HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #204AR~soLUrlax ~ ~~'/-~
BS IT RESOLVED by the Yayor and City Council of the City of Canton,
Illinois, that the Cent rat Illinois Public Service Company be and hereby
it is regaeated to disoontinw the City of Cant on, Illinois, the tollowigg
street lighting service, effective when removed:
2 - 2500 Luaren Otrsrhead Lama located a$ follows:
l~arth Ysin Street -first pole south of the Senior High
Sehool drive on Cea tral Illinois Pu411c Service Ccmpsny
pole ~igg9.
First light south of 11th Avenue and Olive Street lasated on
Coat ral Illinois Public Service Company pole #2261.
The removal of the above-mentiane8 two (2) street lights was passed cal
at the regular City Council Meeting held in Carlton on August b, 195't'.
Pawed Chia __ 6th day ot- Au~ust,~, 195?
Att~~t s
~..o ~~'
-~ ity Clerk
COUI~TT OF Fulton ) SS
I' ~~~~`"~ the du]y c~alitied and acting City Clerk
of the City of Canton, in id County of Fulton, anal the official custodian
of the records ar said City, do hereby certify that the faregoisg i$ a tsae,
correct and complete Dopy of a resolution passed at a meeting of the
1[ayor and City Council held on the 6th day of August, A.D. 19S?, a$ Said
reSOlntion appears from the records in ~ office.
._ Given urde aU' bend sad the corporate seal of said City of Canton,
thia_~~~ dam, of ..-~ , A. D. 194T.
ity Clez~