HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution local 1372 2004-2007 jv ~ c~ ~ 5 ~ . . ~ A~;REEMEIv"" BET6aEEN C= ~Y OF CANTON / ~U~~i ~ ~=.:.U AND ='~IER= ~=~N FEDERATION OF ~T=_"E, COu~v ~ Y AND ~4T,JN~CIP_AL EMPI.,OYr;"S, n~ L-:.i0 ~~'JN,~IL 31 / LOCAL N0, 137 % 1, 2 0 0 4 - I~1~`i' 1, = ~ 0 7 ~ ~ INDEX DIVISION 1. PURPOSE AND DEFINITION OF TERP~IS ~ DIVISION 2 . RECOGNITION - _ D I V I S I ON 3. HOURS OR WORK ~ DIVISION 4. WAGES D I V I S I ON 5. VACAT I ON C; ~ DIVISION 6. HOLIDAYS DIVISION 7. SICK AND PERSONAL DAYS D I V I S I ON 8. LEAVE i r~ DIVISION 9. SPECIAL PAY PROVISIONS 1' DIVISION 10. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE ~ ~ DIVISION 11. MFAI.~ PERIODS AND BREAKS DIVISION 12. EMPLOYEE' S INSURANCE 1 r DIVISION 13. RETIREMENT ~ : DIVISION 14. TRAVEL AND TELEPHONE REQUIREMEN~'~ DIVISION 15. MONTHLY DEP~IRTMENTAL MEETINGS Lu~~R I~NAGEMENT MEETINGS DIVISION 16. CHECK OFF SYSTEM AND UNION SECU'::~ ION 17. SETTLEMENT OF GRIEVANCES DIVISION 18. DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE DIVISION 19. SENIORITY ' ~ • J DIVISION 20. EDUCATION EXPENSE DIVISION 21. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT ~ _ DIVISION 22. GENERAL PROVISIONS DIVISION 23. TERMINATION ~ - DIVISION 24. COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSES JOB CLASSIFICATION - WAGE AND LONGEVITY SCIiEDli~= EXHIBIT A :ctiic rlork;. Contract 1?/14/04 . ~ ~,A~T 1~'~. ~ -ilj AGREEMEIVT Itii~:~~ _~i:.`~' : _ ~~t,D Ilv ~ : _ TY CF C:~IJT~:: _ _ ~~fT~:~.II~ 31 ON BE'r_'=.,_ ;~r 1~70. ==RIC~Iv =EDERATI:,_. COUlYZ'V CSLV~ `',~:.1\1'~.y_ .:~'7DLOvt~"ES/ _-..._v. r^TITNESSETr : DIV~SION 1. P~'PD~~~' ?~2;D Dr.'FTNITION OF !^zZNZS, This Agree.~~.=r._ ~.~s purpcs~ r_.~. ~r;^mc~icn of narmc~_~,._ ~~ions betw2~r ~ cf ^antcn u:;d S~:_r~' Covncil 3~ , : ai: f Of LOCc~i? , zs tabl ' S~'lIP.a71 ~ v^i 317 ~qui tabl z ,:~'1.^. ~°a~~fu1 prc~ed.~~~ r~solut_cn ~'===°i`r.~es; and ~s~~blishment cf _ . _ ~a;~, hovrs o~ -i~. and oi~~r cond~ ~:~ployment. Z . Z _ _-1P_~ ~10I1 Of TQ~~i'?S . F'OI' t~lc ~i:~_ _ : 3L~,^.~~ :.'S ~c~P.:S i:S2C~ ~.--=ract are d~~~..~._. -=--~,-~s. 1. 1. 1E1T~1o_-~= - -..~an ~ne _ ~ r ~ai~tcr. and ~~1'2C~ t0 ~S C1 1.1.2Em.~lo~~~~ -..eun a yv1'-~~jj'.O ~I71~10j'~a covered b~~ reement. 1.1..3F'~ :~a~_..-----_ SI13~_ P.:~:.ir' J.. Ti2r'~V .._'I'2Q CI" _ ~~-red emp=~yce _ - :;i ~ar.tcr.. 1.1. 4U-:~Cr, r-~e,_~~.. _ ~:1~.~ay_~n Cf ~~:.:~~y and 1~'~ni~_. ~ ~ - ~°s. ~ou~~~1 ~anror ~~ry ~:~ar-~r - - ~ - ~1 No. 1372, u~ ~ ~ . 1.1.5Fiscal year shall mean the fiscal ;~esr ~:~z _ ~ Canton which is the period of May Zst througn hpril 1.1. 6Hourly rate sha11 mean the annual sa' a r-.~ :i v~ ~~c 2, 080 hours. ' DIVISION" 2 _ RECOG'1~TITION. . 2.1 Bargaining Agent. The Employer recognizes the American F2~2I'ai.~011 cf County and Municipal F~np3oyees, Council 31 on .c~ha.i~ o~ Lc:.a' 1372, AFL-CIO, as the so1e, exclusive barqaining ~g~nt y~r ~~e pvrpose of establishing salaries, wages, hours and c~:~zr con~i ~y of employment for a11 fu11-time positions cover~d b_~ thz Agreement, and positions of like kind that may .~e es~~:?~~:~~d. 2.2 Prabation Period. The employment of all employees covered by ~::~s ~~~~~.T~-~- sha11 be followed by a six (6) month probatiora~5~ ti~rlcd. ..~.~r proba ti onary peri od shall be consi dered a peri od o~ t or 1 for the employee in relati~nship to the emplcyee's ~~~crk a:.d _::c Emp1 oyer during whi ch time such empl oyees may be di s ~ a Yged ~ti~1 c ~ ~ cavse. The probationer shall be notified of t~~~ reascr.s dismissal and can meet to discuss said reasons. T_~~s ~~~i~~o. not subject to the grievance procedure. 2.3 Physical Examination. Before being gi ven a posi ti on wi th t'r:e Cy t;•, : a ~~l ~=~ti- : shall undergo a thorough medical examination, ~:~c~.:~_::g ~ri.:y - by a physician (s) designated by the City, at the ccst Oi r!'12 . w•:~rf:s Contract 1~/14/04 , 3 DIVISION 3. ~O'v'r".S OF TtiGr~K. 3 .1 Reqular Hou~ s . Tne regular ..~_t: _ : e ~ensecutive _:~at they may be ~_.~~~_•~v~=~ i~y a 1~.:::~;~ and a fift~~-: ~ ..,=71llt@ .break L»~ _ ~ 2'i= : -?~P. ~ : J~ IRi~nUt2 ~'..`I2df: _ _unch, in confcrr~_ ~a~`icn 11.2. 3.2 I~~ork Shift. Eignt (8) c~._~~_,__-.~ ho~~rs of :»r~_, _:~~errupted or.1y applicable luncr _~__~u a.,d ce=~ee r_ear.s, s'r,a11 const~~~~c ~ -:o~ma1 shift wi~.. ~___ar s`art_::g auit~ing time, .:anitation worke~~ ..,,~k. ~~i~ ~ ~:::s .._t~~ tne ccmpie~-~r. _reir respecti;.-~ . 3. 3 T, or;: week . Tne workwe~._ ~.,..s~.,_ ~i -1 ~:o::s~cu~~ve e'_ :~ur days. . 3. 4 F~'ork S:..tiedLie . Work sched~~- _ _ t :2 wcr._ :a~ ~ wc=1- ~:~i~ ~s ....~~i _ ~~s~ed on a deNar-...--- ....~~~~~r. boarc at ~imes. 3.5 Shift Designation. Wnere a creti~_ o---_ one :~a~r.. ~,-~-=t, ~:~at sr!i'~t _.___:7'rd as ti'lc ~'f:~ ~~L'__ ...S~s OF tllis r';y_~~I:;~'_'.~. ..~~r2 a depar.t.iuc ~ ;~I: C71; ~~1~ i~~S~ SI11i~ ~1P.2C~ dS tl"ia = :1S ~ . ''-..lh?. , ~i:2 S2: 0~... ~ cS tI]c3t S!]1ft i:::~ _ - - ? ~ ~'i;: , .::]U _.':2 ~Il1I~ S">> _ _:at snift whicr ~ : ~G F.~.. 3.6 ReserPation of Rights. With respect to this Division 3, Employer rese~ves u::~o itse« the exclusive right to unilaterally set regular :~cu~s, ~ti~~~t: sh~~~~, workweeks, shift designations and a11 matters ancillar~• or relat~ th2reto as the F~nployer's requirements or public sa~ e~~~ r~~~• szem require. To the extent not inconsistent therewi tn, E,~,ti1 ~.~~r s~~a-_ use its best efforts to comply with the optimum regular r:~~.:rs, w-~~:: shifts, workweeks, and shift designations set fcr~r in Section. DIVISION 4. WAGES. Employees sha11 be compensated as provided ?'n ~:z :~'age Longevity Schedule, which is attached hereto and .-~a~}~ a_~_~- hereof. 4.1 Pay Period. The salaries and wage5 of employees shall b~ pa=d ~•.~ee~.~S' every Friday, or the preceding Tnursday if F~iday ~~=~s ~ holiday, payroll to include hours worked tnrougn ~:~e ^r2C2C~::~ Saturday. 4.2 Ca11 Back Pay. Any one called back to work wi11 receive twe (2) ~c~~~s pay u~ a minimuire, unless the overtime is contiguous to ti.e e~~,ti~: c_-ee's shift. There wi11 .be no makeup work if tne emplc,~ae :~c~:.~~etes assignment prior to the two (2) hour minimum. DIVISION 5. YACATION. Each employee of the City sha11 accumvlate tu~o (2) calen~a~ :~,:c_: _ Wc,rV.s Conttact 1'L/14/09 5 :.=~ks (not to e,~~_~~ c.,~__..y~ ^ ~i .-~~..~.1on 1ea~-c ~y _ ; V~ based upon t:_c _ _ _ 'S 1,:5~ ..Oi1__'~' _.:.~2 uS2C1 t0 Cc~1CL_.= _ -_~ro1.I, vpon cc.._ c~ a _ .=a_ ~-~r;--ice. Emp~ _ a11 be grantec __~~_-i~na1 va~a~icn ~n the elnplo,.~-:~ _.`::~iversary date =a~n C.f _:~2 f0~_'^,'t:'~':ia ~~i10C~S ha'v'2 t~-__ =~_ained: Emp1o~~~~ ..=~ar ~i.r?e (3) ~-~a~~ of ~ontinuous ser~-=_- ~ .all be granted ._..,~_~ienal caier.d~r ~;~~t: o~ vacation (r~~ -__~2EC1~ f~V@ ~.~J~ iti'^=".:_ :?;'S~ cc3C: ~'2c3.~". ~~T~ ~ C'c,'2~S d1't2.Z' t2P. i i _~~ars of continuou~ .-:~.z sra11 ~e granrzc ar. ad~itional ca ~e~~:~r :.~~k of vacation 2i>C~2CI =_~2 (5) ~~~orking da~~s) each =-~~lcyees, after _~~z=s o` ~~..~_nuo::s s~rvice s~~a-= _ ~arted an additi~_~ _ ...~.~~r.~~ar ~ti-~~:_ ,-a~-~~~r (r.ct to 2XC22C1 ~ r~) titi°orking days) - . 1 ~~~ar but _ ~,•~a_~ - ~ ,-a,-a~icn 3 vears bu~ ?G ~~~s - ~ :•.~e~}:s :-a~at.~or. 10 vears bu~ _ _ rs - ~ ~.:s .-.~~a ~ion ~5 .~ears or - ~ ~,-~°.~_s .-~~a~~~r, ~'or employee~ N`a, 19~5, ~ne zcllocaing vaca~_, n -~hedule shall a~T_ 1 year bv~ _ .=ar~ - ? ~..~e;_s ~~~a~_on 3 t~zars bu~ ~C _ - ~ :~a~a~icn 10 ~•ears or ; - = ~-~~a~~cn ~'acations iti~=-- _ --~..~~~'`d :<<-~~ ~_~~ra~~r.a reqvir~~:~-~_ y_` he ' - ~ ~ t t~' W1t:~ _ - ~'1i"=.^. ~ ^f c37] a:.':~.'-`.~ _ _ ~ .,_~h seniority w;•~e-:=-.-~_ . .:s~~~:;z. 5.1 Accumulation of Yaca tion Time . Vacation time shall be used within 365 days of t:~e anni :re.~~ar-. date of accrual, unless the Department Head makes a wr~~ten. ~ea~~~; for extension to the office of the Mayor who sna~l appro~re disapprove same. When vacations cannot bz granted :uri:~g fiscal year, pay in lieu thereof may be given, ~f mu~ua'_,~ agreeable. 