HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-1988 Council Minutes 35~ A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on May 3rd, 1988 in Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY CITY CLERK NANCY WHITES. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. ABSENT: None. MINUTES OF APRIL 5 MEETING. Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman Sarff, the minutes of April 5 be approved and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. MINUTES OF APRIL 19, MEETING. Motion by Alderman Sarff, se~cond by Alderman Meade, the minutes of April 19 be approved and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVID LEEZER - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 0 DIRECTOR AND BUDGET ADMININSTRATOR. Annual Report was ~ highlighted: The city completed FY 87-88 in the black, ~ with a positive cash balance of approximately $159,000. = There have been many signs of growth in the city, one m indication is that of city revenues. The city saw an increase in the general fund revenues of 2.3% from the Q previous fiscal year. This can be primarily attributed to the five month old utility tax. Receipts from the utility tax totaled $243,467.92 or an average of $48,693.58 per month. The city also saw a dramatic increase of 15.90 in expenditures for the general fund. This is primarily the result of the city's attempt to regain its 1983 staffing level. Overall, it is my contention that the City of Canton is on firmer, more stable financial footing than in years previous. This report brings news of great improvements with even better prospects for the future. Canton has been blessed with the location of facilities such as Aldi's, Renappli and Denim & Lace. The greatest impact upon this community is the new state correctional center. There are many who have stated their desire to locate into Canton because of the prison. Hy-Vee is a perfect example of this case. On the industrial side, the city is still conversing with various prospects with hopes of luring them to Canton. It is not uncommon to wait two or three years before a company makes a final decision. It is my hope to bring before you a proposal for a new venture in the very near future. On the 14th of May a Budget session will be held with Department Heads and Council members. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER. No report. COMMITTE REPORTS: Public Works, Water & Sewer. Council Action 358 CONTINUED May 3, 1988 None. Informational: Mayor Edwards and City Attorney Malmgren was to bring a settlement agreement to the council for consideration on the Ted Valutonburg property on South 4th Avenue concerning running a water line to the property. Mayor Edwards stated that this concern is not finalized, were having some problems. Public Safety & Traffic. Council Action None. Streets & Garbage. Council Action None. Informational: The High School Student Council will be picking up trash around the city on May 11, a loan of a city truck will be made available. Lake, Building & Grounds. Council Action None. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Zilly, the appointments be confirmed of POLICE PENSION BOARD Harlan Banister for a 3 years; AD HOC COMMITEE OF HANDICAPPED PERSONS Bill Cherry, Fred Russell, Marty White, Barb Kuzniar, for a one year term; PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION of Roland Pettit and David Nidiffer for a 5 year term, and John L. Davis for a one year term, and alderman appointments of Linda Zilly, Charles Chapman, Harry Steck; FULTON COUNTY PLANNiNG & ZONING REPRESENTATIVE of Roland Pettit for one year term; LOAN COMMITTEE Donald Edwards, Tom Hammond, Muriel Freeman, Harold Wilson, Robin Harrison, Jim Malmgren, David Leezer and Linda Zilly exofficio, all for one year term; LIBRARY BOARD Kenneth Etcheson for a 3 year term; PLANNING & ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPRESENTING FULTON COUNTY HOUSING Opal Richter for one year term; HISTORICAL PRESERVATION & DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Ross Gardiner, Cliff Sagaser, David Nidiffer, Bonnie Schiltz, Mike Fahrenbacher, for a 2 year term; CEMETERY BOARD Pat Werland for a 3 year term; CENTRAL ILLINOIS AREA ADVISORY COUNCIL ON AGING Lee Obitts for a one year term;' LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION James Tutt and Carol Kuchan for a one year term; FULTON COUNTY SAFETY COMMITTEE Alderman James May for a one year term; BOARD OF APPEALS - FIRE CODE Robert Fouts, C. A. "Whitey" Luft, Wayne Clark Jr. all for one year term; BOARD OF APPEALS - ZONING D. J. Kennedy and Kathy Douglas for a 5 year term. 359 CONTINUED May 3, 1988 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES FOR 1988 - 1989 FINANCE: Vic ' Kovachevich Chm.; LEGAL & ORDINANCE Jerry Bohler Chm.; NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL: Larry Sarff, Chm.; COMMUNITY & INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: Linda Zilly, Chm.; PUBLIC WORKS, WATER & SEWER: James May, Chm.; STREETS & GARBAGE: Kevin Meade, Chm.; LAKE, BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Charles Chapman, Chm.; PUBLIC SAFETY & TRAFFIC: Harry Steck, Chm. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Bohler, the approval of a Class A Tavern License to Ray Jackson. Voice vote, motion carried. Pat Wright City Treasurer informed the council of an rate increase in health insurance premiums. The new rate for employees is $97.64 and dependent cost is $127.22 for a total O for the month of $224.86. Retirees cost would be $89.89 ~ for employee, and $126.12 for dependent coverage for a total ~ of $216.01. This represents an increase of appoximately $50 per month for employee and dependent coverage. = Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman May, the rate ~ increase in monthly premuims on the Health Insurance be a approved. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Mayor Edwards highlighted his annual report. The community seems to have a new spirit for development. Almost every week we have people inquiring about starting a new business. Many of these do not materialize. Many people think that the City is financing all of these new ventures. This is not the case. The revenue from sales tax continues to grow for the second year. This year the City received one percent of 80 million dollars or $805,805. The City revenue will end this year, as last year, in the black. The Utility Tax of 5% on electric and gas has been responsible for about $50,000 per month. The City also abated the corporate tax, police tax, and fire tax, so this should result in many property owners seeing a reduction in their real estate tax. Because of the Utility Tax the City will also capture monies that normaly go the state from the industrial area. While no one is fond of the Utility Tax, the overall effect to the citizen amounts to about 2~~ on CIPS bills. The City will continue to work with Canton Industrial Corporation and International Plastics Recycling, Inc. The City has filed a lawsuit against Liza Foley in an attempt to resolve ownership of CIC stock. The City has been patient with IPRI, there must be some positive movements in the near future. Unsightly, unsafe buildings and houses continue to be a problem in the City. The City must keep pressure upon these owners to improve their properties. The water and sewer plants are nearing completion of improvements. Street maintenance is now being planned as well as procuring Federal Aid Urban monies for improvement work on East Chestnut Street betwe~n First Avenue and the East city limits, and First Avenue between Elm Street and Locust Street. 