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Resolution #292
RIfS OI,IITICN 292 WHEREAS, The dissemination of news and Information is a vital part of the democratic process in order that a free people may prosper, and WHERI~AS, the responsibility to be fair, accurate, and impartial in the dissemination of such news and information is the primary duty of any communications media, and WHEREAS the responsibility of any communication media to be of service to the people of its general area in time of trouble or common disaster is of of paramount importance to the safety and well being of all citizens within this community; HOW THEREFCRT BE IT RESOLVED that the city council of Canton, Illinois, on behalf of all of the citizens of Cantos and the Fulton County area extend its heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the WBYS Radio Station and its employees for their unstinting, outstanding service during the re- cent severe storms and t~nadoes that struck our general area. The work they did is providing up to the minute, accur- ate information aidid~ immesurably in ~ allowing the. citizens of this county to prepare calmly and thoroughly to meet the threat that these storms posed to their pro- perty and their lives. The standards maintained by Radio Station WBYS during this period of common danger represent the best tradition of the mediums of free press and news distribution that can be found in this free society, BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that the city Council of Canton,ILlinois on behalf of *~1 the citizens of the Fulton County area extend its congratulations to Radio Station WBYS and its staff for awards earned by it from the Illinois News Broadcasters Association oa Saturday, May 13, 1961 A.D. Respectfully Submitted Zee Cook, Mayor Passed by the City Council Approved by the Mayor ~ ~.. y SOLUTION 292 WHEREAS, The dissemination of raga and infor~atioa is a vital part of the de~aocratic process in order that a free people ~9' P~p~s and WHEREAS, the responsibility t0 be fair, accurate, and impartial is the dissemination of such nexs and iuforx~ation is the Pr3mu9 duty of any caammuni.catians media, and WHEF~~S, the rsapansihi3ity of any co~unicatian media to be o2 aerirics to the people of its general area in time of trouble or common disaster is of ~t toe to the safety and well being of all citisens within this oammonity; NAT THEF~F'OA~ ~ IT FtES©LVED, that the city oil of Canton, Illinois,. on betnalf' of all of the citisens of Canton ar~d the Fbltan Caumty area extend its heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the l~HY5 ~dio Statism and its e~l,oyees for their unstinting: outstanding service during the re- cent severe storms and tornadoes that atrack our general area.. The work they did in pr+aviding up to the minut~,.accur- ate information aiding immeasurably in a1~B the citiserns of this county to prepsx+e calmly anti thoroughly to meet the threat that these ator~ma posed to their pro- pertg and their lives. The standards maintained by Radio Station WHYS during this period of common danger repraaent the beat tradition of the mediums of free press and nears distribution that ~ be found in this free society. B8 TT FURTHgR RffiOLVEID, that the City Caunail of Canton,, Illinois,. o:t behalf of s2,1 the citi$ens of the Fulton County area its congratulations to Aadia Stations WfiZS a~i its staff for awards earned by it fr+om~ the Illinois P1ewa Broadcasters Association can Saturday, May 13, 19~i1 A.D. Rreapectfully Submitted Lae Cvak, Pryor Pasagd bar the City Council Approved by the H~yor T~.~i: ~~.. '~~