HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-1986 Council Minutes :~80 A regular meeting o£ the Can~on C~~Cy Council ~zas held on March.4th, 1986 in CounCil Chambers, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FQLLOWED BY THE INVOCATTON GIVEN BY MAYOR DONALD E, EDWARDS. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p,m. Present: Aldermen Zilly, Steck, Workman, Bohlsr, Ma.y, Chapman. Absent: Aldermen Kovachevich, Sar~f, MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 18 MEETING, Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman Workman, the minutes of February 18th be accented and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25 MEETxNG, Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman Chapman, the n2inutes of February 25th Special meeting be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried, CO~~IUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGTNEER. Cliff reviewed the proposed contract fro~ Daily & Associates for the council r.iembers, He stated that if this contract is approved we will receive a phone call from upon them receiving the documents and we th.en can proceed with the project. A letter will be cominp from IDOT giving this approval. The total project cost for all the engineerng e~ork is $25,750. j~le will not be given the money to disburse, we sencl IDOT the bills and they will be paid by IDOT. ESTTMATES OF COSTS PHASE 1- Investigate Geotechnical and Structural Condition of Canton Lake Earthen Dam Daily & Associates $10,000* i Engineering Services Whitney & Associates ~ 6,400 Subsurface Exploration Program & Soil Labortory Service P.E. LaMoreaux & Associates $ 9,350 Use of Ground Penetrating Radar Total Estimate $25,750~ti Services by Daily and Associates and Whitney and Associates are necessary to define scope of repairs and condition of earthen : structure. The services of P,E, LaMoreaux involves the use o_f Ground Penetrating Radar, We judge the information gained by using this equipment will provide useful data and yield cost savings in the construction phase that will more than pay for this item. PHASE 2- Assist in Preparing Technical Documents Estimate will be prepared at completion of Phase l. The City of Canton wi1.l be advised prior to exceeding the estimate by more ~han ten percent, i` Includes work completed prior to this agreements, Services for that work shall be billed separately. 381 CONTINUED MARCH 4th, 1986 INVESTIGATION OF PROBLEMS - CANTON LAKE DAM DAILY & ASSOCIATES, ENGINEERS, INC. SCOPE OF SERVICES PHASE 1 1, Procure and review records of available information regarding original construction and remedial improvements of the earthen ~.am. Have reproducible mylars made of shee~s expec~ed to be useful in the evaluation phase. ~ 2. Investigate Jeology of site. Information relating to ~ naturally placed and man placed earth materials will (V save time and money in investi~ation and will assist W in identification of soils. m 3. List possible solutions to remedy observed problems a~.d a estimate the usefulness of field data in determining the effectiveness and need for each solution. Identify order of magnitude of cost for remedial work. This will yield a scope for the field investigation. 4. Subtnit a formal request for an on site survey by City personnel. 5. Procure site specific soil data: a) Anticipate seven soil borings to depths varying from 40' to 70'. Lab testing of samples for properties important to dam construction. Equipment anc~ lab services shall be done by Whitney & Associates, Monitorin~; of water level in bore holes be requested of City personnel. b) Possible use of geophysical rnethods of soil investigation (such as ~round penetrating radar) to identify shape of core and locate voids. Field work and evaluation of results are by others, Motion by Alderman May, second by Alderman Chapman, the mayor be authorize to sign the agreement and enter into a contract with Daily & Associates. Roll call, AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, G1ork- man, Steck, Zilly. NAYS - None. Motion carried. 6 AYES b NAYS 2 ABSENT, Agreement being ~~475. The city has received 2 bills from Burlington Northern Railroad for work being done on 2 crossings. The bills are in the amount of $37,000 and $70,000 for our portion of the work on 2 crossings, COMP~~TEEE REPORTS : Public Safety & Traffic. Council Action Non e . 382 CCJNTINUED MARCH 4th, 1986 Streets & Garbage. Council Action None. Lake, Building & Grounds. Council Action None. Public Works, Water & Sewer, Council Action Motion by Alderman May, second by Alderman [aorkman, to accept the Catho~ic Protection Ma.intenance Contract for the standpipe in the amount of $1,058. Roll call, AYES - Aldermen zilly, Steck, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - None, Motion carried. 