HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-19-1985 Council Minutes 199 A regular meeting of th.e Canton City Covncil was held on February 19th, 1985 in CoLmcil Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALT~GTANC~ OPIIVFD THE MEETTNG, FOLIAWID BY Tf-~ INVOCATION GIVEN BX MAYOR DONALD E. IDWARDS. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m, Present. Alderm~z Ha~m~czd, Savill, Sarff, FTbrlanaxz, May, Hc~rr. Absent; Alderme~l Kavachevich, Carl, MINUTES OF FEBRLIARY 5TH, MEETING, Alderma~z Sarff asked for a correction on page 196 tmder the Cammm.icatians fran Cli.ff Sa~a~er - City Engineer, 1he second sentence should ha.v~e read: Reca~uenda.tian~ for stree~ light locatians in the City of Cantan, RESZDENTT.AL ARF.~QS: 1.) A str~eC light shall be located at the intersection of every two crossed stree~~ or at any tee inter- sectian. 2.), If the distance bettaeen street l~.ght loca.tians, using (1) above, is grea.ter than 500 feet, then a street ligfit should be installed at the closest pole to the mid point of ~Cha.t locatian which is ovex 500 feet, 3.) A street light sha.ll be installed at all loca.tians on the end of a dead end street where the distance of the stree~ to t~he nearest intersect~an ~,s grea.ter th.an 300 feet. (D 4. ) No city contracted street li.gh~ sha.llbe loca.ted in any resicl~en.tia.l alley. ~ CONN~IAL AREAS: l.) Street lights sha.ll be located at ~very street inter- N sectian with another street or at every street intersectian with an alley. 2.) W If the distance between lights, usir~g (1) above, is grea.ter thant 400 feet, then a light sha.ll be installed close to the mid point of tha.t section, 3.) Depending [n on the degree of c3~n.sity in the co~mn~ercial area., the CoLmcil m~.y select ~Co hav~e Q street lights at more frequent loca.tions th,at those listed above. HIG'HWAY AREAS : 1. ) On Sta~e and Federal High~aays , the recam~zda.tians of the Departx~n.t of T`ransportation should be considered. In lieu of an.y recomn~.lda.tian frcym the IDOT, the spacing of li~h.ts should be at least those indicated in the above resid~ntial and crnmtiercial area., whichev~r i~ applicable, Repair work at Canton Dam. This should ha.v~e been ~Che 3rd paragraph. To da.te we ha.v~e pla.ced 207 cubic yards of grout in the t-~mnel , Zhe contractor has not been an the project this past week and a lialf, He plans an co~leting the wr~rk staxtir~g the llth of February. We plan to place 5~ bags of c~.1t in each o~ the six locatian.s and stopping. Di~voers were on the pro~ject Febxuary 3rd, to inspect the inside slope of the dam under the Faa,ter an tTze area of our pu~ing, tae wanted to see if there were any c~epressicros in the gro~d level or any large aimtuzts of grout deposited on the sur~ace of the slope. The divoers found a layer of grout loca.ted ov~er the t~mel, the center of wfii.ch was located sli.ghtly east of the center of the t~.el, The dimensicm~ of the grout layer are approxunately 60' x 70' and quite ~.iform as far as th~c~[mess i.s con.~exn,ed, They brovght up a piece of it which was abou~ ane inch thick. 'Th~s p~ece was ma.de up o~ four applica.tians of grout. For your infonnati:an, ea.ch inch tha.ckness of th.is material wnuld be one cubic yard spread over the ent~re area. The di,vers did rwt believe it was very thick any place, howev~er, ev~n if it raere one foot thick this would only be 12 cubic yards of ma.terial, Out of 207 placed, this is not a grea.t waste. As o£ this date rae are at or slightly above the $40,000 expenditure. To cornplete the p~ing of 300 bags in six holes ma.y take t~ao days which wovld be an e~pendit~xre of $3,000. Azwther oorrection an page 197. The fifth sentence...the word 'opened,' slwuld read "opener." Nbtiorn by Alderman ~~~nnrnzd, secand by Aldenn~.