HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-1984 Council Minutes 163
A regular meeting of the Cantcm City Covncil was held on Nov~nUer 7th, 1984
in Council Chambers,
Ma.yor Eckaards asked for roll ca.ll at 6:30 p,m. Pre~ent: Aldeznaen. Kova,chevi~h,
Hamnatld, Sa.vill, Sarff, Worlanan, Carl, Ma.y, Horr. Absent: None.
MINUTES OF OCTOBER 16 MEETTNG. Nbtian by Alderman ~avill, secand by Ald~enn~n
Ma.y, the minutes of October 16th meetir~g be accepted and placed on file, Voice
wte, untion carried.
Lake, Building & Grotmds,
Cotn~cil Actian
Nbtian by Aldern~n. Savill, second by Alderman Horr the m~torcycle club be given a
five year lease with the renewa.l of the lease at the end o,f each yeax and a fee
~ of $50.00. Discussian, .Tim Ma.lmgren City Attorney stated tha.t he would invision
a cancellatian policy, where either party could cancel with a 30 c~ay written
Q~ notice, and w~uld want to talk to the camnittee aliout that. Aldern~an Carl said
(\J that he wants a cancellatian p~rovision in the lease, The motian anc~ secand with
ctrawn •
m Nbtian by Alclerman Savill, second by Alderman Horr this be sent to the Legal &
Q Ordinance Camnittee. Voice wte, motion carried.
Public Works, Water & Sewer,
Cotncil Action
Streets & Garbage.
Cotuzcil Actian
Nbtian.by Alderm~n Savill, secand by Aldern~an Horr, the approval to ptxrcha.se a 1973
mr~del tractor, 4400 series, with sickle bar, at a cost of $3,750,00, and $1,000.00
be paid taward the p~chase fram th.e Water & Sewer account. Discussian. Proceeds
fram the sale of the 1973 Ibg Pound 'I`nack, and IHC, 3Q0 mower, 1 ca.det m~wer be
placed tawar.ds the purchase price of the 4400 series mower, Roll call. AYES:
Aldern~eri Horr, May, Carl, Wor~unan, Sarff, Savill, H,~!mand, Kovachevich, NAYS: Nane.
Nbtian carried.
Aldern~ari Sarff asked the Streets & Garbage ccmmittee to check out a lawer price
for guard rails to be placed along; 4th avenue.
Public Safety & Traffic.
Cot~.cil Action
The clerical car~mittee will meet at 7:00 p.m, on Nove~er 8th i.nstead of at 6:30 p.m.
OONNI[7NICATI~NS FROM CLIFF SAGASEft - CITY ENGINEER. In the inc~.istrial park the
cantractorha.s about 20 feet of water line to lay in the south end of the project.
And we ha.ve to hook ~ 2 fire hydrants, were progressing very well in the paxk.
Al1 of the rock has been placed back on the streets that we intended in Fairview
Heights, the quantity of rock we were goinp; to put on ha.s been dispersed there.
We are ha.vu~ endloader problems, We spent $10,000, awhile back repairing the end-
loa.der. The anly part of the endloa.der that wasn't reworked was the differential
and the transmissian. A fe~a days ago the endloader while being driven, stopped
trovin~. The problem is in the transmission, the estima~ed cost for replacing same
~~~D NOVE~'~ER 7TH, 1984
gears tha.t were brol~ce and son~e that ha.d worn badly, an.d the endloader wovld anly
nui a imnth after repaired, is $4,000.00. if we wc~uld buy all the gears that
axe in bad shape, the cost is $6,000.00, When they were cle.aning the housin~;
they noticed m~re problems with. all gears, this repair raould make the total
estimated cost at $7,500,00 -$8,000.00. Cliff feels it shoulc~ be repaired.
A new endloader would cost $120,000. Dav~e Dorgan Budget Aclministrator, su~p;ested
we set aside $15,000, a yea.r frcym Revenue Sharing FLmds to build up a fLmd to
help buy a machine.