5.2 yacation Rights in Case of Layoff or Separation. Any employee who is d.ischarged, retired, or separa~zd ~rom service of the Employer for any reason, prior to using vaca~i;:: time due, shall .be compensated in cash for tne vnused va~.a accumulated at the time of separation. DIVISION 6. XOLIL?AYS. 6.1 Days Designated. The following days are holidays with pay for a11 `mp1c~~~~~ : New Year's Day (January 1), President's Lay (3rd :~?on~ay February), Good Friday, Independence Day (Jv1y 4th) ,~~~anksgi ~-=r:,: Day (4th Thursday in Noveittber), Memorial Day (last I~iorCay in l•"a;-) , Labor Day (Zst Monday in~ September), Christmas Day (Decerru~zr 25~.^! , Veterans Day (November Ilth), and the employee's bir~r:;iay. 6.2 Holiday Pay Each employee sha11 receive and be paid a"hclida~,~" ~cns~~=~:::: of eight (8) hours of s'egular pay appli~ab?e ~c ,=a~i: pe-~~:., provided, however, that such employee sha11 be and ~-~~::ain ~mp1 by the City both before and after applicable holidati~. : _b'_i- W_:4:~ ~~a?rac*_ 12/14/04 'j 6.3 Ho~idays Tvorke~. An employee's ~_.~11 be ac~~r~ -.ed ~y the day cn ~•rl_y~.. ._s snift g ~T~1C~.cc~S =._1`t g~n ' be ins. ~ ~e on a no _ ..~s~gnated in Secti~.. su~h a da~~ p~rt of tne ~mplo;re~'s. _=-'-"iar workweek~ ~~;:__.^.~.'e2 Slid_1 _ =.~~i ;%2 .3~iC1 ~J2 paid - ---_=~ay pay set fcr=__ __on 6. 2 in a~~_ ~ion ~c eignL (8) ^o~, ~ ~~`lc rate Of C~OL1.':_~ ~_7:~, ':?~;1I1CJ t~lz'~~.:,~ ~ L~~dl ~ntit12R1211~ ~~~~h holiday workec ~_~;~:T (g) tiour~ at ~a~e of triple =m~=oyees who ar~ ~_~ec ~o work in ~:~.~~~s of eignt (8) :~cu~s rzceive tripl~ =o~ ail hours wcY~_~d 1n excess of regular ~-_::t (8) hours. _ - _ ~e~ ~Pa11 ~e U ~rorated basis ._~~rs worked on t::~ ~.~~1gna~e^ _r. ~~~~_en E.1, above, 2rrcployee wcr.~_~ ~i~,h~ r~) on tne desi~;,::a:~d day. 6.4 Holiday h~_'_~~ on Vaca~ion or R~aul.ar Lay Off. ~f a holida~~ _.~_~ng a i~~~~r__.__, ~-~pyo_ ~e cai11 re~.~_.-~ extra day's ~r holi a~ ~he zmplc_•~e'~ _.__:?'~-^t107] and Sill;_=~~ jJrO-~c~~c N~;' ~aqll-~~?iTaI1tS Of S~C~10I] _.3, above. If c~curs ~.n c ~e~u'a?-'y SCh2~L12Q' tne emploYee eign~ :^u~s a~~~i~ioral pa~~ straight tim~ ~.:;r,~~t ~c _ ~c-~a~a ,;ay requir`~;:~;;~ ~ ~ction 6. 3, a . _ . , _ ' n - . _ ~ DI VI'SION 7. ~ I~{ !~~TD PERSONAI; Dr, ~'S . ' , J ~ 7-1 Campu~_==ion of Sick Days - P=o~ationary. Compvtatio.'J C~ ~'=~".=~^.:,a1 C~c?VS iC~ ~i7?~~0;.~~°_S SI13i1 ~'2 co~rputed with reference to the fiscal yzar o~ _:a :.y~•,-. sixty (60) days of service, an employee sha11 earn c:-:~?-:,31 f r'~ day of personal 1 eave and one-half (1 /2) day of s~ ~k _ ~ a;,-e `or _ month worked during the current fiscal year, to ~ ma~.~;~~m oi (5) days per fiscal year. . 7.2 Illness of Employee. Sick leave may be used for illness, disabiii ty, or inj ur~~ the employee, appointments with a doctor, :~~nt~.=~ or ot::=~ professional medical practitioner, and in the event of ilynes~, disability, injury, appointments with a doctor, d`n~~.st or o~~,~ professi onal medi cal practi ti oner of a member o~ ~mt:,l c~- e~'.~ immediate family or household. For purposes of de=~T~~icr., "immediate family or household" sha11 be nusbar.d, =e, :<<cti~--, .father, brother, sister, children, or any rela~iv~ cr .~~~son ii~-_-:~ in the ernployee's household for whom the emplc;-ae ::~s ~us~cc~ responsibility or where svch person is financial~y a-~: z;r.otic-:a~__ dzpendent on the employee and where the presence of t:.~ ~.<<~~oyae needed. 7.3 Accrual of Sick Days. Should any or all of the five (5) sick da~;~s b~ b~,- employee during the fiscal year, all unvsed days ~:a~ '~e a~~~ Employee may accrue up to a totai of ninety (90) days. ra,~~~nt to forty-five (45) days for such accumvla*ion ~~~a~_ tie ,~;a~e retirement or voluntary separation from emplc:~7nzr.=. :~h da~.~ be valued at one-f'ifth (1/5) of the then current :,~a21~:_~' Saya~y each unvsed day. Employees sha11 also be granted ~:~e ~.ci» rc : worl:s contract 12/14/04 9 vz a maxim.:.;~ ~r.d.~ ~ . _ ~ 0) da~~s ~ . ~cncurrently with (90) ca,•s ~~r:abcve, te ~e ~penly only for p~ns~ ~ w~i ;;~p~71 r2L" ~ reme:: ~ .-~~y sha11 noti~y ~.~-c_~' c, tre ~T--_ _~-~~'s total amo~n~ ...~~umulated sick ~a~.-s pel^.s~or ~_~~it --~~»-~ses. Any am.oun~ ~yck days paid .:p~r s~~ara~~cn s: a_' :a ~~~ucted ~yom t:-:~ .undred forty (24G) u _~s ~~~a? . 7.4 Personal Days. Each employ~= u~~1n ~acr Fis~a; _~ar 211GJib1e for ~ 5) workdays, wni ~~;e ~~.=?d as par~ ~~~i ~ays . Personai ~ _,~a11 be wi th ti~ ~ .a__ ; ~ va_ ~ ~d ~ _ ..^~-~`ifth (1 /5) c~ ~ ~:~:en current wee::=, .-~.=~r~,~. ?~rsc-a ~ -ay ~n1y b2 L'S2~ Y~qv~sted in wr~~_. _ _ _c~ _ __„'~c b~- the Dzpar~......- ad. 7.5 -n ~ieu of Personal ~az~s. Snould an e-~__-. _ a~~ a_~~ ~^e fi~-e (5) ~:ers~..~_ ~,~-~~s, tne emplo, ~ ` p~_Cl --~L~ ~ :~ra:~i fer eaci: ~::u._ ~ay. Persanal ~a : _ ~e i.e1d ~ ~c next fiscal ~•ear . _ __rst cbtaininQ - _ ~~::s~nt c= ~:~e ~m2nt H2ad and _~:~ycr prior to L ~ r?}.= =,~.-a= _ ~ar. 7.6 __~~~ua1 of Personal D~ys. Personal :a;~.- . ~ ~arr~.~ : ~r ~~:e fis~a ~ :,~ea ~ ~~~rual unless _ . v'-=--^c . ~epar~ment ~~a.. ~r:e I~layor durir.g ,-car o~ DIVISIDN 8 LEAVE 8.1 Disa.bility Leave. If an employee becomes sick or injured off tre jcb and temporarily disabled from performing his duty, the empl~~~ze s:~a== be eligible to receive disability henefits under the Ci~y's Loss Time Insurance Policy. . 8.2 Jab Related Disability. Any employee, injured while performing assigned ~asks, s::.:'_ be eligible for injury leave in compliance with tasks, snali eligible for injury leave in compliance with appli;.abiz Sta~~ Statvtes passed by the I1linois General Assembly and approved the Governor. The employee sha11 be responsible ~cr causi~~, periodic reports to be suhmitted by the attending pnysi~ian tc City C1erk, on forms prescribed by the latter as may bz reavired. 8.3 Bereavement. Each employee sha11 be granted up to tnree (3) consz~.~ti.-e workdays of bereavement leave when a death occvrs in rne em,ple~~~ee immediate family (immediate family sha11 include: brct:~er, siste-, spouse, parent, parent of spouse (including the preceding step- relatives and adopted parents), child, adopted cnild, stepc~~iia, grandchild, stepfather and stepmotner, gra,^dpar~r.~s, spcus~'.~ parents, and legal guardians) . Additional timz may ~ran~zd L4';,-; reasonable justification is provided to tre Depar~m.znt hea~. Bereavement leave shall be with pay. When a death of an employee's half-brotrer, :~a1~-s~ste~~, brother-in-law or sister-in-law occurs, an employee, ~p~r requ~s-, _ ::.li : Wor1;s Cunttact 12/14/04 , 11 .S~.a_~ b2 granted ~_~~du_~u ~JCI-1'C ~.T1 Li~2 ~:I~_ ~~e _`uneral, prov_~~; a~te~:~s ~-;e _,.::e~-a'. in t~z e~-er.~ = ul:~ra1 is held, c~ a~:e~<<~_~-.~_ s?~tTice ~•.i11 s~ r:~:e attendance rea~_~~_.._..~. 8.4 ?~iis~ellaneous Leave Policies. Tiie Departme::~ ._us _~e a:.~~;~..~_ ~y tc a:.,prove cther ' .-~s o_ absence withou~ . _~a:-~~ o_ .~user~e sna11 r~e reau~~_~u by the employee, .._~~__~g on _o~:~~ ti.~o~,%~d~d by the Emp1c_ ~r, ,~Ii~::~cvzd by t11E L=_ __=3C~~ c:.~ =c~C_'"~2C.1 tC tl12 ~i.if1C2 Oi ~iiz . i?~'Cr . Tne Depart~:=~= ~:ay a_s~ l~er~ app~OL'3I of _ ~a v-es of absen.~:. ~ : - _ . ~ea ~.~s`_.~~ wi th pay s:~a-- - = .=~rii:,rized by t.^.c :.----':y~ '~'Oi. ?~.'"1_~°I' I'~'COr~,.r:zndat~c_. ~epartment h~~_.. ~anenever pc.~~-_ ==a ~~~s a.~~~r~~ s.~ai1 be r2ques~~~ _ ~mployee ir_ - - _ ~ _ ~ oT~~ = rrr,s ;:;ro~~idzd by tn~ . __u.~y~icnally, a_'_ 1a~.~~ c~ :~;ser.~2 sra11 be subm-___~: ~C ~~^e Departmenr . _ _ ~a alllp~OV~=~ ~t',i2I1~°V?r ~CSS~b12~ c3~ ~.=~5~ _.._,=e (3) workin„ ~c t::~ ~_r"e~~.~ ~-e d~~~ of th2 reau.=~~-: ~e af absence. :I1sce11an2o~._ _ ~bs~..~~ ~ ~rue~ tc be u~ z:: :r;ected, u:~~~.____ ~_.~_.~_~~1~a~~~, `,~:~rgency situa_~.._..,. _._.:~.:ti~2S Of Sll~P. ~ ---~yli.',:~~ ...~2 ?~IP.~`2~ tC. - ~u~~~, familY ~...__~~nc~~s, a~^, a.=::4a1 ar.d ~c~_, _ -~;.~_ntments. _~av=~ a.;ti~::~e arz not yn~er.d~~ be used for additional or unauthorized holidays cr va~a~~o:: ua~~s. No employee may be absent without the perzn~ss~on Department Head. 8.5 Jury Drity. Any fu11-time employee who has more than tnirty (.~0) days ~f seniority and who either (a) is summoned and reports ~cr ~;ury d::~~.- in a court of record or Grand Jury; or, (b) is r~quirzd appli cable law to appear for examina ti on by a j ury ce.~zi.-n~ ssi or.~ ~ r~ ~ r to such jury service; or, (c) is subpoenaed and reports for wi ~r.