~n Sarff , the min~t~Ces of February 5th be accepted and placed an file as corrected. Voice vc>te, m~tian carried. BILLS 'FOR JANUARY. Nbtian by Aldernnan Hanman.d, second by Al.derm~.~n Savill, all bills properly approved be paid and including the bill of the ~ity attorney £or sewer conc~emr.~a.tian work in the amount of $1473~75 and to be paid fram the Sewer Bond Accotu~t. Roll ca.ll. AYES: Aldern~en Horr, May, Worlan~.~n, Sarff, Savill, Haimm~d. NAYS: Nane, Moticm carried. 6 ayes 0 n,ays 2 absent. CAMKUNICATIONS FROM CLIF'F SAC~I.SER - CITY INGIN~t. The bil'1 on the Pressure Concret~°Construction Ccmipany's repair o~ the dam was less ~Chen $39,000, The bill is $38, 621.11, and the div~ers bill is $400 . Nbtion by Alderman Savill, second by Aldernian GJorlana~l, the bill of Pressure Cancrete in the azm~u~.t of $38,621.11 be approv~ed for pa.ymeizt, and paid out of the Water & Sewer Depreciation Fund. Roll call . AYES : Alclermeri HaQmrmd, Savill, Sarff, Worlm~an, Ma.y, Horr. NAYS: None. Nbtian carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Aldern~n. Worlanan. asked what di.d the total came ~Co in the aim~mt of bags? Cliff said a total of 3;090 ba~s which calculates for building pvrposes as 6,180 cubic feet. 200 CONTINUED FEBRLTARY 19TH 1985 COrM'~JNICA.TIONS FRUM I)AAVE DORGAN - DIREGTOR OF BUDGET AI~III~TISTRA'I'ION. ifida.te from the DSI Corporation. Jim Schoenhard spoke to council an.d said he~and Jim B~ke Secretary/Trea.surer of our plastics firm were glad to be here. We ha.ve intentians of buildirig a factory and we have solid cvnmitznents in the comrn~?ity, we ha.ve arrangemen.ts wi~h. a firm that is in ~Che plastic recyclin.g business in Luxanbtrrg Wiscottsin, They ha.ve been in business for 15 years. And last year they cranked out 7 millian poLmds of recycled material. They are o~ partners in starting up ~Chi.s recycled business here in Canton. P~ir. Schoenhard distributed so~ne of ~he proc~ucts that have been recycled. The building cost be' $125,000, tha.t's the builc~ing erected. The equi:pn~ent to be put in there is~500,000, and in the pirocess of taking possessicm of all the chips , we ha.ve reached an agreemen.t wi.th. PES . Mayor E~aards asked, wha.t would be your source of plastics? Nir. Schonehard said we have a couple of sales people in Chicago buyin~; chips and they will see to the transporting of the chips to Cantan, TnTe do not plan at this tin~e to ck~ ~ any silv~er reclamatian. Mayor Ec~aards asked about plastic that is in automobiles at the landfills. Mr. Schonehard an.swered that you could say the polyethylene or polyestc~r, what they call scrape, either ane could be u~ed wi~Chin reason. Aldern~an Sa.rff asked when the staxt up da.te wauld be? Mr. Schanehard said in early July. Alderman Sarff also asked haw many e~loyees would they have? The~.r saying between 30-40, hopefully with an operation of 24 hours a da.y. Sent in the Hud close aut and the final pager work is in motion. a Held ~eting before co~cil with the Police and Fire Unians an their wage opener. The next meeting is se~C for March 5th at 5:30 p.m. Received a letter fram General Nlotors Corporation thanking us, we sent a package to them and they'll fonaard it on to their rea.l estate departm~rit. F~pect to hear fn7m the CDAP grant for DST anytime naw, as well as the District Heating ~rant. Also loca.ted a grant which may help so~me o~ the research and develot~nen.t efforts that DSI ma.cle. With a need to ~urther theiz project along thru ~Che U,S. Dept. of Agricult~e, I'11 check with thexn to see ~:f they have a need in the ~uture for ~Chat grant. Also this week I ran. across arwther gr~.t program which may be bri:z~~;in~ ~n sc~e assistance to Cliff Sagaser