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Resolution #313
RB S OI,UT i 0~ No. 313 BE IT RES®LVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THR CITY OF CANTOI~,ILLINO~ WHEREAS state Route 78 runs from Virginia, Illinois into Wisamnsim, and; WHEREAS State Route 78 loins onto Highway 67 at Virginia,Illin cis and serves as a connecting link Barth of Virginia,Illin® s with St. Lewis, Missouri, and; WHEREAS, State Route 78 is the mayor north-sfluth hi hway throng Fulton C®unty, whose population is in excess of 0,000 perso a, and; WHEREAS, Pr®posed Interstate Highway 74 between Pe®ria,Illinois axed the Quad City area crosses State Route 78, and; WHEREAS, The Public convenience and necessity of the over 40, residenflrp~ of Fulton County, and particularly the city ®f Oaxttan with a population in excess of 13,:000 persons, would best be served by an interchaxige for access and egress to Igterstat® Highws.y 74 at its ~ucnture with State Route 78. THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTODT, ILLINOIS That we respectfully request that said access t© Interstate Highway 74 be made by the State ®f Illin®is at the p®ix~t where State Route 78 crmssea Interstate Highway 74„ DATED MAYOR OITY C I do hereb~r ~aertf.ty- that ishhis ie a trw~ ©op~r o! s ~se~.nticm A~+d 1~pr the ~it~- of Centc~t~- E~onneil +u~t M~yr 1~ 1962. T do tarthe~- aertS~'y that tt~e cr~.g3ru1 of the toragaiaag Aeeo•- lttttt~ ie e~-tx~eted 1e mo ae C1erk a~ the City at Can, T1liaoie~ too ~pqr saps keepiag~ and t~t~ I am the lsxi"u1 keeper ~d ouetodlen ai' the ems. Ie witta~-ss thereot~, Y have eat ~r hated ea~d atf;~aaad Cc-rpa~ste 8et1 0!' said t~it~ this ~~~.~-,~,~ da~r off' Asee~ber~ 19b3~ ..,~ ,. `~ C~-ntcm~ ~o#e ~ ~~ e Csnton~ I1linaie R880LUTT0~' ~a,313 ~ zT a~oLV~n ~ ~ czTx coxrncxx, of T~ crrY ~ cA1~+o2d, rr•t•r~Is NAS, Mate R~mte 78 runs from Yirginia,~ Illinaisy .into WSsaonsin, J WASR95A8~, Btate Flouts 78 wins onto Righ~ay 6'~ at Qirginfa, Illinois, ats! enrrsi~ a~ t connecting link north of Pir~ginia, Illinois, with Sty Locals, F~i~scmri, amd~ ~R~AB, State $oate 78 is the mayor narthwronth highway the !'aal,t~ tla~ty, w+hoss popatlatian is in saccsas of lt0~000 P'«~, aaadF WHSIglAB~ Lrtterstate Highway ~ between Paoriai Illinais~ and the Qtaad Oity +~x+ea- camases Sttaats Ftarrate T8, ands W1AS, Th! Aabiea rl~nrPeniannw and ~oessity of the crrrsr 10,000 reside»t~ of fir~l.ton Coc~ty, aaad par~iicnlarly the city of Caatoea xith a popxt"Lstirxi~ is ex~arsa of 13,000 persoms~ world best be serrsd by sn itaterchaasge for access wad egaress to Interstate Highwa~r ~ at its ~nnatnx~e with State Fixate 78. FORE ~ Z? 1ffiSOL'i~, BY TFI$ OTIrY COUl~CIL OF' TtiE CITY OF Fi: ILLI~?TS That tro rerpsotftally regnest that said aacsgs to Interstate Hiyr 7lt be m~ by the State of xhinais at tie point arhere State Fiasats ?8 +~rnsses Interstate ai~hway 71~, AATgD !Mb-' 1, 196 F4AIC?8 Ss~' Lee Qook i~II~Y I CITY EiLt~Rg ss~ ~.~.~,~~ Crtwfoacd ~,.. ........ ~._.I_. ,._._, ,