360 CONTINUED May 3, 1988 More than two years the citizens of Canton have enjoyed watching the City Council meetings on local television Channel 14. The efforts of Mike Conklin and TCI Cable, at no cost to the City, have made this possible. Mike has invested a great deal of money and time to bring this service to the City. We should see that this is continued, and I am recommending that the Council add $100 per month to the budget for Mike Conklin to help defray expenses. A representative from St. Mary's Church will be coming before the Liquor Commission requesting a one day Special Event license. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade, to adopt Robert's Rules of Order. Voice vote, motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE DEFINITION, ABATEMENT, AND PUNISHMENT OF NUISANCES IN THE CITY OF CANTON. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Steck, second by Alderman Sarff, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. Motion carried. 8 AYES : 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Ordinance being #1191. ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 9, HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMITTEE. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman May, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, May. NAYS - Aldermen Bohler, Chapman. Motion carried. 6 AYES 2 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Ordinance being #1192. ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 3, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 7 RELATING TO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES AND CANNABIS. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Zilly, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Ordinance being #1193. (A week after the ordinance had been passed the city clerk received another original of this ordinance with a new front and second page. The title chapter # and section #'s had been changed. A telephone call was made on May 25, 1988 by the clerk to Alderman Sarff and Alderman Zilly, to inform them of this ordinance change and to ask them if they would approve the amendment of this ordinance? Both aldermen concurred with the request. The amended ordinance now reads ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 7,CHAPTER 1 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 3, RELATING TO CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES AND CANNABIS). ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 6,CHAPTER 3 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 8 RELATING TO DRUG PARAPHERNALIA AND CONTROL. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Zilly, second by Alderman Kovachevich, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. NAYS - None. Motion carried. 8 AYES 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Ordinance being 361 CONTINUED May 3, 1988 #1194. (A week after the ordinance had been passed the city clerk received another original of this ordinance with a new front and second page. The title chapter # and section #'s had been changed. A telephone call was made on May 25, 1988 by the clerk to Alderman Zilly and Alderman Kovachevich, to inform them of this ordinance change and to ask them if they would approve of the amendment to the ordinance? Both aldermen concurred with the request. The amended ordinance now reads ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 1 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 4, RELATING TO DRUG PARAPHERNALIA AND CONTROL). ORDINANCE - AMENDING TI~LE 7, CHAPTER 1 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION ~7 RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF SEARCH WARRANTS IN CODE ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. O AYES - Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, ~ Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS - None. Motion carried. 8 AYES ~ 0 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Ordinance being #1195. = NEW BUSINESS: ~ m Q ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 1 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SUB-SECTION Q RELATING TO MANDATORY INOCULATION FOR RABIES. First reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Bohler, second by Alderman Zilly, the ordinance be referred to the Legal & Ordinance Committee. Voice vote, motion carried. RESOLUTION - APPROVING SPECIFIC SALARIES FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENT HEADS, SUPERINTENDENTS, FULL-TIME APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES AND PART-TIME APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY. First reading, read by title. Mayor Edwards said he would be making the appointment of Assistant Street Superintendent at a later date. The salaries of Elaine Scott as Head Cashier in the Water Dept. , Debbie Elam Secretary to the Police Chief and my own Secretary Rhonda Vogel was left open for discussion. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Bohler, all employees be given a 3o increase. Discussion. Alderman May felt that Elaine Scott should be making more money for the responsiblity. Robert Molleck Police Chief felt that his secretary is not being paid enough according to the work load. Either we need more money or more help. Cliff Sagaser stated that Elaine's responsibilities far exceed as before, her work load increased with adding on the garbage fees. I recommend a complimentary increase. Mayor Edwards said that Rhonda is happy with what she is making, she is getting 3/4's of the work done, she's very satisfied. Alderman Sarff, I would want to give more than 30, taken advantage of same as the union. I doubt if will get 3% more work out of them. If some of the clerical positions got a higher increase, others would be unhappy, it would be unfair. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Kovachevich, Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Bohler. NAYS - Aldermen Meade, May, Chapman. 5 AYES 3 NAYS 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being #2031. ADJOURNMENT - Motion by Alderman Bohler, second by Alderman Chapman, to adjourn, voice vote, motion carried. Council adjourned at 7:30 p.m. ~ ~ ~ C Y CLERK APPROVED: MAYOR