HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3976 - execution of the illinois public works mutual aid network agreement (IPWMAN) RESOLUTION NO. ~ ~ 7~
A Resolution Authorizing Execution of the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network Agreement
WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, 1970, Article VII, Section 10, authorizes
units of local government to contract or otherwise associate among themselves in any manner not
prohibited by law or ordinance; and, ~
WHEREAS, the "Intergoverszmental Cooperation Acl", 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., provides that
any pawer or powers, privileges ar authority exercised or which may be exercised by a unit of local
government may be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any other unit of local govemment; and,
WHEREAS, Section 5 of the "Intergovernrnental Cooperation Act", 5 ILCS 220/5, provides
that any one or more public agencies may contract with any one or more public agencies to perform any
governmental service, activity or undertaking which any of the public agencies entering into the contract
is authorized by law ta perform, provided that such contract shall be authorized by the governing body
of each party to the contract; and,
WHEREAS, the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Canton have determined that it is in
the best interests of the City of Canton and its residents to enter into an intergoveznmental agreement to
secure to each the benefits of mutuai aid in public works and the protection of life and property from an
emergency or disaster and to provide far public works assistance, training and other necessary functions
to further the response and recovery from said emergency or disaster. The principal abjective of the
public works mutual aid assistance being the response to and recovery from any emergency or disaster
and the return of the community to as near nozmal as quickly as possible.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton
Counry, Illinois as follows:
SECTION ONE: That the Mayor and the City Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an
Agreement for participation in the IlIinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN), a copy of
said Agreement being attached hereto and being made a part hereof.
APPROVED this 3`d day of January, 2012, by a roll call vote as follows: ~~.~~~r~
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A~s: A Id , ~
NAYS: /~!v'uc
evin R. Meade, Mayor
i a Tuc er, City Clerk
Illinois Public Works
Mutual Aid Network Agreement
This Pubiic Works Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") is entered into by the City Of Canton
which has, by execuEing this Agreement, manifested its intent to participate in an Intrastate Program for
Mutual Aid and Assistance, hereinafter entitled the "Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network
(IPWMAI~"; and
WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, 1970, Article VTI, Section 10, {hereinafter "Act")
authorizes units of local govemment to contract or otherwise associate among themselves in any manner
not prohibited by law or ordinance; and
WHEREAS, any community that is a home rule unit of local government under the 1970 Constitution of
the State of Illinois and as such may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its
government and affairs; and
WHEREAS, the Act provides that any one or more pubiic agencies may contract with any one or more
otlier public agencies to set forth fully the purposes, powers, rights, objectives and responsibilities of the
contracting Parties; and
WHERE.4S, the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., provides that any
power or powers, privileges or authority exercised or which may be erercised by a unit of loca[
government may be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any other unit of local government including a
unit of local government from another state; and
WHEREAS, the Parties to this Agreement may voluntarily agrae to participate in mutual aid and
assistance activities conducted under the State of Illinois Intrastata Mutual Aid and Assistance Program
and the Interstate Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC). Parties may voluntarily agree
to participate in an interstate Mutual Aid and Assistance Program for public works related agencies
including, but not limited to; local municipal public works departments, township road districts, unit road
districts, county highway departments, public water agencies and public wastewater agencies or any other
governmental entity that performs a public works function through this Agreement if such a program
were established.
WHEREAS, the Parties hereto are units of local government as defined by the Constitution of the State of
Illinois and fihe Intergovernmental Cooperation Act; and
WHEREAS, the Par#ies recognize that they are vulnerable to a variety of potential, natural and man-made
disasters; and
WHEI2EAS, tlie Parties to this Agreement wish to provide mutual aid and assistance to one another during
times of disaster or public works emergencies.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as foilows:
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The Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAI~ program is hereby established to provide a
method whereby public works related agencies, including, but not limited to, local municipal public
works departments, township road districts, unit road districts, county highway departments, public water
agencies and public wastewater agencies or any other governmental entity that performs a public works ~
function in need mutual aid assistance may request aid and assistance in the form of personnel,
equipment, materials and/or other associated services as necessary from other public works related
agencies. The purpose of this Agreement is to formally document such a program.
