HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-1988 Council Minutes 42~ A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on October 18, 1988 in council chambers. ' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY MAYOR DONALD E. EDWARDS. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. Absent - None. ~ MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4th MEETING. A correction is to be made to eliminate the response of Cliff Sagaser on the 5th line of page 424. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Bohler, the minutes of October 4th be accepted and placed on file as corrected. Voice vote, motion carried. BILLS FOR SEPTEMBER, Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Zilly, all bills properly approved be paid. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES O 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. ~ COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVID LEEZER - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~ DIRECTOR AND BUDGET ADMINISTRATOR. Progress has been made = with the leasing of the Train Depot from officials with (n the railroad. We are now dealing with the Galesburg office. Q The railroad officials have mentioned in the past that we would have a response within several weeks. It now has been over a year since we first contacted them. 6Ve have always talked about leasing the ground. The city has mowed the property 5 different times and the amount for this mowing will be deducted from the cost of leasing. The EDC meeting will be tomorrow night at the Lewistown Courthouse at 7:00 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Bohler, to return a balance of $1,000 for a retainer on the Dam Project to Slack's Excavating. Discussion. Cliff Sagaser stated that all of the problems that were present have now been solved. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Cliff Sagaser asked permission to hire Slack's Excavating to clean sludge pond #3 and to do work at the boat dock as the water level is so low problems are apparent with boats getting out of the boat dock area. The amount of time to perform both jobs should be around 24 hours of work at $75 an hour. The cost would be $1,600. i~lotion by. Alderr«an Steck, second by Ald~errnar~ i~iay, Sl~ck i Excavating perform the work at the third sludge bed and the work at the boat dock area. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich,. Zi?`ly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - ivone. A AYES 0 iVAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion by Alcierma~ Sarff, second by Alderman Chapmari, bids be allowed on Novemebr 15th for a new street sweeper. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman I~Iay, bids be allowed for November 15 for the construction of water lines for E. Walnut Street. Discussion. Cliff Sagaser said that the city has been removed from the Agency's Restricted Status List for the maximum allowable concentration for Trihalomethane in the city's water supply. 428 CCNTINUED October 18, 1988 ' Cliff also said that he had not heard from the Illinois EPA on the permit that is required to proceed with the work. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade, a City Auction be allowed for November 12th provided an ordinance can be passed on first reading. Voice vote, motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance. Council Action Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Bohler, the approval of a pay estimate for Hillyer Excavating for Project #4 in the amount of $3,568.36. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Zilly, the approval of a pay estimate for Fulton County Concrete for the downtown sidewalk replacement project in the amount of $15,148.75. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff, to accept the low bid of Thomas Dodge of Orland Park for a 1989 Dodge Diplomat in the amount of $11,396. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Bohler, - to accept the low bid of Constable Equipment and to purchase bar lights for the new squad car in the amount of $505. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman May, the approval to replace the roof on the salt shed in the amount of $426.40 for 40 sheets of tin from Alexander Lumber. Discussion. Cliff Sagaser said that Ray Hartle a retired employee helped build this building out of used lumber at no reimbursement to Ray. Mayor Edwards said the only cost was for the concrete. He then thanked i~ay Hartle and Jim Boyd for their expertise. Roll call. AYES - ; Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS U A~~~rJ`i', l~iotion carried. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Chapman, ' to waive the bidding requirements for repairs on the endloader. Discussion. Alderman Sarff asked if someone else could repair it? Cliff said, no, this is the closes one that is reasonable. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. 429 CONTINUED October 18, 1988 Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman May, the approval of repairs to the endloader at a cost of $8,500 and the rental of an endloader at $25 per hour while in use from MRS Equipment of Decatur. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff, to accept U.S.F.& G. as our Workman's Comp carrier in the amount of $92,161. Discussion. Pat Wright City Treasurer said this amount with U.S.F.& G. is a$20,000 savings. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. ~ Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Kovachevich, ~ the approval for repairs on a fire truck aerial ladder ~ not to exceed $3,200. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen = Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, ~ Chapman. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion Q carried. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel. Council Action Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Bohler, the grievance of the fire department concerning changes made in the revised issue of Mutual Medical Insurance booklet dated 9-30-88 be rejected for failure to comply with the request for more detailed information. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Zilly, the grievance of the police department concerning changes made in the revised issue of Mutual Medical insurance booklet dated 9-30-88 be accepted as valid in part and a committee be established with staff inembers and union representatives. Voice vote, motion carried. The committee to meet on the Mutual Medical Insurance booklet is David Leezer, Pat Wright, Jim Malmgren and union representatives. Community & Industrial Development. Council Action None. Legal & Ordinance. Council Action None. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman Meade, the appointment of Dennis Dalmasso on the Planning & Zoning Commission to replace Don Schmidt be confirmed. Voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Edwards commented that a citizen had sent him information on how to regulate tree growth by chemicals. The brochure will be sent to CIPS. Mayor Edwards also reported that he had met with CIPS on the matter of trimming trees and CIPS said they would be sending a letter addressing the issue. CONTINUED October 18, 1988 Alderman Zilly, said she had received a sample ordinance from John Davis about a Tree Commission. Mayor Edwards told Alderman Zilly to check the now current city ordinances for information as there are some references on trees still current. David Leezer had mentioned earlier of Canton becoming a "Tree City." OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - ABATING ALL OF THE BOND LEVY FOR 1988-1989 ($480,000 Principal Amount Sewer Bonds, Series 1988). Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Bohler, the ordinance be placed on its passage. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1211. ORDINANCE - ABATING 60$ OF THE SPECIAL SERVICE AREA TAX PREVIOUSLY LEVIED BY THE CITY IN SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NO. SIX FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 1988 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1989. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade, the ordinance , be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1212. ORDINANCE - REMOVING RESTRICED PARKING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WEST WALNUT STREET FROM SOUTH MAIN STREET TO MARTIN AVENUE. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman Bohler, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1213. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL SALARY FOR THE MAYOR. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade, the ordinance be placed on its passage as amended with the salary of $10,000 beginning May l, 1989 and a salary of $10,666,00 beginning May l, 1990; and a salary of $11,332 beginning 1991; and a salary of $12,000 beginning May 1, 1992. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1214. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL SALARY FOR THE CITY CLERK. Second reading, read by title. Mayor Edwards asked council to consider making the salary a flat fee rather than increments of $250 for 4 years. Motion by Alderman Bohler, second by Alderman Kovachevich, the clerk's salary be a one time salary increase of $1,000 beginning May l, 1989 for an annual salary of $17,500 and the ordinance be placed on its passage as amended. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1215. 431 CONTINUED October 18, 1988 ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL SALARY FOR THE CITY TREASURER. Second reading, read by title. The salary to be ~ qne time .increase of $2,000 beginning May 1, 1989 for an annual salary of $13,000 and the ordinance be placed on its passage as amended. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1216. NEW BUSINESS: The Planning & Zoning Commission sent the following information: It is the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to rezone the following properties: 30 South First Avenue - from B-3 (Central Business Disctrict) to B-2 (General Commercial District) for Riverside Motors II. This property wil be used as a Used Car Lot. O East Myrtle Street at approximately the intersection with ~ 16th Avenue - from B-1 (Local Commercial District) to R-4 ~ (Multiple Family Residential District; with Special Use . Permit) for Illinois Developmental Association, Inc. This = property wil be used for a Residential Facility for m Developmentally Disabled Persons (15 or less residents). Q ORDINANCE - REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY AT 30 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE (Riverside Motors II). First reading, read by title. A1 James one of the owners of Riverside Motors II asked the council to suspend the rules for passage of the ordinance on one reading. His reasons for first reading passage is because of getting new windows installed and a new roof on the building and to seal coat the lot before the weather changes. Alderman Zilly stated that at the Planning & Zoning meeting there was some concern of a car lot being in the downtown area, and Riverside Motors II submitted no plans at that meeting. Motion by Alderman Chapman, second by Alderman May, to suspend the rules for passage of the ordinance. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1217. ORDINANCE - REZONING REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST MYRTLE STREET AND NORTH 16th AVENUE, FROM B-1 TO R-4 ZONING CONFIGURATION, WITH A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. Charles Hughes secretary of Illinois Developmental Association, Inc. asked the council for suspension of the rules for passage of the ordinance on first reading. This will enable them to apply for an application with the Health Facilities Planning Board for a certificate of need and the meeting is scheduled for November 2nd and 3rd. Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman Zilly, suspension of the rules for passage of the ordinance on first reading. Roll call. AYES Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. 432 r CONTINUED October 18, 198~ Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Zilly, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Nleade, Bohler, May,_Chapman. NAYS - None. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1218. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Kovachevich to go into executive session. Voice vote, motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION - PERSONNEL. IMMINENT, THREATENED/PENDING LITIGATION. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Kovachevich, to go into executive session. Voice vote, motion carried. Council recessed this portion of the meeting at 7:38 p.m. The executive minutes are on file for review. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Alderman Chapman, second by Alderman May to adjourn, Voice vote, motion carried. Council adjourned at 8:34 p.m. ~ ~ , , - ti ' CIT CLERK APPROVED: ~ MAYOR