HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #337R E S O L U T I O N. RESOLUTION B0. ~~ ~ . ~_ WHEB~AS the City of Canton, Illinois, has adopted plans fer the extension and improvement of its Sewer System and al$o for the local improvement of certain portions of $ickory, Holly, Lewis, Hanlon, Sam Scott Streets, and Sixth Avenue in the City off' Canton, Illinois; AND WHEREAS, it becomes necessary for the City of Canton to negotiate for and secure certain Easements for Right-of- Ways for the installation of storm sewers in order to make said improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: 1. That the STREET and ALLEY COMMITTEE ~f the City Council be, and they are hereby empowered to enter into negoia- tions xith the owners of the property over and under which said Easements and Right-of-Ways are necessary to be secured for the building of,-said storm sewers, enter into cont~acta with the oxne7 of said ~re~d~eses whereby permissions are obtained from said owners to construct said storm sewers and, if necessary, agree with said owners the amounts necessary to be paid for the securing of such permissions, and draw upon the City Treasury for such amounts agreed to be paid. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Canton be, and he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the City of Canton to aigA='eusd execute such agreements with the owners of said premises as said Street and Alley Committee may recommend. 3. When written ccaasent is obtained from any owner ©Z the premises in question to°the right of the City of Canton to construct and maintain stgrat sewers over and under the land of suc# owner, then said Str~~t and Alley Committee shall have said permissions and agreem~ea~ts recorded. in the Recorder's Of- fice of Fulton County, Illinoa~. PASSED by the City <~Ci~cil of the City of Canton, Illinois, and approved by the Mayors'this 18th. day of December, 1962. APPROVED :-~~~~~ L~--~- `~'1~'Iayor. ` A TEST • w rC~~~~ y er . R~~~~~T~rQ~ . ~3~~ the City of C3anton, Illinois, has adapted plans- tar the extension end improvement oi' its 8swer gy~tem and oleo ~'or the lmoal. i~provsmsnt +~f a®rta~.n portions oY icl~a~cy, Sa12y• . LeKis„ Hanlon gam gcott gtreets, end giacth Avenue in the E3it~r of C3ant©n, Il~inais; A~'~ W~~~#~Ag, it bectoms~s necessary for the City of Caxtton to ne otia~te for and secu.:~e certain Easements i'or Right-aS~ We~ys ~or the inst€~llation off' storm ,~swers in order to make said improvements; AtC?W, `.T'~a'~~~'C~~E, ~~ ~'~ '~'"~Ul+it~3} H'Y' ~.~~ ~" CT TX ~f~U2~CIL C?F Tom: CITY' n~' C~NTci~, I~~I~C?SS ~ 1. That the gT~2E&'T and AI.~L~sI' Ct3M~'IIl"~~ i~t the C~,t~y Council be, ~ they are hereby ~apowersd to enter into negola- tians wit~Z the owners of the property over +auc~ und~sr which s~-id 'basements aad fight-of-WQys are na~sssary to he eaure8 for the building of saf.d,.atarm sewers, enter into oantracts with the 4wne~~ of said; ~~se~ whereb~- perm3,seions are obtained Pram 8sic~ ~ Ysa~~ere to construct ~ Braid etora~ sewers and, if nsaeesax~-, agree with se~id owners the gm;ov:~ts .necessary to be paid, for the sscaurj:~g of such permissions, s:nd draw upon the City Treasury fear such amounts agreed to be p~-id. 2. °~hat the mayor of the City of Canta-n be, sn~d hs is hereby authorised, tar and on behalf of the Citys~t Canton to BS.gxt~ "'+and ex~saute such a~reemsnts with the owners of said premises as ssaid. street and Alley Committee may reaasaaend. ~~~ ~. 1r~heII written consent is obtained =ram any owner at the preffiises in question to t#ae right. of th~~ City of Ca~ntcm to ct~a~+ruet and maintain storm ~sewsre over and under the land of sua~ owner, then ss:id guest and Alley Committee shall have -,said permiseiana and agreements recorded in the Recorder's 0~- f ice of 7~'ulton Qounty, rll~inois. ~,, P,iggk~T1 by the City Council of the Ci.t~r of Canton, Illinois, ~;~ approved by the Mayor.,. this 18th. day of becember, 19~-2. ~FFt3P~I? s~ ,,,a 4 yor. ATTEg~' t ~,~ h