HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-1985 Council Minutes 196 A regular meeti.ng of the Canton City Cotm.cil was held on February 5th, 1985 in Co~.cil Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGiANCE OPII~IID 'I~ M~TiNG FOL~4JED BY TI-~ INVOCATION GIVEN BY C~TY CLERK NANCY GIHITES. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p,m, Present: Alde~nen.H~mnd, Sarff, Carl, May, Horr. Absent: Aldercnen Kr~vachevich, Savill, Wor~nan. MINU'I~S OF J'ANUARY 15th MEETING. A correction on page 191 on the 4~Ch sentence add the word 'hot" after the ~ords 'be issv~ed;' alsv, on the same page and in the lOth sentence elimina~e ~h.e w~rd "not" after the word 'city engineer.' The sentences wnuld then rea.d:.."He see's no rea.son why a s~Creet openir~ permit s~.ould not be issued," (lOth sentence) "In any event he ~rill not direct the city engineer to issue any pezmits tmtil, or, tim.less he ha.s a seccmd opinion ~la.t COriCL~'S WltYl. t1.1.S , On page 194 the first paragraph, the sentence says to ~nend Resolutian ~~1053, it shoul'd read,,"amend by rescincling Resoluticm ~~1053." Nbtian by Aldernnan Sarff, secand by Aldermro.z Horr,the minutes as corre~cted be accepted and placed on file, Voice vnte, motian carried. C~TNICATIONS FR~M CLIFF SACASER - CITY ENGIlVF~~t. Three people fram the Water Department received and award recently fram the State of Illinois for "Voltmteer Lake Manitoring Program," Their doing this cm a voltmteer basis, they are Ra.y McKirmey, Steve White, Robin Shirley. This is for work tha.t was actua.lly cbne during regular wdrking hours in same cases and same not over the past 6 or 7 manths, These workers were presented their plaque by the Envirarm~ental Protec- tive Agency. The city appreciates what they did. `r Cliff gave each alderm~n a letter regardir~g the repair work at the Cantan Lake, and a report on the street lights, Cli,~f said tha.t if you want to discuss this we can do so at the conmittee level. Ma.yor Edwards said tha.tr he would rec~nd since we have gone this far on the repair wnrk at the Lake, to use the materia.ls we have, and okay the $400. fee for the divers. Motion by Aldern~.z Sarff , secand by Aldern~n May, to use the ma.terials we ha.ve to do the repair work at the Lake and the expendit~e of $400. for the divers be approved for paym~ent. I7iscussicm. Cliff Sap;aser said he has 310-315 bags of cem~nt on the site now. If we dan'~C use th~m, we dan't ha.v~e to pay for them. If we dan't ptunp the ceme~z~ we clan't pay for it. Roll ca.ll. AYES: Aldermerz Horr, May, Carl, Sarff, Harmr.~nd, NAYS: None. I~btian carried. 5 ayes 0 na.ys 3 absent. Cliff said we w~uld be slightly later in starting the M,F.T, progr~n for this year, part of the reason is we clon't want to spend the imney earlier beca.use were goir~g to be using it. [aere aimin~ at a pro~;ram of a very canservative estunate of about $250,000. we ~.y W~.t to cut tha~ back, clawn to the area. of $200,000. The city received a letter form ~h.e Burlir~ton, rlorthern Railroa.d sametime back. Giving us a cost estimate of what its going to cost to fix upto their standa.rds th.e 2 way street railroad signals. The cost was approx3mately $60,000. per crossing, ev~erythinv will be new. The letter stated tha.t everything their was obsolete and in bad conditian. Cliff said his reactian was that if every- thing there is obsolete and in bad candition then maybe they should be replacing it anyway. [aere going to be going back to the Illinois Camnerce Canm.issian with samething in line like tha.t, (This is .for Ea.st Chestnut Street), Aldern~an Sarff asked a question an the street lights. If were meeting the criteria in Cliff's report, if all that ha.s been taken aut, how many will be going back in? I'm going to guess, in the area of Myr~C1e to Ash follawin.~ that criteria of haw ever many feet, so we would have to put lights in to meet that criteria. Mayor Ec~aards said you should make your recamY~en.da.tion at the canmittee level on the stre~t light policy of Cliff's. 19~ ~p~~D FEBRUARY STH, 1985 CONI~9UNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN. We sutxiii~Cted a groposal to C~'f for the Saturn Plant and it has since then be kicked out by the S~ate of Illinois for lack of ha,vixlg an interstate within 10 miles . This is the second major pn~ject ~ae did not qualify for, the prison proposal was the other project, we were told then by the state we didn't ha.ve the high- ways, Received the report back on o~ 3rd year Hud Audit, There were several findings, Hud has clea.red all of those findings. This means there will be no financial reco~se. Have had no word from th~ Department of Energy Agreement for I7istrict Heating. ?AOking for it on the 25~h. or 26~Ch of Febn~a.ry. ~ In tern~s of the CDAP ApplicaCicm ~ae put in with the Illinois Departznent of Comnerce and Comrnmity Affairs, we did ha.sre a site vi.sit by the depaxtn~nt ~ lookix~ at the proposed site for the International Plas~ices Recycling Company (\j for DSI. The visit went very well. W Ha.d a ne~otiatian mee~in~; with the Fire and Police Unian on the wage opene r m for the caming year. Q Been ha.v~ng staff ineetings, one of the things caming f~Qm tYLat meeting is to take a look at the problems with the Persormel Policy. The ma.yor appointed fram that group, Da.ve Dorgan, Nancy W'hites, .