HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-12-2011 Committee Minutes - - ~..~~.rc:.. ~ CLERI'CAL COMMITTEE Tuesday July 12, 2011- 6:30 p,rn, Donalc~ E. Edwards 1!I?ay 50 N~r1~h 4th ~lvenue Cantor~ [l. 615~~ Aldermen in attendancE~; - Jeremy Pasley, Dave Pickel, Justin Nels~n, 1im Hartford, Jeff Fritz, Eric Schenck, Craig b1/est, ;:~nd G~rald Ellis Staff in attendance: Car~~l Kohler, City Treasurer Aaron Anderson, City Attorney Chrisste Peterson, City Administr~ii~or Jim Snider, I~olice Chief Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Keith Frank, Joe Ginger Video Services, SRPED Mark Rothert, Comptroller Caty Campbell In the audience: D~n Oaks, Scott, 1"racy, ;~nd Jake Snowman, Phil Fleming, Lee Puleo, Pastor Patty Hoffman, Steven Llo~r~~ and co?npanion News Media- John Froehlin,; from Daily Led~;er. F~inance Alderman Cr~~ig West, Chairman ! In an effort to accc rnmodatE~ speak~ers in the audience, the discussion order was not followed exactly as stated on the ag~enda. Health Insurance Options, Closing East Side Square for Events, and Farlilc Building Mural were dis~~ussed first, then the rneeting continued per agen~ia order. BILLS Motion and second were rr~ide by Aldermen Pickel and Pasley to send the bills to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice ~rote and was unanimous. TREASURER'S REPORT City Treasurer Aaron Anderson reporteci the Jur~e report reflects total available cash in the amount of $2,218,734.84. Cash outflc~~rvs for the montfi included $10,100 for the audit. The USEPA grant was zeroed out/transferred tc~ the TIF fund. W'ater/sewer account showeci a loss, with an ending balance of $424,091.48. Motion and second were made by ~~Idermen West/Fritz to send the Treasurer's report to Council for consideration. The motion carried by Woice vote and ~nras una~nimous. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT-FIRE DEPT This is a program from the f~e;~rai goverriment to replace current venicles at no cost to the City. Vehicles often have low mile~ige and low use. The City would be responsible for maintenance, repairs, and licensing. There is no minimum or maximum amount of time to keep the vehicles. Opportunities to secure a good vehicle ~ire short-lived, sometimes a matter of hours, so Chief Frank is looking for direction as to wheth~~r or not he can move to get a vehicle. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pasley to send the request to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. HYDRANT TRACKING COMPUTER PROGR:AM-FIRE DEPT This program v~rould improve the City's insurance rating. Hydrants should be checked twice per year, and in the past it has been a strug@;le to keep up with this. There is $2,000 in the budget for this item. Motion and sE~cond were made by AldE~rmen West/Fritz to send the request to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and wa~s unanimous. HEALTH INSURANCE OPTIONS Rick Semonis presented the information regarding renewal of the City's health insurance. A 12% increase is expected. Mr. Semonis ~~resented the High Deductible Health Plan, with three additional options - HSA, the Spouse Opt-Out Program, and the Employee/Spouse Wellness Program. Three wellness programs were offered for comparison. Motion and second were made by AIdE~rmen West/Fritz to send the options to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice v~a#e and was unanimous. MANAGEMENT TRAINING Proposals from Spoon River Ccllege and Liz Pollack Consulting were compared for management training for City department ~eads. SR~~'s bid of $2400 for six half-days of instruction was recommended over Pollack ConSUlting's bid of $3600. Motion and second were made by Aldei~men Fritz/Pasley~ to send the bid from SRC at $2400 on to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vo#e and was unanimous. AUDIT REPORT-MOTO~t FUEL TAX FUNC~ This is a procedural document from IDOT regarding Motc~r Fuel Taxes. The audit was prepared for 2003. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pasley to send to Council for approval. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. ALUMINUM DITCH BOX PURCHASE REC Ut EST The City has been operating without a ditch box for some time it is critical for worker safety to have one. In recent past, work requirin~; a ditch box has been done through other contractors but now the City could do this work in-house. Six thousand dollars was budgeted for this item, but now actual estimates are coming in at $12,221 from CAT Altorfer and at $12,924 from Efficiency Production. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Fritz to send to Council for approval the bid of $12,221 from CAT Altorfer. The motion carried by voice vote and w;as unanimous. SANITARY SEWER REPAIR - MAIN & VINE With the milling and overlaying of Main :5treet from Ash Street to the high school, the manhole at this intersection needs to be repaired. The City would purchase all the materials, City crews would provide trucking of gravel/dirt, etr,., and contractor would do the actual work. Keith will provide estimates at the next meeting. MAIN AND LOCUST STREET SA~VITARY SE:WER REPAIR This item was not addressed as it was an error on the agenda. 