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Resolution #353
hx~~ 0 ° Rar,lat~un. fc c t•;'..~ ,.:,: ea lc»~sa~res-rw-: rrL c artaa,-: y;~~~~t.to~a n'.' Va1- ,'~yices I: rtrsr and ~.-t~~rrtr~:•e .'.'•r:wu t~.. ~ltia C:lty at ~:'~s-~ata*, arhtnuf.a.' a:rmd dawl~,aatts~i a~ :xs.;~~t-. E'avd :.~ .1rr.'~ 'n•-~~rl,,y;-t 1~r~. b'1.3J-.. • i3,e t~t ,tap~ti,'+.i, ray : ,~ ::s:• t~rawrrx at Locs>-It ixst.~>r"cY~ecr..sre3ll ~i tht City ai V sR aatcm. i~Ixcu;t sr ; .. 'I•ba~ n D.c-cu.1 lrY~;;'r~;r~,'~;s,.,rrst bw oad t1'w- frslstaae l--e~r~sfbY ~K ar:~+.oatMd sta ha st.idA by •~"s.r..t.'r, as ~ arrwY.-vnt +~r•ttA~ssr t-e CtCt• sstf ;:nwetasa. (;vuf~.tg :+:C '1 r<it+~s r-nd ~LsrLa ul tlll,ssra-a, nu ;:-avW~.;laa: b~ .nrt~-ci• 9., Uslasvl~n ~l. r,f t.brt :;1.ii~cw M~.ui V11.'.w~na ,"lit, s:L h: i~ t-t••art ,r.» '~;:sstesA 1''strrr~srsp Lrn~+•rorrart~r~st Irlo. 63•~a:. ' T'shr. lr.t..rt, ~.~s-cucti>:•, a"; ,: It~•',:'+r., t:ttess>ft,: 1-ssrsd ~rwtit+~rted : RYMt ~t wltiatb to•v:t.~ -rn- r~: ww~laiuut f.t an kc~~) slur w, ru~•~trtt: T+aNt tAv ~,. I! irs:l~s•:•rK~,r-rt:M. tkwli tMA taur`tt•+ssct~rd. >.;. ~.,~~r-fur-,»M1RCl. •~it.b t1a~• "+1ra• tip x r?~,t, cIr•ta c,i' f ~r~:,t~s+~r ~4t. 1 id„7" trsrwx~sra~ Lx c.:•~+rM,fr. r~#. l~~lu-:'~tr7. 1'it; ~ . : c+us+l,~~e~ry .~.sny, Iruti,uYw, -tl ~~pYt,a~~lw/Y!. fil:uw.l~; ` , a 'nrr,: tt,n r,»°li wr ~rr+ u~' ~t3~a' -r.:rwwt~ surd acwri+- aarwina~ter ~t'~crtbw'1 b~ ~tyNravw~ ny Wr c:u:an-c~rwc+.~tru. wl ~- twr-«ttas3s Il>,te~i-vrusr C~tror.YeNe S~ar~n-c• hst • aarwh-i,aeae ::s•o-ys,~.t~si I;;,srv+tri q1~°CrYerl-«Id ~Ctlsw~p n1AM~" ;.<r~•.:•we Mr~t.ta ':rc.eTa.1-itba~ tiara :;4sa<•tr,rJ :: •. ;, a.c~:: l'•r•ul~nr ont1 Afwclfealtrt tlstsl4-u-tIM rtsr~ar,'t~~r.•.1 r-.trrl Is-+wuttlr• .IA.L~.. Y1 a1 U Ill"y 1t ~'.37'r,.!'..: .`. l1t~J~i1+r'~l::P~[bf.; ~~-I-1 lP~ i ~ I .. ~I 1 ~ r 1'. 'Ya'~ tN't t~~ ~.,i1 ~, .., ~.. a i1. 'i ,'~C+l ,:j rt •i~- sr.Aa1.1 t u u ;!.ti : r i..• .. 'j .~ v,. '~ !fret 1sA widstJk w,r r,•,11:rA ~x r+ed '~s e. wt ~, , ,~ ' , . ~:'s ut' ur9ra i-•^.r.'t. tlna ,r t t-" "~~:,K~r'.,xrda a.~tr.11't~ t+~ a ;-4tjttt;t t:Lt,`!' -1'y~.t trt tirer ~;Acd-1T• i-ha ~.~ S.1ll.~ 1. ~tv. 'l. ,, TJt,tt1 ra-b yerArl•.~+-.t bsuRe-~lsR pra~risi,"ad w ~.r eAr-nCtu.a+r! ~-~ )..aKwrr.>a,c+r ~srfw svi-a~l ~ws -a~a.i-.Sut tr-S~tr :tV.t~ irr~rt frw r~lttlir w rneea~csr.sd bMta~rlavr freest t~ce uI c+trt4M rruxu I- rr>,1wc J4" M•t-sr11r ss-f t!-e Tiost3+ Eisne wA '~'lsstw~srtr ttxest to sa ~~ 3!n' l~rth at tbn @Nc.yrrt- ;Isen n-i Ilia;er 4G~ra~ri,. Le n1Jl sestu+^cr.t -.1~-*, r. ~•-s-1+irlr•:ti,os~, rbs~l r.