=ss service in a court of record or Grand Jury, sha11 be r2~mi~urse~ b;~ the City for each day on which he would have OLl']2.Z'Zti'1s~ ;~ave ~~~r. scheduled to work, with a deduction from his/her pay in an amc::-~ equal to the amount the employee received from t ~e ~.i~rk Court. 8.6 Military Zeave and Re~cployment Rights. Employees who are indvcted into the armed servi c~s sra _ granted the necessary leave of absence without loss o~ senic~~~,~ and shall be entitled to resume the previovs positicn wiTh ~;~;c Ci ty, provided, the employee passes the necessa~ y pr.~?~~ ~a ' examination, and provided he has received an nenora~'e ~~:scha~.~,` from th e azmed servi ce, and provi ded tn a t h e s ubmi `s a~ti•ri : report to the Mayor within thirty (30) days after i~e:.~g re1a~~~7 from active dvty. 8• 7 Familp Medical Leave. The Employer wi11 comply with a11 the terms and cc::~i `;cr,s :u~'_ic 'v7or~s contract 12/14/04 . 1 3 _ :2 ~'amily Medi c3~ _ ~ _ c.^.~ _ cd1Ti2 T 2~ =:1P.~2i . _ . ~ ~f2?'2I1C@. DIVISION 9 S?ECLZ~.L PAY PROVISIC~TS. 9,1 Overtim~ Pay. Employees rC~u~~ ~c w~ -Y. ~xce~~ ~y for~y (40) :~ours p~ .._ek shall be pai~ a~ ~h2 ~~t2 of one ~~d ~ne-:;a1f (~/2) t?m~~ ~.?21I' regular rc~E~ TJay 'P.Oi7~~ i:'Oin2~ 1I1 2XC2SS Of ~:~ployee's regvla~' i~ s~;~edule~ ~cr~y ^our WQ1"Y>b;~eek. 9.2 Night Bonus. ~mployees w:~c aY~ assi_ -:~d ~o tne .=~~or.d or tnird snifts ~:~_`in2d in parag~ s:~~__ 1~ai: ~ ~i:;:~~ ~,cnus c= ~1~,-z ,-'~.r'C°Ilt added ~O ,'",,,cS1C i.~~_ .:~G2 _ ~c.'; r Yd°~jX SC i^.'~~~~':~C. 9.3 ~":~:~ora_~• Pssignment Pay. ~mployees t~:~_~: ~ v as~_y~~~ Lo a v~si ~icn paying a:~ ~ a;~~ - =ate of pav sha] ._=y--: ~ s~~- ..~~::~r pa~~ or. pro ra~a bas~s. ~ 4~ ~ ~a~n~r_s~to~y 2'ime 0=~- Compensator~.- F Ii: _ ~2 _ ~'2P. i: :~?ii ~.:i:..' empl oyee c~y-'~c~- c'C~ ~:orY, in excess ~:Tp-~_~e~'s r2gv~~~ s:~ift for ce:~:pensato~~.- ~y,-ne. Compensatcr~~ =_~e ~_"f _:~a'_' b~ ca~.-~~ya~ed at the _ate of ~nd one-half (1 ~ ~_~~s =:~e : ~v~s ~_~_~ailv ~-.~~rk_zd a~d may ~..~~uzd up to i=?? ~~_~s. =re e.~!l..'oy~22 r.c~ ~~se ~~~~ued days by ~n~ =_s~a1 a;ter accruay, emplo~~- ~::~~1 be paid 1.. EIT-_~y~e ~:.~z' r~a;.~.~~_ ~:ia continued ~ ~y.."'i ._~.~,~C , rA~U~.~ ~ t~% =Jpartment Head, a;:~ ~ :~ay~= . 9. 5 Training. Any employee authorized to attend a train?'r.c s~:~ccl s:~a11 _ paid for time incident thereto at his regular ^ur1 ~ a~~ accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLS.1. 9. 6 Orrertime Ro ta ti on . Overtime worked shall be equally rotated ir. senio~~ty cr~== among the qualified employees within the C~21::3r~r;~nt, and classification, as far as is practical. Hours s:~a11 .ce ca~r~_~;~ over from year to year and sha11 be reduced at ~~e erd of ea~;~ fiscal year by the lowest nuiuber on the list. ~ry new emp'o~~e~ entering an overtime 1ist, whether a new employe~ or p?~C~:oT~on, transfer, etc. , sha11 be cred.i ted wi th one (1) r~ur :ne~ a trar_ ~ employee with the most hours, thus placing the r,e:ti~ cTtilo;~ee a~ t: ~ bottom of the overtime list. An overtime list sha11 be posted and mainta~::ed up ~o da ~e ~r-,- the Department Head. Mandatory overtime wi11 be in reverse senicry~y ordz~. DIVISION 10. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE. 10.1 Protective Clothing and Equip~ent. If any employee is required to wear protecti :-e clctr~rg or ul, t;~pe of protective device as a condi tion of e.:.;~1 o~7n~r ~~or _ purpose of ensuring the safety and healtn of t:e ~:nploy~~, s~•~:=: clothing or device wi11 be furnished b~~ ~he ~m.Ni c~.~e~ . Additionally, the Employer sha11 provide a ur.i~~~m or ~ro~a~.._ clothing (e.g. junepsuit) to employees required tc ~ia:~dlz ~harr,ica'~ F____= worN; Contract 12/14/04 . 1 5 ~he water, se,~~-~= .-~--=s, ~~_~et, ya~:~~~~ ~nd s;.~stem mai:~~?:~~7;:~~ :epartments. DIVISION 11. 1~r~AL ?~~,IODS AND BFc~~iCS. 11.1 ~aid and L7rpaid Mea1 Periods. ~.1 employees, .r.i: L:i2 `X~:~pti 0!:' ~.i i'vd l.°I P1871t Cj~2?"~ ~C~ S, s~~a11 be granted ar ~rpa~d lunch p~-1c~. :~'ater P1ant Cpe~~tc_s s:~all be granteci a~:,~~;,~~~ (20) minv~e ~~~d lunch period. ~n a_'; .7~1'??I cases, C~c"tC.~ ~?;;2']~ ~S 1 UI1CIl C~ Slldll be d I111111iT.;.,~'T1 G' ~~.irty (30) minv~es, ir no case sha'y ~:~e lunch peried ~_{czed :ne (1) hour. ~s:~~~~~~r pcssible, ~i~~ ~uncn period sna11 r2 .,.~reduled dt t11E .^~r ~d~:I] S111.`- _ how~ti'2~~ tiiat ~:c - S3:*12 sha11 IIEV~~ ~_,=c_-2"~° I^.'? ?SS1, ^2C C_ =?~i~~Q271~~~ Q'U~1~S. 11.2 ~reak Periods. All employ~~~ ~;;ti ~1~a ~c ~~.~c (2) breaks duri:;g ~;,e« .~1~1ft~ 0712 t0 ba .__~..=~P. ~1n2 ~.=~1.^,.^.~i':C Gi tl'72 SI11It and ~u:,~ ; ~~~riod a ` a--.~_~ - ~ . _ nd the ~ n b~..~ ~~:e _ur.ch peried ana t~~ Of tne Si~11='. i:i~.~ 1~OGd°V°~~ "^:3~ Li^e same sha11 riJ~~ _nt~rfere with a~v_.:-~,^ or ~mergency ~L~~es. ~ach break sral ~ no~ ` :caed fifteen (_~i _..__.~~~s in ie~.gth. DIVISION I2, ~LOY~'S INSURP.NC~. IZ • .1 Paymen t . , Tne emplo;~_=~ ~a~' 1•~ o c= ~ aid ~.-~~loyee's L'3S2 pa~,', ~~~r_cluding 1'lD~.~u.~_ U2V1'~.'~ ~::Ca. ~~;~F. ±::3"~ tC .'J2 ~c~;.~_~.. ~ ~ _`rcm pay in 52 tiay~~n~~. _::e l:,z~?oy~r s~~a11 pa~ ~ aiance of a11 t.: u rance p_ ? ~;r.s ~~.ci udi g r n th2 ccs~ u~ _ . . : - health and dental insurance coverage, for em,ploy~es and t~~~_ dependents. Effective at the signing of tnis Agr~ement T:~ employee premium sha11 increase to 1. 5 o until the insurance ~ reaches a balance of $250,000.00, or more, on Apri1 30-~~ of a-:~~- contract year, at which time the employee premium s~~a11 go back r;: 1.2$ for the next contract year. At anytime snould tn~ insuran:.~ fund .balance drop below $100,000.00, the employee pr~mium si~a=_ increase to 1. 8$ vntil said fund reaches a balance of 5200, OOG. at which time the employee premi.um sha11 be 1. 5 o and follow t~le guidelines set forth in the ahove sentence. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrart~, e~fec~~~-~ May 1, 2005 a11 employees will pay 3 0 of their base (excluding holiday pay) to be deducted from pay in 52 wezt_~ payments, for contribution toward single ar,dior ~amyly prz~r1u,,. coverage. 12.2 Coverage. The ainount of the insurance coverage sha11 be at least as mL~: as the coverage in force at the signing of this Agr2~ment. Ter~r life insurance for an employee shall be 520, 000. 00. Term 1_~ ~ insurance for a dependent child over six (6) mont'r.s of age and other dependents sha11 be $10,000.00. Disabili~~~ pay s:~a11 be titi~c- thirds (2/3) of the employee's normal paycheck bvt s;~ail not in a^~.• instance exceed a weekly disability payment or" 545C. wnicr~c-~ r is less. Shovld the City decide that a c:anae ir insurar:~ companies is beneficial, the proposed new coverag~ sha11 be _ _r:i~~ i9orN.: Contract 12/19/04 , 17 ~.•,:;~mitted to the Ul~:~... _ _~s ; r~~-T - _ ~ yew. _ n~~_..,a_~~:_ 12.3 Insurance Committee. A Joint Healtn ~..~~_ar~~ Cc u-~i~~ee s:,a~? be fermed ar.,: ~omprised of tne ~c-~:~,~~r.g ~ers;:n~ ..::c ac~~~t i:~~~itaticr.s ~articipate: 1. A Represer~~~~~~ of ~ity ~c~ncil 2. A Represan~a :-e of T. A. Lcca1 3. A Repres-~r_~.~__:-e cf Loc;:_ ~3'2 4. A Repres~:::,~ :-e of P B & F_~ U~;? t 52 5. A Repres~~:_~~_:-e of ~d071-.T~.apr~s~.-:~ed ~~:p'o~;eas 6. A Repr~s~r ;-e of .•lanaa~r:~ ~ 7. A Park L'~~ 1`;~pr~san~~.t---e 8. A Parlin _-rso%_' ~.~pres~r~~~y Tnis COIIlITL2t±°^ G2 =_Tii:.Oiti'~ic~ '_"~Sc~`C!1 dI7C~ 3.'ldl~'~2 ~:~.isting coverac~ .__..~~_=s, ;:~e_~ ~s, a~-a;'able p~ar.~ -~commend possi~~~ ~s a::; a~,~__.~~~s te ~~~e e~_~_ _ =an. The corrcmi_~-~ ~:~_y .,;a::e ~-ec~,._...-_~u.:~~on.s to ~~nodify ~:flsting plan ?:=t _ _ iuc Or1 ~1' :"O~~ Ci ~I72 COINIlI t ~e°. ::'C -~commended Clldl u2 Su.''~„==d11~_.~.~_j~ ..^ai.~?c Li~2 ~:°Il°i1t 1c.-_.: ~:~d coverage or ~h~ ,=___s~~ng p1ar.. ?~se triys committ~e wi1~ =~poiaered t0 hea~ c~:~:,;'~::~..~5 C^ 1::~:.'l:~:i~.~° _.~d~~7II:::rS. i1~E' v1~~' S::~'_' =~~Te tne final a;:~.__.-___ on ~:~y r~~cT~~r,~~d ..::r.ges cr appeals ~ay~nents. Char~~~ _ _ Y~zd b,~ ti;=r~ies a.~e liste~ ~~riibit A attac~~~~ DIVISION 13 . RETIR,II~:ENT . The insurar.~~ r; r r~___-d _~~;~io;-~~s s:,a1~ cor.sis~ ~.7E overall g'~;1'~" ;;J_..... v^` ~7CS~.''._~~_~ .^.