HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-27-1984 Special Council Minutes 185 A Special Meeting of the Canton City Council was held on Dececnber 27th 1984 in Co~cil Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALIEGIANCE OPELVED THE M~EETTNG, FOLIA~n1ED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEL~T BY CITY CLERK NANCY WHITES. Mayor Eckaards asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present: Aldern~eaz Kovachevich, Savill, Sarff, Wor~z, Ca.rl, Horr. Absent: Aldern~eri H~amrzd, Ma.y. THE CITY CLERK READ 'I'I-~ PLTRPOSE FOR 1~ MEETING : a) to consider and take final actian an a"Ordinance Directit~g the Acquisitian by Candeman.tion of Certain Real Property"; ancl, b) to r.onsidex and take final actian on a"Ordinance Directing the Acquisitian of Certain Real and Persona.l Property," ~ ~ ORDINANCE - DIRECTING THE CONDF~'~IATION OF CERTAIIV REA.L PROPERTY, Secand N reading, rea.d by title, Jim Malmgren City Attorney said this ordinance W if passed, will authorize and direct the initiatian of court proceedings to acquire by conde~atian the easem~zts and temporary ease~nts that are necessary m to camplete the sewer projects. At the last re~ular meeting of coLmcil, the Q city ha.d not receivoed all legal descriptians that we had to ha.ve. There are 17 different sheets attached to the ordinance, and should be amend~ed an their .face in the follawing particulars: the name ''effected'' should rea.d "affected." Pro j ect 2 Ea.se~zt ,~~30 in the name of Stewart J. ~ah.eeler should read "St~aart J. Wheeler Estate," Under that the name "Attorney Gary Baxnhart" should be stricken. Xou will need a 2/3rds wte of the corporate authorities, which is 5'aye' wtes fram the cotnzcil and 1'aye' v~te fram the mayor. Alcle~nan Sarff told Jun before the m~eting that he has a number of people who appear on here are clients of his. A1del~nan Sarff ~aid about 25% of these people are clients of his on a professianal basis. It's a little difficult positiion to be in, to take them to court an ane side and try to work with them an a professional basis. T would ask to be excused from wting on this matter. Nbtion by Aldern~an Savill, secand by Aldernnan VJorlanan, that Alc~erman. Sarff be excused fram wting. Discussian, Alderman Carl sug~ested that we vote separa- tely on the issue as his vote might be a critical issve since we neecl a 2/3rds vote. Cliff Sagaser City Engineer said he is not aware of anybody followin~; the criteria of flatly refusing to sign. Aldennan Sarff said he wnuld vote on the ordinance. Motion and second withclraHm. Nbtion by Aldernna.n Savill, secand by Alderm~i Kovachevich, the ordinance be placed an it's passage as am~nded. Discussion. Mayor Echaaxds sai~. alot of hard work ha.s been put in on this. It ha.s not been taken lightly. Alot of effor~C has been put fozward. R411 call. AYES: Aldern~en Carl, WorlanaiZ, Sarff, Savill, Kovachevich, Ma.yor Edwards. NAYS: Alderman Hr~rr. Nbtian carried. 6 ayes 1 nay 2 abse+nt. Ordinance being 1043 ~ A . ORDID]ANCE - DIRECTING THE AC~i1ISITION OF CIIZTATN REAL AND PII~SONAL PROPERTY (PAUL HUR~Sr) . Secand rea.ding, rea.d by ti~le. Mayor E~aards said this ordin,ance pur- chases the ground fram Paul Hurst and part of a deal Cliff Sa~aser ha.s going, with access to our sewer problem cm South Avenue B, so we can clean it up, By purchasing this woe were able to obtain 3 other ease.~~ents by telling the~m we were ~;oing to put a road in there and were going to maintain that area, and were also goin~ to rra~e part of the front of tha.t lot to the very next door for the back part of his to main~ain our sewer, Nbtion by Alclern~an. Carl, second by Alc~ern~n Sarff, the ordinan.ce be placed an its passage. Roll ca.ll. AYES: Aldern~l Kavachevich, Savill, Sarff, Wor~nan, Caxl, Ma.yor Echaards . NAYS : Aldernnan Hc~rr , Motion caxried. 6 ayes 1 nay 2 absent . Ordi- nance being 1044. Ma.yor Edwards made a state~en.t as to the sign behind his chair, which says "work more ~,n ~34." He thanked everyone for the wnrk that G~as dane, we've make great strides this year. ADJOURI~NT: Motion by Alderman Wor~ar~an, second by Alderir~an Savill to adjourn, Voice wte, nx~tion carried, Council adjourned at 6:45 p.m, ~ a. ,r" ~ ' Y APPROVED: ITY YQ