HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3964 - amendment to the highway authority agreement with marathon petroleum company ~ ~ RESOLUTI~N N0. 3 9 6 4 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE HIGHWAY AUTHORITY AGREEMENT WITH THE MARATHON PETROLEUM COMPANY, LCC AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF CANT4N TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CTTY OF CANTON WHEREAS, on September 5, 2006, via Resolution #37b9, the City of Canton approved a Highway Authority Agreement with the Marathon Petroleum Company, LI,C in regards to the former Marathon Station located at 610 North Main Street, Canton, Illinois; and WHEREAS, Marathon Petroleum Company, LL has requested an amendment to the agreement that adds analytical data from the final sampling event completed in May 2009; and WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Canton, Illinois has reviewed the terms of the proposed amendment to the Highway Authority Agreennent, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the Gity of Canton, Illinois has determined that it is desirable and in the best interest of the City of Canion to approve said amendment to the Highway Authority Agreement. NOW, T~IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLTNOIS, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Amendment to the Highway Authority Agreement between the Cifiy of Canton and Marathon Petroleum Company, LLC, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, is hereby approved in the form attached as Exhibit A. 2. That the Mayoz and the City Clerk af th~ City of Canton, Tllinois are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amendment on behalf of the City of Canton. 3. That this Resoluhon shall be m full force and effect immediately upon rts passage by the City Council of the Ciry of Canton, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Cauncil of the Ciry of Canton, Illinois at a regular meeting this 2~ day of September, 2011 upon a roll call vote as foilows: AYES: Aldermen Schenck, Pasley, Fritz, West, Hartford, Pcickel, Ell.iis Nelson NAYS: None ABSENT: None APPROVED: / : t _ ~ j~ ~ ~ ~ Kevin R. Mea.de Mayor ATTEST: ~ Diana Tucker City Clerk 1 ,.,p'f ~ ~ . y p ' - . .l: t+ ~~G.'~.'~,`3~~ %~..T~~~s.,``'~'~:~I:~~~l~~~ ~ t i !i 5=;.91"s:~'= _ 11 ~ ~i ~~.~~`~'!l e~+ ~'~'~~I~? ~~~~4 ~ L~ ; f~ E ~1~I~i : This First Amendment is entered inio this 20th 2ay oi September . 201I; and is hereby made a~art of tlie Tiered Approach to Co7ective-Action Objectives Agrcement ("HAA with City oi i anton"} date~ ~Iie 6th day of SeptemUer, 2006, between Nlarathon Petroleum Company LLC (n/k/a Marathon 1 etroleu,.-n Company 4 P} ("OwnerJOperator"} and -the City of Canton {"City"} for #hose poriions ai ihe Ci'ry right-of-way adjaceni to #he property located at S10 North 1Vlain Streei, Canton, ~11ino?s. ~''•~`~'I~~~Ux'"~x~: ~A`= `~-!e ~-'..~A wi~th City or C~ztoT: ~s suhiect to ~he iollo~vi.