~-?i'; ~ den~al ar,d ~surance COVE?Ya.:r~. ~ ,_.'Ti0;7:: _ OI ~ 5;:~' 7 $20,000.00 prior to age sixty-five (65) or retire,~ent, at ~v:^~~~ time it sha11 be reduced to $10,000.00. I3.1 Retired E~pZoyees - 25 Years of City Service. The Employer sha11 pay the fu11 amount of t;~e appli~a~_~ insvrance preiaium in the case of employees who :,ave twenty-~~ ~e (25) years of service and who, regardless of age, nave bze;. entitled to a pension ander the provisions of the I11ino_~ Municipal Retirement Program. Prelnium payment sna11 be icr ~::e retiree, retiree's spouse and dependent children. Rat~rzc employees who become reemployed where insurance cov~rage i~ provided by the new employer sha11 be excluded frcm tni~ ~ro:~isi~r:. Upon attaining his age of sixty-five (65) years, or sU~~~ ~t:~er a as Congress may subsequently determine, tnis ccveraye sral_ terminate and the retired employee sha11 make aNplica~~cn Medicare or to its successor program. If available, ~~e re~i~`~: employee sha11, however, have the option of purcras?ng Medi~.a~-~ supplement insurance at his expense throug'n tne Ci t~-'s grc~~N insvrance carrier, if available. 13.2 Emplopee With Early Retirement. Employees entitled to payment of insurance prem~vms ~nder -._v above provisions, sha11 be subject to the following iir::l~aticn~: If such employee chooses to retire under su~h c^r,di ~ions ~,~a~ retirement benefits are reduced on account of ea r1 v~~~ire,t~~: _ under provisions of the Illinois Municipal Re~1r2T721]L Pr~g~am, Illinois Police Pension fund, as applicable, tren the 3.710li:~~ c~ : :lurt:s Contract 12/14/04 lg -^surance pr2m~u~~r _ ~ne ~ _ ~ wi11 ;;,2 'i~:a~ti~~_ _ roportionately redL ~ ~ ~ ~~P~ _ ~ : ~,r -he Emp1 oyer sha11 ~a_ ~rG H~ ~ , , =::e entire amoun~ ~N~.~~~ap~.e :.r,=~T~~,,: o~ svcn insuran~e employee has r~~~~ed ~r~ age c; (50) years, and =•.~nty (20) years .=~r~~-i~a, ~nd ~ti::c r~~_ r~s eligible to rzczi '"°~12'2Ill2llt benefi~S L:':;~'.r Ll'12 ~:.~OV~S1^.I1S Oi ~P~ I111I1O1S MUI;1C1j~a'_ =.~~ployees Retirem~r.~ = r~visions. Retired 2~T.I~ ~~`.'°_°_S 'v~~^.O i,~COIP.c 1"c~T'.^y 0~'2d wnere .117SU~ 3::~ ~ _~~-~rage is prov~ :e ::;y t~le T~w E_,.ploy~r sra11 be exclvded fr~~; ~:~~s provision. at~ainir.g nis a~e of sixty-five (65) years, ~r, such other a_ ~or.~r`~s ma~- s~~:~s`uuen`ly determine t,:_~ . ~~~-erage sha11 ~ri~ rer_r~c e:,ployee sna11 r~~.._ _~_'ication to ^Iz:_~~=_, ~c _ts ..~~:~;~~ss~_ p~ogram. The retyr`~. =_-~tiloyee sha11, r, :a;-z ~~~a c~~y~n of purchasing 1~'edi~~~ ~ ~.:.:,plement insuV~__~~ ~_s ~•;p~^se ~:-~rcugn the City's crc-_ _r.s~rance carrie~, ~ :-a~=a.~1.=. 13.3 D~s:~ied E~np.loyee and Spouse and D_p~nden~s of D~ceased ~ployee. A permanent'~ ~_~a;~1ed e~^:ploye~ ard the surviving spouse ~ ~~tiendent childrer. ~~i~~~as~d ~:._~'o5~e~ s;~a11 participate ir. ..-~y's insurance ti:.~~ cr'~- to e1.~~n` ~~~ciLi~ally provi~~;; '~ne last .four i . ~ ~~..~~:~ce~ ~f ~~~~icr. '3.1 abeve. Tnis Se:^t_,.,.. ~~:all apply onl~~ ~~~s~s dis~~_e:,'~'e~eas~d employ~es w:~o _.~::rully marrie: _-~~1~_~~e ~~c ~_:re ~r~ disability,!~r.=G_- _~~urs. DIVISION 14 . TRAV :'I: ?iND TELEPHONE REQUIRE.2r~TTS. , . ~ 14.1 ~ployee's Use of Personal Vehicle. When an 2mployee is authorized or required to drive a pe~sc~~, car for purposes related to employment, tne empioy~~e sha~~ compensated thererore at the rate of thirty (30) cents per m~ie each mile necessarily traveled. 14.2 Telephone Rern~;r~ents. Employees sra11 be required to have a telepnone in residence or to provide the Department Head with a telep'ricne r.L~,:.;~~r where the employee may be reached. The employee sha11 1~:eep ~:~e Department Head advised, in writing, of such pnone number ana any changes thereto. DIVISION 15. MONTF~Y DE'PART1r~TTAL MEETINGS AND T.AROR/MANAGEN~,NT r~TINGS. 15.1 Payment for Attendance. Routine montnly departmental meetings of a11 employees G^:; quarterly labor/management meetings may be called from ~ime to for the purpose of receiving and dissem~nating necessa~y information. Labor/management meetings may be called by mvtual agreement of the parti es. Empl oyees ' a t tendance a t su~.h mo:~ ~r:1 dzpartmental meetings sha11 be considered as time at work for ~~~2 purpose of this Agreement for one and one-:~a1f (1 1'2) ro::~ s. Snould said meeting exceed this time period, all employees attendance sha11 be paid for the actual tince spent ir. ~,.~ess o_` and one-half (1 1; 2) hours. DIVISION 16. Q~CK OFF SYSTEM AI~TD UNION SECURITY. ~•._.r~:s 4:,r~tract 1_!laioa ~1 16.1 Fair Share Deductions. Employees covered by tnis Agreement wno are not .~nembers of `he Uni on paying dues by vc1 untary payroll d~duc~i on sna11 be reau=~ to pay in lieu of dues, their proportionate fair share of the cos~s of tne collective bargaining process, contract administration a~~:d the pursuance of matters arfecting wages, nours and conditions ef zmployment in accordance with the applicable Labor Relations Act. The fair share payment, as certified by the Union, sha11 ~e deducted by the Emplcyer from the earnings of the non-memb2r employees. The aggrega~e deductions of tne employees and a list of ~heir names, address~s and social security nurrwers sna11 r~e rzmitted semi-mont'r,1y ~o tne linion at ~ne address designatzd 1,n writing to the Encploy~r by tne Union. T'r:e Un? or snall advise the Employer of any ~:r~rease in iair snare fe~s in writing at 1~ast fifteen (15) days pr~~r to .its ?ffec~ive date. Tne amount constituting each nor.-n:?l~nber employee's share snall r.ot exceed dues uniformly required tc tinion members. 16.2 Religious ExP~Iption. Should any 2mployee l~e ur.able to pay tn~ir contribution ~c `h~ Union based vpon bonafide religious tenets or teacnings of a chur~r or religious body ef t-.::ich su~h empioyee is a mem~er, svcn amou:~t equal to their fair share sha11 be paid to a non-religicLs charitable organi~a~i~n mvtually agre~d Upcn by tne zmpie,,~~~ affected and the Uni or.. If the Uni cn and t:~e ~m.p1 oyee are ~na e to agree on the matter, svch payments s'r,a11 be made to a cha=itable ~n~z~_= . , . , organization from an approved list of charitable organizations. The employee wi11 on a monthly basis furnish a written receipt to the Union that such payment has been made. 16.3 Notice and Appeal. The Union agrees to provide notices and appeal procedures to employees in accordance with applicable Iaw. 16. 4 D~eductions . The Employer agrees to deduct from the pay of those employees who individual.Iy request it, any or a11 of the following: (a) Union membership dues, assessments, or fees; (b) Union sponsored benefit programs; and (c) P. E. O. P. L. E. contri.butions. Request for any o.f the above sha11 be made on a form agreed to by the parties. Upon receipt of an appropriate written authorization from an employee, such authorized deductions sha11 be made in accordance with law. The aggregate dedvctions of all employees and a list of their names, addresses and social security numbers sha11 be remitted semi-monthly to the Union at the address designated in writing to the Employer by the Union. The Union sha11 advise the Employer of any increase in dues or other approved deductions in writing at Ieast fifteen (15) days prior to its effective date. 16.5 Availa.bility of Cards. The Employer sha11. make a vailable Union dedvction cards to _ublic works contract 12/19/04 7 3 . -~.-nployzes. Such cards sr.a11 bz supply~~ ~v ~;~e :;::~;,r.. 16. 6 Indemnifica tion . The Union sna11 inde::nify, dz`~r.d Gnd ~~o~d ~.~e Emp~~ harmless against any claim demand, suit or ~i.:::^='ity arssing any action takzn by tile Ernployer in ~omz~lying tti~~th ~his Divis~~:: 16, or, of any portion thzreof. DIVISION 17, SETTLE~~TT OF GRIEVANC~S. 17.1 Purpose. Araicable settlement of grievanczs ~2tw~en L.-nployer, emple~,-~~ and/or Union is recognized in principle and wi~h ~ne inLention ~~a~ tne same sha11 be applied in pra~~i~e tc ~~2 fL=~~St z;>~~~~ ~cssible. 17. 2 IrLathod. Grievances ~ra1~ Li~st be ~ererred ~o ~ne apprcpr_a-~ D~partment Head, ir.• ~ti~iiting, within se~-en ~a_~:~dar ~ays of date on which tne rievance occurred. !%~e L~ti~ r~m.en~ Head s;~a= ' rzspcnd in writing tc za~h such grievance wi ~:~=r. s~v~n (7) calzr.dar days following receipt of t~e writter. grievanc~. %f ~;~e grievar,~z tner2after subsis~s, it s'r1a11 be referr~d -r, wri_~r.g to ~~e standing Commi ttee on Gri et-ance, Nego~ia ti or.s ~-:u ~ers~nnel wi seven (7) calendar ~a,~s af~zr tne r~spc::se b~~ r~:e De,.:;a~ trne.