~im 1~lalmgren., Don Edwards . CONMIZTEE REPORTS: Streets & Garbage. Co~.cil A~ction Nane. Iake, Buildings & Grounds. Crnmcil Action Nane. Informatianal: N1a.yor E~aards said he did get in touched with the State of Illinois and they will be putting in 12,500 eight inch chaxmel catfish and 250 tiger muskie eight inches' long at the lake and they will also be shockin~ the lak.e. Public Works, Water & Sewer. Co~cil Action Nk~tian by Aldenn~n Ma.y, secand by Aldennan Horr, Laxry Duttan be allawed to take samples for testir~ of various chemicals at a cost of $550, for all of the test. RQ11 ca.ll. AYES: Aldermen Hammnd, Sarff, Ca.rl, May, Horr, NAYS: Nane, Nbtion carried. 5 ayes 0 nays 3 absent. Nbtianby Aldernnan. May, secand by Alderman. Sarff, that Swb Enterprise repair twn p~s loca.ted in the lift statian tha.t ha.d froze and broke, at the cost of two being repa:i.red for the price of one, Discussion. Alderm~l Sarff asked if steps wi.ll be taken so it wan't happen a~ain? Cliff said we hadn't decided wha.t the end results wc~uld be, when the lift statian functians norn~ally, the sewa~e alone will offer alot of wazmth. Roll call. AYES: Aldermen Hc~rr, Ma.y, Carl, Sarff, ~~nrnmd. NAYS: None. r'btian carried. 5 ay~s 0 nays 3 absent. CONMINICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. The ma.yor put out an administrative order an vacations for the Fire and Police cantracts for the yeax 1984-1985; it is as follaws: For the purpose of cam~puting vaca.ticm during the cantract yeax of 1984-1985, the t~me fram May 1,1984 to the e.~nployee's armiversaryda.te sha.ll be prorated for the vaca.tian that the e~nployee has caming during the 1984-198~ contract year. After armiversary da.te, the e~loyee's full vaca.tian shall be taken durir~ each armiversary year . i9s OON'I'INUED FEBRLTARY 5th, 1985 Also, the ma.yor presented a m~n for Job Descriptions - Director of Public : Works/City Engineer; Direc~or of Camm,mity Developnv~nt/Director Buclge~ and Achninistration as follows: The Director of Public G~orks is a position tha.t directs the follawing: Water Distributicm, ~tree~ and Gaxbage Departrnent, Water Depa.rtment, Sewer Departm~er~.t, Nfainten~.ce Departrn~zt, Draftpersan, and all operations that c3~ealwith these departzren.ts including the clepartme~nt hea.ds of the depari~ents which answ~er to ~Che Director of Public Works, . The Director of Camrnmity Develop~zt/Director of Budget S~ Adminstration is a positian tha.t is in charge of. CanmLmity Develop~cnent, Unian Ne~otiations, Unian Grievances, Works with ~Che City ~easurer on Financial Control, and is an aide to the Ma.yor, Revenue Sharing is samething I ~aould urge you to watch real closely. taashington is ta.lking about takin.g an. axe to it. Ia.st year we received $155,000,, this year about $140,000, If its cut off inmediately it could crea.te a rea.l proble~n. If it cantinues it will be clrane in 1986. Ray McKinney suffered a heart attack at work. He is doit~ wel.l at this time. On the Hud Audit, I wrote a letter to Da.ve congratulating him. We went ahead and sent our proposal straight to C~'I after the state rejected our first proposal. OLD BUSIl~IESS : Aldern~z Carl asked Jim Malmgren City Attorney if we ha.d heard fram the attorney an the secor~d opinian for th.e North Main Street Canvenient Store? Jim Ma.lmgren said he had not hea.rd anything at ~Chis da.te , NEGT BUSINESS : ORDINANCE - A1~IDING ORDINANCE NCIl~IEiER. 1047 , AN RESCINDING ORDINANCE NiA~IBER 996 , AN ORDINEINCE ADOPTING TAX INCRE~~lIIIVT FINANCING (AREA NUMBER 'IWO), AND ABOLISHING CITY OF CAN'InN TAX INCRII~NT ARFA NiIl~iER 'IWO. First rea.ding , rea.d by title . Jim Malmgren City Attorney said at our last meetinp; we had our second and final rea.ding o~n a ordinance for Abolish.ing Tax Incremen.t Area 2, 'Ihe lan~;ua.ge said that it was abolished by the same force and effect as though the Tax Incre~lt Area. ha.d never been crea.ted. A certified copy of tha.t was filed in Lewistown. Last week I received a call fram the County Clerk Randa.l R~nnler, that he was advised by legal co~sel to have ~ha.t amended, stating a specific da.te on which it was abolished. ORDINANCE - VACATING AN AIJ~EY SOifl'H OF EAST WAINUT S'IREET (BE'.It~]EF.LV 9TH AND lOTH AVIIWE) IN 'THE CITY OF CANIbN, ILLINOTS. First reading, rea.d by title. A petitian was presented to the city clerk by Ibn Kumer, AATOURI~'IENT: Nbtion by Aldern~n r1a.y, secand by Aldenn~n Caxl, to adjourn. Voice wte, motion carried. Covncil adjaurne~ at 7:22 p.m, ~ ~ ~ 1'Y ~ APPROVED G~Lr.rL~~~ L,.~-z-Zl~ ~ MAYOR