571 N. 6T" AVENUE SANITARY SEWER SEIRVICE RELOCATION BIDS The home at this address sits right on top of the sanitary sewer. Keith Plavec presented the bids of $4800 from Kinsel Excavating an~~ $5200 from GM M~chanical. The homeowner would pay the contractor, and the City would reimburse the homeowner. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pickel to send the bid by Kinsel Excavating at $4800 on to Counci! for approval. The motion carried by voice vote and w;as unanimous. The Finance Committee adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Leg;al & Ordinance Alderma~n Jeff Fritz, Chairman PERSONNEL POLICY REVISION-CITY EQUIPMENT An ordinance will be drawn regarding a rnemo sent to and si~ned by all City employees on June 27tn, which reminded them that no City e~quipment shoulci be t~ken home for personal use. Motion and second were made by Alciermen Fritz/Pascley to approve the personnel policy revision and send to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. BECKHAM WATER PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT- 206!5 N. MAIN The home at this address is requesting City water. The c~osest water mains are 366 feet to the Methodist main or 250 feet to the MarlE~e Drive main. The homeowner would have to pay for the extension to hook on, in addition to t:he usual tap arid meter fees. This situation is different because extension of th;s water main would close the loop, which would be an advantage to the City. Costs range between $12,000 and $15,000, inc:luding fire hydrants. Perhaps the three homeowners in this area could split the cost. The item will be left on the agenda for council next week. The Legal and Ordinance committee adjourned at 8:12 pm. Community Industriai Development A~derman Jeremy Pasley, Chairman UPD~?TE FROM MARK ROTHERT 61 East Side Square - Mark i~ working on two leads, and bid specs are being prepared for work completion at the rear of the property. The Downtown TIF work continues to be developed by Steve Kline. Open Air Market and Kids' Fest will be hE~ld this Saturday in Jones Park from 9-3pm. Tourism website for Canton continues tc~ be developed. American Legion baseball tournament - a shopping/dining guide has been prepared for participants. Low interest loan funds - they have ha~~ several applications for loans, but funds are minimal right now. Industrial Park - there is a potential new client. Dairy Queen - has reopened under new ownership. New owners also operate a DQ in Champaign. Route 336 - The County is considering adoption of a 336 Corridor Land Use Plan that will help guide development largely around Canton once the road is constructed. Brinshore Development - has received their tax credits and is ready to begin construction. Governor's Rural Affairs Council - Mark has been appointed to sit on this council which will deal with issues facing rural Illinois. REQUEST TO CLOSE E. SIDE SQUARE/CHI:STNUT- COVENANT COMM. CHURCH-2 EVENTS Pastor Patty Hoffman of Covenant Comrnunity Church spoke to request the closing of the east side of the square frorn Ari's to Scrapbook Dreams for two events. The events are a Back-to- School BBQ on Friday, August 5 and their annual KidZone Carnival on Sunday, September 11. They would like to c~ose the street to save wear and tear on the grass in the park, but also to provide room for the 9 inflatables and ensure the safety of children attending. Alderman Schenck asked about liability insurance on the inflatables. They are being provided by Macomb Skateland. Motion and second were made by Alclermen Pasley/West to approve the street closings, providing they present proof of liability in~surance, and send to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and wa~s unanimous. FARLIK BUILDING WALL MURAL Tracy and Scott Snowman addressed the~ council regardirig their designs for the north side of Dr. Farlik's building on Main Street. Thi<~ area is very visible as y~u enter downtown. The Snowmans presented several variations of murals featurin~ the v~~ater tower or the Jones Park clock. Work would take 12-16 weeks ar~d would be done aff-site. A sample of a special board was passed around to see, and this would be mounted on cedar strips with stainless stee) fasteners. Costs would be in the $17,Ci00 range, with 50% due to start and 50% due upon completion. This is expected to ~he paid by Cook. Alderman Pasley asked about a copyright on the desigr. Snowmans would iike to have a copyright release agreement signed. Alderman Schenck asked about lighting, and this would likely be done by Cook also. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pasley/Pickel to approve the design/lighting/copyright agreement and send to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and w<~s unanimous. The Community & Industrial Developmerit Committee adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Alderman ~Dave Pickel, Chaerman No business for committee discussion. The Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee adjourned at 8:13 pm. Adiournment The Clerical Committ~e adjourned at 8:13 pm. Carol Kohler Recording Secretary