HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-1985 Council Minutes A regular meeting of the Cantcm City Council raas held on March 19th 1985 in Cotmcil Ch~er~, PI~DGE OF AL~LEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING, FOLIAWID BY THE INVOCATION GIVELV BY MAYOR DONAI~ E. EIyGIA1ZDS . Ma.yor Ec~aards asked for roll call at 6: 30 p.m. Present : Aldezmen H~id, Savill, Sarff, Worlanan, Carl, M'a.y, Horr. At~sent: Aldem~n Kovachevich. BILLS FOR FEBRUAIZY, l~btian by Aldennan Sarff, seccmd by Aldern~an Savill, all bills properly approv~ed be pai:d. Roll call, AYES: Aldermeri Horr, Ma.y, Carl, Wor~anan, Sarff, Savill, H~rn~nd, NAY~: Nane, l~b~Cion caxried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 abse~nt . C(~TZUNICATTONS FR(7NT CLTFF SAGA~ER - CITY IIVGI1~EEt. The telephane ccm~any and the sewer department ~aill be working tr~gather to solv~e a probl~m tha.t is existing an Elm Street across fro~n the IH plan.t, where the ~Celephane cable was laid an the North side of the road an~.collapse unc~er the slab that they poured. It's quite a hollcna v~id, possibly more then a 100 feet existing there. ~ CCI~'~`~lIJNTCATIONS ~'ROM DAVE DORGAN - DIRECTOR OF BUDGET A~NISTRATION. We have ~ put in a grant for Ittternationa.l Recycling Plas~ics (D~T)f_or their agriculture W grant for reseaxch and develop~mea.z~ funds, to look at recycling of other plastics. m The grant went in with the Y~e of the cam~any, which is no benefit to the city. Q We have started our budgeta.ry process, so far have spent several houxs with the police chief, A public hearir~g will be held on Nlaxch 25th at 10:00 a.m, at city ha.ll for the discussion of the applicatian to the I-llinois Department of C,aim~erce and Camn~mity Affairs for dnwntawn in~rov~ent fimds , PUBLTC HEARING - TAX ABATII~]T 7:00 P.M, Motian by Aldern~.~n. Savill, second by Alderman Sarff, to go into a public heaxing to disc~t.ss the T~ Abate~na.zt Ordi- nance. Voice v~te, motion rarried. Cc>uncil was recessed at 7:00 p.m, for a public hearing. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said this is a public hearir~g held pursuant to Sec- tian 5 to the Illinois Enterprise 7.ane Act. And the p~pose of the public hearir~g is to consider and to discuss an ordin~.ce abating the City of Canton's portion of real property taxes attributable to increases in assessed valuatian resulting frcym th.e ccrostrt~ction or reha.bilatatian of crnm~ercial or inc~ustrial facilities within the City of Cantan Enterprise Zone. I note that the orclinance, -iC self, `~c~na.ins at conmittee and has not been reported back to co~cil . However, the public heaxi:ng ha.s beer~. set for tanight, and I see no reason why w~e may rwt have the public hearing, Jim Ma.]mgren said the ordin~ce,if and when passed and effective, simply abates tha.t portian of the real pmperty tax attributa.ble to the City of Canton's levy for improve2nerits to the existi.ng "improveiria.zts, or for new stnlcture;built an property within the corporate limits of the City of Cantan; ~d within the City of Canton Enterprise Zone,recognizing ~Chat the Enterprise Zane"actual~-.' creatian from both the Gity and the Co~.ty of ~ltan. To give you an example: If there were improveznents to rea.l property in the zane and within the corporate limits of the City of Canton, wi.th an eqvalized assessed valua.tion of $150,000 we would e,xpect to receive on an armual ba.sis about $2,000 worth of tax as the city's sha.re of rea.l property tax, If then tha.t property had impirov~~nts ma.de to it in an~ro~t equal to an;~equalized assessed valua.tian of $150,000, or, if a new struct~e with that value w~re placed an the lot the abateme~.zt would mean that we would not°`receive the seconc~ $2,000 portian of the tax, but we w~uld still receive the $2,000 which we_are naw presently receiving. Then if you abated the tax at the rate of 100% for a period of 10 years,it means we would