The following definitions will apply to the terms appearing in this Agreement.
A. "AGENCY" means any municipal public works agency, township road district, unit road district,
county highway departrnents, publicly-owned water organization and publicly-owned wastewater
organization or any other governmental entity that performs a public works function tliat abides by the
provisions as found in this Agreement.
B. ".47D AND ASSISTANCE" includes, but is not limited to, personnel, equipment, facilities, services,
materials and supplies and any other resources needed to provide mutual aid response.
C. "AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE" means a Party's employee who, by reason of his or her position,
has been authorized, in writing by that Party, to request, offer, or provide aid and assistance pursuant to
this Agreement.' Each Party's initia] authorized representative, and the representative's title, is listed on
the contact list. If the title of the authorized representative as listed by name on the contact iist has
changed, such change shall have no effect on the authority of the authorized representative and the named
person shall continue to be the authorized representative until a different person is named as the
authorized representative in writing by the Party. In t6e event that the person who is listed as authorized
representative is no longer employed by the Party, the successor in the office formeriy held by the
authorized representative shall automatically become the authorized representative unIess the Party
indicates otherwise in writing. Each Party's authorized representative shall be responsible to designate
someone to supervise that Party's empIoyees who are engaged in the receipt or furnishing of aid and
assistance, including, but not limited to, opening of public ways; removal of debris; building of protective
barriers; management of physical damage to structures and terrain; transportation of persons, supplies,
and equipment; and repair and operation of municipal utilities.
D. "BOARD OF DIRECTORS" is a group of representatives from the Parties to the IPWMAN
Agreement elected to organize and maintain the program. The Board of Directors shall consist of
members of the IPWMAN. Qualifications and terms for the Board members shall be defined in the By-
Laws of the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network, Inc.
E. "BOARD MEMBER" is a representative of the Association (TPWMAI~ serving on the Board of
F. "DISASTER" means a calamitous incident threatening loss of life or significant loss or damage to
property, including, but not limited to flood, winter storm, hurricane, tornado, dam break, or other
naturally-occurring catastrophe or man-made, accidental, military, or paramilitary incident, or biological
or health disasters or a natural or manmade incident that is, or is likely to be, beyond the control of the
services, personnel, equipment and facilities of a Party that requires assistance under tYus Mutual Aid and
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Assistance Agreement, but must be coordinated through the appropriate local accredited/certified
Emergency Management Agency coordinator.
G. "IPWMAN" is the acronym for the r(linois Public Works Mutual Aid Network.
H. "LOCAL EMERGENCY" is defined as an urgent need requiring immediate action or attention beyond
normal capabilities, procedures and scope for aid and assistance by an agency.
I. "M[ITUAL AID RESOURCE LIST" means the list of the equipment, personnel and other resources that
each Party has available for the provision of aid and assistance to other Parties. This list shall be
periodically updated in accordance with the Operational Plan. ~
J. "N.4TIONAL INCIDENI`M~lNAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS)" a Presidential directive that provides a
consistent nationwide approach that allows federal, state, focal and tribal governments as well as private-
sector and nongovernmental organizations to work together to manage incidents and disasters of all kinds.
K. "P.4R7Y" means an agency which has adopted and executed this Agreement.
L. "PERIOD OF.4SSISTANCE" means a specified period of time when a Responding ~lgency assists a
Requesting Agency. The period commences when personnel, equipment, or supplies depart from a
Responding Agency's facility and ends when the resources return to their facility (gortal to portal). All
protections identified in the Agreement apply during this period. The specified Period of Assistance may
occur during response to or recovery from an emergency, as previously defined.
