HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-1984 Council Minutes I69 A regular meeting of the Canton City Cot.mcil was held on Novenber 20th, 1984 in Cotn~.cil Ch~nbers . PLEDC~ OF ALLEGIANCE OPFr1VED 'THE MEETING FOLIAWF~ BY THE INWCATTON GIVEN BY NANCY WHITES CITY Q~ERK. Ma.yor Eci~aards asked for roll ca.ll at 6: 30 p.m. Fre~ent : Aldern~l Kc~vachevich, Ha~mnd, Savill, Sarff, 4Jbrlunan, Carl, 'Nlay. Absent: Aldern~ro.z Horr. BILIS FOR OCTQBER. Motian by Aldern~z Kovachevich, second by Alde~ Savill all bills approved be paid. I7iscussian. City Clerk Nancy Whites s~atec~ that a bill form Walla.ce & Tiernan in the aim~mt of $1,244.97 and a bill fram Keith Electric in the amc~unt of $836,14 was asked by the Finance Camni~Cee to not be paid, and they have been r~anved from the list, and will noC be paid. Roll call. AYES : Aldernaen. May, Carl , Wor~ian., Sarff , Savill , H~mrmd, Kc~vachevich . NAYS : Nane. Nbtion carried. 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. COrM9.U1VICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN - BUDGET A~NISTRA'POR AND CX71"~'lUD1ITY DEVEIpPMENT DIRECTOR, Dave said tha.t there ha.ve been alot of cvmpla.in~s an ~Che rezmval of street li~hts, This process ha.s been taking place same 3 weeks an the main (D thoroughfares of Locust, Main and 5th Aver~.ve only. And yet to be done are 68 ~ lights to be rezroved in the residen.tial area, Da.v~e said there a little over ~ 2 done . Alclerm~n Savill said the citizens feel its m~re ~afe with a ~aell lighted area.. W Ma.yor Edw•ards sta.ted tha.t we ha.d reviewed this with Cips , if we would tell m Cips this ev~n.ing that we want to put 'a twld on thi~ and lea.ve things like Q they are, with the exception of a few of these 16 lights they've alrea.dy removed, t~at wr~uld leave our state routes as they are, with the new sodium vapor lip~~ts, a~d it would still save us sar~e $400,00 a mmth, a little better then ~ of what we would save if we continued the program. Ma.yor Eclwards would like to cansider leavir~g the highways as they are. Da.ve Dorgan said if your going; to stop the action alrea.dy set in n~tian you need to do it naw, before the other 68 li~its are reamved. You can review them on a case to ca.se basis, ~ Alderman. Worlun~n wants scmme of the lights put back on Locust ~treet, as it is rea.lly dark there. Mayor Echaardspersanally reca~mends to stop all action nc~a, hold the 68 lights and cansicler haw many of the16 lights we put back, and then take them on a block by block as to which to retmve and which to rea.valva.~Ce. Out of these 16 were going to have to pay Cips same mcmey to put thean back, they are out same pocket expense. Nbtian by Aldernn~n. Ma.y, secand by Aldernnan G~or~an~i, the city stop the re2mval of street lights an.d review the li~ts block by block, and this be referred to the Streets & Garbage ccman.ittee. Discussion. Alderman H~zd ~aid he vnderstood the cancern and shaxes some of the same concerns, but cloesn't feel we will da our- selves any fawr by looking at it light by lig~t, and feels ~aill have the san~e problems. I think the intentians was good and i think we need to continue. Alderman Carl said he shares the sarree concerns as AldeYr~an H~mnd, an.d questians whether we gave the study the consideration we should have. He feels it should be looked at a little bit far~h.er before we take ~h.en out. Aldem~n. Sarff stated that the original intent was to save $10,000.00. I think it wduld be a good iclea to take ano~Cher look at it. Alderman Worlan~n. is ir~ fawr of the need to stop and reava.lua.te and not c1o away wi.th the whole plan. Roll call. AYES: Aldernnen Kr~vachevich, Savill, Sarff, Worlanan, Carl, May. NAYS: Aldernnan Hanamnd. Nbtian carried. 6 ayes 1 nay 1 absent. Dave Ibrgan said tha.t he ha.d asked DSI to giv~e us a status report and has asked the~n to outline what they are ctioing and where they are going, ' Carl Schoe~nhaxd, Sec/Treasurer of DSi gave a brief outline of the cam~an.y's in- wl~m~erit : DSI is a ha.zardous waster clean.up campany and IFRT is to be a plastics recycli.ng ca~any . IPRI was forn~ed as an attempt to help the IEPA and ~he City of Canton, Illinois dispose of treated plastic film chips vi.a. a new factory which would recycle said film chips into usuable c~anents. IPRI ha.s ma.de n~ta~erous telephone calls, sent over 500 lbs, of treated plastic film chips to factory owners and laboratories, visited factory owners and acquired resea.rch materi.al a11. in