HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #283` ~ ~._
RF~oI,TTTZOr? #283
Rr IT T'T'SOL:i'FD ?~`~ TTIF CITY r0?T~?r?I: OF Tug rT"'~;' OF CA`?TCP?, IT~T.,II~TCIS:
Section 1. That for the General '~"unicipal Primary ~'lection to
be held February 2s~, 1G61, for the nomination of candidates for the fol-
lowing City offices:
City Clerk
City Treasurer
police `~a~?istrate
Alderman - First 'rlard
Alderman - second ?rJard
Alderman. -Third ~-1ar. d
Alderman -Fourth ',lard
Alderman -Fifth Ward
Alderman -Sixth 'lard
Alderman -Seventh ?lard,
and for the General *'unicipal Election to be held April 18, 161, for
electron the forenoinP City officers, the following places for holdinn
said elections are hereby designated;
First `lard: '~Iriaht school, E. Spr~_zce str<et and T`orth First Ave.
Second '.lard: John Wean School, Avenue B and 'Jest Vine Street.
Third Ward: Hulit school, ?lest Chestnut Gtreet and Ave. G.
Fourth Ware: Kello{Tp School, 534 S. Third Avenue.
Fifth (lard: Junior Hiah School., 15? 'lest ''~`aple Str. set.
Sixth ?.lard: Anderson School, 200 ?31ock South Seventh Ave.
Seventh ?lard:~~crall School, Forth Finhth Avern~e.
Section 2. That the following persons a.re hereby appointed as
3udges of said. primary election and said neneral election:
First Ward: i~nrs. 1~'lar;% Laird , ~~Irs. Lorene Owings ~, hirs. ~';ea -,ri P i/lcT,anen
~~ +=. 1> a may, and ~:, , ;~,s,,.
Second Ward: Mrs._Rose Nibbe~~ ,Mrs. Leona Blackab~_, Mrs._Helena Kauzlar}ch
N,~rs~„ Patricia Lind~yand ~s,,,,_}~atrice~. ml~anovich
Third ?^Jard: Mrs. Florence Lane„Mrs. Pearl Powers Mrs, ~a~~.,~ne Tailor ~
Mrs. Dorothy Smith , and Mrs. Allene Spennv.
Mrs. Mary E. Johnson
Grace ~+ord. I~~~ Ada Draper
Fourth T~7ard: Mrs. t~-~~~~',~'tPt~t, ?rs. k%;~d~~~#'s ~~irs. ~~~-~~~~-~'~
'Dar1_ene ?3uff~arn
!``rs. f~~t~ih''i~~~~~and =1lirs. 1~_ldred ~'ortwood
Fifth Ward; i~irs~t;iola Kuhn , ~~rs, ,aomi =.eichert ~ i~irs. Gertrude Ro~debush
Mrs. iar- Dallefield ,and P~Irs. ~dyth Jones.
Sixth ~~'ard: Mrs. Wilda Newton ~ Mrs. Donna titiTeaver ~ Mrs. Jessie Jones
Clar ce 1 ~
Mrs. Vivian DeLost and Mrs. ~~~~~t
cevpnth Ward; i°T~.. ~'Jn?~~„kill , "~rC Mildred Palmer ,'~Zrs. Bernadine ~~la,YSOn
i~,rs. Delores Spiva , and ?~~rs. Inez ti°Tilson _,
Section 3. That the City Cler. k of said City is hereb~r authorized
and directed. to Five notice and. to d.o and perform all other acts on her.
.part necPSSary or reouired to rrovide fcr the holding of said elections
in manner and form as Prescribed by law.
Passed by the City Council and approved by the ?~ayor tr3 s ~ ~~
day of ~ . D. 1Q6~.
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ATTEST: -L' ~~ -e. C% ~-~~c ~'~-; t
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