M. "RF,SPONDING AGENCY" means the Party or Agency' which has received a request to furnish aid
and assistance from another I'arty and has agreed to provide the same.
N. "REQUESTING AGENCY" means the Party or Agency requesting and receiving aid az~d assistance
from a Responding Agency.
A. PROVISIONOFAID. Each Party recognizes that it may be requested to provide aid and assistance at
a time when it is necessary to provide similar aid and assistance to the Party's own constituents. This
Agreement shall not be construed to impose any unconditional obligation on any Party to provide aid and
assistance. A Party may choose not to render aid and assistance at any time, for any reason.
B. RECRUITMENT. The Parties hereby encourage each other to enlist other agencies to adopt and
execute this Agreement.
C. AGREEMENT FOR BENEFIT OF PARTIES. All functions and activities performed under this
Agreement are for the benefit of the Parties to this Agreement. Accordingly, this Agreement shall not be
construed to be for the benefit of any third parties and no third parties shall have any right or cause of
action against the Parties to this Agreement.
D. IMMUIVITIES. All immunities provided by law to the Parties shall be fully applicable to the Parties
providing or receiving aid and assistance pursuant to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the
Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act, 745 [LCS 10/1-101, et seq.
E, MEMBERSHIP. To be a member in good standing, a Party shall be responsibte for dues and other
obligations as specified in the IPWMAN By-Laws and Operational Plan.
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At a minimum, the Board of Directors shall meet annually at a meeting place designated by the Board of
Directors to review and discuss this Agreement and, if applicable, to recommend amendments to this
Agreement. The Board of Directors shall have the power and signing authority to carry out the purposes
of this Agreement, including but not limited to the power ta: adopt by-laws; execute agreements and
documents approved by the Board of Directors; develop specific operating plans, procedures and protocol
for requesting assistance; organize meetings; operate a website; disseminate information; create
informational brochures; create subcommittees; maintain lists of the Parties; maintain equipment and
supply inventory lists; and deal with Party issues.
The Board of Directors wiil promulgate and regularly update procedures for requesting assistance through
the Illinois Public Works MutuaI Aid Network (IPWMAI~ Operational Plan.
7'he Board of Directors will promulgate and regularly update procedures for responding agency's
assessment of availability of resources through IPWMAN Operational Plan.
shall designate a representative who shall serve as the person in charge of coordinating the initial work
assigned to the Responding Agency's employees by the Requesting Agency. The Requesting Agency
shall direct and coordinate the work being assigned to the Responding Agency(s) and the Requesting
Agency's employees. All actions shall be consistent with and in accordance with the Nationai Incident
Management System (NIMS) and the IPWMAN Operational Plan.
Directors will promulgate and regularly update procedures for Responding Agency's supervisory
personnel through the IPWMAN Operational Plan.
The Board of Directors wiil promulgate and regularly update procedures for length of time for aid and
assistance; renewability; recall through the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN)
Operational Plan.
It is presumed that a Responding Agency's aid and assistance shall be given for an initial minimum
period of twelve (12) hours. Thereafter, assistance shall be extended as the Responding Agency and
Requesting Agency shall agree. The twelve (12) hour period shall start when the aid and assistance
departs from Responding Agency's location with the intent of going to Requesting Agency's location.
The aid and assistance shall end when it returns to Responding Agency's location with the understanding
between the Responding Agency and Requesting Agency that provision of aid and assistance is complete.
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Responding Agency may recall its aid and assistance at any time at its sole discretion. Responding
Agency shall make a good faith effort to give the Requesting Agency as much advance notice of the recall
as is practical under the circumstances.
A. PERSONNEL - Responding Agency shall continue to pay its employees according to its then
prevailing ordinances, rules, reguIations, and collective bargaining agreements. At the conclusion of the
period of aid and assistance, the Responding Agency shall document all direct and indirect payroll costs
plus any taxes and employee benefits which are measured as a function of payrolt (i.e.; FICA,
unemployment, retirements, etc.).
the basic needs of Responding Agency's traveling employees, such as reasonable lodging and meal
expenses of Responding Agency's personnel, including without limitation transportation expenses for
travel to and from the stricken area during the period of aid and assistance.
