HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-1985 Council Minutes ~39 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on May 21st, 1985 in council chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETTNG, FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY CITY CLERK NANCY WHITES. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, Chapman. Absent: None. MINUTES OF MAY 7 REGULAR MEETING. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman May, the minutes of May 7th meeting be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. MINUTES OF MAY 7 NEW COUNCIL. Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman Sarff, the minutes of May 7th new council be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. BILLS FOR APRIL Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman (D May all bills properly approved be paid. Ro11 call. AYES:- Aldermen ~ Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Sarff, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich. ~ NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. W COMMUNICATIONS FR~M DAVE DORGAN - BUDGET ADMINISTRATOR AND COMMUNITY m DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. A budge~ meeting of the whole council is set Q for May 22nd, 6:30 p.m., to discuss budget recommendations. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER. At the last meeting of the council we approved a 1978 Plymouth Fury car for sale by bid. It is an error, the car is a 1977 Dodge Monaco. Motion by Alderman Falcone, second by Alderman Sarff to authorize the selling of a 1977 Dodge Monaco. Roll call. AY'ES - Aldermen Kovache- vich, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. A bid letting on the MFT work for 1985 is scheduled for June 3rd. Ma.ps have been made on the improvements, but have not been dis~ribu- ted, if the council members are wanting a map before their delivered, pl.ease pick one up at the city engineer's office. This MFT has been approved by IDOT and council, but were not plannin~ on living by that map to the extent that everything on it we will be doing. We will probably be making some adjustments throughout the summer. One of those adjustments that you already know about is the complete repair of all the streets in the Fairview Heights addition. And, as a matter of fact we will be doing only about 2 of the streets. Another item that's not on the map and know attention has been called to it, and that is the work that is to be done on the railroad crossings, that's to be done in place of some of that work that we~we~e`g~ii~g to be doing on Fairview Heights. The mayor, city attorney and city engineer, will be in Springfield Thursday to discuss the upcoming 3ewer Treatment Plant project. The archaeologist will be working in Canton on Thursday trying to clear up the right-of-way for this project and hopefully they'll be working on both parts of the project; that is the south sewer and the west sewer. The public works department is handicapped quite a bit in the summer time, as well as the street department, due to vacations, so if you call and want something done immediately and its not taken care of immediately, bear with us. Alderman Sarff asked Cliff if a date had been given when the railroad crossing on avenue D would be closed? Cliff said he didn't have a date yet, but Jim Boyd Street Supt., said he was told that it would be sometime in the fall of this year, and that's because they have to repair Main stree~ crossing first with rubber and that's what is holding them up. 2~0 CONTINUED MAY 21st, 1985 COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance Council. Action Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff to accept the bids of : L.C. Brown in the amount of $175. for a 1974 Chevy ~ pick up truck. Gary Jett in the amoun~ of $355. for a utility tractor, bush hog mower and cycle mower. Jerry Lefler in the amount of $400, for a 1965 cub cadet tractor. J, W. Nesbitt in the amount of $100. for a 1977 Dodge Monaco au~o. Cliff Sagaser to find sameone to take the mobile home in exchange for its removal within 30 days. Discussion. Cliff Sagaser said the mobile home had been removed. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Sarff, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT, Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Falcone, that the approval of purchasing 3 main brooms for the street department at a cost of $756, plus freight be gran~Ced. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderma~ Bohler the approval of the $1,348. expenditure to repair a transmission for a garba~e truck be granted. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Sarff, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Workman, an expen- diture of approximately $400. t~e granted for a new culvert to be in- stalled on 4th avenue north of the southeast corner of the golf course. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - none. Motion carried, 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel. Council Action None. Community & Industrial Development. Council Action None. Legal & Ordinance. Council Ac~ion None . COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Workman, the appointments of William Malmgren - Zoning Board of Appeals Dennis Dawson - Planning; & Zaning Commission Leslie Carl - Police Pen.sion Board Robert W. Anderson - Greenwood Cemetary Board Charles Davidson - Sexton to Greenwood Cemetary be confirmed. Voice vote, motion carried. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends to the City Coun,cil a Home Occupation Special Use Permit be granted to David Sale to operate z ~2 CONTINUED MAY 21st, 1985 a window tinting service for automobiles at his address of 833 N. 8th Avenue. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends to the City Council. to deny a petition of John and Linda Bordner tn rezone property located at 226 W. Chestnut from R-3 (Two-Family Residen~Cial.) to B-1 (Local Commercial) for a full service styling salon. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends to the City Council appoval of the petition of Farmers Home Admittistration of the United States Dept. of Agriculture to annex and rezone property located on the East side of County Road/S~abe Aid Route 6 between E. Chestnut and E. Walnut Street which road is si~uated on ~Che East corporate line of the City of Canton. OLD BUSINESS: ~ ORDINANCE - AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 948, ENTITLED "THE CITY OF ~ CANTON FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE", PASSED AND APPROVED ON OR ABOUT SEP- ~ TFMBER 21, 1982. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman W Kovachevich, second by Alderman Zilly, the ordinance be placed on its m passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Q Sarff, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 YEAS 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Ordinance being 1062. ORDINANCE - PROHIBITING PARKING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WEST SPRUCE. Second reading, read by title. Mo~ion by A1.derman Workman, second by Alderman May, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zil1y, Falcone, Sarff„ Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Ordinance being 1.063. ORDINANCE - PROHIBITING PARKING ON A PORTION OF THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH SECOND AVENUE. 5econd reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Workman, second by Alderman Zilly, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Al.dermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Sarff, Falcone, Zi~ly, Kovachevich. NAYS - none. Mo~ion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Ordinance being 1064. NEW BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A SI~IOP SPECIALIZING IN WINDOW TINTING OF AUTOMOBILES AT 833 N. 8TH. First reading, read by title. ORDINANCE - ANNEXING AND REZONING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF CANTON (COUNTY ROAD/STATE AID ROUTE 6 BETWEEN EAST CHESTNUT STREET AND EAST WALNUT STREET, First reading, read by title. ORDINANCE - ANNEXING AND REZONING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF CANTON (WEST HICKORY LIMITS). First reading, read by title. Jim Malmgren City Attorney reported that this ordinance annex'>s approxi- mately 9 acres of ground on West Hickory to the City of Canton. Its property generally owned by Richard Long, and probably known to the general public as L and L Used Car lot, togather with some agricultural ground to the rear. Hearings were held in 1981 which recommended annexation and rezoning as Ag-1. We need an easement from Mr. Long on part a~f our sewer project. Part of the consideration is, we would~ expedite the annexa~ion, particularly since we need to be in a position tomorrow in front of the Illinois EPA that we have this easement. The easement is or will be signed and is being held in escrow by Mr. Long's attorney. So I would ask the council to consider suspending the rules on this and pass the ordinance on its first reading, so we can tell Illinois EPA tomorrow we have that easement. The ordinance does provide that rather then zoning the land agricultural, it would be rezoned conservation. There is no difference in that ordinance, as a matter of fact both agriculture and conservation are under the same - ~.~z CONTINUED MAY 21st, 1985 section of our zoning ordinance. Agriculture zoning allows a farming operation, but does not allow the raising of cattle or chickens. Conservation allows a farming operation to include the raisin~ of cattle and chickens. This property is zoned Business zoning in the county. Motion by Alderman Workmna, second by Alderman Chapman, the sus- pension of the rules for the purpose of passing the ordinance. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - Alderman Kovachevich. Motion carried. 7 AYES 1 NAY 0 ABSENT . _ Motion by Alderman Falcone, second by Alderman Sarff, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Discussion. Alderman Fal.cone said the ci~y attorney had mentioned ~hat a public hearing had been held quite some~ime ago, were there problems at that time? Jim Malmgren City ~ittorney answered that'no' normally at this type of hearing its incumbent upon the petitioner to provide the city with an ordinance at their expense. The ordinance and plat were never forth coming, so there was never any action. As ~o the consideration given to them, the city will be preparing the plat and ~he ordinance. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Sarff, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich, NAYS - none. Motion carried, 8 AYES 0 NAY5 0 ABSENT, Ordinance being ~~1065. ORDINANCE - AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1059, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE ABATING TAXES ATTRIBUTABLE TO INCREASES IN ASSESSED VALUATION RESUL- TING FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR REHABTLITATION OF COMMERCIAL OR INDUS- TRIAL FACILITIES WITHIN THE ENTERPRISE ZON~," First reading, read by ~itle. RESOLUTION - INSUPPORT.OF THE FULTON COUNTY BOARD'S RESOLUTION OF MAY 1985IN SUPPORT OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE BANNER LAKE PROPOSAL. First reading, read by title. A presen~ation was given by Dennis Corbin, with the assistance of Harold Stokes. Dennis spoke about the Banner Lake proposal and commented that we have been working on an idea, the lake is a fresh water lake with approximately 13,000 acres. It encompasses the Can~on Lake. The main scope of this p~oposal is a regional water supply. The conservation aspects of the lake: Water Conservation Soil Conservation Wildlife Conservation T'ne flood control will be for the lower part of copperas creek, it will have some impact on the Illinois river if you control all this drainage. To what degree? The feasibility study will te11 us that. There is no end to the recreational aspects. We have a wildlife refuge at Banner marsh and we would like to expand ~h is on. into a wildlife refuge at the lake. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff, the resolu- tion be adopted. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - none. ~`~Iotion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Resolu~ion being ~~1073. RESOLUTION - APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND INTERNATION- AL PLASTICS RECYCLING, INC. First reading, read by title. Jim Malmgren City Attorney reported that this is identical to DSI, Inc. If this is approved, we will not be following thru with the loan from DSI. This is for the chips project. The Loan Committee has recommen- ded to the council tha~ there be a conditional approval of this agree- ment. The condition is, tha~ the assests which are presently in the name of DSI must also be pledged to secure the loan to IPR. e) CONTINUED MAY 21st, 1985 Dave Dorgan Community Developme~t Director stated that it will be a state grant to the city for $150,000, and we then turn around and loan it to the company. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Falcone, the resolution be adopted. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Wor~- man, Sarff, Falcone, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 A~ES 0 NA~S.~O ABSENT. R~solution being ~~1074. EXECUTIVE SESSION - PENDING, THREATENED, OR IMMINENT LITIGATION - PERSONNEL. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Aldertaan Sarff, to go into executive sesion. Roll ca~.l. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Falcone, Sarff, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - none. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Council adjourned the open session at 7:34 p.m. The executive minutes are on file in the office of the city clerk ~ for review. ~ ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Kovachevich, (U to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. Council adjourned at 8:13 ~1.J p . m . m Q , r ~ ~ I CLERK APPROVED. .c ~ YOR