HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-14-2010 Clerical CommiteeTHE CITY OF CANTON CLERICAL COMMITTEE Tuesday December 14th, 2010- 6:30 p.m. Donald E. Edwards Way, 50 North 4th Avenue Canton IL (Historic Depot) Aldermen in attendance -Rick Reed, Eric Schenck, Craig West, Jorge Rivero, Jerry Ellis, Jim Hartford, Dave Pickel. Larry Sarff Aldermen absent: None Staff in attendance: Police Chief Dan Taylor, Interim Fire Chief Ernie Russell, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Mayor Kevin Meade, City Administrator Jim Snider, City Clerk Diana Tucker, ESDA Director Phil Fleming, SRPED Mark Rothert. Others in attendance: Carol Kuchan, Dale Brooks, Terry Pickel, Josh Methe, District Manager, Steve Gray- Operations Director, Joe Berardi, Carmack, Assistant Fire Chief Dan Oaks, Lee Puleo, Media in attendance- Daily Ledger John Froehling, Journal Star Mike Smothers Video Services Joe Ginger Public Participation Carol Kuchan- Liauor Sales in Grocery Stores Carol addressed the committee. Carol served as a liquor commissioner for several years and faced many challenges. The issue of increasing the amount of packaged liquor license has been brought up in the past, and the commission decided previously to deny requests. Carol expressed concerns about our youth in the community being exposed to alcohol each time they visit a grocery store. A concern is also about alcoholics and recovering alcoholics being surrounded by alcohol in grocery stores. Carol is asking that the City continue to exercise sound and careful control of the sale of alcohol. Dale Brooks- Addition of Citv Packaee Liauor license Dale Brooks stated that on November 9th a representative from Aldi's food addressed the committee by saying: "A majority of the Aldi stores in Illinois sell alcohol" A majority is 50% or more, and Dale would like to see a survey. Dale stated that Mark Rothert previously reported that allowing alcohol sales at Aldi's would create growth and expansion in our community. If the City allows alcohol sales at Aldi's this would create devastation for the local liquor stores and their families. Dale received a signed petition with over 1000 signatures against the expansion of packaged liquor license in Canton. Dale asked to read a letter from Chubb's owner, however due to the time limit he was not allowed, however the letter was placed on file in the Clerk's office. Mayor Meade asked Joe Berardi to address the two items listed under Legal and Ordinance: Lack of Enforcine City Ordinances Qualifications of individuals holdine elected offices accordine to state statute. Joe Berardi addressed the committee and congratulated everyone for the downtown improvements and the good job that Jim Snider is doing. Joe stated it came to his attention that the City is not enforcing ordinances. The first item has to do with the Country Club. Two years ago at West Gate 16 properties and 12 homes were not being charged the full rate for water usage. When Golf Villa's was established a condition of the City running water was to charge an extra $800.00 for water service fees. Three homes were built and permits issued for $262.00. They should have been charged $1,091.17. A loss of 12-16 water bills were being occurring per month for approximately 8 years. This is a fault of the water department for not collecting the revenue. Joe stated he calculates $2,487.51 was not collected for the water services. The City will be losing approximately $5,000.00 due to a new construction project. Joe is asking as a citizen of Canton to have all of the money collected. Joe stated the Canton City Council proposed another tax levy. The City is asking the community to pay more taxes. Joe Berardi quoted Alderman Eric Schenck saying "It would be prudent to budget money for costs if found in the best interest." Eric has been in favor of two sales taxes. Illinois State Statute ILSCS5639 #24.......... Qualifications for Mayor, City Clerk, Treasurer, and Alderman states "No person shall be eligible into the office if he is in arrears for any tax or payment due to the City." The issue is Alderman Schenck is the finance chairman and he did not pay taxes on three properties. From June 1-September Alderman Schenck was in arrears for his taxes. Joe said he is illegally sitting on the City Council. Joe explained that a leader in the community that is not paying their own taxes should not ask citizens of the community to increase the amount of taxes. Joe Berardi said he is speaking as a citizen. The State Statute clearly states that an alderman owing money to the City would not be able to participate for the month in arrears (June, July August September) Joe is challenging Alderman Schenck's votes during this time period. Joe Berardi again said "don't sit on the City Council and vote to raise my taxes when you're not paying your own taxes." The oath of office was performed to all officials to uphold the constitution of the United States and obey the laws of the State of Illinois. Alderman Schenck cannot hold office if he is arrears of payment of taxes or debt due to the City. Since last June- Joe is asking for a determination on if Alderman Schenck is eligible to cast a vote. Joe Berardi personally asked Alderman Schenck to resign his position as alderman in Canton. Joe stated that the next person he would like to address is Dave Pickel. Joe explained that he has two issues with Dave Pickel. 