City Engineer's pxrmbleans at the dam, and with HHS_fLmds. QON~IITTEE REPORTS: Finance. Cotmcil Action Nbtian by Aldern~n ~-I~mand, seccmd by Alc3~earm~1 Sarf.f, authorize the fixm o~ Pea.t, Ma.iwick & Mitchell to ~ the 1984-1985 ci.ty Audit at a cost of $6,aQCl. Rc~ll call . AYES : Aldezmen Horr, I~Tay, Worlana~.1, Sarf~, Savill, Hatm~and, NAXS : None. Nbtion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. The cam~uter was brought back to the City Cotmcil for discussian. Ma.yor Echaards said he wr~uld like to see a better financial picture on it. The ma.yor said you would ha.ve to sell him on the need for a$38,000 computer, Motion by Aldernnari Savill, secand by Alderm~n Sarff, to ha.ve ccmiparisans at ~he next camnittee meetin.g. ~oice vnte, irotian carried. Nbtian by Alde~tnarl H~tmnd, secand by Aldernnan Sarff, to autlwrize the payment to Fulton Sqvaxe for paym~rit on the prvmissary note, at a cost o~ $8,422.2~+. Roll call. AYES: Aldermen Haim~ond, Savill, Saxff, Wor~nan, May, Horr. NAYS: None. Nbtion caxried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent, 2~~ QONT'INUED FEBRLIARY 19TH, 1985 Nbtion by Aldern~a~.z Hamrnnd, secand by Aldermari Ma.y, tha.t Alderman Victor Kovachevich who is in Florida vaca.tioning be allt~wed milea.ge and ane n.ight's lodgin,~ to attend the NA.SA lif~ off of Steve Nagel Astronaut an~.former Cantan residen.t. Roll call. AYES: Aldermen Horr, May, Worlrn~l, Sarff, SavilY, Haimm~d. NAYS: Non.e. Motian carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Al:dermazz Carl arrived at the council chan~Uers at 7:15 p,m. Motion by Aldern~an H~mm~d, secand by Alde~man ~ar~~ to au~hor~ze the expexLdi- ture of $550, for the Waste~,ra.ter Trea.t~m.mt Plant to purchase a 1980 e~ngine for the 1978 Dodge pickup. Roll call, AYES: Aldermen. Hamm~nd, ~avill, Sarff, Worlanan, Carl, M'ay, Horr, NAYS: None, Nbtian carried. 6 ayes 0 na.ys 1 absent. Legal & Ordinance, (D Council Action ~ None. ~ Negotiatians, Grievance & Persorme~.. W m Co~cil Actian Q Nbtian by Alderman Sar~ff, secand by Alde~i Woa^l~z, to ~.y the request of Gree~od Cemeta.ry that we make the requireznents of wr~rking 1, 000 hotrrs a year to qua.lify for I.M,R.F, , and that the require~nen.ts wi.ll rein~.in at 600 lwurs . Voice wte, motion carried, Cacnrn~ity Dev~elop~nent . CoLmcil Action None. I~ongwnod Drivn . Gerry Mayhugh 33 Longwoad sai,d she ~rzas curzous anc~ wanted to im,aw if Mr, Ma.lmgren had ha.d tim~e to look over ~"~r. Elsan's let~er ccmcerning the North Ma.in Conv~.ient type food store? .Tizn 1`?al~cngr~n. City Attorney replied that in terms of thin~sto be done or needixig to be done, I'v~ ~pressed to the co~cil on similar occassicros that nothin,; needs to be c~Cm.e by way of ei~her approval or denial at either the co~.u~.cz.l or oamnittee l~v~el , Mr . Elson ha.s gane to a lengthy written opinion which basica.lly says that ~fie use that's cante~lated out there in his opinion an accepta.ble use, as a nan-canforn~ing use. This is a basis agree~nent of what T've verbally actvised both the covncil and ~Che conmittee's at previous meetings . I hav~ tcmight released to the indiva:dual co~m.cil ~ers copies of Mr. Elson's opinian and copie~ of my opinion ~ahi:ch I'v~ held up until naw. It's my Lmderstanding that yo~ attorney (~lrs. Mayhugh.