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Resolution #373
v -° ,i. l RESOLtrTZON. ~~7~ WHEREAS the City of Canton, Illinois, is engaged in the construction of a project for the purpose of repairing, remodel- ing, and eutending the Water and Sewer plants and other equip- ment to various part of the City of Canton; AND WHEREAS by such extension it is going to become neces- sary for certain money to be eupended for the securing of right- of-ways, grants and easements from certain property owners in thf City of Canton; AND WHEREAS it is going to become necessary to employ cer-, tain persons to secure such grants, easements and right-of-wags, ''either bg voluntary grants or bg Court proceedure for the pur- pose of condemning such grants, right-of-wags or easements; AND WHEREAS it would not be expedient to bring every in- dividual case before the City Council for its consent to the payment of such money to such property owners for any necessary easement, right-of-way, or grant, as well as to employ the nec- eesary assistance to secure such grants and easements; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, as follows: 1. That the Water and Sewer Committee of the City Council be and it is hereby granted permission to employ #such persons' as may be necessary for the securing of said grants, right-of- ways, and easements; and 2. What the Water and Sewer Committee be, and it is hereby authorized t4 enter into contracts for such employment of aid needed in securing such easements, grants and right-of-ways, and it is hereby authorized to accept such grants, right-of-ways, and easements on behalf of the Citg of Canton for any land or property that is needed for the construction of such improvement. hereinbe-fore .set forth; and 3. That the Water and Sewer Committee is hereby authorized to draw upon the Citg Treasurer of the City of Cantoxa.for such money as may be needed from time to time to peg persons so em- ploged, and to peg for any right-of-way, grants, or easements contracted for, and said Water and Sewer Committee is hereby em- powered to authorize the Citg Treasurer to pay such bills as mag be created by said committee out of the Water and Sewer fund of the City of Canton; and 4. Where the said Water and Sewer 8ommittee is unable to secure optioas or contracts for the securing of right-of-ways, grants, or easements bg negoiation~, then the said# commitee is hereby authorized, bg and with the consent of the,~Mayor, to brie such action in the Circuit Court of Felton County, Illinois, to condemn such property as may be necessary for such right-of-ways grants, or easements. PASSED by the Citg Council of the City of Canton, Ihlinois, this 7th. day of January, 1964. APPROVED: ATTE ayor. c erg. A T~,1 E ''T D i E 'i~ 't S: sec +on 11 ~~" ~ra fed perm ~s_i_oz~ ;to ~_-,1~1 p`r ore ~erso~l as rna~~ be necessary" aec~lon I; -:Nt'~rc~lue Counc~~.Y. ana ~~~a~ or'~. ;,~ i ! ~ W#~~AS the City of Qanton, Iilimois~, is engaged is ~'b cc~nstruatipn. Qir a pso~eot for the purp©se of repairing, rempd img .and. extending the tinter and Sewex Plante and r-ther equip~_ men to various art of the City of Canton .~ ~A~~~~ by auch exte~asion it ie goix-g to bet~oa~e nec~es~» Mary for oertain m~py to be expended for tha seeuri~-g of rixt- ~I of«~rays ~, grants say? easememts from c~erte.ixi psop~e.~t~ owners in the Qity of C~xatQn; ~ 6~~~;8 its is ~aiza~ to beco~se neca~asary to elc~y +~er-~ fain per©ms to $eaure ~suah grants, ee,s8men~s axed r~ght»~c~f•-treys, eithes by v~Iuntsry gre~nt~ or by Coua~t proceedure far fibs P pose ~f a~ndemning ,such gsaats, sght~»of-trays ar easement~r APt~ ~ it would not be e~xped~.ent to brim every ia- di~.c~ua1 aa,~e t~fare the Gity Cauacil tos its aQnsent to the payment of such money to such prcperty~ or~aexs for.. any net~essary eaaemexat, right«~t`~-way~ or grant, ~-s we31 as tv et~pl,oy the ned- essary assistznce to secure euQh r~rats +~nc~ ea~tementa; TA~:;~'t?R~~ ~:~ Ifi ~~SQLV~aA~ by the Qity CounQil of th® City pf Canton, Ill~.noe~ aa~ ft~l.laws: 1. 2'bat the `dater axtc~ sewer Committee of` the Qity Coumoil be and it is hereby gg need permission to ec~p~,oy~sucb~ p+~re~c-n~ as stay be nece~aa~ for th+a eeour~.ng of ea~.d grants.,, righ~G•-ot•• wa~rq, e-nd egea~nents; snd ~ That the tinter and sewer Cammittc~e be anal ~,~ is heaceby authorised "~~";:fit®~' ~,~'Ct~ CS t3~i~i~'::C~i~l4 ~`4,~' BuQ~t d'I~~YOIt ii9~ li~a~. taae8ed in as~turiag euoh +~aeemente ~ grrants amp r~ghtt~t ~, , az~d iC is here authorised to acoept such rants, riigh~i',-Mti-a~s~ and et~eo~te~t~ 4n behalf of ths~ City at nta~t fps. ~ l~d~ or ppro~aerty that is n~raded for the cc~natructioa of rah is~ra~-s~s~-~y k~ereabefore sit firth; and 3. That the Mater and Sewer Committe+~ s. reby„authoa~isaed o..draw.upoa the City Treasurer of thy; City o~ ~~ntnn for suph ~ney as y ba needed from ti~;e t© t3.ma t4. F~~ persons sa em,• loyed~ and: to pair for a~ rights-of~-trrxy~ rant$,' ps es4essenta gx~traoted i"os~ and aaid ~tat~er anal. Sewer or~-m~oe`'ie hereby +~~* a~r~red to authori$o the City Tres:+~u.rsx to pear .such bi3ls ss ffiay e a~reated by said committee out of the tinter anal Sewer fund of he City of t3azttc~x~; amd ~. When the said ~tmtes and 8~rwer 8c~mmittoe is unabl~- to re options dac c~n~Gracts for the s~'aurag of right-rcxf-~reys~ is ~ ter e~-semlrnts by me.~,oiat:.3,,, ; the sa~.d cammi,tee is by authosi~e~t, by amd with the cz nsemt ~c~f thy' Mayor, to bring agtiQn in the t~ircuita Court of F`ultep Qountyi. Illinais~ tti emn. snob property as mtgy be x-ece~saxy for ®uQt~ r~.gMt~-way--s,'~~ ts~ or e~109~effie22t8• pASS~~~ by the City ~%aunail of the City of Camtan, Zllinoia, his ?th. day of January, 1~4. APP~t~Y.~D s ITTEST t ~pr• ~- ~" e7C AM~id~M~1~Tg~ '~°` ~ ~ ar - 'a r , c~* cum Herat cm a~ s b~eM r~pess