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Resolution #333
RESOLUTION'. No. 333 _.. __ _ -- WR$~AS The City Council of the City of Canton has deter- mined that a need for an additional Off Street Parking Lot is e-ident to take care of the traffic and parking of Motor 9ehicles at certain hours each week; AND W~RF.A.S there is an opportunity to purchase a plot of ground Fiftyr:fne and Sic Tenth~a feet by Seventy-five (59.6 7C ?5) feet from Clarence W. Phillips and Iiarold W, Hemp, located on White Courts Canton, Illinois, described as followsz Eighteen Feet off of the South Side of the East One~alf of Lot Forty-foar (!i!~) in Jones ~ Seoond Addition to the City of Cantons Illinois. Also, be at the Northeast corner of Lot Forty- fiv® (!~ in Jonesf Seoond Addition to the City of Canton, Illinois thence-South Forty-one and 3iz Tenths feet more or lees to a brick tral.ly thence West Seventy-five feet thence North Forty-oars and Six Ter:thz a feet more or less, thence East Seventy-five feet to the place of beginnings all,in the City of Canton, County of Fulton and State of Illinois; for the amount of Eight ~ousand (~-8~000.00) Dollars; THERE@'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayror be and he is hereby authorised to enter into a contract with the said Clarence W, Phillips and Harold W. Kemp, on behalf of the City oi' Cantons Illinois for the purchase of said plot of $. ALSO BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the caspletioa of said contract and the receiving of an Abstract of Titles brought up to date of said completion, and receiving of a Warranty Deed frost said Clarence W. Phillips and Aarold W. Hemp, that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to draw upon the Treasurer of the City of Canton for said purchase price of ~8~000.00, and pay the same to the sellers aforesaid, PASS the City Council and approved by the Mayor this _._. day of November, 1962. APPROVED :_ ~ .~ ~r.~--.t-~ yor ~ Amendedz Strike ~~Treasurer-' and insert ~~Special Parking Meter Fund~~, ATTEST z . ,{ ~ ~ ~y ~ er c,~ $~$0LC-TIO~~, No. 333 Tha Cii~j- Cpuaoil of the City a-t' Canton hoe dater. ~odt~rd that. a naed for +~ additional t~tf Straw Par3cin~ Zcrt is strident to taka aara of tha traf'f'ic and pax~dng of Motor 9'ahiclas at oarbrim hours eat r~ A~'i 1r1HH~,A3 terra is an opp~ar~tm3.ty~ to p~uret~aa a lot oi' ~"ut~ sad a~ic ~`anth ~ s root ~rj- B.Ta~rsty~•ti~ (~.6 z fi5 ~ teat tx~ fit. Plhillips artd Harold w. Ka~ap, icxrated ~ i~ihits f3onrt~ C.atiton~ Ill3nois,~ deeesri'bed as !Dilate: ~~ Feet vfY' Ot' tha Hd11t~ ~ir3s a~ tha fast t~~t .at' ~'or~j-*d'~rar ~ls~t) ~ Jcrars ~ 3wscrmd titioa the City of C~* Tilinois. ,~-~ at the ~iertheast vorner at Lot Fert~ f'iw (1r,5 ~ J~oaes~ saa~d Addition to the Citjr +o~!" ~n~ xlli~ais~ their South F~ abd 8#~x ~ leat,~ s~ or lass, to a briaic xslli thae~os O~raentytiw taet,~ thenos ~~ and dix Tsxtthf 8 teet~ a~o~ra os lass„ ' R+`et ~esenty~M~s teat to the pYaoa os' be;~ aly. in the City o! Contrast Coa~ety of ~ttowt and Mats of thin©is; toy tiu savo~mt at Eight ~saasatsd (~8-00~9.CC~ Aolyars~ ~~'ORBt ~ ZF ~S40ZaEDt that the ~r bs asad brr is hsraby ssrth@r~ed ~o altar Sato s oc~-traot wins tha said Clams X Phillips and Hn-r~,d W, KeaoP, nn ba'b,~a1t' of the d Carte„ Ti1.s~ t+ar t~s parahasa of said p2cr~ at ALSOt ~ ST Ftt~fl,~$ ~~~ that tha aa~.~,tou as ~ayd oarrtxaat aaod the ~siv3~g at an Abstract a~` Tttlat brougtst np tea dat+r of said rsca~letiorst and reareiFiag of a i~rxruat~- Dasd f'ror- said woe ~'. ~~.lllips and Harald t~. t that the be and hs is harsbar anthnriaad tef draat the Traasure~'bt the ©i'~jr of Canl~oa for std prase per csf` ~BtQ(~O.ElE?r, and p~yr tts~r to the eeilarr afe-r~rRid PA881~D the Cil~r G+a~ci~, and apprcro+ad by t~sa r this ~~ - dar of Na-aa~bert 196A. APPS t ~ ~ ~~ M`..li ATTESTr ~. _-~~ ~ Amendeds Strike "Treasurer" and insert "Special Parking Meter Fund~~. ~~.,, ,,,u ,,. x ~ ~ 4 3i''~ ~ ~ Q ~ i VtiR~d ?he Clty Couaail ci bss Oity of Caatoa bas deter- si~ ths-t a peed for ~t~d~trattiae asd$parlciaiaoi~llotastT~- s~iaut N taste sacs of Y hieles at sertaia boars each reef{ •]ID ~tRERFJd there i• as oppos'Qaait7 to ~urahaN a lo! itt -sine abd tisth Tenth's feet DP Be~eal~~n t 6=~ t test troy Clareaa• Y. Phillips and Sarol~• • d z ~) Illinois • deeeribed as tol ow t oo~te~0 sa Vhits Oourt, Oantos• seep Peet stt of tM South dills of tl~e ~sA, Ode-halt o! Lot f'ort~-tour (~) is Joaee ~scosd addition to the City of aantoa• Illinois. be~inniaag~ at the 19ortheaat corner of Lot lort~- tiTe (~-5) ~ Jones' Sadond ,ddition to the Oity of Canton, Illinois, thence Bouth ?ort?-one and diz 2entDs feet, more or less, to • br aY call, thence nest Recent -firs ~eat• thsaoe Borth Yort~-one aali Bix ~enth'e feet, sore or leas thsaoe Eaet Be~ent7-f1~e feet tO ton p0ounto}ot be inning, all in the City of Oan , 7 >y~toll• and ~~ate of Illinois{ for the uonat of lishi Thonsaad (Sd•0~•00) Dollass{ THERETOAr• ag TT tt~ i)LY'~D• thattraot~ith liheasaide i• her•bP euthorieed to enter into a con~1 Olarenoe V. Philliyyinois dtorlthe•D oases s o=hoaiQ plo~ Oita of Oentos• I11 • of ~sebsd. x,84• $E IT pURTHMR RF80L11iD• that upot the oos~pleties of said ooatraot and t said pomp e~ioa•aandbreerii~~ oitae• broa~,ht aD to date of pp Vasran~ Decd frog said Olarenae ~• ~i~authorised of ldrar [~• that the !'IaTosbe asd he is herel~- app tde lreassrer o! ahe OibJeosase toptberselles~eh re~o~s- prise of ~•~•~• an pal tth~ des. PdggED b th• Oity Counoil and appro'r-ed b7 tb~ ~r this ~y of porsaber• 1962. ~~~ or. ~ . .