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PAGE 414
REB~TlI~ 110.
iil1ZRliS, on the ?•i-tb day os' Septewber, 1957, the Board of Cos-
sissioners of Cautnn Park Distrlot d!A el~tot a Resolnt~oo Wthoarisin~
and direoting its President card 8eeretasy to oa>t:-ry and dedioab to the
City of Canton, Illinois, tM real estate hereinafter described, to be
perpetually used far road pl~u~posee;
TH1rRl.P'~t.F. BE IT RE30Q,V'ID BS TxE CTl7 COUIICIL ~- TN>r CTtY 0!
Cdll'TOII, ILLI110I3><
?hat the City of Csntoa, Illinois, aoaepts trams the Canton Piarlt
District tM following deesribed real estates
Hart of the Noa~theast Quarter at Section 27, ?o+raship 7 •oe~t6,
Mange 4 Last of the !north Prinoipr-1 Meridian, situated in
the County of lhlton and State of Illinois
DK~nt at a ~~ fret not~i~i of a etoue at tare
Northwest corner of Graoir K. Pensinger~s ldditioe~ to the
Ctty of Canton, Illinois, running thence with an able
t0 the right o! a3 degrNS 3x3.1 feet to the bast line
of the Public ~llighway; thence is a Northwst direction
75 feet slang the birt !_ttu of Public Aighwq; tMaoe is
a Northeast direotioa 3d9 tNt to a stove located 75 feet
North of the place of beginninei thence Soath 75 tesR
to the place of beginning, ooatainieg 0.66 aerN,
sore or less,
to be perpetually used by tM said City as a public street for the use
and beaetit of the public u ve11 u toe the use aed benefit of the ad-
joining pn-operty and of the Canton Park District.
Passed by tbs City Camoil and apprared by the Meyoe o! eaid City
this „r,~,,:,, ds~- of ~. D. 1957.
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