6 AYES 0 NAYS 2 ABSENT. Contract bein~ ~~476. COMMUNICATIONS FROM JIM MALMGREN - CITY ATTORNEY, City Attorney attended a seminar in Chicago on the recent changes to the Tax Increment le~islation. Hopefully more changes will be coming later this year, I will be providing the council with a detailed written report with some recommendations, Jim gave a overview of his upcoming report: The Tax Increment statute has recently been changed so that now municipality's may acquire sales tax increment as well as the real property tax increment. Add- itionally the municipality may also acquire a utility tax increment. Plus Industrial Parks ~ now qualify for tax increment treatment. In order to invoke the new increments in the existin~; Tax Increment area, all we have to do is pass a ordinance. And I would strongly recommend to the council they give very serious consideration to doing that. I recommend you wait until David Leezer is here, and that you ~aaib to take final action on that later in the year, And the reason ft~r that is that the present legislation when it was enacted indit~.a~ed that the sales tax u~oulc~ apply to any Tax Increment t~rea created on or before December 31st, 1986. Because Industrial Parks may now qualify there would hopefully be more major future expenses in railraad spur, more masses of gas lines to supply industry that will be out there. My next recommendation to the council is that you give serious consideration and study to making at least the Industrial Park a larger area. COMMUNICATTONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. David Leezer put in a day of work last Monday to refile the papers with the State of Illinois for B& K Specialty Casting Company. Mayor Edwards said he would like for David to receive a day's pay for this, Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman Zilly, that David Leezer be paid one day's wages for working on March 3rd. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Steck, zilly. NAYS - None. Motion carried. 6 AYES 0 T3AYS 2 ABSENT. Mayor Edwards said he will be presenting to the Legal & Ordinance Committee the State of Illinois has a pro~;ram on Certified Cities. 3~3 CONTINUED MARCH 4, 1986 It helps to identify what we have been doing the last 5 years in putting in an Industrial Park. There are 5 different categories that we have to excel in to become a certified city. I will ask the Legal & Ordinance Comanittee to draft a resolution which would start this process. After the resblution is passed I would appoint a committee that would work on putting togather an organization which would bri~ng all these differemt things tog~.ther. Most of the things that are needed are already in place. A few things in the downtown area, someone who oversees the downtown area. After you've done all your homework you invite the State in and they make the decision. Its not permanent, you have to recertify every 3 years. Being certified sends a signal out to business's, it says we have a business plan, and a financial plan, we have everything your lookin~ for. ~ OLD BUSINESS: ~ ORDINANCE - AMENDTNG TITLE 6 BY ADDING CHAPTER~11 RELATING TO THE (v OFFENSE OF LIBRARY THEFT.Se~oi~d reading, read by'title. Motion by - W t~lderman Zilly, second by Alderma.n Bohler, the ordinance be placed ~ on its passage. Roll call, AYES - Aldermen Zilly, Steck, Workrnan, Q Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - Motion carried. 6 AYES 0 NAYS 2 ABSENT. Ordinance being ~k1106, ORDINANCE - ANNEXING CANTON PARK DISTRICT PROPERTY. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Workman, second by Alderman May, the ordinance as amended be placed on its passage. Discussion. Ald- erman Steck stated that for the last 5 years he has been the park districts baseball commissioner and has checked w~~h the city attorney " about voting on this ordinance. Alderman Steck said he was told that there's noconflict with him being baseball commissioner. Jim Mamlgren City Attorney was asked what the amendments were to this ordinance. He responded by saying the amencfiments was the rezoning to C1-Conservation and a new attachment of a writ~Cen le~al description. Cliff Sagaser City l~ngineer said he was not opposing this annexation of the property. On some annexations we did not maintain the roads, the township has been doing it, and they have been very gracious, For information you sh.ould be aware of the legal requirements that when you annex a piece of property the road comes in with it auto- matically. Al1 of the roads in the area of the park have been maintained by the township, When you annex this property you are accepting the responsibility of maintaining 675 foot of Lakeland road. Roll call, AYES - Alder- men Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Steck, Zilly. NAYS - None. Motion carried. 6 AYES 0 NAYS 2 ABSENT. Ordinance being ~k1105. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION - IN SUPPORT OF THF COMMUNITY'S STEVE NAGEL jn1F:EK. First reading, read in its entirety. Motion by Alderman May, second by Alderman Cha.pman, the resolution be adopted. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Zilly. Steck, Workman, Bohler, May, Chapman. Motion carried. 6 AYES 0 NAYS 2 ABSEN~. Resolu~ion being ~k1146. 384 CONTINUED MARCH 4th, 1986 ORDINANCE - AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1097 "ENTITLED: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITIN~ PARKING ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH AVENUE B BETWEEN THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF WEST MAPLE STREET AND THE NORTH CURB LINE OF WEST HICKORY STREET, First reading, read by title, ADJOURMENT: Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman May, to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried, Council adjourned at 7:24 ' p.m. ~ ~Y ~ CIT CLE K , ; , ~ APPROVED . ~z.-Q YOR