-~t ys made. The Cor~T~.t~~e s~a11 tnerea~ter r::~~~ ..~~n aggrie;-~: a.'~I~IOV@E and/or h_s ~ e~res~nta ti ve, =f any, n ; curteen calendar days~ of s:.7:mission of t~e wr~t~.=^ :~rie:-~~~ce te Ccmmittee. Following such ~eeting, ~ne ~.o~~nm~t~e~ s~~a1~ .~ake i~s . _ . _ r~.. ...~•r.*_='-- . . n wri tten answer wi thin fourteen (14) cal2ndar da~.-s .fol? owir.g meeting, However, by mutual assent, this latter ~ourte~n ('4) ;i~•,~ period may be extended by an instrument in writir.y siynzd bc~~~ the aggrieved employee or his representative and by the ~hairr.:ar. tne Comrnittee or by the Chairman pro tem. If ~~e grisvance remains, i t sha11, wi thin seven (7) cal endar da t~s of ~ Committee's written answer, be submitted to tne !~layor in wri~~r.~,. The Mayor sha11 make written answer within seven (7) calendar ~a-.• ; of receipt of the written grievance. 17. 3 Arbi tra tion . If, after tne .foregoing grievance process has ~ee.~ completed, the grievance yet svbsists, either par~y, ~mp1e;~~~ ~r Union, may invoke binding arbitration within s~-,-~n ~al~r.~.~a~ days of the Mayor's written answer by giving written noti~e referral to the otner party. 17.4 Authority of Arbitrator. The authcrity of the arbitrator is specifical%y ~~mited tc ~h~ interpretation of tne terncs of this Agreement. T.~e arbi t~ a ~~r sha11 consider and decide only the specific issue subm~~~ed re :~im in writing by the City and the Union, and sna11 :;ave :~o avtr:c~~~~.~ to make a decision on any other issue not so suc:~.~: ~ ~zd. arbitrator sha11 have no right to amend, modi~y, nuii~~y, ig;:c:~~, add to, or subtract from the provisions of ~~_s z~,:~e'~-r.ent. arbitrator sha11 be without power to mak.e dec;si~:;s ccr.`rary inconsistent with any applicable ordinance, resolu~io:, ~aw o.~ v:=,:4..- i:~.,n_ract i~/14!04 • Z~ statUte. The ar.; ~ ~rator s'riall ma~e his ~e~ision s`r'1Ct1y ir. accordance with trz rules of evidence app~ic~ble to the C?rcuit Courts in I11ino;s, sna11 determir~ rne _~~hts of tne partias according to 1aw, sra11 make fu11 ard comple~e ~indings of act and his award sha11 be baszd upon tne p~~por.~erance of competent evidence. The arbitrator may refer questior.s cf 1aw to the Fulton County Circuit Court (Ninth Judicial Circuit) ~or determination. This Section s;~a11 not be constrved to be a delegation ~o t~~e arbitrator of au~hority to determine matT~rs relating to the zstablishment of wages, hours of employrrent, or working conditions. 17.5 Application of Evidence Rules. The rules c~ ~vidence applicab~e to Circuit Cour~s I1linois sha11 be a^;,Iied to arbit~aticn proceedings n2reun~zr as ~hey are custoTur_1y appli2d in otner ac~Tinistrative r:zaring proceedings in t^e ~~ate of I1linois. 17. 6 l~~ake Up of Arbi tra tor. The arbitra~cr s:a11 be compesed of ~I?~22 (3) perscns who sha1l .be picked ~n ~:~e ~ollowing manrer: Eacr of Employer a^d the Union shall su~r~~ ~ separate lists of twe1 ,r~ (12) persons eaci:. lJames sha11 be s~~-~ken from tne ;~sp~cti~e lists ~y the otner ~arty with the i:^~c:~ s~riking tne _`_rst r,ame. Tn2 last remainiry name on each s~ s~ ~a11 .be r.arned a s membe~ s of th e arbi t, a ti or. paneZ, Those arbitrati~n tiar.el me,.,%;z~s snall ther. a,;r~,= ~pon a third, ir.;par~~al panel member to ccmt;ie~e tne make up of tr~ arbitration pan2?. ~ majority vote cf the a=b.~tration panzl ~ha11 „ . , . _ , `r, determine the issues (s) . An abstention or ~efusal to vc~z panel member sha11 be construed to be an "aye" vcte. 17 • 7 Court Report; Cost of Arbi tra tion . A qualified court reporter sha11 be present at a11 arbi~rat=~r. hearings and sha11 make a fu11 and complete record thereo~. parties to the arbitration hearing sha11 equally share the c~sts o~ such court reporter. Any party requesting a transcript of ~:e hearing sha11 bear the cost thereof except that if botn part~~s request a transcript, they sha11 equally share tne to~al c~st th2reof. 17.8 Interest or Negotiation Impasse Arhitration. Nothing in tnis Agreement sha11 ever be interpreted ~c m~.::; that the parties nereto have in any way hereby agreed to "~::~eres~" or "negotiation impasse" arbitration. Tnis binding ar.~itrat~or, procedure is intended to provide a means of finally resclt-_na disputes or di.fferences of opinion as to the interpretation os t::~s Agreement. 17 . 9 Effect of Arbi tra tion . Subject to the appeal procedure hereinafter set fer~n, ~~~e decision of the arbitrator shall be final. 17.10 Appeal. Any party may appeal the decision of tne arbitratcr tc a-~~.• Court of competent jurisdi ction. ~mpl~nentation ~f arbitrator's decision shall be autornatically s~a,~ed p2r.d~ng ~~e ?sol uti on of any svch appeal . +~orF::; Contract 12/14/U4 ;~7 17.11 Grounds for Appeal. Grounds for ati~~~~ s~a11 be ~:;es~ w;~~~,~ ex~sLed at comrron - wnich the parties i~=°-~;:,~, agree .:~re: ~~aud, corruption, ev1~~-:~ partiality, that arbit~~~or ex~a~ced his avthe~ - - irregularities in ,^roc~edings wn_~n d~~=ive a party of a=..__ and im.partial hear~^~, ~~ross errcrs ^f law or fact, plain mis~ak? of 1aw, and mistaJ_~ ~aw (wnic;. tr:e par~i~s agree does nct - to be shown on the of the a,-~ar:} , C~::er grovnds for a~N~a= sha'1 be where: ,,.:~ard was ~,rc~;.~reci cy corruption, fraud ~~r~r undue mear~; ~___Y' was 2L'_~a~~~ par-_aiity by an arbitra~~~ ~?pointed as a re;.~_-~_ ~or~u~==~n _n an;.~ cr.e of trie arbi=_a"._~ cr mi scondvct pr~_ ~ ~ - J ~n e r= ~ y ~ r ~ part~~; the arbi ~ _ . _ `xc~eded nis pow` ~ ~rb~ ~ra r~= us~~ ~c pcstpone the :.~a r~ .:pon suf.ficient ~_~ng sn..,.-n ~„er~_„_2 or rzfused tc `vid~nce materia= cen~rc--e.~s,- er „~:lerwise so conduc~ _:e r~a_ing as to su: ~~~-:_~.~"y prej~~~~e the =-uh~s of a party. 17.12 Time for ~peal. A11 appeals ^e filed w_ ~nin ~;^~rty (30) days cf t:,e ~a= t~''s receipt ar~i t Ya 's t•;~1 ~ter, final dec? ~ic.,. ~~ceipt of tne , t ~en ~r ~:~a~1 ~e presumed t;~- r~ _ ~i~-e (35) days a=_~= ;a~e of :~c1~,ycr.. DIVISION S8. DTS~IPLINE AND DISCHARGE. 18.1 Conduct. It is recogr~~-.. ~~at if ar eT~~o;?=e's ~ondi~ct fa11s ~2_~.. 3 ~°.=i~able standa~~, =_.c ~.Ti1~~!Oy22 ..,c~- ,e~t tc disciplir.:~;. : . . ~ . : r.::-. _ action or discharge. 18.2 Discipline. The FJncployer agrees wi th the tenets of progressi vz corrective discipline. Disciplinary action or measures s1~G_= include only the following: . (a) Oral Reprimand (b) Wri t ten Reprimand (c) Suspension (d) Discharge (notice to be given in wri ting) Disciplinary action may be imposed upon an employee only f~r just cause. An emp.Ioyee shall nat be demoted for disciplira~;.- reasons. Discipline shall be imposed as soon as reasonac'-.- possible a.fter the Employer is aware of the event or action giv_-:~ rise to the discipline and has a reasonable period of time investigate the matter. Arr~ong other acts, any criminal act of employee shall be justification and/or reason for i~~unedia~= suspension or dismissal of the employee. The parties recogr.~~= that the Einployer need not always strictly follow the order disciplinary action or measures set forth above wnen it reasonably determined that the offense reasonab.ly requir~~ imposition of a form of discipline other than that initially s~_ forth in the foregoing order of disciplinary action or m.~asures. In any event, the actval date upon which disciplir.e cernmer.~.=~ may not exceed forty-five (45) days after the compi?tion ef investigation of the matter. 18.3 Marmer of D~.scipline. , If the Employer has reason to discipline an employee, it sna~_ :.hiic Worl:s Contract 12/14/04 , 79 ~2 ~OI12 111 a manr,er ~~73t W= '.1 IlOt ~:71bd~.r'~SS t~~G emplo}.'2E' ti2ICr2 crner employees or t;le public. I8• 4 Discharge. The Employer sna11 not ~:scnarge any non-probationary employee c~-~ ~nout cause. If, newever, the Employer i.s cenvinced that there i~ cause .for discnarge, the zrnployee wi11 be advised of the grounds fcr discharge, and as scon tnereafter as is practical tne e~Tployee's Union ReprzsentaLive wi11 be noti.fied in writing trat t:e employee has .~ndzed been discharged. Any employee ~eund to be discnarged without cause sha11 be r~instated at t:le re~orunenda~ion of tne City Council with {u11 rastoration of ~::e zrnployee's i~ene~its and seniority and o~her c~.