C. EQUIPMENf - Responding Agency shall document the use of its equipment during the period of aid
and assistance including without limitation all repairs to its equipmant as determined necessary by its on-
site supervisor(s) to maintain such equipment in safe and operational condition, fuels, miscellaneous
supplies, and damages directly caused by provision of the aid and assistance.
D. MATERIALS AND S'UPPLIES - Responding Agency shall document all materials and supplies
furnished by it~and used or damaged during the period of aid and assistance.
E. REIMBURSEMEIVT OF COSTS- Equipment, personnel, materials, supplies andlor services provided
pursuant to this Agreement shall be at no charge to the Requesting Agency, unless the aid and assistance
is requested for more than five (5) calendar days. If aid and assistance is requested from the State of
Illinois to be activated as a State asset, the Responding Agency will be reimbursed for personnel,
materials, supplies and equipment from the first day of the response,to the event by the State of Illinois.
Materials and supplies will be reimbursed at the cost of replacement of the commodity, Personnel will be
reimbursed at Responding Agency rates and equipment will be reimbursed at an appropriate equiprnent
rate based upon either pre-existing ]ocally established rates, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Equipment Rate Scheduie or that published by the I1linois Department of Transportation. In the event
that there is no such appropriate equipment rate as described above, reimbursement shall be at the actual
cost incurred by the Responding Agency.
Whenever Responding Agency's employees are rendering aid and assistance pursuant to this Agreemant,
such employees shall retain the same powers, duties, immunities, and privileges they would ordinarily
possess if performing their duties within the geographical limits of Responding Agency.
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The Parties agree that Requesting Agency shall be responsible for payment of workers' compensation
benefits owed to Requesting Agency's employees and that Responding Agency shall be responsible for
payment of workers' compensation benefrts owed to Responding Agency's employees,
Each Party shall bear the risk of liability for i~s agency and its agency's employees' acts and omissions
and shall determine for itself what amount of insurance it shouid carry, if any. Each Party understands
and agrees that any insurance coverage obtained shall in no way limit that Party's responsibility under
Section XIII of this Agreement to indemnify and hold the other Parties to this Agreament harmless from
such liability.
Each Party hereto agrees to waive ail claims against all other Parties hereto for any loss, damage,
personal injury or death occurring in consequence of the performance of this Mutual Aid
Agreement; provided, however, that such claim is not a result of gross negligence or willful
misconduct by a ParCy hereto or its personnel.
Bach Party requesting aid pursuant to this Agreement hereby expressly agrees to hold harmless,
indemnify and defend the Party rendering aid and its personnel from any and all claims,
demands, liabilit~, losses, suits in law or in equity which are made by a third party provided,
however, that all empIoyee benefits, wage and disability payments, pensions, worker's
compensation claims, damage to or destruction of equipment and clothing, and medical expenses
of the 1'arty rendering aid or its employees shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the
Party rendering aid; and further provided that such claims made by a third party are not the result
of gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Party rendering aid. This indemnity
shall include attorney fees and costs that may arise from providing aid pursuant to this
The rendering of assistance under the terms of this Agreement shall not be mandatory if local
conditions of the Responding Agency prohibit response. It is the responsibility of the Responding
Agency to immediately notify the Requesting Agency of the Responding Ageney's inability to
respond; however, failure to immediately notify the Requesting Agency of such inability to
respond shall not constitute evidence of noncompliance with the tenns of this secCion and no
liability may be assigned.
No liability of any kind or nature shall be attributed to or be assumed, whether expressly or
imp(ied, by a party hereto, its duly authorized agents and parsonnel, for failure or refusal to render
aid. Nor shall there be any liability of a party for withdrawal of aid once provided pursuant to the
terms of this Agreement.