Nbtian by Alclern~n. H~nrond, secand by Aldenn~n Sarff, to authorize the repair
of the endloader and use Revenue Sharing Funds• Discussian. Aldennan. Caz'1
said that the cotmcil should liav+e been aware of this e~e~ncliture before he voted
on purcha.sing the 4400 series mawer. For if he ha.d knawn, he would not ha.v~e
approved the purcha.se, The wte can be rescinded on the mawer stated Jim Ma.lm-
gren City Attorney. Alderman H~id and A1den~a.n. Sarff withdrew the nr~tion and
second to repa.ir the endloader,
Nlotian by Alden~Z Savill, secand by Ald~erman Horr to rescind the nntian of p~-
chasing a 4400 series tmwer for $3,750. I7iscussion. Jim Malmgren City Attorney
read from Rc~be.rts Rule of Order, .,to ccrosider a question the second t~me, when
: a questian ha.s been once adopted, rejected,or surpressed,it carmot be a~ain can-
sidered cturix~ tl~at session, except by a motion to recansider the wte an that
qu~estian. This motian can anly be made by ane who voted on the prevailing sicle
and on the da.y the wte was taken, ~hich it is p~posed to be recansider or an
the next succeedi_ng da.y.
Roll call.(to reconsider the original motion to p~chase the 4400 series mawer).
AYES : Aldermari Kovachevich, Ha~nrond, Savill, Sarff, T%Jorlanari, Carl, Ma.y, Horr.
NAYS: None. Nbtian carried.
The origi.nal m~tion was to purchase a 4400 series rmwer with sickle bar and $1,000.
being paid from the Water & Sewer fun.d, Roll ca.ll . AYES : Nane . NAYS : Alderme~z
Horr, Ma.y, Carl, Worl~nan, Sarff, Savill, Haanroczd, Kovachevich. Nk~tian defeated.
0 ayes 8 na.ys 0 absent.
Nbtion by Aldermari Sarff, second by Aldern~n. Savill, to accept sea.led bids on a
1973 truck, IH 300 mawer, and one cadet im~aer. Voice vr~te, irotian carried.
Gary Heinking from the firm of Crawford, Nh~rphy & Tilly gave a stat~tas report on the
various projects that the firm is ~rking on . Project 1) is the West side relief
sewer, waiting for a pennit fram the illinois F~vircn~~ental Protection Agency, the
final review fram tha.t project has been ccnnpleted and waiting to go thru the final
paper work to issue a perniit.
Project 2) is the Southside Relief Sewer and the South Side Pta?~ing Station, it
ha.s been reviewed for the plans and specificatians. There is some additianal detail
review tha.t the Illinois EPA is doing. The person who is reviewing that plan is
taking a particular long time to do the review, And has brou~h uQ a few noints
that we have objected to. Or~e of them is they want to bed the poly vinyl chloride
force main that we proposed in training, which would increase the cost of the
pro j ect .
Project 5) which is S~aer Separaticm and Rehabilitatian. Gary thinks tha.t he got
the design for the main A system flaw force down at the plant pretty well worked
thru. And we've been wr~rking with Cliff Sagaser an main B or the canstruction of
the pu~ing station.
Project3) is the West side Sewage Trea.tment Plan.t, which is receiving rmst of our
efforts, the plans and specificatians are near rea.dy for same help fram the Illinois
EPA. We ha.ve gone over the plans and sneci~ica.tians with the staff. We ha.ve not
campleted the electrical wr~rk, beca.use of the timing of canstructian on the project.
Project4) which is the Ea.st side Sewa~e Trea.tment Plant, the plans are preliminaxily
completed and the specificatians are in preliminaxy c~ricl=t~:on at ~iis ~irne . We are
anticip~ting a submittal to the Illinois EPA for a permit an November 20th. We
are anticipatin.g a submittal on Project 3 this Frida.y.
Dave Dorgan asked Gary Heinking if ~h.e city's $2 million band referendtnn will cover
the city's share of the pro~ect? Gary said that he had prepared a preliuninary user
report, and felt there was ~nough excess fvnds fram the Water & Sewer Depaxtrnent
and in the ~no~t of time of the project it could be sprea.d out a little.
Ma.yor Edwards asked if Gary would wnrk with Cliff Sa~aser an this at the EPA level'?
Ga.ry said that he would.
CONIl~9UNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWP;RDS. The ma.yor selected Dave Dorgan, Cliff Sagaser,
Aldern~an Kovachevich, Alderman Horr to set u~ a meeting with the school board to
discuss sidewalks,
Nlotian by Alclerman ~I~~mm~d, secand by Aldernnan Sarff to approve ~he repair of the
endloader at the estimated cost of $7,500. to $8,000. and paid out of Revenue Shan~~l~
FLmds . Roll call . AYES : Aldern~en Kovach.e~i~is, Han~mnd, Savill , Sarff , Wor~anan,
May, Horr. Moticm carried. 8 ayes 0 x~.ys 0 absent.
