,446 $5,582 $5,721 $8,796 $9,016 $9,242 $9,473 $9,710 $9,952 Cumulative Develo r's Share $9,226 $18,716 $24,161 $29,743 $35,464 $44,261 $53,277 $62,519 $71,992 $81,701 $91,654 Ci 's Share of Net increment $1,140 $1,136 $5,446 $5,582 $5,721 $2,932 $3,005 $3,081 $3,158 $3,237 $3,317 Calendar Year of Recei ts 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 TOTALS Total Real Estate Tax Increment $18,135 $18,589 $19,054 $19,530 $20,018 $20,519 $21,032 $21,557 $22,096 $22,649 $23,215 $23,795 ~422,732 School Share & Admin. Fees $4,534 $4,647 $4,763 $4,882 $5,005 $5,130 $5,258 $5,389 $5,524 $5,662 $5,804 $5,949 s105,683 Net Real Estate Tax Increment $13,602 $13,942 $14,290 $14,647 $15,014 $15,389 $15,774 $16,168 $16,572 $16,986 $17,411 $17,846 ;317 049 Developer's Share of Net RETI $10,201 $10,456 $10,718 $10,986 $11,260 $10,841 5756,11 Cumulative Develo r's Share $101,855 $112,311 $123,029 $134,014 $145,274 $156,115 City's Share of Net Increment $3,400 $3,485 $3,573 $3,662 $3,753 $4,548 $15,774 $16,168 $16,572 $16,986 $17,411 $77,846 ;760,9 Real Estate Variables Total Projected Market Value $429,360 Inflation Rate 2.5% Developer Share of Net RETI: Projected Increase in EAV $143,120 Total Tax Rate (2011) 9.6575% 2 years: 2014-2015 89% Real Estate Tax increment $13,822 Taxing Dist. & Admin. 25% 3 Years: 2016-2018 50% ' Parcei Nos. 09-OS-29-401-012 & 013 Thereafter: 2019-2036 75% Total Estimated Eligible Project Costs: 5156,115 The iaformatioa end essumptions contained in the foregoing ma[erisl are based upon informstion, matenal and assumprions provided to ]acob & Klein, L[d. (J&K) and the Economic Developmrnt Group, Ltd. (EDG) by outside persons including public officials. J&K and EDG have not undertaken independent investigation to verify any of the infocmation or material contained herein. No warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the materials and information or the resulis projected in the foregoing presentarion is made by J&K or EDG, its officers or employces. J&K end EDG speciScally disclaim the accurocy of the formulas and calculations and lias no obligation to investigate or update, recalculate or revise the calculations. The material presented herein is subject to risks, trends and w~certainties that could cause actual events to differ materially &om those presented. Those providing information contained in this presentation have reprosented to J&K and EDG that, as of the date it was provided, the informstion was accurate to the best of the'u knowledge. Any person viewing, reviewing or utilizing Uus presentation s6ould do so subject to all of the foregoing limitations end shall conduct independent investigation to verify the assumprions and calculations contained herein. By acceptence and use of this presentatioq the user accepts atl of the foregoing limitations and releases J&K and EDG from any liability in connection therewith. H:ICAN70MCANTON 2 RT9-Chestnut StlSpreadsheetslCanton Rt 9 Canton Crop Service Projecdon 042412 CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE Canton Crop Service, Inc., an lllinois corporation (`Buyer") whose agent's address is 646 N. 2"d Avenue, , Canton, Illinois 61520, offers to purchase from the City of Canton, Illinois ("Selle?•"), whose address is 2 North Main Street, Canton, Illinois 61520, approximately 8.223 acres ofi real estate located in Canton, lllinois, commonly known as Lot 18 and Lot 19 of the Enterprise Industrial Park and more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by refierence made a part hereof, together with all easements, rights of way and appurtenances thereto and all improvements thereon (collectively the "Real Estate") to be conveyed by general warranty deed fi•om Seller to Buyer, in a form approved by Buyer (the "Deed"), on the terms and subject to the following conditions: 1. Purchase Price. The total purchase price for the Real Estate shall be $5,000 per acres for a total of forty one thousand one hundred fifteen dollars ($41,1 15.00) (or the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price shall be paid as follows: l.l Consideration. In consideration of Four thousand one hundred eleven dollars and fifty cents ($4,1 1 1.50) paid by Buyer to Seller and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Seller and Buyer hereby agree to the terms of this Contract. 1.2 Payment on Closin~. At the Closing, Buyer shall pay the Purchase Price, less credits and pro rations as herein p?•ovided, in immediately available fiunds, to Seller. l.3 Acceptance Date. The date upon which the last of Buyer or Seller executes this Contract is the "Acceptance Date." 2. Conditions of Closin~. Buyer's obligation to close and puechase the Real Estate is subject to the satisfaction or waiver in writing by Buyer of each of the following conditions within thirty (30) days from the Acceptance Date (the "Due Diligence Period"'): 2.1 Title. Within ten (10) days from the Acceptance Date, Seller shall deliver to Buyer a commitment for an ALTA Owner's Policy of Title insurance (the "Commitment") prepared by John .I. McCarthy, as agent for Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. (the "Title Company") which shall insure marketable title to the Real Estate (including any appurtenant easements necessary for the full utilization thereo~, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances of any nature whatsoever in the amount of $41,115.00 after delivery of the Deed to Buyer from Seller. The expense of the Commitment and premium for the Owner's Policy of Title Insurance shall be paid by Seller. Any endorsements requested by Buyer shall be at Buyer's expense. The Title Company shall furnish Buyer with copies of all recorded documents shown on the Commitment. If within the Due Diligence Period, Buyer has an objection to items disclosed in the Commitment, Buyer shall make written objections to Seller within 15 days after receipt of the Survey, the Commitment and all s~ich instruments. Seller shall then have 15 days from the date such objections are disclosed to cure the same. Seller agrees to utilize reasonable efforts to cure such objections, if any. If the objections are not cured within such time period, or in the event any title objections arise or are discovered after the expiration of the Due Diligence Period, Buyer may (i) terminate this Contract, (ii) cure such objections on behalf of Seller (and Seller shall reasonably cooperate with Buyer in connection therewith) and Seller shall ~ reimburse Buyer for the cost of such cure, or (iii) waive the uncured objections and close the transaction. 2.2 Feasibi(itv of the Real Estate. Within the Due Diligence Period, Buyer shall determine whether the Real Estate is acceptable to Buyer in Buyer's sole discretion. Seller shall fully cooperate with and assist Buyer in obtaining information regarding the Real Estate. At any time within the Due Diligence Period, if Buyer determines that the Real Estate is not acceptable to Buyer in Buyer's sole discretion, Buye~• may terminate this Contract. 2.3 Zonin~. Buyer shall have confirmed that the current zoning classification and/or covenants and/or commitments affecting the Real Estate are sufficient to permit Buyer's anticipated use. 2.4 Restrictive Covenants. Buyer recognizes that Seller has developed restrictive covenants and other land use controls that apply to the enterprise Industrial District. Buyer f~u-ther agrees that it shall take title to the real property - subject to said restrictive covenants and land use controls. 2.5 Permits. Buyer will obtain all licenses and approvals necessary fior Buyer's anticipated use. Seller will eeasonably cooperate with Buyer in all such proceedings to secure such permits and approvals, including filing any applications or actions therefor or joining with Buyer therein. 2.6 Condition of Real Estate. Buyer shall have determined, in its sole discretion, that the Real Estate is adequate for Buyer's anticipated use. 2.7 Financin~. This contract is subject to Buyer obtaining a loan commitment from a reputable lending institution on or before August 18, 2012 for a small business loan in the amount of at least Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00), with an initial interest rate of not more than % per annum, for a term of not less than years amortizable in initial monthly payments of principal and interest not to exceed $ (exclusive of any amount required to be escrowed for real estate taxes and insurance), with a loan fee not to exceed % of the loan amount and any other lender's closing costs not to exceed $ 2 If said financing cannot be obtain by the Buyer by August 18, 2012, then at the option of the Seller or the Buyer, this agreement shall become null and void and earnest money will be returned to the Buyer in full. ~ If said financing is obtained by August 18, 2012, Buyer agrees to furnish Seller with a copy of its written loan commitment and an executed written waiver ofi this financing contingency within 14 days of the acceptance ofi this offer. 3. Property and Other Taxes. Seller shall pay all assessments, whether general or special, assessed against the Real Estate prior to Closing. All real estate taxes for the Real Estate assessed for any prior calendar year and remaining unpaid shall be paid by Seller, and all real estate taxes for such Real Estate assessed for the current calendar year shall be prorated between Seller and Buyer on a calendar year basis as of the day of the Closing. Any taxes and assessments not assumed by Buyer shall be paid by Seller at or prior to Closing. 4. Condemnation. If at any time after the Acceptance Date: (a) the Real Estate shall be condemned, in whole or in part, or (b) any notice of condemnation shall be given, then Buyer, at its sole option, may terminate this Agreement or waive the same and proceed with the Closing. If Buyer elects to proceed with the Closing, then Buyer may (i) apply the proceeds of any condemnation award to reduce the Purchase Price, or (ii) accept an assignment of such proceeds from Seller without any reduction in Purchase Price. In furtherance of the above, Buyer shall have the right to appear and defend in any such condemnation proceedings in connection with the Real Estate. . 5. Ri~ht of Entrv. On and after the Acceptance Date, Buyer shall have the right to ente~• and inspect the Real Estate, to permit surveyors, engineers, soil testing companies and other agents to enter upon the Real Estate for the purpose of obtaining surveys, soil tests, inspection reports and other information. Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from and against any loss, damage or injury of any nature whatsoever arising as a direct result of Buyer's (or its agents') exercise of the right of~entry under this Section 6. Closin~ and Possession. 