be losing a toCal of $20,000. I think the important thing to reco~ni.ze is`we don't lose ~.y tax were presently receiving, We simply lci'se tax we might other wise receive in the future, But anly to ~he percentage tha.t the crnm.cil wnuld state in it's ordinance and for the period of time stated by the council in it's ordinance, The ordinance as it's presen~Cly drawn would apply anly to business, comnercial or inc~ustrial property and would not apply tA any residen- ti.aly zoned property, It would apply to nan-camforming uses, so lcmg as their lega.lly existing, ~2~ Ma.yor Edwards asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak? No one responded to the request. Mayor E~aards then asked the cotn~.cil members if ~hey wanted to speak on the Tax Abaten~ent? No one respanded ~o the request. Nlotian by Alclernnan I-I~.~zd, secand by Alclern~l Sarff, to adjourn the public hea.ring. Voice vr~te, motian carried. The covncil went into regular sessian at 7:05 p.m. QOPM'IITTEE RF,PORTS : Legal & Ordinance, Cotn~.cil Action None, Inforniatiamal: Alderman Ha~nrxn.zd reported that the fire t~epartment ha.d clone a study concerning the lack of recognizable house nunbers fram emergency vehicles as they came cic~~m the street. The camnittee ha.d several recamrend- ations, and a request for an ordinance mandating tY~at all houses have hou~e ~~'s and they be a certain size, Tn our discussian we asked that the fire department work with civi.c organizatians and canduct a public awareness c~aign, It is somnething the aldermPal need to consider, it could be comimg back to the co~cil if they dan't get some wluntary campliance in ma.rking houses. We discussed the vacating of an alley on East Walnut Street. Due to the fact that the petitian that was attached, there see~ned to be s~ne tmcerta.inty on the part of the cainnitttee m~emUers on whether the peti~ian reznained the s~ne thru out. We are recanmending tanight tha.t the passage of this ordinance be denied. A speci.a.l Clerical meeting will be held cm P~axch 28th, at 7:30 p.m, to discuss job descriptians. Finance . Cotu~cil Aciton Pat Wrig~it, City Trea.s~er investigated the leasing of a computer; N.C.R. ha.d ca.lled and said they would be willing to lease/purchase with the hardware and software, for $702 a month for 5 years, for a total of $42,120. They have a clause in their lease which m~kes it more of a lease then a lease purchase. And a nan-fLmcling clause whi.ch means you would not appropriate the imney for the next year. This cos~C ~uld be for training, but not maintenance. Alc~erm~.n Carl wanted to ~maw if any cantact had been made to the surro~ciing cacnrnanities to see if there was any interest that mig,h~ ha.v~ their cooperation? Da.voe Dorgan Director of Budget Ac~iiinistratian stated that neither he nor Pat Wright City Treasurer had m~.cle any cantacts. Alderma~l Carl said he would like a copy of the lease agree2~ent prior to makin~ a decisian. Cliff Sagaser City Engineer said we could check with other tawns we sell water to. Ra.y MckiYmey and i feel there is a very good chance we could be of service to those ca~rnnmities wi.th billing of their water. Aldernnan Caxl said he wuuld have to wte 'no' for it based an what he lmaws. Alderman Savill feels it should go back to the Finance conm.ittee and let these questians be answered. Nbtion by Aldern~ro.z Savill, second by Aldezm~ H~mrn.zd this be referred to the Water & Sewer cacmtittee and to have all the necessary information campiled by tha.t time. Voice wte, motian caxried. Canm~ity Develop~mPazt . Council Acti.on None . ~ CONTINUID MARG'~i 19TH, 1985 Negotiatian, Grievance & Persormel, Cotazcil Actian Nbtian by Ald~erman Sarff, secand by Aldern~an Horr, tha.t Ra.y McKirmey be paid for 40 hours a week while w~rking anly 20 hours, c~ue to the dQCtor's recam- mendations, I7iscussian, Aldern~i H~nd said it's not based an 40 hours a w~ek, (the rea.scm the canmittee recommen.ded this) lmc7wing that clepart~mt heads havoe a job to do, and gettir~g the job dpne. Roll cal1., AYES: Aldermen H~mnd, Savill, Sarff, Wor~~n, Caxl, Ma.y, Horr, NAYS: None, Motian carried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. Infozma.tiana.l: The camni:ttee ha.s been cantacted by the Public Works Unian concernin.g wage openers, We will be meetin.g cvith them prior to the spec'~a.l meeting of the camni.ttee on the 28th of Ma.rch. COMMUNICATIONS FRQM MAYOR EDWAR.D6. Dan told the council that Mike Canklin is ~ experimen.