} has pr~va:o~usly received a copy of Mr. Elsem's wri~ten opinian. Tn terms of camr~n,ting fitrther, n4, I dan't wish to ca~.t fi~ther, except to say the originals are an f~le with the city clerk. Mayor Ec~aards said no action. is needed by co~.cil, and t~.e opinians stand an their awn merit. The anly questian is whether or not th.e c~ty will allow, thru its city engineer, a stree~C opening. I'm instructing Cliff now to use ~treme caution on this ~.d ~o be sure his dec3.sian is the righti one. It will not be issued imnediately, ~ICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWATZDS. A press conference for February 20th at 11:00 a.m. I carmot make the meeting, but I've asked Dave Dorgan ~o be my spokesman for this press conference. I would like to invite the aldern~en ~d local ne~ws media. Mayor Edwards ha.s sent a letter to ~h.e Legal & Ordinance ccmYrLi.ttee and also the Plarming & Zaning Canmissian about a meeting that was ~o be held on.February llth and was cancelled partly due to the weather, T guess. I plazmed to be here to ta.lk about the Cam~rehensiv~e Plan. I'm now referring it to the Legal & Ordinance oacmLi.ttee to see what s~eps we should take, and what ~ae can use. It needs to be fined t~.ed. The barbe,r shop on E. Chestnut St ha.s a hame occupatianal use, it was granted at the recomnendation of Plarming & Zaning, A hcnne occupation means that you live in the house, Mr. Cha.rles Rakestraw c~oes not live in the house and c~id not 202 CONTINUED FEBRAURY 19TH, 1985 when he applied for the special use. flut he dr~es rent out apartme~ts in the house . Mayor Ec~iards said what I feel he' s cbne, is crea.ted a zoning in a residential axea.. Also, there's b.een. large si~ns in t~ie yard, Cliff wrote a letter once, asking that ~he~e signs be remved. He's now actverti- sing for snow rem~val, The Be~te~merLt Canm.issio~r~ ha.s sent a letter to me and the aldera~en talkitttt~ about the flashing signs in Che yarcl, and also the satellite dishes. He should not be allawed to continve under a nu11 arid wid pezmi~, I'll ask the city attorney to look anto this, It ma.y require co~.cil actian at a later date, Mr. Rakestraw will get a letter fram the city attorney C7LD BUSINESS: ORDIlVANCE - AMENDING ORDTi~TAANCE NtIl~ER 1047 , ENT'ITLED :"AN ORDINANCE RESC7TTD~TG ORDINANCE N[A~ER 996, ENTITLED" "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING TAX INCRII~NT FTNANCING (AREA NiJMf3ER 1W0) AND ABOLISHTNG CITY OF CANPON TAX ~I(~.'NT ARF,A N[Il`ZBER 'IWO Secand reading, read by ti~le, Nbtion by Alde~1 Ham~mnd, secand by Alderman Worlanan, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call, AYES: Aldern~n. Horr, Ma.y, Carl, Wor~i, Sarff, Savill, Haamm~.d, NAYS: Non.e, Nb~ion ca.rried. Ordinance being ~~1050. ~ ORDINEINCE - VACATING AN ALI.EY SOUTH 0~' L~PaLNUT STRF.ET BETWF~T 9TH AVENLTE AND lOTH AVIIWE. Secand reacling, read by ti~le. Motion by Alderman May, secand by Alderman Horr, the orclinance be placed an i~s ~assage. Discussian. Alcler- man Sarff asked if we ha.c~ all the signa.tures of the property c~mers an the petition? Another peti~ian had been giv~n. to the city clerk at the last coLmcil meeting. Cliff Sa.gaser cautioned the council to be s~e and read the hea.ding, as the property owners are wanting to use the alley for ~heir awn use. Alderm~z Sarff felt the ordin.ance stwuld go back to ccmmittee. The tmver and secand did not want to withdraw their motian and secand. A1dern~an H~Zd said he was not sure of what the intent of the petiticm is, The ane the city clerk has is different then the ane attached to this ordinance, T'm not sure ~h.e people tha.t sig~ed it lma~as what the intent is ..Tam ~almg~en C~:ty Attorney said the secand petitian has an. addi~a;ana.l sentence added: W~ agree ~,uith_ the excepti.an that property awners hav~e access to their a~m pmper~y. Jim said I want you to ~derstand tha.t it is conc~ptiana.lly 1Q0% at odd's ~th the i.d~ea o~ vacating naw. You vacate th~e alley, the alley fram the middle becames 100% the property of the abutting land awners. And they can thraw a cha.in linkecl £ence across it. Or, put a builcling on it. Which denies tfie people in the i.n~erior access to the