~d te~rns and condifiions, ta-wi~: ~ A. Exhibi~ A of the HAA wi$1 City of Canton is hereby amended by ~ emoving page 14 of the ~iA.A with City of Canton containing a figure Iabeled, "Figure 2, Approximate Extent of I~npacted Groundwa~ei" dated 7/3/2006 ith pa~and rep 1 ac i nc~ of this First Amendment containing a figure Iabel_ed "Figure Iv~odeled i t Extent of Groundwater Impacts" dateci 03/I4/2011, and removing pages 15 fihough I9 of #he ~-IAA ~c~vith City of Canton containing a taUle labeled; "~'able 2 Groundwater Sample Analytical Results" anc~ replacing it with pages 4 through 7 of this First Amcndment contai.ning a tabl_e labeled; " 1 able 2 Groundwater Sarnple ~inalytical Results-BTEX." B. The terms, conditions, rights and obliga~iozs provided ior iz tihe r~A ~~~ith City of Canton shall continue in fulI force and effect except to th.e exient illat the said F~ibit A has been modified by tlie teTms of fi~iis First Amendmen~. [3[~ema.inder of this pag~ anten~aonally ie~i 1~lank. S~gnature ~age fal~avrs~ ; 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner/Operator, Marathon Petroleum Company LP, has caused this First Amendment to be signed by its duly authorized representative. MARATHON PETROLEUM CUMPANY LP Sy: MPC Investment LLC, its Genera! Partner 13a~e: /0 2y t/ - Bv: Its: J~' ~~'j'S 'I'itle IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this First Amendment to be signed by its duly authorized representative. CYTY OF CANTON ~ _ ~ ~ i" ~ B i~~ Date: ~ ~ ~ y: 7, ~ ri/~~1~~ Its: " 1 ~ Tit e 2 of 7 3 of 7 ~ HARD£E'SRESTAURANT `~~~~~-~-~~~-~-1 i 638 N. MA/N ST. ~ ~ ~ I P/N #s: 09-Gd-27-210-f116, ~ I ~ -027, --028, -02~( -030 HARDEE'S ~ -e I Q i I LEGEND RESTAURANT , I uw-4 ~ IXISiING MONfiORING WELL LOCATION q,„,~.~, , ` ~ ~+~v-3 o~ov~o ~ornro~~c wEu ; ( - - - ~ - R ! wA~ uNE L4NDSCAPED P~~ ~ ! I 4• ~PHONE UNE ISLAND i - - _ GAS UNE ~ ~ . i i ~ ~ ^ . --ou--- OVERHEAD U71LiTIES i ~ m TRAFFlC BOX I ~ i ~ , ; _ _ ~-8 .1__l_ _.I_1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MW-2 ,9 , i E~, O CATCH 9ASIN OR MANHOIE ~ ~ ~Atw-2R ~w-~ ~ ~ 1~ I p FlRE HYDRANT o ~ ~ :.tosm ~u~trxav sr~rterv /srs5 ~ ` ; ' ~ = I s~o n! tcvx sr. ~ i ~ ~ I ~ ' w= vnar}+ oF sou~ aaw+t~. ro cw ~.ow ~ W j! Q . ' ' I 4 5w = SOURCE WID1H PERPENDICUTAR TO GW fLOW ° ~ _ ~ ~ j j_ i _},_,_i ~ ~ cb N~DELED DIRECT10N IN HORIZOPfTAI PLANE 4 N w ~ ~ ~ a~ • ~6~ao I' EXTENT OF ~ ; ~ GRG~t~DWATER ~ , O ' I R WAS CALCUlA7ED THAT 7}iE BEN2EPIE CONCENTRATiON ~ I { • ~~w-9 ~ ' t EXTENT REtAEDIATI~N QBJECTNE A'f A DISTANCE OF 31 FEET ~ FROM iHE EDGE 4F THE PLUME a I ' ~cn ~ \ i I ~ ~ A{Y{_ - ~ . . ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ i r' ~ $ ~ MW- rl.W-3R 1(-~ MW-4 i Q ~ - . - - . ~ . - ~ J _ . _ . _ ~ ~ d - - - - ~ - - • - NOTE: ALL UTiLfiY ANO WELL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE z° k~ _ g~ 4 ~ ( w~ ~ ~ scu""~"`s`r R o ------------------¢-6~NE STREE'T I o so• ao' " ~ ma . ~ ~ . . O' i I~C. ~ r'--'-'r"~-'1-'- TO~ Practzcel Enviroamental Consultants, ~ { * I ~ I i { 1305 R.m~ry~la; Road. Atih A PAen~ Q4T3193130 ~ ~_5 ~ ~ ~ I Selwun6c~, ~als 60t73 FneAmM M7319.SISt O ~ ' I i ! ~ ~ ~I~OELED EXtENT IAARATHON STATION ~5185 ~ I ~ ~ pF GROUNDWATER ~ 610 NORTH AIAIN STREET ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ IAIPACTS CANTON, IWNOIS ~ L.-•^--1_.__.,I_._-._~.--~ I DAn: ScuF APPROrED MrN.9Y F~cuaE ~ 03/14/2611 ~s sHawN wE5 7~c 2 W a 4 of 7 Table 2 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS - BTEX (mg/L) FORlVff1R MARATHON STATION #5185 CAN'1'UN, iLLTN~IS Parameter Date Benzene Toluene Etlrylbenzene lylenes MW-1 12/22/47 0.004 0.4024 ND 0.0048 MW-2 12/22/97 OA043 0.002 ND 0.0047 MW-3 12l22/97 3.91 O.Q37 1.74 Z•22 MW-4 i 2/22/97 4.16 0.446 3.6 9.96 IviW-1 8/17/98 0.003 ND O.1G0 0.049 MW-2 8/17/98 ND ND ND ND MW-3 S/17/48 1.2 0.007 0340 • 0.160 MW-4 S/17/98 ND 0.022 0.820 1.9 MW-1 3/9100 ND ND !N~ ~ MW-2 3/9/00 ND ND ND ~ MW-3 3(9/00 7.1 ND 2.3 2.4 MW-4 3/9/00 3A ND 2.3 5.6 MW-1 5/11/00 ND N~ ~ ~ ` _ - - h'.