~ing with vi.deo equipmexit, and ha.s been talking to cable tv. He ma.y N be shawis~g the acticm of the cotmcil cm a loca.l channel j ust a test nm tanight . W Cliff Sagaser City Engineer has been asked for a street opening an Lan,gwood (n Drive for the gracery store on N. Ma.in. I told him not to issue the permit Q ~til I ha.d inforn~ed the aldermen. It will be issued ~mder the ordinance. Motion by Ald~n. Savill, secand by Aldem~an Sarff, that a class A liquor license be isst,leed to White Oak Tap, Discussiot~. Ma.yor Edwards said the liquor camnission recamrended the lic~nse be issved to Caxl White and Randy Oaks, Roll ca.ll. AYES~ Aldern~en Hc~rr, Ma.y, Car1, Wor~~an, Sarff, Savill, Hacm~rmd. NAYS : None . Nbtian carri.ed. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absen.t . OLD BUSIl~ESS: ORDINANCE - RESCII~IDING ORDINANC~ 1035 (HOME OCCUPATION AT 709 EAST CHES.TNCTI') , Secand rea.ding, rea.d by title. Jim Malmgren City Attorney reported that some three weeks or so a,~o he wrote to Mr, Rakestraw tellin~ him the situatian as he ~derstood it. And pointed out to him that the informatian that he ha.d was second and third hand informatian, and to came and meet with Jim at Mr. Rake- straw's canvience, to discuss the matter, He did came and see Jim and dis- cussed the ma.tter for about an 2 hour, and as the result of that discussian I'm te~table canvinced tha.t Mr, Rak.estraw dr~es iri fact naw reside in tha.t hc~use, And I'm talking now of the building at 709 E. Chestnut Street. We also discussed the ma.tter of signs, and I~hink everyone now ~derstands what those signs are, an.d are not pernnitted relatin~; to a home occupatian use. With that in mind T told Mr, Rakestraw that I would ask the co~cil to ta.ble this ordinance for 6 manth.s so that we could manitor the situa.tian. That would be to the regular meeting of September 17th 1985. I told Mr. Rak.estraw tha.t we would cantinue to manitor the situa.tian if the co~.cil approved a period of 6 manths, and that if there were no fur~her problems, I would then reco~ld to the council this ordinance be defea.ted. My recommenda.tian to you is tha.t this ordinance be tabled till the September 17th. regular meeti.ng. Nbtian by Aldenn~ri Sarff, second by Alde~z Savill, the ordinance be tabled until September 17th regular mee~ing. Discussian. Aldernnan Carl sa:i.d it seems to me like an indefinite period would be better then a ture definite because if it was nxmitored and they're was a violation we'd have to wait ~a~.til Septeznber before we cou7.d bring it back up . Jim Malmgren City Attorney said you may wish to table it indefini~ely, I ha.ve no proble~m with tha.t, The anly rea.son I suggested 6 months is I didn'~C want it ~is go on forever, I wanted to see a clefinite limit to i~. Aldennan. Sarff sai.d he didn'~ have a problem with it being indefinitely tabled but he has a probleqn with having 2 of the council being gane at that time. Jim Ma.7mgren said we could table the orclinance indefinitely but not later then...and tha.t accamplishes both. Mayor Ed~aards said the m~~ian and secand agreed ~o ~d the motian to rea.d... ta.ble the ordinance indefinitly but no later then Septe~nber 17th. Roll ca.ll. AYES : Aldern~en Hamnand, Savill , Sarff , Worlunan., Carl , Ma.y, Horr , NAYS : None . Motion ca.rried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. _ 2.,1 b CONTIN[JET) MARCH 19th, 1985 ORDINANG~ - PImVIDING FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN RF~AL PRUPERTY. Secand readir~g, read by title. Nbtian by Alderman H~amnd, secand by Aldern~z Carl, the ordinance be placed cm it's passage. Roll r.all. AYES: Aldern~n. Horr, May, Carl, TnTorkm,~n, Sarff, Savill, ~~.