HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #375~~ ''
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own certain lands North of the Citry of Canton,_
the City Limits of the City of Cantons and they
to the City Council of the City of Canton a duly
cation of Bight-of Way for public road purposes,
tion is under date of January 1~, 1964, and for
and adjacent to
have presented
ezecutsd dedi-
which dediaa-
the following
described land:
A part of the Southeast Quarter of 6ection 22.
'township 7 North, Range Four (4) Ea~;L' of the
Fourth Principal Meridian, Fulton County, I11-
inois, and ,more particularly described sa fol-
lows; to wits
From a stone at the Northwest corner of said
Boutheast Quarter of Section 22; running thence
eastwardly along the North line of said South-
east Quarter Section, 1,319.5 .feet to an iron
pin; thence Southwardly 1,975.E Peet along the
Uest line of a Sixty (60) acre tract, to a con-
crete marker; thence Ea~twardly ~1.2 feet along
the South line of said ixty (60 acre tract to
the point of beginning:
From said Point of beginning continuing Saat-
wardly 1,238.1 feet along the ~outh line of said
Sixty (60) acre tract to the westerly lice of the
C. B. & Q Railroad right-of-wra.f; thence ~torth-
ward ly along . t$e said railroad ri~t-oi-tray Si~cty
(60) feet; thence Westxardly pars lel to the South
line of said Sizty (60) acre tract,12038.10 lest;
thence In a Southwesterly direction 208.8 lest
to the Point of Beginning, all of said premises
being situated in the Townh of Canton, County of
Fulton, and Bt ate of Illinois, containing 1.57
acres, more or legs;
AND, WHE~;AS, it is to the benefit and beet interest of
the City of Canton and the public at large that said grant of
said dedication be accepted by the City of Canton;
• YR
THER:FORE, be it resolved by the Mayor of the City of Can- {:R
ton and the City Council of the said City that •aid body does h'"," ;,
hereby accept said dedication and the same is hereby acaeptad `
for the the purposes recited; and the Mayor and the City Clerk `;Y<
of the City of Canton be and they are hereby authorized to do ,: ;;,
all acts and execute all instruments appropriate or neeessazy ,•;
in accepting said dedication. `
` ~•
PA&BED, by the City Counoil and approved by the Ma,7or this>.~ }
day of January, A. D. 1964.
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BIDE Of ALl.lirU~, taJUNtII fJf FU4fIM1: is
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~' i~C~ ~n,r .". M. ,UV~D DULY •~'
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