^.di tions of emp_ c~,~:~nt . 18.5 Removal of Discipline. Any writter. :~,-a~:,;ng or discip'~ne imposed for tardiness or G~senteeism sha11 :_,re removed from an employee's record, if, ~rom t~~ date of t:~e _as~ warnir.g or dysciplinz, two (2) years pass w=thout the emplc~~z2 receiving an additional warning or discipline fer svch offe:~se. Such renoval sna11 .be at the request of tne e~:ployee, in wri ~?'ng, rut in any case sha11 not be used against tne ~:~~1 oyee . DIV~SION 19. S~Ip~Z+y. 19.1 Defini ti on . Seniority mza,-:s an zmNloyee's length of continuous sert-~~z ~h the Employer ~rc~,, ~:;e e^:?loyee's last dat2 of hire. " _.=..'.d=-. . - . Jr' I9•2 Breaks in Continuous Service. The employee's seniority shall begin witn tne da~e employment with the City and sha11 extend to tne da~z oi employee's resignation or discharge for cavse. Months of 'aS~~__ and months spent in non-union positions do not count t~wa~,: seniority. Temporary fu11 time employees sha11 be allowed cred=~ for seniority for continuous past months service if h?'red o:: permanent basis without a lapse in employment. Seniority sha11 be forfeited for any of the following reascl:~: (a) Emp.Ioyee resigns. (b) Employee is discharged for cause. An employee's seniority sha11 be .preserved only in ~h~ ~~-2-;= of the reinstateinent of a d.ischarged employee .by the C~ ~y ~.our,`__ after that body nas judged that the employee's discrarg~ was r.~ for cause. 19.3' ~ PrAaiotions. The term promotion, as used in this provision, :nea.~s advancement of an employee to a higher paying position and/or t: ~ reassignment to a position of greater responsibility or to reqt~iring a greater ski11. Whenever a job opening occurs, other tnan a te~nporar`• cper,;r..:, the Department Head shall advise a11 empl oyees w~i th~ n Department of the opening by posting a notice of tne cpenir,~ or.~ Departmental bulletin boards for ten (1D) workyng days. QL~al;~_=~ employees may transfer from another Department by sznicr~*y, s~:c:-: c'UGlic Wcil:~ ~cntract 1[/19/04 31 ~ransfer does not ::aczss~~_1~- ~rean a -~c.::; , f , _ ~ o~ the emplo~ee. a non-union employ~a r~tu.~-:s ~o the barg~~ninq unit, it sha11 be ~o a posted position. During thi s p2 r'1 cd ~ ampl Oy2eS k:~ o::~_ sh t o appl y for an cpe., pcsition or job m,ay dc sc. The appli~:aticn s'ria11 be in ~,rritir.,;, 3nd it sha11 be su~,~T~i~~ed ~o t:~e employze's immediate supervisor. The Employer s„a11 f~11 tne opening by promoting or niri:~g `rom among the app;icants that persor w~-~o, in tne judgment cf ~.~nployer, is best suitzd for the ~osition, based upon the ~pplicant's past rz,~crd o~ abilities and performance. Wnere the em.ti~ oye~s a rz equall y q1a~i ~i ed, tne e1np1 oyee wi -r '~he greatest senic~-.~~y s;ia?' giver. p_`~.~r~ntial treatm.ent. Temporary jec ~tia-:_~~s a~e defir.ed ~s ~eb vaca*~cies which r.:a~~ ~~riodically deve~~ti in any ,;cb class~~ication and whicn do n~t ~xceed sixty (60) ; a_,-s. ;o~:~.ver, Lpon n~~~=ycation, temporary ~c~ ~~enings may be `~_~.=r.d~'~' CVaY' s=~~~y (ED) days, with mvtua= rz2n1E'Iltr bllt tIi° p~ ~1 CIl 1S IlOt ~C ~2 made a p~rmanent pOS1 t1CI; ~ver an extended ~ ~~~od cr" ~ine. T2mporary jc:^ ~peninas sna11 be ~;11ed by Department Hea~'s ~ssigrunent or reass~c^.~?~nL of employ~~s, based upon tne Departm~r.~ -~ad `s judgment ~::a s~~ tabili o= tn~ employze to t;:e assignment or oper.;^~,. Any emplo};ee ~~.:.~.::~ar_=y assiu~ed t^ a clatisi~ication c~:-:e~ ~~~an his/her reg~=a~ ~~a~si~ica~ion sra~1 be pai~ in accordar,~; ;tii ~h Section 9. 3 ;~reir.. _ .._n~_~- 19.4 Demotions. It is the policy of the City to avoid demotions whenever and wherever possible. The term, demotion, as used in this provision, means the reassignment of an employee from a position in one job classification to a position in a job classification of lower pay and/or less responsibility and/or a classification requiring less ski11. Demotions sha11 be made only to avoid laying off employees or discharging an eraployee who has demonstrated by their per.formance that the position in which the emp~oyee is employed is beyond the empl oyee.'s capabili ti es . ` " 19.5 Layoffs. In the event it becomes necessary to lay off employees for any reason, employees sha11 be laid off in accordance with the needs of the City, Decisions concerning layoffs wi11 be based on tne operational needs of the City and bvdgetary constraints. No layoffs wi11 be made withovt the approval of the Mayor. Wherever ~ practical, employees wi11 be laid off in,.reverse seniority order by department and qualifications. part-time and temporary employees wi11 be laid off prior to any fu11 time employee in eacn Department. If the Department, after laying aff part-time ernployees, continues to 1ay off full-time employees, then the fvll- time employee may move to another Department in classification to take a part-time position at part-time pay provided they are qualified for the job. The City wi11 determine which part-time position is to be affected by the bump. rut~i~ worrs centract 12/19/09 3 3 If an employee ~ne classi~icatlen ~s to be laid off, employee inay bump c;^-~~;, `o the next %ewzr classification ~rovid~d that employee nas :~~~e seniority t:an an employee in tne 10;•.~- classi.fication. , e. :~eavy eqvipm.er,t op~rator to a trvck driv~-; 1 aborer classifi ca ~i cn) 19.6 Reca11. Employees snal_' tie recalled from layoff according to seni ori ty. No new e.,.N? oyees sna11 be nir~d vntil a11 empl oye~s cn layoff status des~ Y=ng to return ~o wcrk have been rzcal'~d. Employees on the 1a~T~=i iist wi11 re~ain the right of recall for a period of two (2) ,-~a-~ or tne leng~h of their service wnich e~-er ~s less. 19.7 Cor.soli~~ion or Elimination of Jobs. Employees d~:s~^~~~`~ by tne ~l~mination of jobs through job c~nsolidation ~ne dut~?s cf ~wo or more jo~s) , i::stallation o.` re:•.- ~~uipm~nt or ::~achinery, the curtailment or r~placerrtent of ~::_~_~:~y facili~i~s, ~he development of r~w ~acilities, or For .:^y other r2asor., sha11 be permitted to apply For a transfer te ary c~'rier open position in the service of imployer. Any ~mp.~,,.~ee ~•~~ose applicatio:~ fcr transfer to any cpar, pesition is acc~p~e~ :^y tne Em~1ey~~ sha11 be given any tra~r.~;,g :~eded to perfo~m. s.~_-s~a~torily tne job ~o which tne employae is t ransferred. In the ev2r.~ ~rat ~ne tra::s=er ~s not acceptable te ;.~ployee, then pro.-~:s1..n 19.5 of t~is Agrezment sna11 preva~l. 19.8 Transfers. a:.. : - _ . Employees desiring to transfer to other jcbs sha11 submit an application in writing to their immediate supervisor. l~z applicat.ion sha11 state the reason for the requested transfer. Employees requesting transfers sha11 receive jL~st consideration by the Department Head. In the ev2nt that 2mployee ~S not satisfied with the decision, an audience with tne Department Head's superior, with the explicit gvarantee under the terms of tPe Agreement that no disciplinary action sha11 be taken agair.st tre employee for making such a reqvest, is assured. 19•9 Shift Preference. Unless there is an operational need otherwise, employees sna11 have an opportvnity to exercise seniority .for snift assign~nent ~`or vacant positions. With mutual agreement of the parties involv~d and the Department Head, employees sha11 .be allowed to trade wcri~_ shifts. DIVISION 20 IDUCATIQN F.XPENSE, 20.1 Reimbursement. The City sha11 reimburse the employee for tvition and boo~:s required for attending any job related course or for attending any covrse required for a job related degree, in the amovnt no~ reimbursed by other agencies, provided such was approved in a~vanc~ by the Department Head. The above requirement would be contingent vpon the successful completion of svch course. The City wi11 a.~~;~ pay the cost for continuing education to maintain tnis lice^se. DIVISION 21 RESIZ~'~TL-y REQUIREZ~?ENT. worE:s contract 12/14i~4 35 21-1 Proximity to Canton. Any employee sha-1 beco~~e a resident of the City of Canton, c_ rzside within a ten (10) r~=1e =adius of t:~e City, wi ~hin t;._~ (30) days after expi.~ation o.f s:.~~h employee's probatiorary per~~:, if t'r.2 employee is tc ~ontinue as an employee of the City. DIVISION 22 GE~~'RA T. pROVISIONS. 