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Resolution #340
Read: Council 2/5/63 Adopted; 11 AYES 1 NAY RESOLUTION 3~p WHEREAS a Petition has been filed before this Council and is now on file in the Office of the City Clerk of Canton, Illinois, signed by more than One Thousand Qualified Voter of the City of Canton, Illinois, requesting that the matter of changing the physical coa~dition of Jones Park in the City of Canton for any purpose including, including the providing of Additional vehicle parking space, be submitted to the enactors of the City of Canton, Illinois, at a general election named in the petition; HE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the proposition: Should the physical appearance or size of Jones Park in the City of Canton, Illinois, be changed, diminished, or moved for the purpose of providing additional parking spaces? be placed on a separate ballot and presented to the said Electors of the City of Canton at the general election to be held in the City of Canton, on the 16th. day of April, 1963,E BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the City of Canton cause to be prepared the proper ballot, in accord- Vince with the Law of the State of Illinois, in such case made and provided, so as submit said question to the said electors of the City of Canton on the said 16th. day of April 1963 PASSED b ~'~ City Council of the City of Canotn, Ill- inois, this __~~~6,,,`. day of February, 1963. APPROVED: ~ ~ ayor. TTEST: ty erk. R~gLU,~~ ~}N No•34o WH~R~AS a Petition has been filed bei'ore thi+~ Council and ire nowt on file in the QtPice ©f the Cf.ty Clerk o~ Cantan, Illinaiat signed by mare than ane Thauaand Qualified Yoter of the City e~f ~antan, Sllinoie, requeatin@ that the matte~c of changing the phyeittal aond3tiQn of JoneB,Park in the C3ity of Cax~to~ for any purpc-ee including, in~aludingg the provid~.ng oP ~~lditional vehiela parking ep~c® be ~,~zbm~itted try the ?~ ; ~~vre of the Ci'~y of C~ntan, I7.l~noie, at a genmral election nod 'in the petition; B~ 1~ TI-~'~',~'C ~T"~CCai,Y~pl~, that the .propositions Shoup.. the physical appearance or ,a.iee- of Jcrzt~~i ~`e~rY ~:n the City of Gantc~n, Il~.intri.a be ah~:ng~d, dimiui$hed, or move8 fafi the purpos® of providing add.itianal parking spe~c~ee7 be placad on a sepaxate 'ballot end presented to the said ~lectnr® of tha City of Canton fit. Abe ~;~Aeral election to be bald is the City ©t Cszt~on., can the 's.gth. dmy of A~~ri1, 19631 ~~ S ~4"U~'I~.~~t K~~~-cJLV is that the C3,erk ~rf tha City ct Gantan Qause tt, be pseps~red the ropper ballot, it accord- gnce with the Laver of the State o Illi~.oiss, in ~euch c~seae made and provided, eo as submit ,said qu~tstion to tt~e said electors t~f the City of Canton on th+~ said 16th. da,gr of ~-pril, 196 ir'A a~~L by t City Council of the City. of Canotn, Ill- inoi~, this _,~~~ i~ da~- of Febacu~rg, ].96~. 1 ©Z'. ~~'~"~i z ~it __ ~:'