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Resolution #290
STATE Op II.LIIi`OIS COUDf'tY Oa tVSttOI~ crr~c oa cAt~ f'fg. #~ .~. 9 e V11~115, Bruoe H. ~leb~'ee, reridix~ at 1,~6 lsrt: Chertxiut Street, Caton Zllinoir is ~ owner in foo s~=pl• of oe~,~tain coal estate situated in ~t~e C11~ of Csnt-.an and 1m~own as South View lars• Addition, and raid Bruor A. 8obroo bar rho~rxa that ha le ppar~esMrot1~ owaer of all of t;hs lotr rubd.iridad razc'i platteei in sold Add~-.tian. rr~tsAS . said Additioaa •+~-» cur:.d to ~ Ci tr o f Car~.- tam an orQ.inano~e knomn as Ordineaoe 31 whioh war De-ereli on the 19th Ot April, 1961 and it t~-oortlod in the Ordinance B.ea©rdm of the its of Caatao i~a Volusr 7 at Tap a7i said osdinaasoa Doing rroord+ea the land reoorbs of IRilt~ou Qot~nt~r ar Znrtruarat lhaiber X71114 on April Zi, 1961 in Volwor 7i~ a hge ii70. ADiD Mme, at the raair A~`ii 19, 19th ^eet of tike CitT Cote~oii of the City of Ce~toa, t-b~r p1.at +o~d rrstrio iro ooT- ~rxsoalur of eua~id Additi4tt wear a the siault~sooot otbr Clorktst~waoil, raid •ote b~ ixs$ r4 corded aawag 22 of 9oludr 8 of !~- Xeoordr of Cowaoil 3~roa~eodi~r, the pls~ of said Addition bs reoosded aaaa~g tbo land rroo~'a$ of fi~lbon Cewmt~- i» ?'Lat Bak ,~ aaz ?age i as hstttruaral ~ ~? i irooorded the restriati~re oow~ta a ri~aining iso for as Iruor~~t r~b+s 37111 in Volwr 71~ as l'~s K68, 1w~ boLng roorQ,eQ on April 21, 196. AxD M~I-i, m+ raid ~ a. Sab~w 1rs bq- p~titida and !or pelt o~wrar shown, reQuertid t;hrt tbo agprotal of Baia plat ~. restrloti~o oorraeaati ar rpeoitied abon should 1as reroiadid clad vacated, and that a ~rerisod plat rwd roetriOtlve oortnaats sbou].d be su-baitl~ed to tfiia body aad apy~t~otod to replace the origissalr appro~d by thir body. MgSAga08S ib i• ttu rrsolutioa of the City Qrru~oll of t~ C1 ty o t Com toga hat the sDpr'ora-1 o t thi • bo4p o t the plat abd rsstrlCt~.ri pp~~acttr a rtaini to M'htii it kb~0iR1 a• South Vlex Aorer Addition to thr Ci tT o t Qiuatan, Sala a tal bo ink ~- d• br vote of this body oa4 the 19th 4ay of Aprril, 1 rmd boLng so b partiou3,at'1y drsoribed in for body of thir soo0lutlaa~ it hrrr y roooindo4 rs~d tabs d~rtoribod plat aea rrstriot-irrs oo~ants ass her~ab' or raoabed. , . ~ DiA?aD thi r~.,.+ir.~ar...~,~ ATr!!Or'E1~ 1 -~ Ot '»•~~Y..E'~-~ r ~'. ~~ ~% A. D. , i'961. ~. ~ ~ % AS'Z'Sa'Z't ~ ,, , , ./