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Each Party who becomes aware of a claim or suit that in any way, directly or indirectly, contingently or
otherwise, affects or might affect other Parties of this Agreement shall provide prompt and timely notice
to the Parties who may be affected by the suit or claim. Each Party reserves the right to participate in the
defense of such claims or suits as necessary to protect its own interests.
Proposed amendments to this Agreement shall be submitted to the Board of Directors. Amendments shall
be approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Additional agencies may become Parties to this Agreement, provided that such agencies:
(1) Approve and execute this Agreement.
(2) Provide a fully executed copy of this Agreement to the Board of Directors.
(3} Provide the name and title of an authorized representative to the Board of Directors.
(4) Annually provide a list of mutual aid resources to its Iocal accredited/certified Emergency
Management Agency. If requested, the 'agancy may need to assist its local
accredited/certified Emergency Management Coordinator with data entry of its mutual
aid resources into a web-based fonnat (NIMS Source).
Upon submission of the items enumerated above to the Board of Directors and receipt of
acknowledgement from the Board of Directors, the submitting agency shall be regarded as a Farty to the
Notices and requests as provided herein shall be deemed given as of the date the notices are deposited, by
First Class Mail, addressed to the Board of Directors who wiil n~tify each of the Parties' representatives.
The initial term of this Agreement shall be one (1) year from its effective date. Thereafter, this
Agreement shalI automatically renew for additional one-year terms commencing on the anniversary of the
effective date of this Agreement. Any Party may withdraw from this Agreement at any time by giving
written notification to the Board of Directors. The notice shail not be effective until ninety (90} days after
the notice has been served upon the Board of Directors by First Class mail. A Party's withdrawal from
this Agreement shall not affect that Party's liability or obligation incurred under this Agreement prior to
the date of withdrawal, This Agreement shall continue in force and effect as to alI other Parties until such
ti?ne as a Party withdraws. Failure to adopt any amended agreement within ninety (90) days of said
amended agreement will signify a Party's withdrawal from the Agreement.
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The headings of various sections and subsections of this Agreement have been inserted for convenient
reference only and shall not be construed as modifying, amending, or affecting in any way the express
terms and provisions of this Agreement or their interpretation.
Should any clause, sentence, provision, paragraph, or other part of this Agreement be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the
remainder of this Agreement. Each of the Parties declares that it wouid have entered into this Agreement
irrespective of the fact that any one or more of this Agreement's clauses, sentences, provisions,
paragraphs, or other parts have been declared invalid. Accordingly, it is the intention of the Parties that
the remaining portions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect wtthout regard to the
clause(s), sentence(s), provision(s), paragraph(s), or other part{s} invalidated.
This Agreement sllall be effective on the date of the acknowledgement letter sent by the Board of
Failure to enforce strictly the terms of this Agreement on ane or more occasions shall not be deemed a~
waiver of the right to enforce strictly the terms of this Agreement on any other occasion.
This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts with the same effect as if the signatures
thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument.
To the extent that provisions of prior IPWMAN Agreements between signatories to this Agreement are
inconsistent with this Agreement, all prior agreements for mutual aid and assistance between the Parties
hereto are suspended.
This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Parties and no person or entity shali have any rights under
this Agreement as a third-Party beneficiary. Assignments of benefits and delegations of duties created by
tlus Agreement are prohibited and must be without effect.
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. .