22.1 Status of Emp2oyer. AI1 benefits prc:-ided nereu^der sna11 remain in fu11 for~e ~^d , effect for the te~~m c- tnis Agre~ment. Nothing in tnis Agreement sha11 be construed to negate ~:;e status of the Empio~~~r as a mu~icipal Employer and an~~ provis_~::s nereof which, be ir~~rpra~aticn or otherwise, would abriCge .^r res ~ri ct tne power a~~ a u ~_'^.cri _ S- conferred by 1aw on ~he Emp~ c~~~~ as a municipal Empyo•.-~r SfBii b~ void and of no effect. 22.2 No S~rike or Lock Out. T'rie Employer a~ rees t:~at t~~re sna11 be no lock out during -:~e term of this Agreer:~:~t. ~ne :::~ion agrees that there wi11 be no strik2 by itself ar.d trat it w~11 not authorize or er.courage any strike by any empioT.~~~s during ~ne term of this Agreem.~nt. A~ nc ~ime, however, sna-- tne ~.~pl~~.~ee be required to ac~ as strii:z br~ak2rs or to cres~ ~he pi~ket _'ine of a legally autncYized s~~~t;~ at ~mployee's place 2IP,~lOVIP2~t. 22.3 Assistant Deparf~nent Heads. It is hereby sti.~ci~i~ally recognized and agreed b~~ the par~?~s t~~~ assistant Depar~::~n~ 'r."eads .~re management personne~.. = - 3G Accordingly, assistant Department Heads shall not .belong tc ths Union or participate in work slowdowns, work stoppages, or strikes. , Notwithstand.ing anything in this Agreement to the cont~ar~:•, non-bargaining unit employees sha11 be permitted to do bargainin~ unit work in emergency situations, work incidental to their jc.~ when a bargaining unit employees is scheduled to work the same hours, or when employees are not reasonably available. 22• 4 Titles or Head:ings. _ Any titles or headings in this Agreement are inserted solely for the convenience of reference and shall not be deemed to limi ~ or affect the meaning, construction or effect of any provision o~ this Agreement. 22.5 Totality. The Employer and Union acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, both parties had t'r~a vnlimited opportvnity to present a11 demands and proposals and that this Agreement sha11 constitute the entire agreement between thz parties for its duration. 22. 6.1 Confl.ict ~r:ith Existing Policies or Regulations. If there is a conflict between an existing City policy cr regulations and an expressed term or provision of this Agreement, the term or provision of this Agreement sha11 apply. If there ~s conflict between the new collective bargaining legislation which went into effect Ju1y 1, 1984, and an expressed term or protisicn of this Agreement, the term or provision of this Agreement sha11 Fublic Wor?;s Contract 12/14/04 ' 3 7 appl y. 22-7 Pledge Against Discri.mination and Coercion. The provisions of this Agreement sha11 .be applied equally tc a11 employees in the bargaining unit without discrimination as to age, sex, marital status, race, color, creed, national origin, or political affiliation. The Union sha11 share equally with the Employer the responsi.bility for applying this provision of tne Agreement. A11 references to employees in this Agreement designate both sexes, and wherever the male gender is used it shall be construed to include male and female employees. The Employer agrees not to interfere with the rights of employees to become members of the Union, and there sha11 be no discrirrcination, in~erference, restraint, or coercion by the Employer or Employer `s representative against any employee because of Union membersnip or because of any employee's acti vity in an official capacity or behal.f of the Union, or for any other cause. The Union recognizes its responsibility as bargaining agent and agrees to represent a11 employees in the bargaining vnit without discrimination. 22.8 Union Bulletin Board. The Employer agrees to furnish and maintain bulletin boards in convenient places ir each work area to be used by the Union. 22.9 Union Activities on EYnployer's Time and Premises. The Employer agrees that during work.ing hours, on the wc:i:c; Contra_*_ 1_i1; , 38 Employer's premise, and without loss of pay, Union representati ves shall be allowed to: (a) Collect Union dves, initiation fees, and assessments (if these funds are not collected through payroll dedvcti ons) ; (b) Post Union notices; • (c) Process and investigate grievances; (d) Solicit Union membership during other employee's non-working time; (e) Attend negotiating meetings; ~ (f) Transmit communications, avthorized by the local Union or its officers, to the Employer or the EYnployer's representatives; and, (g) Cons ul t wi th th e Empl oyer, th e Emp1 oyer ' s representatives, 1oca1 Union officers, or other Union representatives concerning the enforcement of any provisions of this Agreement. 22.10 Visits bp Union Representatives. The Employer agrees that accredited representatives of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Emp1 oyees, whether local Union representatives, district covncil representati ves, or international representati ves, sha11 ha ve fu11 and free access to the premises of the Employer at any time during normal working hours to condvct official Union business, thzir visits to the premises to be schedvled in such a manner as to insure the free and uninterrupted continvation o.f the work process. 22.11 Work Rules. All substantive changes in work rules with the exception of changes necessitated by emergency conditions, sha11 be posted on 'rublic WorYs Conttact 12/14/04 ` 3 9 the departmental bull etin board for a peri od of fi ve (5) workda ;~s before becoming effective upon adeption of the appropria~e ordinance and budget by the City Counc~l. Safety and Health 22.22 The Employer shall provide a safe and healthy wprkplace consistent with a11 applicable rules, regvlations, and standards established by the I1linois Department of Labor. 22.13 Savings Clause. Should any Section, or portion thereof, of this Agreement be held vnlawful and unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision of the court sha11 apply only to the specific Section or portion thereof directly specified in the d~cision; upon the issuance of such a decision, the parties agree to invalidate that Section or portion thereof, until a time, as mutvally agreed to negotiate that Section or portion thereof. 22.14 Personnel Files. Personnel files for a11 employees are located in the office of the City Clerk. Any employee sha11 be permitted to review their file during normal business hours of the City Clerk. Any Ilnion representative desirous o.f reviewing Union member's personnel f~le must have the authority of the employee whose file is to be reviewed, in writing. A11 personnel files must be reviewed in the office of the City C1erk, and no documents contained in t:~e personnel files will be permitted to leave the office of tne Ci~v Clerk. Copies of any documents which are to be placed in an _~bli~ wc~rks contract 1~/14/05 ~ 4 0 2mployee's personnel file wi11 be given to the employee. 22.15 Reservation of Rights. The Employer specifically reserves to itself, wi~hcut limitation, the power to unilaterally and in its sole discretion, eliminate, abolish, alter, organize, reorganize, consolidate, or merge the department.s, or, any classification, position, job or job function now in existence or which may thereafter be created. Fvrther, it is not the intention of either the Employer or of tn~ Union that the Employer transfer or delegate any municipal power, function, pri vilege, or authority to control any of the same to tne Union, the City employees, or to any third party or person. DIYISION 23 ~utrt~rrrn~+IpI,T, This Agreentent sha11 be effective for the entire period of t~e fiscal years 2004-20C5, 2005-2006, and 2006-2007 of the Employer. At the end of that time, it shall terminate, and sna11 be of no effect, unless agreed to otherwise by both parties in writing no less than sixty (60) days prior to May 1, 2004, that they desire to modify this Agreement. In the event that such notice is given, negotiations sha11 begin not later than thirty (30) days prior to May 1, 2007. This Agreement sha11 remain in fv11 force and effective during the period of negotiations and until notice of termination of this Agreeircent is provided to the other party in t~e manner set forth in the following paragraph. In the event that either party desires to terminate t:~~s Agreement, written notice must be given to the otner party not lzss f7~~rr.:: Contract l~ilti/C~4 , 41 tnan ten (10) days prior to the desired termination date wric:~ shall be May 1, 2007. 