~~D NOVII"IBIIt 7TH, 1984
title. Nbtion by Aldernnan. Sarff, second by Aldern~n Carl, ~Ch.e ordinance be placed
on its passage. Discussicm, Alderm~n Ka~,achevich sta.ted that he did not wte to
give an increa.se to the departrnent heacls and the appointive employees, and he ha.s
not seen any financia.l improvement, as the city is still facing a deficit, and
therefore carmot wte for tfiese 3 ordinances granting salary increases. Roll call.
AYES: Aldern~en Ma.y, Caxl, Worlunan., Sarf~, H~rnzd, NAYS: Aldernyen Horr, Savill,
Kovachevich. Nbtion carried. 5 ayes 3 nays 0 absent. Ordinance being 1039.
rea.d by title, Motion by Aldenr~an Ca.rl, second by Alderman Wor~nan, the ordinance
be pla.ced on its passage, Roll call, AYES: Aldern~n HaQmrnzd, Saxff, Worlai~an,
Carl, Ma.y, NAYS: Aldernnen Kavachevich, Savill, Hnrr, Nbtion carried, Ordinance
being 1040.
~ read by title. Nlotion by Alde~z Wor~n, second by Alderma~z Sarff, the ordinance
~ be placed on its passage, Discussion, Alde~ Carl ~u1d li.ke ~Co see a job des-
cription and the positian rea.valuated as it is a very iu~ortant positian.
(U Mayor Ec~aards suggested sending it to the Legal & Ordinance canm.i.ttee, Alderir~n.
Worlana.n stated her increase of du~ies, as we are goin.g to be asking her to do more,
m she oould be here mr~re time and a salary increase would be in order, Alder~n Carl
Q said he wa.s just asking for ~Yie posi~Civn to be reavalua.ted az~.d not asking for an
increa.se, A1dern~.n Wor~m~an felt it should ha.ve been brought up at an earlier da.te.
Rc>ll call , AYES : Aldern~z Ma.y, Carl, Saxff , Hanman.d, l~~a.yor E~wards . NAYS : Alder-
men Hprr, Worlm~a.n, Savill, Kovachevich, Nbtion carried. 5 ayes 4 nays 0 absent.
ardinance being 1041,
EAST CI~S'TNUT STREET. Second readir~g, read by title, r~btion by Alderm~n H~mnnd,
secand by Alderman Kc~vachevich, the orclinance be placed an its passage, Roll call.
AYES: Alderm~z Kovachevich, Harmrnzd, Savill, Sarff, ~~orlrn~~an., Caxl, May, I~rr. NAYS:
None. Nbtion carried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent. Ordinance being 1042,
read by title, Nbtion by Alde~z Sarff, seccmd by Alderman Savill, the resolutian
be acbpted. Roll call. AYES: Aldern~een Horr, May, Ca.rl, Wor~an~.i, Sarff, Savill,
HammMd, Kovachevich . NAYS : None , l~btion carried . 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 abs~n.t .
Resolution bei~g 1053.
readir~, rea.d by title. Ma.yor Ec~aards said tha.t Jim Ma.ln~ren City Attorney this
was an am~zcfinent to the franchise, it is not necessarily an eas~t.
RESOLUTION - ABATING THE Il~OSITION OF CERTAIN TAXES. First rea.cling, rea.d by title.
Nbtion by Aldernna~.i Kovachevich, second by Alderma.n Sarff, the resolutian be adopted,
Rc~ll ca.ll. AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hamrond, Savill, Sarff, Worlan~.1, Carl, May,
Horr. NAYS: None. Nbtian carried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys O absent. Resolutian bein.g 1054.
AC~`~NT - CANZ~ON IAKE MANAGE[~NT AGRm~9IIV'T . Firs t reading , rea.d by title . Nbtian
by Aldermari Sarff, secand by Aldern~an Savill, the agreemE.mt be adopted. Rc~ll call,
AYES: Aldern~.z Horr, Ma.y, Carl, Wor~1, Sarff, SaviZl, H~nd, Kovachevich. NAYS:
None . Nbtian carried. 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent . A~;ree~~en.t being 453 .