~zd. NAYS: Nane. Nbtion carried. 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Ordinance being ~~1054. ORDTNANCE - VACATING AN ALT.~Y SOUTH OF WI~T~WT STREET BE'IWEEN 9TH AVIIWE AND lOTH AVEIWE. Seconc~ reading, rea.d by title. Motion by Aldernnan H~zd, second by Aldern~ro.1 Carl, the ordinance be placed an it's passage. Discussion. Aldern~.z Hammnd reminded the covncil ~hat the caimii~tee is rec~nding the defea.t of this ordinance . Rr~ll ~all , AYES : Aldern~l May, Horr, NAYS: Aldermc~l Haimrnid, Savill, Saxff, Worlanan, Ca.rl. Nbtian defea.ted. 2 ayes 5 ayes 1 abs~nt, NEW BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - REQUESTING AS~NE~TTON OF PROPERTY IAC.ATED AT 1.122 SOUTH AVII~I[JE B FOR JAMES H. SIl~NS. First rea.din.g, read by tiCle, A report fr~n the , Platming & Zoning CaYm.issitm recamrends the armexa.ticm to the city of the property located at 1122 Sou~Ch Avenwe B awned by James H, Siumm~s , and the zaning classifica.tian of B-2 be assigned. ORDINANCE - GRAN'IZNG A SPECIAL USE PERI~T FOR 'THE OPERATION OF AN ACCOUNTING OFFICE AT 224 SOUTH 1ST, First rea.d~n~, rea.d by title, The Plarming & Zaning Camnissian recamnends tha.~ a special use pez.m.it to operate an accountin.g office at 224 S, lst be granted to Leonard & Linda Fores~ier, RESOLUTION - CANI`~TLTTING THE CITY OF CAN'PON IN ITS APPLICATION TO THE STATE FOR A C(~M'IUNITY DEVEIAPMEDTI' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRAN'i', First reading, read by title. Dave Dorgan Director of Budget Adminstration said the city is working with a potential developer for a site in the dc~wntown. Were trying to fina.lize tha.t persons proposal for these f~ds. There is uQto $50,000 available in grant funds to the city and a loan to th.e developer. This is the Ca.pitol Theatre property, We will be ~rying to get the ~n.an benefits o~ $SO,Q00. D~ave said it would be the city's benefit to make applicatian, I see no negative drawba.ck. Motion by Alderman. Carl, second by Aldermaiz H~.zd the resolutian be ad~opted. I7iscussian. Ma.yor Ecl~aards ask,ed Daee if he would be more specific at the public hearing? Dave said ~hat he would have ~o be,so we could invite cam- rne~.~.ts. I was going over my rules and regula~icros of CQAP today. Should the developer fall thru, there is the opportunity here to apply for a rewlving loan fi.nzd which wnuld affect the c~aaritown. And the problem with tha.t is , it takes at least a 51% match. I cbn'~C see where you w~u1d want to target your fi~.ds to tha.t. T suggest we sta.y an track, we have a developer. Alde~~an Wor~i asked if w~e could be told what type of developmerit this per- ta.ins to? Da.ve said th.e developm~tlt is inte,nded to be a restaurant . Roll call . AYES: Alde~.z Horr, Ma.y, Carl, Worl~n~.z, Sarff, Savill, Hanmand. NAYS: l~oc~'.e. Nbtian carried. Resolutian being ~~1066, Nbtion by Aldernnari Sarff, secand by Alderma~.z Savill, that pending litigatian be added to the executive sessian, Voice vote, m~tiar~ carried. EXECCITIVE SESSION - PERSONNEL AND Il~M~INEN'T, THRFATENED/PIIVDING LITIGATION . r'btion by Alde~ Sarff, secand by Aldern~z Ma.y to go into executiv~ ses- sian. Rc~ll call. AYES: Aldermen. Hantmnd, Savill, Sarff, ~,Torlanan, Carl, Ma.y, Hc~rr. NAYS: None. Mo~Cion carried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. Co~cil went into executive sessivn at 7:22 p.m, The ex,ecutive minutes are on file in the office of the city clerk. AI~TOURN~N'T: Nbtion by Alderm~l H~tld, secand by Aldera~an. Wor~z, to ad- journ, Voice vr~te, mr~tion carried. Covncil adjourned at 8:09 p.m. ' ±t..~ aPPxovID: an ~ d.,w-~ MAYOR