6.1 Closin~. If this offer is accepted as herein provided, the transaction shall be closed at the offices of the Title Company on or before ten (10) days after expiration of the Due Diligence Period (the "Closing"). Seller shall not agree to or execute any agreements concerning the Real Estate or any portion thereof from the Acceptance Date to the time of the Closing except upon the prior written approva( of Buyer. At the Closing, Seller shall execute and deliver to Buyer the following items: (a) the Deed in recordable form conveying the Real Estate to Buyer; 3 (b) an Owner"s Affidavit sufificient to cause the Title Company to remove the standard exceptions from the owner's title policy; (c) a certificate reaffirming as of the date of the Closing each and all of the Seller's representations and warranties set forth in this Contract; ~ (d) a Closing Statement; (e) any other instrument as reasonably required or requested by Buyer or the Title Company. At the Closing, Buyer shall pay the balance of the Purchase Price in cash and execute and deliver a Closing Statement, and any other instrument as reasonably required or requested by Seller or the Title Company. Seller and Buyer shall each be responsible for one-halfofthe Closing costs. 6.2 Possession. Exclusive possession of the Real Estate shal( be delivered to Buyer at time of the Closing. 7. Seller Representations and Wari-anties. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that: 7.1 Authority to Enter into Contract. Sellee has full ribht and authority to enter into and car?y out the te?•ms and provisions of this Contract and the transactions contemplated hereby, including t-'.,e sale, transfer, conveyance and delivery of the Real Estate to B~ryer, without obtaining the approval or consent of any other party. Seller's execution, delive?y and performance of this Contract and all other agreements or insh•uments contemplated hereby will be legal, valid and binding obligations of Seller, enfiorceable in accordance with their respective terms. 7.2 Litigation. Seller has no knowledge of, has no reason to believe of, and has not been served with notice of, any actual or threatened litigation, action or legal, administrative, arbitration, condemnation, assessment or other proceeding against the Real Estate or any part thereof. 7.3 Compliance with Laws. To Seller's knowledge, the Real Estate is (i) in compliance with applicable statutes, laws, codes, ordinances, regulations and requirements relating to zoning, subdivision, planning, building, fire, safety, health, insurability or environiroental matters, (ii) in compliance with covenants, conditions and restrictions (whether or not of record) pertaining to the title to the Real Estate, and (iii) in compliance with all other local, municipal, regional, state or federal statutes, laws, codes, ordinances, regulations and requirements affecting the Real Estate. 7.4 Contracts and A~reements. Seller is not a party to any contract to sell the Real Estate other than this Contract. Further, Seller is not a party to any contract, 4 agreement, lease or other commitment which is related to the Real Estate which will be binding following Closing. ~ 7.5 Title. (i) Seller is the sole owner of the Real Estate, (ii) Seller owns fee simple title to the Real Estate, and (iii) no party other than Seller is in possession or occupancy of the Real Estate or claims any unrecorded or undisclosed legal or equitable interest therein. 7.6 Access. The Real Estate has tull and tree access to and from public highways, streets, or roads and there is no pending proceeding that would impair or result in the termination of such access. 7.7 Conditions. Except as set forth in this Contract, with respect to the Real Estate, Seller has no knowledge nor has Seller received notice, of (i) any condition, defect or inadequacy which, if not corrected, would result in termination of insurance coverage or increase its cost; (ii) any violations of building codes and/or zoning ordinances or other governmental laws, regulations or orders; (iii) pending condeinnation proceedings; (iv) any proceedings which could cause the change, redefinition or other modification of the zoning classification or of other legal requirements applicable to the Real Estate or any part thereof or to the permitted uses of the Real Estate; (v) special tax or assessment to be levied against the Real Estate; (vi) change in the tax assessment of the Rea) Estate or (vii) any other matters material to the Real Estate or the use thereof. Seller has not knowingly withheld from Buyer information relating to any material ~defects in the Real Estate or any matters which might adversely affect the ~ development of the Real Estate. All of the foregoing representations and warranties shall be considered to be true and correct as of the Acceptance Date and shall survive the Closing. Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Buyer fi•om and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, suits, actions, judgments, fines, penalties, loss, cost and expense (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) arising or resulting from, or suffered, sustained or incurred by Buyer as a result of or related in any way to (i) the misrepresentation or breach of any of the foregoing representations or warranties by Seller to Buyer; or (ii) any Unknown Pre-Existing Environmental Condition. 