HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-24-2011 Mechanical Committee minutes MECHANICAL COMMITTEE
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Donald E. Edwards Way
Historic Depot 50 N. 4t" Avenue
Canton I161520
Aldermen in attendance: Aldermen Schenck, Fritz, West, Nelson, Ellis, Pickel, Hartford
Aldermen Absent:
Staff in attendance: Mayor Kevin Meade, City Clerk Diana Tucker, City Attorney Chrissie
Peterson, Police Chief Dan Taylor, Interim Fire Chief Ernie Russell, WTP Supervisor Greg
Pollitt, System Maintenance Supervisor Bill Terry, WWTP Joe Carruthers
Others in attendance: Jay Smith, Linda and Allen Dilts, Dan Oaks, Steve Reed, Generations
Bar and Grill
Media in attendance: The Daily Ledger John Froehling
Video Services by: Joe Ginger
Mayor Meade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Public Safety & Traffic
Alderman Jim Hartford, Chairman
Police Report
Chief Taylor reported:
The officer of the year banquet was sponsored by the Canton Rotary Club earlier this week.
The auxiliary officer of the year went to Brian Williams, telecommunicate of the year went to
Jenice Jones, chief's award went to code enforcement officer Drake Wilson and the police
officer of the year went to officer Bret Butler.
Citizens Police Academy Graduation
11 people graduated from the academy this year.
Alcohol Compliance Check
Chief Taylor explained that one of the class A liquor holders sold alcohol to a minor. The
tobacco check was recently completed and found six under age individuals in possession of
Dare Graduation
Officer Boggs and Taylor worked together with the dare program this year. The two officers
split the year by working one semester each.
Prescription Drug Take Back Program
Chief Taylor explained that the prescription drug take back program has been very successful.
Fire Report
Chief Russell explained that the smoke detector give-away program to all newborns at Graham
Hospital is a successful program put on by the Canton Fire Department. The City is looking for
private donations to continue to offer this program that has been in operation for 20 years.
Warnin~ Siren
Alderman Hartford explained that proposals were received for the Tamarack Warning siren.
The total cost is $31,905.00 from Ragen Communication. Three bids were received
The low bid was Acoustic Technical $18,836.00
Innotech $22,921.00
Innotech $29,714.00
Chief Russell explained that the low bid of $18,836.00 had some items missing in the bidding
process and did not include the cost of a technician from Massachusetts.
Chief Russell explained that the $22,921.00 was classified as an "E" class. This is formed like a
saucer to create a uniform sound in all directions. The company that offered the low bid
creates a sound that comes from a"horn" type structure that creates a lower sound quality.
Chief Russell would recommend the Innotech for $29,914.00 or the Ragen Communication siren
based on the quality of the siren. Chief Russell would prefer to work with the company that
the city is most familiar with. Ragen Communication has been used by the City of Canton and
the quality of the equipment is sufficient.
Alderman Schenck agrees that it would be a good selection to have all of the sirens the same
and work with the same vendor.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Hartford/Schenck to waive the $20,000.00
requirement and pass to Council and go with the same company that installed the four other
The motion carried.
TJ's Diner Grease Trap
City Engineer Keith Plavec visited with the owner of TJ's regarding the grease trap. Keith asked
if a smaller type of container would be available, but was informed that a smaller container is
not available. The grease trap could be moved to any location that the City feels would be
appropriate. The container needs to be moved off of the sidewalk, and the City must set a
deadline to have the container moved.
Chief Taylor explained that a nuisance citation could be issued at the council's request.
Attorney Peterson explained that she can send a letter explaining that they must move the
container within a certain time frame.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Schenck/Ellis to direct City Attorney Chrissie
Peterson to draft a letter to send to the owner of TJ's.
Le~islative Trip- Mavor Meade
Mayor Meade explained that a legislative briefing will be held in Washington DC. This will be
held the week of June 15, 2011 for a total cost of $2500.00.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to approve legislative trip for Mayor
The motion carried.
The Public Safety & Traffic Committee adjourned at 6:51 p.m.
Streets & Garbage
Alderman Justin Nelson, Chairman
Citv Proiects
Alderman Schenck explained that the city will be taking a portion of the surplus funds from
the budget and placing this into a capital fund to plan street improvement projects. This
would be a great start in trying to do some street improvement projects that the city has
not been able to do in the past. A possible trail project could be implemented into this
program. The sidewalk program, curb and gutter could be part of the program as well.
