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Resolution #350
r'~ RE S OI+UT I ON ~,; ~'~ ~~ .. `'; A ~~,.: Wi-EREAS, Jones Park is badly in need of rehabilitation bec~~use of the dead and dying; trees, and heavy use of the grassed are~tis during the summer, and WHEREAS, Modern means of transportation in ever increasing numbers have made ~~ heavily congested traffic pat- tern around the sr.uare in the City of Canton, making bothing driving ~~nd walking; hazardous, and T~~~F?EREAS, The combined traffic committees of the 8ity Council and. tlae Chamber of Commerce ~~~ve presented to the people of the City of Canton a plan for controlling vehicle traffic, pedestrian traffic, and for rehabili- tating Jones Park, and WfIEREAS, Th#~s plan provides for ~tifflcient additional parking meters so that tl~,e revenue gained from these perking peters will pay the costs of the proposed plan, thus eliminating any t<<.x increase or use of present monies fvr this program, and thereby making the plan self- paying~ and WHEREAS, This plan has overwhelr::ingly been approved by the Voters of the City of Canton in a referendum vote on April 16, 1963 A.D. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ~~'SOLVED BY Tt~s CITY COUNCIB OF TFiI;' CITY OF CANTON,ILLIT~iOIS: That we, The City Council o ~:' tY?.e City of C~~.ntoni do adopt and approve the pl~~~n presented to the people of the City of Canton as it pertains to the beautifi- es.tion and rehabilitation of Jones Park. And we the co?aneil do retain and direct the landscape architect Mr. Chamberlain, to prepare the schedule of planting, the number and type of trees both shade and flowering, and the specific~:~tions for lawn are^. and sidewalk area, and paved area, ~~nd all other details pert~~ining to the rehabilit<:lion and be<-_utification of Jones Park ~,,s set forth in the p1~zn. BE IT FURTHER RESOI:VED BY T?y: CI`.~'Y COUI~~CIL 0~ THE CITY OF CANTON, IZL"INOTS: That we, the City Council of Canton, meeting as a com- mittee of the t~rhole, in a special meeting to be called for 7:00 pm, April ?2, 1963 fi..D, by the City Council Traffic Committee meet with. tn.e Traiiic Engineer, John. Baerwald, and the Chamber o: Commerce Traffic Committee and work out the final details of the general plan as it pertains to Traffic floz~r, parking, traffic signs: Dross walks, ~tnd all other details needed to implement the plan as approv:d by the people of the City ~l6 Can- ton. And that t~re retain and direct r7r 13aerwald in this work to prepare ti2© fin~~1 specifications for this part of the plan. D~€i'~ED APRII, 17, 1963 A.D. MAYOR CITY CT,E