8. Brokers. Seller and Buyer represent to each other that they have not used any real estate brokers or agents with respect to this transaction who would have a right to any broker's or tinder's fee or commission, and each agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other against and from any liability (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from a claim of any broker or agent claiming through the indemnifying party. 9. Recordin~. This document shall not be recorded. At the option of either party, Seller and Buyer shall enter into a written memorandum in recordable form setting forth the terms and conditions of this document which may be recorded by either party, at its expense. 5 10. Notices. All notices required under this Contract shall be deemed to be properly served if personally delivered, or sent by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or sent by recognized overnight courier, to Seller or Buyer at the address as specified on the first page of this Contract, or to such other addresses which Seller or Buyer may designate in writing delivered to the other party for such purpose. Date of service of a notice served by mail or overnight delivery shall be the date on which such notice is deposited in a post office of the United States Postal Service Date or with the overnight courier. 1 1. Time of the Essence. Time for the performance of the obligations of the parties is of the essence of this Contract. 12. Assi~nment; Succession of Obli ations. The rights and obligations of Buyer under this Contract may not be assigned by Buyer without Seller's consent, which shall not to be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, Buyer may assign this Contract without Seller's consent to an entity which is controlled by Buyer or an affiliate of Buyer. All terms of this Contract shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and permitted assignees. 13. Invalid Provisions. If any provision of this Contract is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, said provision shall be fully severable; this Contract shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid oi• unenforceable provision had never comprised a part of this Contract; and the remaining provisions of this Contract shall remain in full ~ force and effect and shall not be affiected by the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance from this Contract. 14. Multiple Counterparts. This Contract may be executed in a number of identical counterparts including fiacsimile counte?-parts. If so executed, each of such counterparts shall be deemed an original for all purposes, and all such counterparts shall, collectively, constitute one agreement. 15. Attornevs' Fees. The party who is the prevailing party in any legal or equitable proceeding against the other party in connection with this Contract shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred. 16. Miscellaneous. This document including all attachments fully sets forth all agreements and understandings of the parties to this Contract with respect to the subject matter hereof. Whenever used herein, the singular shall indicate the plural, the plural shall include the singular, the plural and singular and any gender shall include all genders and the neuter. Captions to the provisions of this Contract are intended and used solely for purposes of identifiication and do not limit or enlarge upon the written provisions of this Contract. 17. Remedies. In the event of a default by Seller hereunder, in addition to all other rights and remedies available at law or in equity, Buyer shall have the right of specific 6 performance. In the event of a default by Buyer hereunder, the Earnest Money shall be forfeited to Seller as liquidated damages which shall be Seller's sole and exclusive remedy at law or in equity. 18. Duration of Offer. This offer shall expire if written acceptance endorsed hereon is not delivered to Buyer on or before 5:00 o'clock P.M., October 3l, 201 1. DATED: July I ~ , 2012 CANTON CROP S , Inc. r By. Ke Barker, Owner/Operator, Attest: ! ' sy: rent Mahr, Owner/Operator 7 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER Seller hereby accepts the foregoing ofifer and acknowledges receipt of (Four Thousand, One Hundred Eleven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($4,111.50) consideration paid by Buyer hereunder. DATED: July 2012 City ofCanton, Illinois - ~ _ , ; , ' < By: Kevin . Meade, ayor Attest: ~ By: _ ~ 'ana Pavley , City Cler 8 EXHIBIT A (Legal Description of the Real Estate) Lot Number Eighteen (18) ofthe Enterprise Industrial District pursuant to the Subdivision Plat thereof filed in the Fulton County (Illinois) Recorder's Office on October 26, I 984, as lnstrument Number 84-8960, containing 4.914 acres, more or less, subject to all present and future easements, covenants, and, restrictions, all of the foregoing real p?•operty being situated in the City of Canton, County of Fulton and State of Illinois. Lot Number Nineteen (19) ofthe Enterprise [ndustrial District Pursuant to the Subdivision Plat thereoffiled in the Fulton County (illinois) Recorder's Office on October 26, 1984, as Instrument Number 84-8960, containing 3.309 acres, more or less, subject to all present and future easements, covenants, and, restrictions, all of the foregoing real property being situated in the City of Canton, County of Fulton and State of Illinois. 9