the quest of finding ~70 CONI'INUED NOVEMBER 20TH, 1984 an ecanamically fea.sible dispositicm of the trea.ted plastic film chips, It is an ~derstate~zt to report that the progress is slaw. The prim~.ry reason for this is chtie to ~e gt~arded expertise in the plastic inctustry. Either the exper~s are afraid of competitian or fea.r the th~eft of their trade secrets. Also, laboratory results are slaw in caming due to the few nunber of consultants in the plastic field. Because of the time it has taken IPRI to find answers to difficult qu,estians, we ha.ve been critisized for n~ot trying. It should be pointed out at this time that IPRI is follaw~i.ng a bad act, The Precisian Engineering/C~ax people told many stories only because these stories were what officials and persarmel wanted to hear. Our ccxnpany will tell only facts and if ~Chese facts invnlve same time delays then that r~mains our anly course of action, We wi.ll not fabricate stories to make us look good in the short term, We are interested in settir~g u~ a plastic recycling factory at Canton, Illinois, and are pur- sUeing this end with all of our effort. DST/IPRT ha.~ it~vested an extremely large aimtmt of tim~e and rnmey thus far in an. atte~np~ to determine the econ~- mic fea.sibility of recycling trea.ted plastic film chips and waste plastic an.d will continue in the effort until all of our questians are answered. As a further atteznpt of IPRI to shaw ~hose in Canton that our perserverance in the recycling of plastic film chips and waste plastic is rea.l, I would like to present the following outline of q_uestic~ns : A) What has D6I/IPRI invested in hauling plastic film chips to Cantan, Illinois so a large volune of chips would be in one locatian for recycling; what was DSI/ IPRI's investn~ent in the purchase of a lot at Canton'~ Industrial Park, the cost of cash bond on assigrnnent, the cos~ of plastic, tires, stane, equipme~.it and labor? 1, Cost of trucking trea.ted plastic film chips awned by the IEPA which were ha.uled by Wille~t and Wheeler - - - - - - - - - - - - $150,000.00 2 . Lot Pt~cha.se - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 25 , OQO . 00 3 . Ca.sh bond- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 50 , 000 . 00 4. Pt~chase of road gravel, plastic to co~v~er chips, used tires and transportation, machinery and labor- - - - - - - - - - $ 25,000.00 5. Transportatian and storage of 11 - 12,000 gallon plastic storage tank.s and 2- 8,000 gallon plastic storage tanks- -----$130,000.00 B) Why and h~a did DSZ,/ IPItT get involved at Canton, Illinois when the I~A had and still has a cantract with Precisian Engineering/Co~mpax for the awnership transporta.tian and recycling of treated plastic film chip~? l. On the lOth of October, 1984 Precision Engineering/Campax refused to transport or in any way handle additiana.l trea.ted plastic film chips because they said the recycling thereof was economica.lly Lmfeasable. 2. DSI/IPRI concluded through tmeetings and telephone conversatians with officials fram Precision Engineering & Ca~~ tha.t they were anly trying to broker the trea.ted plas~ic film chips and DSI/IPRI felt that much more effort should be given to determine the econamic fea.sibility of recycling said chips and waste plastic. 3, DSI/IPRI was lead to believe tha.t the IF~A ha.d a rema.inin.g balance in the fi~ding for treating cyanide tainted film chips of $80,000,00 which could be used for the transportatian of IEPA's treated film chips subseqwent to a brea.ch of contract by Precisian Enp;ineering/Campax. This m~ney was and will not be forthco~ning. C) How did the City of Cantan help IEPA? l, The City of Cantan, Il, allawed DSI/IPRI to purchase a lot at their Industrial Park for the storage of addi~ianal treated plastic film chips thereby enabling all of the treated chips to be at one locaticm. 1~1 ~p~~ NOVII"IBER 20TH, 1984 2. The City of Canton, Il. felt that their only option remaining was to allaw DSI/IPRI to pursue the econamic feasibility of recycling trea.ted plastic film chips and waste plastic to the possible end of stiarting a new business and employing local talent. 3. When the City of Canton allawed DSI/1PRI the time to reseach the recyclix~g possiblities they allowed IEPA to continue hauling cyanide ta.inted chips from Chicago, treating cyanide tainted chips at the Green River Inc~ustrial site neax Amboy, Illinois and to conform with Judge Green's court order, D) Haw cbes DSI/IPRI plan to recover their investm~nt at Canton, Illinois? 