~ertsrn to s:~t, rvyaJrersln•ats a• iet tass+tti to Chu !•ta..a•lnrr'. ,?,tiwcat'Ncsil ~lssr ',~.ntcd asswl Hc~s)Ke Cuwwtraction pxeparad Ly thn ~ar{~utt.~»+wt ~I Nw-rlias w'or'r.R+ aslr! Yul:~f~a,yw of ttN 'date o! AlJlsiwlw •>dd al~~,*c+r1f'~tr n-a~d t:e.7-w-ratsw~t Jst:~tiu><•~~r •r. i1r13~, +~d a~•viaalaud7 wxd - Tft+ut the ~+~tir~atuc~ c~IMt td ~wfri i~alptove~r,e~t itt~cludin,~ sli w~aae~ar~r ial~~sr, n•;,~!~ri~iv. ir~nlrt and r~griptx,~tR ivr t&i~ ~:~sarv~atloa t+t' •aid tmprvve- ~.ont, ae n•.wd~a hy~ toy.,, 'i. r~~lr~,~er ~odf t3klta Doaa~6 ii- T ae~ntr •C;-,3r Zhnuoead Witty l~~,Z:,~r~r ~ 1, PR-. ~3ur ~rih~:..r, u,~id ralRitrfdatt is l~.+trc.laor.9 .~• r'c Iiow~: d39 cu. yds. F".n~~!s .,rr~:o.v-~ttlo~- ~ ~~ 2. ~b Sly 9AO.Oi Cit. ~/. '1'R 1-f,~C~B l~atkll~I <,~i . ~,. Gn 1 ~~. ~d4 1Ci~rs t~f ~ ~: I1~4;~, .-Y ,"::ree1-a~l rtOAf I11RAM ' (3~, ~,ron. ~~YZ~ 1! ~s 4.~~ •.41i.~ 2Q tps G:-o.r~I arr Grsr1-ei h+ar~c • 14ft4 =alli f1;eva~~t.,-:~-L• MaNUrrfalN. T~ ~ ~ 0. xt 3~t.00 !fix taws ~ ~uvor c':su .1t~it~aei ~.waa~t+ ' ;~ 11. ~!3 3,1s09.ii '~tl lia. ><t. Corra,5sta~! ~L~IR11t PtM. 1E"' rE 3.73 1117.50 !0 lta. it. !~tcs~an a'+n~strll, 'P~e 1. A$' ifl X1.25 1i9.~0 1 eic k lat.t t! ~ T~ a~; '~~ f E lrYa~ae ~ f SL 00 I .~. i~0 y A*t~ ~'r11.~A1.A'~ ~ ~~ w 1~ ~ .. ~')1 lin. R. :;<urat+a~.~,a~m `ai~r~fMa Cw=1t Gr r;~,..:~tat. 'L'YM. iK+~.l~i ~1 7.75 :.~ 374.00 11 Y~lis. tt. ' %;i~;asty~ctxtiili ~ONlra-it~t C.atrL 1i . tk:~~x, xlr,~r ~-d.ia 1i 1.t5 a.aSl.tS i.0 ca. Yd• . ^ S ~t a :~: ~:,' aruswe~ ~.' 7S. 00 1 Sa.Oi 95 Ih~. "'sttiti ~Tc~~: ~t'at~ ~: U.3p !~$.~ +~cl~ ;~'.'-i,.~•,p;, ,,,,sating tu.1~tp ~i ~'~!.`~~`1 ~~+~.06r S~ ttc~, ~t. ~:n4~r. ;or ~:•arh. rare !~pe~~t~w ~, ~. ~'~ } sv.3~ e~ u.. n. ~ Cam` ~ea~Mirt ~ ~ ~ w 1.~4 ~~~.00 . ~ .~. ~.. xaalv-.~-sY.l~w..w:t -.l i I . zs ~o. o0 i ~. ~. 'N~rtla~r/ f".~rt G~iwav~ hxhre~r ~P1rt ~r~ i f.ir ~.M 3~'~'C N ~. ialf~!>MIlsT~!!1 !k;-~ S t7. !M.'~'f t;ii-t ei l~~iowtr~ ~r !lrigrrt~ltldt~ _.'~.l1 he~~ t-i ~t~Ik1~ wl ~ /-a~aeic,art. ~wc 1wAl.ap C aut-t CwMr ~ l~~l fr:~cprtts~ • Het t4 t~.ocsa~ i+~ • ~ ~ t~_~ ~~D OF LOCAL IMPTG ~ ls-- ' l~T~ OF CITY OF CARTL~1~. ~ I8. ' TOT, 1..~ ; Ti7bf r- T It.n C4cfi7 t3!- tl~P1l03fi~lrtlGliT ;t 1. oS~.Oe . .l! q of nrliicl- is rerpe~N~ a~.lMlri. ~ ' ... ~ ~'~_ ~ ~ l '"/ '' ~~...... • N a peelrr~ewti iw~~ ~rCt~kt11. I11.1w1~ .' ~.~ ~a.~.. „ ~~.:,,; PRESIDENT. .l ~ /~ ~~ '~~ ~b ' F ~ ~ . ~ } ~ ' ` v. ~ ~-r~~ ti.t ~~ rns~Baa.