HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3945RESOLUTION # 3945
1. Project Sponsor: City of Canton
2. Project Title: Canton Lake Improvements
The City of Canton
(local project sprntsor}
hereby certifies and ackrrow-ledges that it has 100°'0 of the funds
necessary to complete the pending PARC project ceitlrin the timefiames specified herein for project execution, and that failure to
adhere to the specified project tirnefraure or faihue to proceed witty the praject because of insufficient fluids or clrarrge in local
recreation priorities is sufficient cause for praject grant terrrriaatiorr ~~driclr «~ill also result in the ineligibility of the local project
sponsor for• subsequent Illurois DNR outdoor recreation grant assistance corrsideratiou irr the next ttieo (2) corrsecrrtive gr•aat cycles
followuig project terrrrirratian.
ALL Proiects
It is understood that the project should be completed within the tirnefianae established in the project agreemerrt and the
Final Billing reirnbm•seruent request will be srrbrrritted to IDNR as soon as possible after praject completion.
The Ci#y of Can#on
(local project sponsor)
fiu•ther ackno~vleclges and certifies that ii ~~°ill caniply with all
terms. conditions and regulations of i) the Park and Recreational Facility Caushuction Grant Pr•ogt•arn {P.~RC') (1', II. Aden. Code
30?0) 2) the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance fi Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 19 i 0 (P.L. 91-6=16,) ane-l~or the
Illinois Displaced Persons Relocation Act (~ 10 ILLS ~0 et. seq.), as applicable. 3) the Illinois Hurrran Rights Act (7"S ILC'S 5/1-
101 et.seq.), ~1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of '196, (P.L. 83-352), 5) the Age Discrimuiation Act of 19-5 (P.L. 94-135).6) the
Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1958, (P.L. 100-259) and 7) the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (PL 101-336); and will
maintain the project area in an attractive and safe condition. keep the facilities open to the aerrerat public dmirrg reasonable horns
consistent «•ith the type of facility. cease any fartrrirrg operations, and obtain from the Illurois DNR i~-ritterr approval for any
change or conversion of approved outdoor recreation use of the project site prior to initiating such change or corn-ersiou; and for
property acquired with PARC assistance, agree to place a covenant restriction on the project property deed at the tune of recording
that stipulates the property must be used, in perpehrity. for public outdoor recreation purposes in accordance ~i~itlr the PARC
progi<ams and camrot 1>e sold or exchanged. in whole or part, to another party without approval from the Illinois Dlv~t.
BE TI' FURTHER PROVIDED that the City of Can#on
(local project sponsor;
certifies to the best of its
kno~e-ledge that the urfornk-rtion provided «-ithirr the attached application is tore and correct:
This Resolution of Authorization has been duly discussed acrd adopted by the Giiy of Canton
at a legal meeting held on the 16th day of
liana Tucker, City Glerk
(local project sponsor}
_ , 20 10
. utlrorized Signa rye)
Kevin R. ti9eade, Mayor