public streets . Your playi.ng ~ri.th fire v~an vacat~:ng alleys and streets . Nir . Don Ku~eer a property awner aaas in the audience and made camn~nts . (The recorder did not pick u~ his ~cm~tnents) . Alderm~n H~mrnzd asked the alde~ who made the motion if he would withdra~ his motion and send this back to the ccmmittee ~or fizrther discussion? Aldern~an. Jim Ma.y said he would withdraw ha~s mAtion the ca.ty attorney waul.d draw up another orclinance on it? Ma.yor Eckaards said the ordinance is alr,i:ght, the petition is what's wrong, Jim Mal.mgren Ci,ty Attorney repres~nts the city, he carmot take both sides. Ma.yor Edraards asked Aldexm~n May if he wished to with~aw his motian or le~ it stand? Alde~~an 1~9a.y said he w~uld withdraw a..f arwther petition was dra~m up. The m~tion and seccmd was withdra~m to place the ordinan.ce on its passage. Nbtion by Alderm~iz May to authorize the city attorney to draw up a new petition. Mayor Eckaards ruled tYie motian out of order, Motian by Alde~nari ~~.~mrmd, second by Alderman Sav~.ll, the orclinance and pet~,t~an be referred back to the comni,ttee for further discussic~n. Voice vr~te, motian carried. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION - APPROVING AN AGREEN~LVT BE'IG~1 Tf-IE CITY AND PHILLIPS AND ASSOCIATES INC. First reading, rea.d by title, Dav~e Dorgan said NHS ha.s requested this change in cantracts, Nbtion by Aldern~an Sarff, secand by Alderman Horr the resolutiom~be adopted. 2~~: CONTINUED FEBRLIAR.Y 19TH, 1985 I7iscussian. Mayor Eckaardssaid its the reqv~es~C of th.e Federal Goverrnn~ent were putCir~g the informa.tion on. their fornLS . Itr~ll call . AYES : Alclermen H~tmrmd, Sa.vill, Sarff, Worlana.n, Carl, May, Horr, NAYS: None. Nb~Cior~ c~xried. 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Resolu~Cian being ~~1065. ORDINANCE - AUI'HORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF TAX ANTICI~~"T~ON WARRANTS IN ANTICIPA- TION OF TAXES LEVIID ~'OR THE YF,AR 1984. Fi,rst reading, rea.d by title. ORDIl~NCE - PR(JVTDING FOR THE PURC~IASE OF CITY OF CAN"i'ON TAX ANTICIPATION WAR- RANI'S WITH NA7TOR FUEL TAX FUNDS , First reading, rea.d by title . Zh.is is a wa.y of borrawir~g imt~.ey to pay ourselves, accorclin,~ to Nlayor F.dwards. ORDINANC.'E - AUTHORTZING AND DIRECTIl~TG 'I'HE Tl~NSFER 0~' F[JNDS FRIJM TNE WDRKTNG CASH FUND 'In 'THE GIIVFRAL F'UND. First readir~g, read by ~itle. Aldern~n H~mand said this ordinance was discussed at the ccmmittee and in order to pay bills ~ the conmittee recam~nded the suspensicm of the rules tA place the ordinance an its passage. ~ Nbtion by Aldernnan Hann~and, second by Al~erm~Z Sarff, to susper~d th.e rules for (U the p~pose of passing the ordinance. Roll call. AXES: Al.dern~l Carl, Work- W man, Sarff, Savill, Hanammd, Ma.yor Eckaards. NAYS: .Aldermen Horr, May. Nbtian m carried. 6 ayes 2 nays 1 absent. Q l~btion by Aldennan. Hatm~ond, seccmd by Aldernna.n Savi,ll , the ordirLance be placed an its passage. Roll call. AYES: Aldennen Hanmm,d, Savill, Sarff, Worlan~n, Caxl, Ma.y, Horr. NAYS: None, Nbtion carried. 7 ayes 0 na.ys 1 abs~nt. Ordinance being~~ 1051, EXECUTIVE SESSION - Il~.N~'I', THRF~TFNED, ~EI~TD~TG LIT~GATTON - PERSOI~. Nbti.an by Alclerm~l Savill, second by Alderniari Sarf~ ~o go into exec~utive sessian. Roll call. AYES: Aldennen Horr, Ma.y, Caxl, Wor~rn~an., Sarff, Savill, H~zd. NAYS: Nane. Nbtian carried. 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. 'Ihe executive minutes are an file in the office o~ the city clerk, Co~cil we~nt into executive sessian at 7:54 p.m. AATOURI~I': Motion by Alderm~n Haimxm.d, second by Alderm~n Sar~f, to adjourn. Voice wte, nntion carried. Cotm.cil ad,journed at 8:32 p.m. G~~j'~ ' ~ ~4~ ~ , ? ~ APPROVED. ~G ,~~-~z ~