OF CAN1'ON OORPORATION. First rea.d'u~g, rea.d by title, Nbtion by Alderman Saxff,
second by Alderman Savill, the resolu~ian be acbpted. Discussion. Jim Malmgren
City Attorney said we have a waiv~er by the city of any right to the equi~t that's
going to be located in the plant, The important part of this agreemen.t is.,.in order
to induce and in any consideration to the bank grou~ makin.~ a loan or loans to the
borrower, any time fram time to tin~e the other side cansents to a,~ent security
interest on behalf of the bank group ~hen. the equipmea.~t, and disclaims any interest
of the ~ndersign there in fixtures or othezwise. What were saying is, were agreeix~
tY~a.t the equipment that is now there or hereafter be installed in tha.t plant is not
to be viewed as a fixture, We are basically saying that the city has a security
interest in the real estate and the fair well of the plant, Roll call. AYES:
Aldern~exi Kc~vachevich, Ha~mnnd, Savill, Sa.rff, Wor~l, Caxl, Ma.y, Horr. NAYS:
Nane, Motion carried, 8 ayes 0 na.ys 0 absent. Resolu~ion being 1055.
~~~D NOVEMBER 7TH, 1984
THE FIRM OF CAN'I'ON CORPORATION. First rea.ding, read by ti~Cle. Jim Ma.7.mgren
City Attorney, reported this is sam~wha~ similar to the resolutian you just acted
on, Once again, it is impor~ant to remeber we hav~ 2 loans made by the city, a
$400,000. Dcca grant, a gif~ ~o the city which we int~.irn loaned to Canton Corp-
oration, and also a$400,000, loan to the city by the federal goverr~ven.t which we
in turn loaned to the Canton Corporatian. The city ha.s taken the positian
thorought that the very least the federal tmn.ie~ ~uld not be suborc~inated to an.y
other sec~ity interest. Security interest cm ~he H.H.S, was federal mmey on
the land, read estate, improv~zts to ~he real esta.te, this wo~,tl.d be a first
paramotmt and security in~erest ~h.ere would be no others before it, it would be
paid first, and then any others in the ev~zt of default woul.d be paid secand.
The bank group and the Cantan Corporation has asked and we have basically agreed
as part of our participatian that we w~uld subordina.te th~ Dcca $400,000, to the
following extent: In the event the Cantcm Corporati:on dr~esn't make it, and in
the event we sell the plant and the real estate and the foreclosure, then to the
extent the proceeds of that sale are insufficient to pay off the Dcca $400,000.
~cmnies, and in addition to th.at exten.t of $200,000, of other security we ha.ve is
insufficient to pay off the Dcca manies then, and in that event, what ever would
be remaining due and owing us uncler the Dcca. loan papers cvould be subordinated to
the security interest that ~he bank group ha.s in the equipm~xit that's located in ~
the plant. Basica.lly, what were saying is...we won't go after the eq~ttipment that s
in the plant if we dcm't recognize the full $800,000.
I~btion by A1dern~a.n Savill, secand by Alderman Kc~vachevich, the resolutian be adopted.
Discussion. A1de~ t~'a~nond asked a questian of Jim Malmgren City Attorney, "I
think I Lu~.derstan.d what your sayi~ng as far as the H.H.S. loan, but it makes no
n~ntion of tha.t in this a~re~t," Jim said, "no it doesn't becavse were not sub-
ordinating the H.H.S. We have the plant and rea.l estate pledged to us as security.
We also have an additianal $200,000 pledged to us as security." Alden~z Carl felt
that Dcca slwuld be a party to it, Dave Dorgan Budget A~ninistrator and Co~nmimity
Development Director, sa:id the ~erms are spelled out in o~ grant applica.tion.
Itoll ca.ll. AYES: Alderntia.z Hr~rr, May, Carl, GTorlrniari, Sar~f, Savill, Haa~tnond,
Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Nbtion carried. 8 ayes Q nays 0 absent, Resolutian
being ~r 1056.
N,ayor Ec~aards said he is asked everyday abou~C the chips in the industrial park,
He said he ha.d met with the F,PA and Decontamination Systems Inc. There are scm~e
questions as to who awns P.E.S, Chips, and that's being resolv~ed by the EPA.
DSI is m~eeting with people around the cotmtry to find ~h.e best use of the chips
to provide jobs. Still have ~h.e intentians to came to Cantcm an.cl build a building
and process the plastic into the best use. 1~layor receivied a telegra~n from DSI, they
will be giving us a performance band for $50,000. The mayor doesn't feel its a bad
deal yet.
Canton Corporation ha.s been asked for an u~da.te and i~ Joe Driscoll had anything to
say it would be an the positiv~ side.
Cliff Sagaser reported tha~ the sidewalk work in front of city ha.ll will be donated.
ADJOURi~1T : Nbtion by Aldermari Sar~f , secand by Aldennan Kc~vachevich to adj ourn .
Voice wte, nntion carried. Cotmcil adj ourned at 8:14 p.m,
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