NOW, THEREFORE, each of the Parties have caused this IPWMAN Mutual Aid Agreement to be
executed by its duly authorized representative who has signed this Agreemant as of the date set forth
Approved and executed this3rd dQy o
f January , 20~ ~
For the Agency
~y, t ,
Attesi: `
APPROVED (as to form):
On behalf of the Illinois Public Works Mutual ,4id Network
Approved and e ecuted lhis o~3 day of . 2a ~Z
P Boar o irec
Attest: ,J~~
IPWMAN Secretary/Treasurer
Approved by the IPWMgNlnterim Board of Directors on September 17, 2008. Amended by the
IPWMAN Interim Board of Directors on August 19, 2009. Amended by the IPWMAN Board of
Directors on Jufze 16, 2010
9 of 9 revised 6/13/10
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This Certificate of Achievement acknowledges that
Cit of Canton
_ _
is a member of a statewide network of public works agencies whose
principal purpose is to provide mutual aid response and recovery
assistance to each other when confronted with major natural or
manmade emergencies and disasters.
; sident Secretary/Treasurer ~
' Signed this a2 3 ti..t,, day of G?~ ~.,c~, , 2012.
: , - . _ ~
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' - ~ - - - n~~nois
Public Works
Mutual Aid Network
1701 East Main Street
Urbana, Illinois 61802
City of Canton Joins Statewide
Public Works Mutual Aid Network
Urbana, Illinois - Apri123, 2012 The Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN)
welcomes the City of Canton as a member of its statewide mutual aid network. As a member of
the statewide mutual aid network, the City of Canton will have access to valuable resources
during times of disaster and/or emergency when its resources have been exhausted. In addition
to requesting aid, the City of Canton will provide assistance to other communities, if needed,
when they are faced with situations that require immediate help beyond their capabilities.
To become a member, the City of Canton signed an agreement with IPWMAN and submitted a
listing of resources.
About Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (IPWMAN)
It is the mission of the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network (II'WMAN), in the spirit of
intergovernmental cooperation, to develop and maintain a statewide network of public works
related agencies whose principal purpose is to provide mutual aid response and recovery
assistance to each other when confronted with major natural or man-made emergencies and
As first responders, public works agencies began to look at efficient ways to allocate resources to
communities that needed help during times of disasters and emergencies. Fire departments and
law enforcement agencies have had statewide mutual aid programs in place, but public works
agencies depended upon help from their neighboring communities. Recently, weather-related
emergencies have caused wide-spread damage making it difficult for neighboring communities
to help each other since they were helping their own citizens with storm damage. IPWMAN
officially launched its statewide program in January 2009 to be able to efficiently respond to
communities when help is needed.
For more information, please contact.
IPWMAN Agency Contact &
Iilinoia Resource Information
Public Works
Mutual Aid Network
Agency Name Business
Mailing Address Emergency
Zip Code Fax
County Region
CONTACT PRIMARY 1`t Alternate 2"d Alternate
Office Phone
Home Phone
Cell Phone
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ADDITIONAL RESOURCES - List available resources not identified in the response team list.
This should include items such as barricades, sandbags, and arrow-boards along with any
s ecialized e ui ment our a enc has that could be useful durin an emer enc .
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Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network
1701 E. Main Street
Illinois Urbana, IL 61802
Public Works www.ipwman.org
Mutual Aid Network
Apri123, 2012
Dear IPWMAN Member:
Welcome to the Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network: Since your time is valuable, I will
try to make this letter as short as possible. Enclosed is a form to be completed that asks for
information about your resources. Please send the completed form to me via mail, e-mail or fax
as soon as possible.
Also included are links for training information (NIMS and other emergency preparedness
courses), 2012 Board of Directors Meeting calendar, list of the Board of Directors, and a Save
the Date card for our annual meeting.
Speaking of the Board of Directors and Committee assignments, please consider being an active
member of IPWMAN. Our strength comes from the involvement of our membership. There are
many opportunities to volunteer. We encourage you to participate as a resource coordinator,
committee member, or board member.
Currently, our membership is over 130 member agencies. We value your support and appreciate
your feedback. Feel free to contact me or any of the Board Members if you have any questions
about IPWMAN.
~~,e~,~, ,~~~t,.,Le~e,
Barbara H. Stiehl
phone: 217.819.3155
fax: 217.819.3180