~ , MW-2 5/II/00 N;~ ND i~fia MW-3 5/11/00 6.4 ND 2.0 ~ 2.1 MW-4 5/11/00 2.2 ND 1.2 2.9 Tier 1 Groundwater 0.025 2.5 1.0 10.0 Remediation Objectives for ~ Class IT Groundwater 5 of 7 Table 2 (continued) GROUNDWATER SAMPI.E ANALYTICAL RESULTS - BTEX (mg/L) FOI2M~R MARATHON STATIOI~ #5185 . CE'~1tiT'~~Jiv, IT.L~NOI& _ Parameter Date Henzene Toiuene Ethyloenzena Y~t~lenes M MW-1 7/25/O1 0.0048 ND 0.1G0 0.130 MW-2 7/25/O1 ND ND ND ND MW-3 7/25/O1 1.1 ND 0.170 ND MW-4 7/25/Oi 0.770 ND Q.840 13 MW-5 7/25/O1 ND ND ND ND MW-1 4/30/0'Z ND ND 0.03G 0.029 MW-2 4/30I02 ND ND ,ND ND MW-3 4/3Q/02 0.051 Nll 0.0072 0.008 MW-4 4/30/OZ 0.037 ND 0.034 0.100 MW-5 4/30/02 ND ND Nv ~ MW-1 1/16I03 4.0024 ND ND 0.0074 MW-2 1/17/03 ND ND ND ND MW-3 1/17/03 2.5 <0.020 0.570 1.1 M`rV-~1 1/i6l~? ~'0.425 i.6 3.4 MW-7 1/17/03 ND ND ND ~ MW-8 1/17/03 ND ND N~ ~ Tier 1 Groundwater 0.025 2.5 1.0 10.0 Remediation Objectives for Class II Groundwater 7 of 7 Tabfe 2 (continued) GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYTTCAL RESULTS - STEX (mg/L) FORMER 1VIARA,THON STATION #5185 CANTON, II,LINOIS ~Par~;net~.,r Date Be~~zen~, ~ loluene Eti~~;~lber.zene~~~ %~ylenes MW-1 3/29/06 0.027 <O.QO1 ~.014 0.026 MW-2R 3/29/06 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 MW-3R 3/29/06 <0.001 <O.OOI <O.OOI <0.001 MW-4 3/29/06 0.280 0.0098 0.380 0.400 MW-5 3/29/06 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 MW-6 3/29/O6 <0.001 <0.001 <O.U01 <0.001 MW-7 3/29/06 <0.001 <0.~01 <0.001 <0.001 MW-S 3/29/06 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 ~ MW-9 3/29/06 O.OIU <0.001 0.0015 0.024 MW-1 5/28/09 0.015 <0.002 0.211 0.290 MW-2R 5/28/09 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 MW-3R 5/28/09 <0.002 <0.002 <d.002 <0.002 MW-4 5/28/09 0.918 0.128 2.110 5•28~ M~V-5 S/28/09 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 MW-9 5/28109 ---G.ti~U47 <0.0+:;2 =0.u0:' <(:.~Q? Tier 1 Groundwater Remediation Objectives for 0.025 2.5 1.0 1G.0 Class II Groundwater < = T.ess Than NOTE: A bold number indicates an exceedance of a Tier i Groundwater Remediation Objective for Class II groundwater. 6 of 7 Tabie 2 (continued) GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS - BTEX (mg/L} FORiVIER MARATHON STATIUN #5185 t:~~'~'QId TI..LIIlTOI~4 Parameter Date Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzeri~ Xylenes MW-1 1/16/04 0.073 <0.001 0.077 0.130 MW-2 1/16/04 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 IvIW-3 1/16/04 1.8 <0.010 0.130 0.760 MW-4 1J16/04 0.850 <0.025 1.3 29 MW-5 1/16/04 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 MW-6 l/t6/04 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 • MW-7 1/16/04 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 MW-8 1/1G/04 <0.001 <0.001 <Q.001 <0.001 MW-1 12/13/04 0.150 <0.005 0.130 0.280 MW-2 12/13/04 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 MW-3 1Z/13/04 2.4 0.013 1.6 2.140 MW-4 12/13/04 3.0 0.160 3.2 8.900 MW-5 12/13/04 <0.005 <O.QOS <0.005 <0.005 ' MVr'-E 12/13i~J4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 MW-7 12/13/04 <0.005 <0.005 ~ <0.005 ! <0.005 MVJ-8 12/13/04 <0.005 <0.6Q5 <0.005 <0.005 HB-S-S 12/15/04 0.021 <0.005 <0.005 0.006 Tier 1 Groundwater 0.025 2.5 I.0 10.0 Remediation Objectives for Class TI Groundwater