Alderman Schenck suggests putting together a list of project needs in the community with
the help of City Engineer Keith Plavec.
MFT Sidewalk Pro~ram
Keith Plavec distributed information for the MFT program. Keith would like to work
together with Alderman Justin Nelson and Bill Terry to implement the MFT sidewalk
Alderman Schenck explained that it is important to look at another funding source to
supplement the MFT program to maintain the streets.
The MFT Sidewalk program currently has 11 people wanting to apply for the sidewalk
program. $5,000.00 is currently in the program.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to send to council for
The motion carried.
The Streets & Garbage Committee adjourned at 7:03p.m.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds
Alderman Eric Schenck, Chairman
North Shore and Other Lake Lot Issues
Steve Reed is a currently holder of one of the lot leases being discussed. Mr. Reed has
leases on lot 5 and 6. Steve Reed explained that a neighbor moved into lot 7. Steve would
like to place a fence along lot six to create boundaries. Steve further explained that he
would like to be able to landscape the property without worrying about a twenty feet
Alderman Schenck explained that the problem is that the city is not able to locate an actual
plat that is recorded at the courthouse. The City needs to create a plat map to create a
resolution to the lease lines.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Schenck/Ellis to receive bids or ask Maurer
and Stutz to survey and identify the lots on the ground and place into a plat that can be
recorded at the Fulton County Courthouse.
Keith Plavec recommends getting the property owners together to map the area and have
an agreement to define the area. Keith Plavec could then move forward to get bids for a
survey. Approximately $15,000.00-$20,000.00 would be an estimated cost. Keith further
explained that a meeting will be held within the next two weeks to meet with some of the
lease holders.
61 East Side Sauare Update
Alderman Schenck explained that some of the basic options exist of what to do with the
1. Sell property as is
2. Lease the property as is
3. Retain the property for public use
Some expanded options would be:
1. Slit ownership between upstairs and downstairs
2. Build out space for sale or occupancy.
Additional considerations:
1. Elevator Installation
2. Sidewalk Ownership
Marketing Plan:
1. City markets property (request for proposals, advertisements, etc.)
2. Commercial Real Estate Agent
3. SRPED recruits buyers/occupants
Sale/Lease Incentives:
1. TIF Rebate
2. City/Private Financing
3. Price/Lease Reductions
4. Build Out
Alderman Schenck proposes to assign SRPED task orders and take some of these ideas and
develop a better marketing plan for this property. Alderman Schenck would like to have SRPED
give periodic updates.
Motion and second were made by Alderman Schenck/Hartford to ask SRPED to develop a
better marketing plan for this property and give periodic updates to the Council. The SRPED
will provide feedback within the next month.
Further discussion took place regarding the sidewalk and the rear lot.
Keith Plavec will work with Alderman Schenck to receive bids. Within the next month Alderman
Schenck explained that SRPED will come back with additional information.
A~riculture Farm Lease
Alderman Schenck explained that the agriculture lease is referred to as the Zink farm. Part of
the property that is currently be farmed does not have a current lease with the City. The lease
is currently setup to give the tenant an option of cash payment or mowing option. One of the
issues with the older lease is the calculated amount of the lease payment is based on the 71.5
acres rather than the 40.24 acres. The financial amount of the lease would be different that
outlined. It should be well defined as to what areas would be designated as cropping in future
leases. This will be pfaced on next week's agenda for Council action.
Attorney Peterson explained that she will send a letter.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Schenck/Ellis to have a letter drafted by City
Attorney Chrissie Peterson.
The Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee adjourned at 7:59 pm
Public Works, Water & Sewer
Alderman Gerald Ellis, Chairman
City Hall Generator Wall Application for Payment No 1 from Otto Baum in the amount of
City Engineer Keith Plavec explained this is from the general fund in the amount of $41,580.00.
Some remaining work must be done prior to completion. The project is currently at 94%
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to send to Council for consideration.
The motion carried.
Enterprise Drive Culvert Replacement Application for Payment No 2 from Otto Baum in the
amount of $17,807.63
City Engineer Keith Plavec explained this is the industrial park TIF account and is 100%
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Nelson to send to Council for consideration.
The motion carried.
3rd Avenue Improvements Application for Payment from Otto Baum in the amount of
City Engineer Keith Plavec explained this will be split between TIF and EDA funding. The project
is 95% complete. Street lighting is currently being installed. This same style of lighting is the
same concept that will be carried into the downtown area.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to send to Council for consideration.
The motion carried.