23• 1 E~fective Date of Agreement. AI1 provisions and benefits of this Agreement shall r~e effective May 1, 2004. DIVISION 24. CO~RCIAL DRIVER LIC,ENSES. Employees required as a condition of employment to r'iave a commercial drivers license as de.fined by the I1linois Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act sha11 be allowed to study for and take any required examination during work hovrs utilizing City equipment, if rzquired. The City sna11 pay any fee required by 1aw in connection with testing or retesti.~g for any such license. The City snall have the exclusive riUnt to determine which City ernployees and how many City employees sna11 be licensed at City expense, as a ~oresai d. IN WITNESS YJHEREOF, the parties hereto nave execvted and delivered the foregoing Agreement in two (2) originals, each of which is hereby declared to be an original for a11 purposes. Dated tnis day of , 20 CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS Mayor of the City of Canton, ~L Ai TEST : Ci ty C1erk w~:r~:<: contr~_t 1~/la/~~; 42 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, LOCAL I372, AFL-CIO ATTEST : ~ ~ t~.~ _.s..~.~.~ ~ - ~~,~1.~ C ' ,~~`~'4.e~+v~.~. i ; ~ . :t.'_-- . ~~ontrac~ .~iiaio, ' 43 ~ ~ . . , . . . . . .i . ~ . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ~ g) Conduct, which reflects upon the reputation of the City of employer in a slanderous, hbelous or abusive manner. ~ DIVISION 19 ADMINISTRATIVE RETREAT 19.1 Annual Meeting. At the conclusion of the first City Council Meeting in January, the City Council may, at the request of sta~ enter into executive session for personnel related matters. At this time, Department Heads and other invited staff , may discuss with the Council their objectives and/or goals for the new fiscal yeaz. The purpose of this. meeting is for the development and ,continuance of open dialogue between the Council and its management personnel. ~ DIVISION 20 ADMIIVISTRATION OF PERSONNEL 20.1 Personnel Administration. The personnel policy and procedures shall be enforced by, and technical questions on this policy and its corollary procedures shall be referred to the Mayor who may delegate the responsibilities aimed at establishing and insuring the maintenance of effective personnel administration on behalf of the City. 20.2 Functional, Administrative and Operational Assignments and/or Re- ~ Assignments. The Mayor in the fulfillment of his/her duties as Chief Executive , Officer shall make all functional, a~dmini~ative, and operational assignments and/or re-assignments among existing staff of the City. 20.3 City Council's responsibility with Respect to the Policy. In accordance with - Illinois St~te Statutes, the City Council is a legislative and policy making body and as such is the eirtity having the authority to make policy or change policy. It shall be the City Council's responsibility to review and update this and related policies from time to time as may be necessary in order to meet the needs of the City. DIVISION 21 CONFI,,ICT OF LAW OR PROVISIONS 21.1 Conflict of Prnvisions. Any conflict betv~,een the provisions of this policy and ~ the specific provisions of any applicable collective bazgaining agreement shall, to the extent of such conflict, be governed or resolved by the specific provision of the applicable collective bazgaining agreement. 21.2 Conflict of Law. Any conflict between the provision of the this policy and the provisions of any applicable federal or state law, rule or regulation shall, to the extent of such conflict, be governed or resolved by the provision of the applicable federal or state law, rule or regulation 16 . ~ This Personnel Policy was adopted this 20'~ day of July, 2004, and amended on April 19, 2005. Approved: . Jerry M. Bohler, Mayor Attest: ~ ~ ~ Nancy V es, City Clerk ~ 17 JOB CLASSIFICATION WAGE AND LONGEVITY SCHEDULE A. CUSTODIAL HASE SAZ.ARY - B1 dg. & Grounds Custodial Years of Service Effective Effective Effective OS/01/04 05/01/OS 05/01/06 Probation 523,853 .524,807 $2 ~9~ Probation - lst year $25, 682 $26, 710 S2~r~, Starting 2nd year $27,648 528,754 529,904 Starting 3rd - 4th year 529,387 $30,562 531,785 Starting 5th - 9th year 532,992 ~34,311 535,684 Starting I Oth - 14 th year 533, 290 $34, 621 536, 006 Starting 15th - 19th year $33,583 $34,926 536,323 Starting 20th - 24th year $33,912 $35,268 536,679 Starting 25th and over 534,256 535,627 537,052 B. CATEGORY I- Laborer; Truck Driver; P1ant Operator without license; Meter Reader; Maintenance Man ~ Years of Sezvice Effective fective Effective 05/O1/04 /O1/05"j 05/01/06 L~ Proba ti on S25 93 $2 6, 4 ~~2~ Probation - Ist year ~ , 86 a~,S28, 897 530, 053 Starting 2nd year 529,767 ~<$30,957 532,196 Starting 3rd - 4th year $31,530 $32,791 S34,I03 Starting 5th - 9th year $35,188 $36,595 538,059 Starting IOth - 14th year 535, 501 536, 921 $38, 397 Starting 15th - 19th year $35,813 537,246 $38,735 Starting ZOth - 24 tn year 536,171 $37, 618 539,123 Starting 25th and ovzr 536,530 $37,992 $39,511 C. CATEGORY II - Heavy Equipment Operator, Technician* and Wel der Years of Service Effective Effective Effective 05/O1/04 OS/01/05 OS/O1/06 Probation $28,116 529,240 ~30,41,0 Probation - 1st year $29,972 $31,170 532,417 Starting 2nd year $31,951 533,230 $34,559 Starting 3rd - 4th year 533,707 535,055 $36,457 Starting 5th - 9th year $37,385 $38,881 $40,436 Starting 10th - 14th year $37,699 539,207 $40,7?5 Starting 15th - 19th year 538,009 539,530 $41,11? Starting 20th - 24th year $38,389 539,925 $41,522 Starting 25th and over 538,772 540,323 $41,93.6 Wor~s C~ntract 12/1;/04 . u li D. CATEGORY III - P1ant Operator Class D/IV a Years of Service Effective Effective ~ Effective OS/OI/04 05/O1/05 05/DI/06 Probation 526, 771 527, 842 528, 956 Proba ti on - 1 st year $28, 674 $29, 82I $31, 013 Starting 2nd year 530,714 531,942 533,220 Starting 3rd - 4th year $32,530 $33,83I $35,185 Starting Sth - 9th year 536,287 537,739 539,248 Starting IOth - 14th year $36,666 $38,133 $39,658 Starting 15th - 19th year $37,042 $38,523 540,064 Startinq 20th - 24th year 537,399 538,895 $40,450 Starting 25th and over 537,788 $39,299 $40,871 E. CATEGORY IV - P1ant Operator Class C/III Years of Service Effective Effective Effective 05/01/04 05/O1/05 OS/01/06 Probation $27,279 $28,371 $29,506 Probation - lst year $29,144 530,309 531,522 Starting 2nd year 531,137 532,382 533,678 Starting 3rd - 4th year 532,846 534,160 535,526 Starting 5th - 9th year $36,616 $38,081 539,604 Starting IOth - 14th year 536,936 $38,413 539,950 Starting 15th - 19th year $37,255 $38,745 $40,295 Starting 20th - 24th year 537, 629 $39,135 $40, 700 Starting 25th and over $38,003 $39,523 $41,104 F. CATEGORY V- Plant Operator Class B/II Years of Service Effective Effective Effective 05/O1/04 05/01/05 05/01/06 Probation 527, 824 $28, 937 $30, 094 Probation - Ist year 529,687 530,874 532,109 Starting 2nd year $31,680 $32,948 $34,265 Starting 3rd - 4th year $33,469 $34,808 $36,200 Starting 5th - 9th year 537,157 538,643 540,188 Starting lOth - 14th year 537,492 538,992 540,551 Starting 15th - 19th year 537,830 $39,343 540,917 Starting 20th - 24th year 538,197 539,725 541,314 Starting 25th and over 538,589 540,132 541,738 rublic works Contract 12/14/04 ' Lf~j G, ~~GpRy yI - Plant Operator Class A/I Years of Service Effective Effective Effective 05/01/04 05/O1/05 05/O1/06 Probation 528,445 $29,583 530,766 Probation - Ist year 530,318 $31,531 532,792 Starting 2nd year 532,317 533,610 534,954 Starting 3rd - 4th year $34,144 $35,509 $36,930 Startinq Sth - 9th year 537,811 $39,323 $40,896 Starting IOth - 14th year $38,157 $39,684 $41,271 Starting 15th - 19th year 538,501 $40,041 541,643 Starting 20th - 24th year $38,873 540,427 $42,045 Starting 25th and over $39,273 $40,844 542,478 *Probation - 4 years Category II *Starting 5 years Category III *Starting 10 years Category IV *Starting 15 years Category V *Starting 20 years Category VI E~blic Works Contract 12/14/04 • Q(