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Resolution #376
1Vo. 37~r F~o~uym~a~. ~HP:R~AS The yep+artment of Public W4r~s and Builc~inSs of the Stata of Z~.lin©is, ha.eintenandct©ecds©~~~ru~~~ath~h ay knowntand Federal Bureau of Ronda, to be known as F• ~'Routeolj0 about ~:~ ~~o~ -halfr~ileae with Illinois State and about Four milee~ Month 41" East of Yllinais State Route 7F3, the u3.ty of "~lmwood, Illinois ~ A3t~, WH~R~ASt it bei.ragg our position that the lorsstion of such ~.r, interchaa~e at eny plmcw other than ever, a14ng ar acros+ Zllir:ae Mate Route 78 ~rouid be arbitrary aaprie~.ous, and wholly un~u$tified; ~~ B~ I~~ R~;~i:~,V'~D ; by the City Couaail of tb.e Cit ~~S,~R~~'G, a! €~antvn, Illinois, at a r® ~~~la~r session. of ®ai~ ~QUnoilainld on the l~j~h. d®y at March, 14, that ~'~ will be ~c~int p ' ti.if in arty law~tu;it oar.• lit~ix~ldi~ stof .~he~`State~of Z3.lnni~a~,Pand meat of Public Works anc~ ~ ors The ~`ederal Bureau of Roacls~c~onaerning .the ldea~tion oZ chid interchange. PASa~~~, By the in©i~t, and. appr©ved by C3.ty Council of the City of Cantan~ Ill- the Mayor, this 1?th.` day of 1'~rch, 19~• avar.