1. By determining fram resea.rching the ecanami.c fea.sibility of recycling txea.ted plastic film chips and scrap plastic tha.t a profitable and o~,going recycling business can be established at the City of Cantcm, Il. 2. Through an option with IEPA and others to obtain awnership of all (D treated plastic film chips, ~ 3. 'Ihrough the awarding to DSI/IPRI sufficient grants and law interest N loans to start a recycling facility and continue a successful business W usin,g the trea.ted plastic film chips as the initial raw ma.terial and m then revertir~g to waste plastic. a E) [~That can the City of Canton, Illinois dr~ to help IPRI recover their initi.a.l investment throtagh the successful operation of a recycling facility? 1, Assist the IEPA in their reqmval of Precision Engineering/Camp~ fram any ownership of the treated plastic film chips at Canton, Il. so an optian for all of the trea.ted plastic film chips can be given to IPRI, 2. Legally relrove Precision Engineering/C~ax fxr~m any lot ownership at Canton, Illinois Inclustrial Park. 3. Initiate a joint effort with the IEPA to take legal action against Prec- ision Engineering/Ccxnp~ for the payment of ~heir Lmpaid bills . 4. Work with the IEPA to find the availability of reseaxch grants for the specific purpose of recycling trea.ted plastic film chips, 5. Detezmine the availability of grants an.d low interest loans for the canstructian and operation of a re~ianal recycling center. Carl Schoenhard said he will be talking to our local lunberyard taimrrcyw Co canstruct a buildir~. Ua.ve Dorgan said were still. trying to m~ve ahea.d an the ease~m~ri~s for ~h.e Craw- ford, Nf~hy & Tilly project. G]e still have alot of outstanding ease~nents to get. Da.ve was asking for council's permissian to negotia.te with Pau1 Hurst an purchasin~ his property. To go arotmd the property would cost some $9,000. 'Ihis property lies between the ease~nents we alreacty hav~e. The sewer line will cross sect the lot. The lot is na.rraw, approximately 50 feet wide with a nr~bile hame setting on it. Da.ve feels we are dQing what is cost effective by purchasing th.e lot and the nx~bile hame. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said that it should be pointed out tha.t its my tmder- standing that in tern~s of 2 or 3 other easements in the area. as part of ~Chis rea.l property if acquired, is goit~ to be deeded out to various adjacent l~.d awners. Dave said tha.t's also being; ne~otiated. Motian by Aldernnatz Sarff, second by Alclermari H~Zd tha.t Dave be allawed to nego- tiate for this property and to p~'chase saine in the acmtmt of $4 , 000 , Roll ca.ll . AYES: Ald~ezmen. Ma.y, Carl, Worlanan, Sarff, Savill, Hanmand, Kovachevich. NAYS: Nane. Nlotian carried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent, Ma.yor Eckaaxds said the mmey for the ea.s~nents are being paid fram the bond issue. Dav~e said he sent in for our final draw dc~wn to Hud as our final rronies of $20,000. And I still have not received any informa.tion of o~ final report an the audit. CONMITI~E REPORTS: ~egotiatians, Grievance & Persormel 172 CONTINUED NOVF~'~ER 20TH, 1984 Council Action None. Finance Co~cil Actian None. Legal & Orclinance Council Action Nbtion by Aldern~z Kovachevich, second by Aldennan Savill, to provide the motorcycle club wi.th a fiv~e yeax lease to be re-newed at the end of 5 years for an additional 5 year period. Discussian. Jim Ma]mgren City Attorney said the lea.se states that either party may cancel by giving the other party 1 yeax's advance notice, except that, the city cotmcil ma.y cancel by giving ~Ch.e m4torcycle club 30 da.ys written notice if the city council first determines rha.t a cancellatian is necessary for e~mergency corporate rea.sons. Voice wte, motion carried, Motion by Aldercnan Knvachevich, secand by Alderm~n Carl, to draw up a permit for 3 yeaxs on 3 acres of Canton Iake piroperty to Ron Graves, Discussian. Aldern~rz Worlai~an asked that he pay in advance, Ma.yor Eckaardsassured Alclerma~z Worlanan he weuld pa.y in advance, Voice ~rote, motion carried. Motion by A1de~ Kovachevich, seccmd by Aldem~an Saxff, the city attorney to contact a architect to prepare a report an the structures and reqwest the state's attorney's office to proceed with cond~matian proceedings for the property at 1016 East Elm, as well as those at 42 West Maple; Avenue A& Oak; and 337 North Main Street. Discussian. Jim Malm~ren City Attorney said tha.t the north main street address has already ha.d that dane. Rr~ll ca.ll. AYES: Aldermen Kovache- vich, Hamrond, Savill, Sarff, Wor~z, Caxl, Ma.y. NAYS: Nane. Nbtion carried. 