HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #304RESOLUT ION -~~~ WHEREAS TAE CITY COUNCIL OF TH=. CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, is desirous of expediting the cr~nsideration of such business as might properly be brought before it for its determination; AND WHEREAS, the Council desires to adopt such rules as will provide opportunity for any member of the Council to speak on any question before the Council, not more-than twice each day; AND WHEREAS, the Council desires°to'adopt a'method of procedure for the handling of such business as may be brought to the attention of the Council .for its action in a business- like manner; BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, as follows: 1. That in first taking tae floor and speaking on the question under discussion, no member shy=~11 speak longer than ten minutes, unless special permission is obtained of the Council to do so; and he cannot make a second speech. that day on the same question as long as any member of the Council who has not spoken desires the floor. If any member of the Council sp~.~aks on said question in opposition to the cause advanced by the first speaker, then, after the other members of the Council who have expressed their intention to speak on said question do so, then such first speaker shall have a right to speak on said. question for a period not to exceed five minutes, in rebuttal to the proposition advanced by the opposition. Passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor this ,~.~7 C~ day of November, 1961. ~' APPROVED , ~~, ayor. ATTEST: ,,r /~ ~ s.. ity erk. RE~30~,tTT IfJ~' . +rr wr yr rr wr W- w .r w +Mr W$~RE,A,S T$.~ C1TY CtJUNCIL ®~ TH:~ eITY aF CANS©~ ~ Il~I1~C7IS, is desirous of eatp®ditiag the consideration of such business as ffight properly be brought before !.t for itq.:' deteraenatias; - Ti '~IR~$$~ the Council desires to adopt such rules as x111 provide nppo~tunity for any member of the ~ipunc~i~. to speak on any question before the Councils not more than twice each Bay; A2'tI9 i~~.A~f the Council de~l~cr~ke~~~o~,~~~,;:,~tethod of procedure for..the handling of such busl.nees-as may be brought to the attention of the council for its actfoa in. a" business-- . like manner; . IT, '3.'HE~R:~FG~R~': R~SQLYCp, by the City Council of the City of Gaston, I3.linois, as followsa 1. R'hat in first taking the tlocr su~ad spe.aking on the question under 8iscussion, no me~eber shall speak longer thaw. ten a-iuutea, unless special perm~.ssion is.obtained of the Council to do so; and he cannot make a second spaech-that day on the same question as long a® any m®mber of the Counc~a ~rhv ha,~ not spoken. desires t.hs floor. If any member of the ©ouncil ~epeaks on said question in opposition to the cause advarsoed by the first speaker, tbea,. ,.._. after the other members of the Count l wrho have +~s~es~lad their intention to peak on said ~ukion'do ao~ then such first speaker shall have a right to speak on e~-ici ~que~tion for a p~*^is~d .not to ex~teed five minutes, in rebuttal to the proposition adva~tcsd by the oppositioa.. Pa- eed by the City Couacil and approved by the ~4ayor this ~,~~-~.,~.-. da~r of ~ovsmber, 19k`al. .~'PRQV'EI~ f - . a or• ~~ a~