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Resolution #356
RESOLUTI ON No•35b WHEREAS, It has come to the attention of the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, that the Canton Civil Defense Committee has need of real estate on which a Field Training Cen- ter and Alternate Operating Center can be established in order that the members of the Civil Defense might receive more exten- sive training and. be more efficient in carrying on its work; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the following real estate belonging to the City of Canton, be set aside for the purpose of establishing said. training center, to wit: A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty C30), Township Seven C7) North, Range Five C5) East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, in the County of Fulton and State of Ill- inois, more particularly described as follows: A tract of ground approximately Three Hundred (300) feet North and South by Eight Hundred Fifty (850) feet East and West lying South of the Road which is South of Lots numbered Four (4) to Ten (10), inclusive, ~f Lake View Addition, adjoining Lake Canton, in Township of ~n, County of Ful- ton, and State of Illinois. `~ ~~~" ~-° AND BE IT FUT~TH'~~R RESOLVED That said Canton Civil Defense Committee be and it is hereby authorized to take possession of said premises and improve and use the same in such a way as to be of benefit to the City of Canton in its defense activities. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Ill- inois, this __~f ~'. day of June, 1963. APPROVED :~:~~ ,~~ Mayor. AT EST : ,. •t'"-~=~ City Clerk. ~~ .. _ . an a~' the ~~, C the Cit t~~ titaa, ~~.liaoie~ thet the C~t~ avg. Dete~edl Committee ae xteec! at reel estate m~ ~rhiah s Meld ~~i ter atzd Alternate Qper~-t;le Qester aae be eetabliahed in o~ard.e. tha$ the me-mberrq of the C~.rrl ~ex~+~ sine tr~inix~g e~zd be care eftieiea~3 #,ari o~~~oe4~ei~ xt~r ex~-• ~~" ~..B~3Z,'~.,~~ '#he,~ the follnx belt~gix~g to '#he City of Canto~~ he set wide tcthe~~oseeas establishi~ sa~,d trainiz~~~ center, tv wit ~ ~ park of ~:he ~c~uth~e~ct~ ~+uterCter dot the ~crtsheae ~~th~ ~ e ~'itre ~i~ ~t~~ ~ c~rnas~-1 ~e~q ?~ Me~c+lde~zits ~~+ the Cc~uztt~ of ~.ilt~am ear~rt PriaaQi iaais„ .more ,~a~#aoularl~- described es t~llcei of 11M xs~ ~ tract at ~~c~d ~-pparc~~rimate ~s ~uadred .3CQ feet Forth ~d ~QUth by ~igt ~~ndreQ Flt ~SgC~ feet ~s~ ~xd Weary which is Bc~uth cat ~at$ xtu~e ~, ~q~ ~ the ~?c~ed t ~ t4~ea. {1C~„ inclusive, ®t .eke hex AQdititu~~ sd~ai»,i eke E~aaEatc-n, ~ ~l,~~hi~- of .-t-r~„ +~~nt~r at ~Cir3.~ taon, ~anfl $tete ©~ Zl1laQiar. A~...~,.~~,_~r,,., ~~ IT ~tT~'~ ~~~'~~ ~'he#t seed Ca~~;~x~ Qi~ril ~}ete~ure Gt~mmittee be +~ad ~:~ iar he~b~ aut~,hariarsd ~a arai~[ ~remieem ~d ia:~prove and see the aware ~.~~eua~~a ~~iah ~o be of benefit to the CTity at Qanton 3n itar de~'esaare aa~cti~rit~,e®. ianoiar Pt~$13 ~~ '~ City vatea-oii at the t31t~ aa-t' C~nt4n, Ill~- ~ '~.~~:~ day v~f Fuse • 193. A1~'FR~'f~ ~ ~jey''C2'. ' ~ __ ITT ~,r . ''~ ~' '~~ ~.