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Footnote ~'he Canm~mity Develo~nt minutes and part ~of s~(a.yo~ Lc~Yaards Coi~ri?w.licatians was ina.dverently oi:-!~~tted. ~ They i~.ave been placed on ~a,~e 173 tmder a~j ourrm~nt , be- cau~e oi ~.Pck of space. - A cor~mittee for the sale of the Camfort Statian met before the council meeting, and received a quote to p~chase the statian. The camnit~ee rejected the offer and referred the camfort station to the Lake Building & Grotmds canmittee to make a decision an whether to sell thebuilcling or close the camfort sta.tian and not levy a tax and also where to loca.te the musetan, boxing club and the maintenance supt. Your input would be appreciated. Alderma~.z Saxff brough up the railing for 4th Avenue, and it will be caming up at the next safety camnittee meeting . Ma.yor Eckaards said he wc~uld like to follow u}~ on tha.t and see what it would cost to use native l~nber. OLD BUSII~ESS: ORDINANCE - GRANTING TO THE ILLINOIS BELL TE'l~HONE COMPANY CERTAIN RIGHTS. Se- cond rea.ding, read by title anly. Jim Malrngren City Attorney said this is an. ordinance that ame~zds our franchise agree~ent. 1he title is samewhat mislea.cling. Were not grantin~ th~n any new rights that they dan't alrea.dy ha.ve. What weYe ; basically tal~:.ing about is new prices to be paid to the city for o~ fran.chise. We are goir~g to recognize a fair aimtmt of additianal fund~ f~m -~h.is . Hawev~er, we will n~t receive the free lines to city hall, Motion by Aldernian Haimr~nd, second by Alderman Sarff, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES: Alderm~exi May, Carl, Wor~m~ar.z, Sarff, Savill, Hatr~- m~nd, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. Ord- inance being ~k 1043. 1~3 Cp~~~ NOVII~iBER 20TH, 1984 Motian by Aldern~z Savill, second by Alde~n. HaaYamnd to go into Executive Session. Roll call, AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, H~nrnzd, Savill, Sarff, Worlanan, Carl. NAYS: Aldermen May. Nbtion carried. 6 ayes 1 nay 1 abs~n.t. The regular cotmcil meeti.n~ adjourned at 7:48 p.m, Council went into execu~Cive sessian at 7:55 p.m, for the p~pose of discussi~,~*_ - Persormel, The executive minutes axe an file in the office of the City Clerk. AA70UR1~1T : Nbtion by Aldernnan Hanamnd, secand by Aldert~n Kovachevich, to adjotml. Voice vote, m~tion caxried. Council adjourned a~C 8:41 p.m, FOOTNOTE FR~'I PAGE 172 IS THE FOI~TG: Caam~n~ity Develop~mexzt . CoLm.cil Action Nbtian by Aldernnari Carl, seccmd by Aldennan Sarff, to accept men~nrandtnn of sale ~ of the Carrie Price property for $5,000.00. Rc~ll call. AYES: Aldermeri Ma.y, ~ Carl, Worlunan, Sarff, Savill, H~nd, Kcyvachevich. NAYS: Nane. P~btion ca.rried. ~ 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. ~,l J The Ctmninghazn property to be referred back to the eommit Cee . ~ (X~IIJNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. We need to instruct someone to get the legal Q description fc~ the easenents woe have to take to covrt. Jim t~a.lmgren City Attorney sai.d he needed sonaeone whose either a s~veyor, and trained in this method, to wr.ite a legal description. Alderman Savill asked if we go outside for this will we recoup our losses? Jim Malmgren City Attorney said he dovbted it. Aldern~an ~aorlanan asked if th's ~~ov1c~ lea~ to cond~nm.aticm? Jim Mal~ren said F'yes." Jim also said you should be instructin.g me to prepare az~ ordinance outlini.ng condem- na.tian conte~oraneously with this, if you vote to ck~ this. Motion by Aldern~an H~zd, second by Aldern~an Savill, to proceed with this legal descriptian drawn. up, along with what ever is necessary to procede an candenmatian. Discussian. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said your not authorizin~; me to file a law suit, your directing me to return an ordinance to the council. Aldern~an Carl wanted to la~aw if the motion authorized Dave or Jim, or whamever to hire Andersan and Associ.a.ted? Ma.yor Edwards said "yes whatever it takes , and if we can dr~ it in house, the better, Alderman ~i~~.zd said his motian was to just get it dane, Roll call. AYES: Aldermen Kr~vachevich, H~rmd, Savill, Sarff, Worlanan, Caxl, Ma.y, NAYS: None, Nbtion carried, 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. f' , ~ ~ CIT uZ , , APPROVED ~~G f~ ~ MAYOR