HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #348a ~ -~ ' STATE O~ ILLtNQIt y ;1r•Ihis3 ; ~te+~r~e~r~ , , Slli • hi ~ _ ~~4 ~ RESQLUT~GN FOR MAINTENANCE OF ARTERIAL STREETS OR~ STATE HLGHWAYS, t ~~ ~~ - ~ BY ..MUNICIPALITY UNDER.;THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE. k t ~ - ~ ' r ' ~- ~ 8E IT RESOLVED b ch-______.__ i = ~ ~ (CounoU o Preald~nt •nd Board of Tru~tN~) fht: s :~ rw ~ ~~ --- of ~- ,~Illlnois;that there is hereby approprlatsd t1t~ ~~ i (4fty,`Tu a,-qr, VUlap) fNameJ J ~ ~ ~fum of f~ Motor F~~uel Ta<x ~fund~ for the ~putpose of maintainin~~ under. the Illinois Hl~hwri~~;Cadq,;;~- ~, `' tkic folloivin~ described-arteiial streets or State Hi~hwags, frwn Jantury 1, 19 V to December 31, 19~_._,_~ . ..., #. - : t -'i ' etr~~ ~ STREET PORTION TO BE I1~AINTAINEp ,~ Roub ~ From (Strwt) T4 (8treet 1 ~ _ ~1~~ 1~ ~ ~ , - ~~ ~~ ,. ~~~ ~ ~ , t_ !~ !)!~ t1~ dti~^t _ ~~ ' ._ •~~Z~ ~ ~ • • ____ .-~!r! 11~liw M _ ~ x~lt1 fit. d~~~~ ` _ . A • .r:.. • ___~ ~~ 1~r t~s! 11~ li, M@• - ~ ~ 1as rw.. ~ ~w. - _ _~ ~~ ,. oe STREET POAT'ION TO SE 1[AiNTAINZD lYoai (ltrNt) To (/trootl nri r~. ~~ut ~ +~11 at hi t1 C -- ~lMR -- • a ~~~~ ~ - ~~ A y M~a. ~ M1~rtM . • • S _: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, u noon as practicable after the close of the period a given above, submit to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, on forms furnished b7 said Department, a txr- ti6ed statement showing expenditure from and balance ranainin~ in this appropriation; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shsll immediately transmit two certified oopi~a~yu solution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Diviaon of Highways, through ib district once u , Illinois. ' , ~;} ~.r'1 J., ATE 0~ 14LINOif ~R • ~t :; 'RESOLUTION FOR MAINTENANCE 0~ ARTERIAL STREETS OR STATE HIGHWAYS ~'; tY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS NIGHWAY CODE. ~ ' BE IT RESOLVED, by th ~ f ~ (Cowan a cane Board of Trn,e...) of ~~ Illinois, that there is hereby appropriated the (Clt~, To or VYlap) lNamv _~ of >:~et~~ ^f Motor Fuel Tas funds foc the purpose of mainbinin¢ under the Illinois Hi~hwq Code, the followin` described arterial atreea or State Hi~hwar, ftom Jaauarr 1, 19.x_ to December 31, 19.x_. atAr~W aTR~T PORT70N TO BB 1[AINTAINBD Roab P1vw (atnt) To (acr..cl BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clsrk shall, M soon as practiable after the clog of the period ss even above, wbmit to the DepirtaKat of Public Works and Buildup, DirMion of Hi~hwgs, on form furabhed by aid Department, a osr- tified statement abowieK eacpeaditura from and balanoa remaiain~ u d>v appropriation ~ aad~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall iaamediatel~ tratamit two certified cnpia of~~ utioa oo the Deparnaeat of P~blie Worb Gad Buildup, .Divi~ioe of Hi~hwara, dtrou~h its district of5oe at IUuoa. ' A-~R01/EO '19 n.p~ of PrMM w..t...Y s^whr. ta.f.ba K 8lpwas. c-i.t 14s.ar sasl...r (lidN--lla[-11-N) ~a I' ~ M~ ~~ ~ ~ Cl«k u Gad for ~- ~ •+f r~ . . (per Vltlap) Couaq °E ~ ---, ltet+eb! ardi~ tb. fore~o- iaQ to a a trw, ~rlrct Gad caaglet~ oop~ of s resolutioa ado~eed by .~. ~~ w ~My t a meetia~ on i" " ~ 19 IN 7MONY WHZRRDf, ~ raie berewtto set h hand Gad ~ tha ~- -, ~~ Clerk, _ ' ~ ~ IMw1 a1L11 Mt (Mv. 11.MY ''