1-- Dave was appointed by Mayor Meade on January 19tH, 2010 and at that time the oath of office was given to David Pickel. Joe again recited the State Statute that states no person should hold office if taxes or money is due to the City. Dave Pickel was behind 3 months on his payment to the City six days prior to being appointed to the position of alderman. Fifteen days after his appointment payment was made. Joe stated this is an illegal appointment. One month later the check was returned for NSF. Of the 38 payments made on the loan, all of the payments were late. Joe again stated that Dave should not sit on the Council and vote to increase taxes when he is not meeting his own obligation with the City. "Alderman Ellis did not pay his taxes either." Joe stated we have three Aldermen that did not pay their taxes. All three voted to raise taxes, but these three aldermen did not pay their own taxes. Alderman Ellis' taxes were sold 7 out of the last 10 years, and as of today he has not paid his taxes. Any vote since June would be challenged due to this State Statute. Joe stated these three aldermen should not be setting as a leader to our community as an alderman of The City of Canton. Joe Berardi again asked all three aldermen to resign. Joe is going to forward information to the States Attorney, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, and Attorney Chrissie Peterson. Finance Committee Alderman Eric Schenck, Chairman Bills City Administrator Jim Snider said we have several reoccurring items. Ernie Russell explained that one of the bills is for a replacement of one of the springs on truck #1. Ernie explained that one spring on the left side needs repaired. To replace the spring on one side requires replacement of the spring on the other side at the same time. The total cost is approximately $3,500.00 for labor and parts. Ernie would suggest the possibility of creating an intergovernmental agreement with the maintenance garage in Peoria. They could be hired on a per hour basis and save some of the costs currently being charged. Ernie has not visited with the City of Peoria to see if they would be interested, but he would like to contact them to see if they would be interested. Alderman Sarff stated he has a concern with potential liability involved. A release of liability would need to be included in the intergovernmental agreement. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Sarff/Rivero agree to the purchase of the springs make arrangements for the installation. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Sarff/Picket to approve the bills as presented and forward to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Treasurer's Report City Treasurer Aaron Anderson reported: The total available cash is $2,777,876.03. Total investments were $9,560,000.92. Property tax receipt recaps--- $701,373.00 in property taxes-- - 100% of extension received. Special Revenue Funds recap -TIF IH fund balance is over half million dollars due to EDA money received. TIF IH fund is at a healthier balance. Budget comparison report-- The City lost $163,203.00 due to only receiving $344,000.00 in revenue. The City received $230,000.00 from the state, which of this amount $209,000.00 was from sales taxes, and $20,000.00 was from telecommunication taxes. Typically in the winter months revenue seems to slow down. The water and sewer fund received a net operating gain of $224,047.00. The YTD gain is over 1.1 million. Grant Received recap- $760,098.00 was received from EDA, and received $400,000.00 from the DCEO Grant for the 3~d Avenue extension. This balance will be transferred to the TIF fund. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Rivero/Pickel to send the Treasurer's report to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. ESDA Radio Purchase and Attachment Ernie Russell explained that two bids were received-below. ESDA has used the Kenwood's supplied by Ragan Communication in the past and has been satisfied. The radios by Supreme Radio would be Motorola. The money is in the ESDA budget to purchase these. A federal mandate will become effective on January 1, 2013 that indicates any radios that do not have low band frequencies will not work-and would need replaced. These radios are going to replace existing radios and others will be terminated. These radios will meet the requirements for the change taking place January 1, 2013. ESDA Coordinator Phil Fleming has requested the purchase of four (4) mobile radios; and four (4) handheld (portable) radios. The radios being used by ESDA at this time cannot be converted to narrow banded radios. Phil Fleming has obtained two quotes for the radios as follows: Supreme Radio $7,373.89 Ragan Communications $3,906.30 I respectfully request authorization to allow the purchase of eight (8) radios for ESDA from Ragan Communications at a total cost of $3,906.30. Copies of the quotes are attached for your review. This purchase will come from the ESDA budget, line item 468. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Sarff /Pickel to purchase the Kenwood radios from Ragan Communication and send to Council for consideration and make the budget adjustments as necessary. The Motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Cemetery Road Improvements Mayor Meade stated this is just an informational item. The cemetery board is asking the City to allocate some of the funds for cemetery road improvements, all ranging in different costs. If the City could put aside funds during the budget process the Cemetery could receive the funds for the improvements they desired. Alderman Schenck expressed concerns about having the funds available for the cemetery roads. 2011-2012 Budeet Schedule City Administrator Jim Snider explained the budget process and asked for attendance at the February 5th strategic planning session. The planning session will begin at 9:OOam. The department heads are working on the budgets. Jim Snider reported the distributed the following memo: Work on the 2011-2012 budget has begun. Each department is preparing their respective budget with the new templates I set up last year. I am working on a report that shows how our 2010-2011 budget is doing year-to-date. I will present that report at the January 11`h Clerical Committee Meeting. I would like to schedule a strategic planning session with the council on Saturday, February Sh so that we can prioritize the list of capital items for the budget. We would begin about 9:00 a.m. and conclude by 3:00 p.m. Please advise if this day works for you. Outlined below is a tentative schedule for our upcoming budget process: January 28, 2011 - Department Heads provide CA draft Expense Budget & Capital Requests February 5~' - Strategic Planning Session February 25`" - Draft Budget delivered for council review March 1st - Budget Work Session: Reviewing revenue projections in all funds and Expenses in the General Fund March 15`h - Budget Work Session: Reviewing remaining expense items Apri15`i' - First reading of proposed budget April 19`h - Public Hearing and final reading of proposed budget Audit Jim Snider reported that Salmi and Associates is performing our current audit. This is the firms first year in working with the City, and the audit is taking longer than anticipated. The auditors said things are going well and should have a report to the City in January. MICA Liability/Work comp resolution will be on the agenda next week. Jim Snider and the City Clerk will designated as the two primary contacts. The Finance committee adjourned at 7:28 p.m. Legal & Ordinance Alderman Dave Picket, Chairman Lake Ordinance Review Alderman Picket stated that information was previously distributed for review. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Picket/ Rlvero to send the lake ordinance to Council for consideration. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Discuss and Consider Liquor Ordinance Alderman Dave Picket stated that he originally thought he would be in favor of additional packaged liquors in Canton, but further thought has made him reconsider. Dave feels that this could put existing liquor license holders out of business. Dave would like to see this on the ballot as a referendum. Alderman Sarff said there is no shortage of places in Canton to purchase alcohol. Alderman Sarff stated he would oppose the addition of packaged liquor license. Alderman Hartford, Reed, Rivero and Schenck agree. The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Community & Industrial Development Alderman Jorge Rivero, Chairman Update from Mark Rothert SRPED Executive Director Mark Rothert distributed the following report: Downtown/Former IH Site: • Scrapbook Dreams, Dave Lewis Studio and Fuller's Jewelry are remaining projects that will likely finish in the first quarter of 2011. We are working with the state to secure an extension on the grant to be in compliance. • Downtown Old Fashioned Christmas Walk was a success • Main Street meeting on 11/15 to discuss downtown issues. Special Events/Tourism: • Please see attached Tourism Report from Dana Smith. • Nearly 1,000 Goody bags distributed during Thanksgiving tournament Residential Development: • Working with Chicago development firm fora 40-45 unit affordable housing development that will be contingent upon obtaining Illinois Housing Development Authority tax credits, a local land purchase, and possible rezoning by the city. If successful in obtaining IHDA tax credits, this project will take shape next year. Business Development, Attraction and Support: The SRPED is working with the following business development opportunities. Please call me if you would like to talk privately about any of these: • Applying through USDA for Rural Business Enterprise Grant to obtain more funding for low interest loans. Processing and Enterprise Zone application for state sales tax exemption for planned upgrades at Duck Creek power plant. • Planning an entrepreneur workshop with Spoon River College to occur on Friday, Feb. 25, 2011. • Working with various local entrepreneurs about starting businesses and expanding Grant Work: • Performed grant administration and reporting for DCEO, USDA, and Hotel/Motel tax grants. Other: • The SRPED board met on November 4, 2010. MARKETING UPDATE General Marketing • Oversaw the design, printing, collating and distribution of 1,000 "goodie bag" coupons including soliciting participation, securing volunteers and coordination of delivery to attendees of the Canton High School Holiday Tournament. • Met with Jim Murphy of CFC Properties, Joe Vezzoso of French Lick Resort, Mark Rothert and Missy Towery on November 12 to review marketing opportunities for the Canton Harvester Inn before and after its completion in Fall of 2011. • Attended meeting of the Canton Area of Chamber of Commerce on November 29 with newly elected representative Mike Unes to listen/provide input on area needs. Canton Main Street • Facilitated two joint Promotion/Organization committee meetings to prepare for the fourth annual Christmas Walk on Friday December 10, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Attended Canton Main Street Coffee at Crawford's. • Attended the Main Street Board meeting on Monday, November 15 at Palm Cafe. • Distributed "First Friday" signs to participating businesses in the downtown area. • Created flyer and point of purchase materials for the Christmas Walk for distribution to local area businesses. • Contacted Leon Gruver at WBYS to schedule air time to promote the Christmas Walk and First Friday on air during the week of November 29. • Coordinated ongoing preparation for the Big Red Stocking Contest, involving the solicitation of donated prizes, pick-up of prizes and distribution of instructions. • Attended meeting hosted by Teska & Associates seeking input on the new streetscape plan approved through a grant from ITEP. Illinois River Road National Scenic Byway • Coordinated and attended joint input session for IRRNSB study for Canton and Lewistown sites, attended by 18 business owners, city officials, educators and others. Website Visited sites for Long Beach, New York; Fayetteville, Tennessee; Demark, Maine and others to review possible content ideas for Canton site Added four subsections to the Nature Tourism tab on the website, with an additional five sections to be complete by December 15 Created log of possible additions to site from ideas presented at other functions, or through suggestions or comments received from visitors. Chamber Breakfast starts at 7:30 tomorrow-all is invited. The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 7:44 p.m. NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL Alderman Larry Sarff, Chairman Nothing for open session The Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee adjourned at 7:45p.m. Adjournment Motion and second were made by Sarff/ Picket to go to executive session to discuss: Appointment of an employee-5 ILCS120-21 Collective Negotiating Matters 51LCS120-22 Litig ion 51LCS120-211 i y Clerk Diana Tucker