Chestnut Street Extension Application for Payment No 1 from Otto Baum in the amount of
City Engineer Keith Plavec explained this will be paid from the TIF account, but a portion will be
refunded from the DCEO grant. The project is 21% complete. The goal is to have the sidewalk
completed before the June event.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/ Nelson to send to Council for consideration.
The motion carried
Secondary Clarifiers No 2, 3& 4 Rehabilitation Application for Payment No 8 from Leander
Construction in the amount of $110,619.64
City Engineer Keith Plavec explained this project is paid from the bond fund and is 95%
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to send to Council for consideration.
The motion carried
Secondary Clarifiers No 2, 3& 4 Rehabilitation Change Order No 4 from Leander Construction
for Change to Contract Times.
City Engineer Keith Plavec explained that the substantial complete date for all three clarifiers
would be June 30, 2011 with the final completion date of July 29, 2011
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hartford to send to Council for consideration.
The motion carried
Sewer Relocation Project- Contractor Estimates
City Engineer Keith Plavec exptained that two contractors were interested in doing the work
and quotes for each were submitted. Keith would recommend awarding the bids individually.
The 676 north 8th would be awarded to Kinsel excavating. The 2"d would be to GM Mechanical
and the third would be awarded to Kinsel excavating. This will be paid from the bond fund.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Schenck to send to Council for consideration
with the stipulation that we approve site # 1, to Kinsel Excavating # 2 to GM Mechanical and #
3 to Kinsel Excavating.
The motion carried
Discussion on Dirt & Concrete to be Removed from NE Corner of Former IH Site
City Engineer Keith Plavec explained that the south end of the former IH site has several piles
with crushed concrete. The city now has a dirt pile with concrete. The landfill does not want a
dirt pile with concrete. This would be paid out of the TIF expense. This spot is very difficult to
market with a large dirt pile sitting on the ground. Joe Davis rents a piece of equipment that
sorts out the dirt and concrete. This dirt is not from the Cook project, but has been on the
property for over five years. An estimate of 50,000.00-$60,000.00 would be the cost to
separate the concrete from the dirt. Trucking and Tippage fees would be added to the entire
cost. Keith Plavec will bring some additional information back for further discussion on testing
of the soil.
Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/ Hartford to send to Council for
The motion carried
Generations Beer Garden
Attorney Chrissie Peterson explained that an estimate was received for the beer garden.
Attorney Peterson stated that during discussion it was not clear that the proposal was actually
for a two story beer garden so the council approved a one story beer garden. The police have
some concerns from safety issues, and the fire chief has issues pertaining to the fire code.
Alderman Ellis explained that a building permit was not issued prior to construction of the beer
garden. Chief Russell and Chief Taylor would have some requirements that would need to be
met before a two story beer garden could be issued.
A two story beer garden was originally proposed with fencing around both decks. The concerns
are currently being worked out with the fire and police chief.
The owners would like to maximize the outdoor space without taking up parking spaces. If a
two story beer garden were to be built, this would not take away from the parking spaces that
are needed to accommodate the customers.
Keith Plavec explained that a building permit process along with working with the police and
fire chief would ensure safety for customers. Chief Russell explained that it is important to
determine security of monitoring the number of people that would be on the deck of the beer
garden at any one time. Chief Russell explained that the City needs more information before a
building permit is issued. Chief Taylor explained that some concerns the police department
would have is putting some of the officers at an increased liability risk if the officer must go to a
second floor area during an arrest. Alderman Fritz explained that he would want to see a
proposal on when the two story beer garden would be used and how it would be regulated.
This proposal should be sent to both the police chief and the fire chief to sign off. City
Engineer Keith Plavec asked for direction from the Council before issuing a building permit. The
first floor of the beer garden would not be a problem. Keith will issue a permit for the first
floor. Plans for the second floor must be brought back to council for approval before the 2"d
floor permit would be issued.
Applying for two separate building permits was further discussed. The second floor would need
to come back to council for consideration.
Alderman Ellis explained that an item was requested to be placed on the agenda, however since
the person did not contact the chairman or the Mayor the item could not be placed on the
Mayor Meade explained that the policy to place an item on the agenda is to contact either the
chair or the mayor. People in the community may address the council; however a form must be
completed in the City Clerk's office for public participation.
Motion and second was made by Alderman Hartford/Pickel to adjourn to executive session for
the purpose of personnel.
The motion carried.
The ical Committee adjourned at 8:57 pm
City lerk