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Resolution #303
-.- $,...~rp ~Q TAT Q~,~i ~3~'~ HS IT ~3©LO'Sa bar tLe Kayor aa+i City C Dude it of the City ~ Camas ~ ILl3nadss that the Cesetral Illinois Psrb33s Ser+r3ae Ocr~as~ b• art hereb~r is regwsted to elise~tisese e ~ One (1) 2500 lunen~ dusk to dawn burning lanq~r located on Pole C1007 on the Southeast corner oaf North Hain and 3yaaawrs Terrace sat t~riahed t+he City ,~ Canton ~ and ~, ~ the asenual billing for strwat li~htix~ ser~v3.ce ter the City at Cantos ;,~ the rate of - -maven and 8!x/100 - - - ~ (x,,.,,,...11 ~,..,,,_,..,.) Pe-r ls~- per Tssur, rti"eeties _~..... ,....~._..,...~.~ ~9..... ~.. Passed this ..-~~ I dsy °t ....~..r.~ ~' .~..~._:3.9 ~r/ ltteats c.- ~ ~ ~~ Q~ ~Q~t t ~i ~~~ ~ ~" li ~ - ~ I~ ~ the duly c~talif`].ird ~ ~~._,,,_..~Gy ~ dirk a[ tea ~, ~~~~ of ~' aad the ©ft3sial a~trtallat e~ tea raaarda at' ~i ,,,,~„~c;~,~ ~~~ ,~,,. ~ ha~bT aart~'y that tI~ tora~+d is a trwy aarracat aad ao~-la'1~ nappy a! a saaoluticr~ pawl at s m~-et3t~ o! fire ~ 2YC y .-`~,,, '~ -~~ r rn»o of aai~d ~~~ z. ~, l~sld os tl~s ~7 /_~' ~- ~ a-t ~.~~ ~r+~nrrrfi.ri~waf6 rirr+~r~r r~~i~r~r/ ~iu~ ~ a~ ~aiN1 ~Qih1~~~ app•a~ t'ra^t fly r~ords ?ail ~qr oftias. as..a undsr ,air hand air-d the aorpc-rats seal of said ._ ,.. ~ .. G"~? 2~~'~ ~ s this ~~ ~' °~" r ~ ,....~.. ~._..~.~ A.D. ~ ~'~ __... ~.~